The AbaY Mauer (Wall)

On the Anniversary of the better known Berlin Wall, 13th August remote Arugam Bay has an equally outrageous Mauer Construction event to be reminded of.

The Arugam Bay = SVH Mauer Bau.

The wall the ALIYAR build around the Old Siam View Hotel

The local architect was not a politician like Herr Walter Ulbricht.
It is a now disgraced, but formerly (wrongfully..) somewhat respected manager of a State Bank.

Knowing that the property owner is abroad, to collect his Sri Lankan born daughter from her Boarding school.
What did he do?

He instructed his henchmen and loco building troops to construct a Concrete wall around the Siam View Hotel premises.

In order to take possession and claim the property.
WITHOUT – of course – any agreement.
Or indeed having paid even one Cent !

This is the Original Walter Wall Architect.
“Nobody has the intention to build a Wall”
The Famous Lying Statement of Last Century
(see and listen to the unique famous video below)

This AbaY Wall Architect at Work.
“I am your Best and most trusted local Friend”
Another famous false statement by a greedy, fraud planning, land grabbing man.
Abusing his position of trust
(wait for our upload of just discovered famous CCTV recordings!)

Below is the master of it all:

Nobody has the intention to build a wall
Nobody has the intention to steal your land..

This is the Vehicle they use.
If you see it, ask them about that case and why they are usually hiding

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