world cup
Top Question today:
Some unuasual (sic) question.
As you know there will be the world cup in 2 weeks.
Will it be possible to watch the games in Sri-Lanka
as a non-football country?I am now still in central-asia.
Thank you”
Answer submitted by the SVH, A?Arugam Bay:
The SVH (Siam View Hotel) has shown all major games LIVE on two huge screens for many, many years. Surround sound, open air cinema, best draft home-produced all natural beer etc.
Cheap himcocid Three stand-by generators! Power cuts are frequent.
This is the place to be and enjoy the world cup in a great setting overlooking the entire Bay.
And in the Company of a great crowd.
Other hotels will also show the games, on small TV’s, as many now have a simple Dialog Sat. connection.
- The SVH Beach Bar. An Arugam Bay land mark
- 2006 World Cup LIVE@ the SVH
- Your host: Khun Somlak, SVH manageress. At the draft beer bar
- Tense moments on the SVH terrace
- Happy times. At the SVH Beach Bar
- Four years ago at the SVH
- The 2006 World cup @ the SVH. More impressions and memories in gallery below
- The SVH Beach Bar. Reconstructed 2005 with reclaimed drift wood
It is unbelievable that France lost. How quick was that. I believed that they had a good shot to do well in this years world cup. I guess I will have to wait. Maybe its time to jump on the Argentina bandwagon. Looks like Demichelis has already scored. Go Argentina. To turn around my day that was ruined by France, I have been listening to some funny jokes.. This one made me laugh really hard:
I can’t wait for all the great matches in SA! Today’s Argentina vs. Nigeria game!! Oh yeah!!
So pumped up about the world cup the year 2010
The World Cup will be great this year