In fact, he spent a full day on a fishing boat recently.
To deliver these great shots of the Surf Comp to you!
…..And there is more….:
Sri Lanka's hidden Pearl
In fact, he spent a full day on a fishing boat recently.
To deliver these great shots of the Surf Comp to you!
…..And there is more….:
Generic substitute for estrace Sunset to Sunrise Party at Arugam Bay
Lopressor hct generic + DJ from Marakesh…..?
Arugam Bay Party Spot @ Mambo's
(1)UK Pro Surfers Champion of Champions Surf Contest set for SRI LANKA in 2009
UKPSA & Surfer's Village News
The UK Pro Surf Tour has announced it will be returning to Sri Lanka in July this year for the a??Sri Lanka Champion of Champions Surf Contesta?? at Arugam Bay. Renowned as one of the best a??point breaksa?? in the world, Arugam Bay on the East coast of Sri Lanka. It is now a hotspot in the surfing calendar and is accessible as a result of the recent end to the civil unrest in the country.
The 2009 Championships, which take place on July 1-6, will see 48 surfers fighting it out to become the ultimate champion including some of UKa??s top professional surfers, international stars and local Sri Lankan surfers. Continue reading ‘AbaY Surf Contest 1-6th July 09’
June 2009 Poya Day Procession.
The Bay’s children and Young people had a great dayA?
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New and bold strides
After three successful days of showcasing collections of Sri Lankan, regional and international designers, Colombo Fashion Week 2009 came to a close on February 21.
Supported by the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotions Bureau in association with the hotel Taj Samudra, the show featured collections of nine designers each evening with star choreographer Kevin Oliver, from Dubai handling the event. Long term consultant and partner of Colombo Fashion Week was Prasad Bidapa, considered Indiaa??s fashion guru. Hair and make-up for the models was by Ramani Fernando salons.
Arugam Bay Fashion Label?
Two new Sri Lankan labels Arugam Bay and Stringhopper were launched at Colombo Fashion Week, testimony of the fact that there is increasing Sri Lankan talent. These labels will be available in Sri Lanka and India. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay and G-String Hopper Fashion Labels?’
Colombo Fashion Week completes another milestone in 2009 Cheap bupron side March 07, 2009 (Sri Lanka)
Colombo Fashion Week, Sri Lankaa??s annual fashion event gave ample proof of the direction its taking to become one of regiona??s important fashion theatre, by showcasing strong collections from emerging Sri Lankan designers.
Colombo Fashion week which started in 2003 with the key objective of uplifting the Sri Lankan fashion design industry through interaction, exposure and guidance to Sri Lankan designers, delivered on its annual objectives which were set as part of a five year plan. More than that what became evident in this yeara??s edition of CFW was the collaborative spirit of South Asian designers, coming together in a country which is fighting for peace and peaceful coexistence. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay Beachwear Show’
Arugam Bay already has more than 1,000 Friends, Fans & Supporters.
Join AbaY’s Insider’s Club. Simply click on the BBC link right below!
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Even OBAMA is a Fan of Arugam Bay!
Are YOU??????
The above photo was taken on the road between Lahugala ending up in the middle of Arugam Bay. This road totally avoids PottuVille town and does NOT cross the new so-called “High Tech” USAID bridge as it leads around the east of the lagoon.
(It does NOT cross any rivers either. Further questions the need for a 14Mill$ bridge)
A nice alternative, saving time and much more appealing than the slow transit thru PottuVille.
Panama Point
#05 Beach Hut
My favorite place in Sri Lanka!!!!!!!!!
submitted by:
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wishes to thank Mr. Pankrath for his submission above
Please feel free to send YOUR best impressions for publication to the above E-mail address!
Arugam Bay is located on Sri LankaA?a??a??s east coast and is a popular surfing destination. Devastated by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, Arugam Bay has bounced back with many small guest houses now open for business. While getting to Arugam Bay from Colombo is quite a long journey (almost a 7 hour drive!), the sea and surf does not disappoint visitors who make the trek. Travellers are rewarded with possibly some of the most beautiful beaches in Sri Lanka. So if you are a surfing enthusiast or are simply looking for peace and tranquillity without the luxury of large hotels, then Arugam Bay is definitely the place to head to.
[This was sent out as an email to people on the Commonway list; however, because of a technical problem, few actually received it…]
There is never a dull moment around this place. Ongoing war, student riots, the SAARC summit meetingA?a??A? I donA?a??a??t know where to begin.
