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Dear Moll diary,
As mr Bodyboard and I sat at the aptly named ‘Riptide’ restaurant ( Non molls – Riptide is a magazine, Cosmo for body boarders) which is on the main street of Arugam Bay (note – I use the term ‘main street’ loosely, it’s a red, dusty, dirt road with less than 20 shops and the occasional goat) I had an epiphany. Molls are the ideal journalists for the surfing world. We travel to distant & inaccessible locations to observe and discuss the surfing culture (and maybe get a little reading/sunbaking in, it can’t be all work!! We are not machines damn it!!) and as non-participators we are objective observers, able to distance ourselves and report back without bias.
I don’t know why the surfing press hasn’t realized all of this. Continue reading ‘Diary of a Surfer Moll’
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