Accomodation have not gone !!!

We are currently re-organising our content. To keep clear visibility on the news front, we have decided to stop placing accomodation related posts on the front page.
Thank you for having pointed this out to us.
Instead they now have their own page, very easily accessible by clicking the accomodation link under navigation on the right side. New Hotel listings will be added every day! Keep on checking and contributing please!
Let us know if that is a little clearer for you now, or if you have any idea to make the content browsing more efficient Buy benemid and aspirin Cheap tadapox informacion

3 Responses to “Accomodation have not gone !!!”

  • Hi Plaese can I have accomodation email for the beach hut so I can book


  • this is what community job is all about, it allows us to easily and fastly adap the site and its contents to the wishes and needs of Arugam Bay lovers

  • You know what I like about your concept Greg?
    I am mainly impressed with the fact that we are not simply presented with an expert’s finished product.
    Day by day the site gets not only better and more interesting, but with the new input from a few friends we seem to be able to build quite a good product in the end.
    Without high costs.

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