Perhaps I should begin where every Sri Lankan who knows me starts: A?a??A?Obama!A?a??A? The worldA?a??a??s most popular man weaves his magic on this islandA?a??A? and he hasnA?a??a??t even been here. People I donA?a??a??t even know hear that IA?a??a??m an American and come up to me with the one question: A?a??A?Can he win?A?a??A?
Not, A?a??A?Is he a good man?A?a??A? or A?a??A?What are his views on foreign affairs?A?a??A?. From the worldA?a??a??s point of view, the US election is already over A?a??a?? they have their President. (We call the US President the A?a??A?Leader of the Free WorldA?a??A?. Ironic that the world canA?a??a??t vote for him or her.)
My answer? The election has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans. That illusory division does not define what is going on with the A?a??A?Obama EffectA?a??A?. The November election pits two amazingly well-matched candidates against each other: The Past and The Future.
John McCain is a most worthy representative of The Past. He has all of the A?a??A?tested under fireA?a??A? credentials (and white hair) that you want in a candidate who represents AmericaA?a??a??s Past. In a time of fear and uncertainty, many people want a steady hand on the rudder and clear eye toward a safe harbor.
Barack Obama is the epitome of The Future. Someone who transcends all of the old alliances and political configurations (to the chagrin of those in his own party). Someone of the Internet Age. Someone who believes that AmericaA?a??a??s strength does not lie in her past, but her future. Someone who not only understands, but literally transcends race (to the chagrin of those in the old A?a??A?Civil RightsA?a??A? establishment). In a time of hope and rapid change, Obama has his eye A?a??a?? and his enthusiasm A?a??a?? set firmly in the future.
So, we get to witness John Kennedy duke it out with Ronald Reagan. Which one will win? It depends whether, on election day, American voters are more hopeful than fearful. (Perhaps I should characterize it as A?a??A?Voting by FearA?a??A? and A?a??A?Voting by HopeA?a??A?.)
People are motivated by BOTH fear and hope. (Remember: inclusivity means seeing things from both/all sides.) After the people of Czechoslovakia defeated the Soviet Union in their nonviolent A?a??A?Velvet RevolutionA?a??A?, at election time, they almost returned the Communists to power! Why? In times of uncertainty, people look for the familiar A?a??a?? even if it means familiarly oppressive and authoritarian. Then, rather than rely on themselves, they can complain about A?a??A?the governmentA?a??A? again. People go back to abusive governments like women go back to abusive husbands.
[Which one SHOULD win? In keeping with current IRS regulations and in light of CommonwayA?a??a??s nonprofit status, I have no stated official position.]
If you were President of a country ravaged by war, high inflation, political and social instability, what would you do? HAVE A PARTY!!Invite seven of your buddies (and their huge entourages) over for the weekend. Block off the capital city, throw in 30,000 soldiers for security, and youA?a??a??ve got the A?a??A?South Asian Association for Regional CooperationA?a??A? Summit held the first weekend of my arrival in Sri Lanka. The government spent tens of millions of dollars on a meeting that could have been accomplished with a conference call.
The economy here is REALLY bad. Even I have noticed the 30% inflationary pinch at the grocery store. Thousands of university students have rioted, because, after their years of study, there are simply NO JOBS. Right above my head as I write this, there are hundreds of young men sitting in SarvodayaA?a??a??s meeting hallsA?a??A? learning Korean. Sri LankaA?a??a??s biggest export isnA?a??a??t teaA?a??A? itA?a??a??s the young men and women of the country, sent overseas for menial and degrading jobs digging ditches and scrubbing toilets, in places like Saudi Arabia and South Korea. (The hundreds of young men chanting in Korean above me do NOT have jobs waiting for them in Korea: they are learning Korean in these classes (government-run, not Sarvodaya) for the right to APPLY for the limited Korean jobs, after taking and passing language tests.) For those who donA?a??a??t get jobs, they sit and waitA?a??A? or go to Colombo and riot.
If I had been President, I would have told my fellow heads of state: A?a??A?As much as I would like to host you, my people just cannot afford this unnecessary expense right now. Give us ten years A?a??a?? weA?a??a??ll plow the money we would waste hosting SAARC into peace and prosperity for the entire island. Then, ten years from now, we would like to throw you a HECK of a party!A?a??A?
