Novel Prize for Literature goes to AbaY

Awarded for the 1983 account of life in Arugam Bay, Eastern Sri Lanka

Novel Prize for Literature goes to AbaY

German author Frau Claudia ACKERMANN, hasA?won the Novel Prize in LiteratureA?for “having created new and deep insights” into events of 1983 in Sri Lanka. Written in graceful, impressive literaryA?style by anA?impartial, foreign tourist & traveler during the long running conflict of this paradise island. Social Media, Facebook and A?Twitter is going off at the news. The prize winning travel novel is set in remote Arugam Bay, in the 1980’s.

Author and Laureate’s’s own Web site

Some people, critics and fans alike, are thrilled at the news that the “greatest living author of our time” has won the esteemed award.A?Sarai Dumminus, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, called Frau ACKERMANN a great author in the German speaking tradition” before adding that “for many years now she’s been at it reinventing herself, constantly creating a new identity.” Other fans called her a “master” while one fan said that they are “Not so surprise[d]. She is a great contemporary writer of our time.”


Novel Prize 2016 for Peace & Music

Novel Prize Winner Laureate Chris Sherpa

Meanwhile, the Nobel Prize for peaceful Music A?(NPPM) has been awarded to CHRIS SHERPA. An Australian Songwriter and Musician. For his outstanding composition of the “Arugam Bay” Song. He is the “first Nobel Laureate since George Bernhard Shaw to have been awarded both a #Novel Prize and an Oscar.” President Obama also seems happy about the choice and took to Twitter to congratulate Chris , “Together with Jock Johnson Chris is one of my favorite Surf Composers.” Check out the only known unplugged version of this awesome song. Performed LIVE at AbaY below:
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Chris Scherpa & THE PLONK Bio:

The music of Chris Scherpa is melodic without baby baby schmalz, dirty without being sloppy, the music and lyrics dig deep but stay light and groovy. The songs tell stories. Acoustic sound with punch!
Order acivir injection For his songs the songwriter Chris Scherpa uses influences ranging from folk to funk, alternative rock, reggae, blues and even hip hop. Very notable is Chris Scherpa’s special style of acoustic guitar playing – sometimes sounding like 2 guys at once.

Sherpa @ Aragum Bay, 2014 (DPA A?file photo)

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