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The above photo was taken on the road between Lahugala ending up in the middle of Arugam Bay. This road totally avoids PottuVille town and does NOT cross the new so-called “High Tech” USAID bridge as it leads around the east of the lagoon.
(It does NOT cross any rivers either. Further questions the need for a 14Mill$ bridge)
A nice alternative, saving time and much more appealing than the slow transit thru PottuVille.
I was last in Arugam Bay several years ago, pre-Tsunami, when there were not too many punters visiting outside the surf season:I and my partner stayed in a small hotel which had just us and another couple-it was pretty quiet.But waht worrie me the most was how much the ongoing war then had affected the wild life in the area:whereas previously, at Lahugala there were Elephants galore eating the lush grass in the tank, there were none this time.Plus, when we went into the jungle trails there were no traces of animals and not much bird life.The army may have disturbed the habitat due to ongoing operations, and there were traces of poaching traps for deer/Sambhur.I’d love to come back and see Arugam Bay in all its wild glory, where the Sri Lankan jungles are to be seen in all ther diversity.