But, thatA?a??a??s not what heads of state do. Big airports, dams, Olympics and summits A?a??a?? this is the stuff that feeds an ego as big as a country. (I left out the biggest ego-feeders: wars and shiny new weapons.) What do the A?a??A?peopleA?a??A? get out of all this?Nationalistic bragging rightsA?a??A? until the check falls due.
The war in the North is going full blazes. A staggering 125,000 refugees in the North alone. IA?a??a??ve heard heart-breaking stories of people selling all of their possessions just to stay moving ahead of the latest battle zone, of tens of thousands of men, women and children sleeping under trees and finding food wherever they can.It is a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions. The aid organizations (including Sarvodaya) cannot adequately respond to the challenge, in light of the current government disfavor of charitable organizations (they claim that the helping organizations gave too much help to the Tigers).
Even reading between the propaganda-filled lines, the Government is currently playing the winning hand. Actavis promethazine price President Rajapakse and the military head, General Fonseka, are both confidently predicting the demise of the Tamil Tigers A?a??A?as a conventional military forceA?a??A? by the end of the year. From a strictly military point of view, the campaign is impressive. At the rate they are going, it might be even sooner before the Government flag flies over Killinnochchi, the Tigers de facto capital for over two decades.
But, IA?a??a??ve learned over the years not to count the Tigers out too prematurely. They have managed to pull some amazing rabbits out of their hatsA?a??A? IA?a??a??m not taking any bets on this outcome.
The key to the GovernmentA?a??a??s boasting is the phrase A?a??A?as a conventional military forceA?a??A?. With the GovernmentA?a??a??s huge advantage in numbers and equipment, itA?a??a??s a wonder that the Tigers were EVER a conventional military force, able to mount A?a??a?? and win A?a??a?? set military engagements involving artillery and other heavy weaponry, along with sophisticated logistics and their own A?a??A?air forceA?a??A? of ultra-light aircraft, a first in the insurgency business.
Yes, the Government can A?a??A?winA?a??A? against the Tigers conventional forces, just as the US government knew that it could defeat Saddam HusseinA?a??a??s army. But, as we are learning in Iraq, defeating the conventional forces is a LONG way from A?a??A?winningA?a??A? the war.
When Killinnochchi falls, the Tigers turn into a true A?a??A?insurgentA?a??A? force: everywhere, nowhere and invisible. While the Sri Lankan flag may once again fly over Killinnochchi, the levels of violence will escalate. While the Sri Lankan army gets bogged down trying to provide services to administer a hostile population where they donA?a??a??t speak the language (does any of this sound familiar?), the Tigers will be free to mount an insurgency A?a??a?? a true guerilla war. The Government may find itself missing the days when it actually knew where the Tigers wereA?a??A?
I keep saying this: it is impossible to A?a??A?winA?a??A? an insurgent war. No one has been able to do it. NO ONE. (Right now, in Iraq, the US forces are literally paying the insurgents not to attack us. This unbelievably short-term strategy will end just as soon as the checks stop.) The only way to end such a war is through a nonviolent, negotiated settlement. (To which the Sri Lanka Government replies, A?a??A?We will negotiate with them A?a??a?? as soon as we defeat them.A?a??A? Stay tuned to see how that logic train plays outA?a??A?)
This year is the 50th anniversary of the birth of the Sarvodaya movement here in Sri Lanka. The organization has been involved in a year-long process of celebrating, introspection and envisioning the next 50 years.
As difficult was conditions were 50 years ago, the world has changed in some amazing and frightening ways. We are being called to A?a??A?think anew and act anewA?a??A?. I have been involved in several major strategy sessions with SarvodayaA?a??a??s leadership, examining the path for Sarvodaya over the next 50 years of its operation. Stay tunedA?a??A?
A Tour of the East:
I spent the last 3 days touring the war-scarred East of the island. (The war is too hot in the North for me to visit.)
The East is one big military encampment. There are soldiers EVERYWHERE. I simply lost count of the number of checkpoints we went through (30? 50?). Now that the Tigers have been routed from the East, the government forces are in the process of occupation. (The government prefers to call it A?a??A?liberationA?a??A?. And, they seem surprised that their heavy-handed presence hasnA?a??a??t generated throngs of flower-waving, grateful citizens.)
From Child Soldiers to Sarvodaya Trainees:
I met with about 100 young people at SarvodayaA?a??a??s sprawling Batticaloa Farm complex. They were receiving training for woodworking, aluminum working, masonry, computer skills and motorcycle repair.
