A Bridge too much?

Arugam.info has received this update from our resident Civil Engineer:

“I inspected the site on15th April and it appears that no work in progress. Excavators have gone and no more local labourers are seen to be filling ‘sand’ bags.
On the East to the existing bridge a landfill dam has been completed. It appears that the USAid engineers are planning to construct concrete piers at this location.”

Our correspondent is concerned that a ‘traditional’ if not to say: ‘outdated’ and potentially environmentally damaging method is used to construct bridge piers. In his report he mentioned that any modern Company would have used simple Cofferdams or Caissons instead of polluting the natural lagoon with hundred of Thousands of non- degradable PVC/Nylon bags.

Overall, Cheap zyloprim medication Arugam Bay seems to be ending up with:

1.) A bridge nobody really needs
2.) A simple, cheap, unimpressive design
3.) A lagoon full of polluting Nylon fiber strands and bags for years to come

However, we remain vigilant and may be proven wrong.
Arugam.info Metoprolol online no prescription crosses fingers and hopes…….

Archive photo below shows the ‘impressive Work’

on the Arugam Bay – PottuVille ‘Landmark’ bridge

4 Responses to “A Bridge too much?”

  • Fred,

    die Ausländischen Orgas wissen mit Sicherheit, was gut für die Abay ist 🙁
    Die waren ja lange genug u.a. auch auf Eure Kosten vor Ort um letztenendes festzustellen, dass die Brücke ganz wichtig ist!!!
    Wen interessiert da meine “sense” oder alles andere wirklich WICHTIGE in der Region???

    Liebe Grüsse an Euch 2!

  • Dear Biggi,
    You have been here a few times, you know the area, and you have already observed what we residents all know:
    Organizations plan “projects” in their home Country, in their distant and plush offices looking for something to do and safeguard their own jobs.
    Then they come here and impose their own will and often far fetched ideas on us, we are just simple natives who don’t know anything and who don’t know how to help ourselves.
    In the case of the bridge it is no different, but USAid people are better salesmen than most and they tried to give the impression that the public has some sort of input or say.
    So a few meetings – called ‘workshops’ were arranged to sell the bridge idea to us simple peasants.
    Have they listened or implemented any of our ideas?
    We suggested cosmetic changes, at least, to end up with a somewhat memorable design.
    We suggested a nice, simple memorial or focus point and verbally this was agreed upon.
    Have they listened to us or done anything for the Community?
    Of course not – they just push ahead with their own prefabricated bridge and plans – it matters not if it is necessary or if it could be improved.
    The whole idea is silly anyhow:
    The main A4 from Colombo has recently received a brand new bridge at Simbalanduwa. It is just a single lane, single traffic on the only main approach road to the East Coast.
    The new USAId Arugam Bridge ends up in a cul de sac – a dead end, and will have 4 lanes…….
    Our beach road has a brilliant chance to be nice – if it is made into a WALKING STREET.
    Anyone who knows Hikkaduwa hates the main road there. They are building a by-pass as a result, because tourists vote with their feet and go elsewhere.
    At Arugam Bay however, clever USAid engineers seem to upgrade our own beach drive into a motor- or is it called a Freeway.
    Sri Lanka made one BIG mistake and that is to allow the island to become a FREE for all Orgas. to come and do as they please.
    Does all that make sense to you, dear Biggi?
    Fred & &&&

  • Immer noch unglaublich, dass die neue Brücke wirklich gebaut wird! Im Novemebr haben wir ja schon Ansätze davon sehen können.
    Das Geld dafür hätte sicherlich sinnvoller eingesetzt werden können, denn es gibt bereits eine Brücke, die vollkommen ausreichend und sicher ist!
    Was hat die Zuständigen dazu bewogen, eine neue
    Brücke zu bauen? Wartezeiten, weil ein kurzes Stück nur einspurig ist?
    Haben sich etwa die Touristen, die in Scharen nach Abay kommen beschwert, dass die Anreise über die Brücke zu lang oder zu unsicher ist 🙁
    Wenn man nachfragen würde, wäre die Antwort wohl sinngemäss, dass das Geld dafür bestimmt war und nicht auf andere Projekte umlegbar ist, ob sinnvoll oder nicht.
    So simpel ist das.
    Vielleicht hätte man mal die Ansässigen, Betroffenen fragen sollen, was wichtig bzw. wichtiger wäre in der Region…

  • Congratulations!
    Happy to see that Arugam Bay has its own rubbish dump. Who organised the garbage collection?
    Mercy Corps or USAID?

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