#34 Orient Beach Rest

#34 Orient Beach Rest How much does diltiazem lower heart rate

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3 Responses to “#34 Orient Beach Rest”

  • hi

    thank for the request u hav sent us.bt unforunately we are unable
    to accomndate u as v hav already got some bookings.sory to say

    thank you.


  • Do no book anything at this place.
    We booked it through agoda,and supposedly the internet connection of the place was not ok and they overbooked.
    But this gives no explanation to the fact that nobody let us know about this situation, and when faced with it the manager did not even apologize!!! Horrible place.

  • Wolfgang Kratzer


    we are a group of 8+1 packs, need acccomadation in August
    from 15th to 18th alternative date: 13th to 15th

    Do you have rooms available atthat time and how will be the prices? Do you have grouprates and is the tourguide free?

    I am the organizer and guide of this group.

    Thank you for your answer

    with best regards from Germany

    Wolfgang Kratzer

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