Monthly Archive for September, 2024

AbaY – LIVE Music events. Daily!

Times are changing, and even Arugam Bay now has many
“Come and see my laptop: LIVE”

However there are also DAILY Bands and Musicians performing in the more popular venues.
Supporting local talents, and they charge NO admission at all.

The Old Siam View Hotel (Brew & Music Pub) has a long tradition and hosts only LIVE performances.
Indeed, Every night during the week: There NEVER is a dull day – and this old concept still seems to be popular. Often ending up in Open Mic sessons where Guests join Inn.

Below is the initial program to kick off the Supen High Season September:

Rohantha and his band will be on
Today (Monday 2nd, 4th & 6th)

Awesome Mr. Dain will be on stage. And in between.
And whenever needed.

Both great artists played at the Old Siam View before (with great success)
But that was almost 20 years ago:
We are Happy to see them Back Home!