Many of them were former A?a??A?child soldiersA?a??A? of either the Tigers or the TMVP (previously known as the A?a??A?Karuna FactionA?a??A?). Sarvodaya provides a safe haven, practical skillsA?a??A? and a time to be CHILDREN.While at the farm, after their classes were over, I watched a spirited game that looked like a hybrid of cricket and baseball.There appeared to be 50 or so kids to a side, and it looked like they were making up the rules as they went along. At one point, when the batter wasnA?a??a??t able to hit the ball, the pitcher walked 10 feet closer, to give him a better shot. They seemed much less interested in winning than in having fun.
A Sarvodaya Village:
My life and experiences over here are SO DIFFERENT from what I experience in the US. Yesterday, I was talking to 50 women, sitting on the dirt floor in a village of mud huts, women who had never experienced electricity; the only 4 wheeled vehicles they had seen belong to aid workers.
ItA?a??a??s difficult relating to lives so utterly different from my own. At one point, I asked them about their villageA?a??a??s needs. They were very specific: electricity. When pressed further, they were still very specific: lighting on the public roads at night. (At night, the open areas are crawling with two kinds of danger: cobras and men with guns. Both are deadly if you arenA?a??a??t in the light.)
I pressed further, inquiring about electricity for households. An emphatic A?a??A?yesA?a??A? A?a??a?? they wanted lights in the home, so that their children can do their homework after dark A?a??a?? and to watch out for indoor cobras, that move in during the rainy season. What else do they need household electricity for? They looked at each other, and said, A?a??A?Nothing.A?a??A? How about refrigeration or cooking? They looked at me as if I said, A?a??A?How would you like your own private spaceship so you can visit the Moon?A?a??A?
(A sidenote: Years ago, with their hard-earned rupees, they purchased small solar collectors through SEEDS, SarvodayaA?a??a??s economic development arm. These collectors had enough juice to power 4 or 5 LED lamps wired throughout the house. During the fighting with the Tigers, while they were displaced from their village, the security forces came in and stole the solar collectors, along with everything else moveable, like bicycles. (They were very clear that it was the government forces.) I am proposing a village-sized electrical generator, one that a few rogue soldiers wonA?a??a??t be able to walk off with.)
And Yet Another Refugee Camp:
I stated very emphatically before I left on my Eastern tour: A?a??A?No refugee camps!A?a??A? I just canA?a??a??t bear to look at another. I wanted to see economic activities in this visit, and to make presentations to Sarvodaya district staff on global challenges, inclusivity and peace.
So, toward my last day there, the District Coordinator said that we were going to make a presentation for A?a??A?IGPA?a??a??sA?a??A? (income generating projects). Right. So, I hop in the truck and we drive straight into a refugee camp! I said, A?a??A?I thought we were going to see IGPA?a??a??s.A?a??A? He said, A?a??A?No, IDPA?a??a??s (internally displaced persons)A?a??A? And, worst of all, itA?a??a??s a A?a??A?photo opA?a??A? moment where IA?a??a??m to make a speech and hand-deliver food aid to a handful of refugees, before climbing back into my air-conditioned vehicle.
At that moment, I thought about LincolnA?a??a??s Gettysburg Address: A?a??A?A?a??A?we can not dedicate A?a??a?? we can not consecrate A?a??a?? we can not hallow A?a??a?? this ground.A?a??A? The warlords (on both sides) want to erect monuments to themselves and to the glory of killing. The real monuments must go to those who involuntarily suffer the effects of those wars.
What is there to say? What do you say to a group of people you hadnA?a??a??t planned to talk to, in a place none of us wanted to be? I said:
A?a??A?I have visited dozens of refugee camps, from Jaffna to Ampara and everywhere in between. I donA?a??a??t want to be here. But, more than that, I donA?a??a??t want YOU to be here. I know that you would rather be in your homes, not listening to me and waiting for a handout of food.
A?a??A?I hope and I pray and I work for the day when there are no refugee camps, anywhere in the world. Until that day comes, until you can return to your homes, please accept this gift of food as a sign that you are not forgotten.A?a??A?
Tags: child soldiers, economy, election, globalization, guerilla war,insurgents, Obama, refugee camp, SAARC, Sarvodaya, Sri Lanka,Tamil Tigers, violence, war, world opinion
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