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Arugam Bay: A safe Budget destination

A?A?I don’t read either or rec.windsurfing. A?A?I just thoughtA?A?
that some of you might find the following interesting. A?A?A?A?
Sri Lanka is a tropical island in the Indian Ocean, locatedA?A?
between 80E,82E Longitude and 6N,10N Latitude –prasad }A?A?
By Feizal SamathA?A?
ARUGAM BAY, Sri Lanka, Sept 16, Reuter – Big-spending touristsA?A?
and the average Sri Lankan would think twice before visiting thisA?A?
picturesque bay in the Tamil rebel-torn east.A?A?
But the risks of getting caught up in ethnic fighting have notA?A? Order luvox reviews
deterred the real enthusiasts among the foreign surfers who make How much does zofran cost in australia A?A?
an annual pilgrimage to Arugam Bay, acknowledged as one of theA?A?
best beaches in the world.A?A?
“Surfers take many chances for good waves,” explainedA?A?
Australian Ann Gillaid as she collected her board at this resortA?A?
200 km (150 miles) from Colombo.A?A?
This year between 50 to 75 foreigners a month, mostly surfers,A?A?
visited the bay village in the May to September period, a sharpA?A?
drop from the average 200 per month before 1983.A?A?
“The numbers fell after Tamil rebel activity increased afterA?A?
1983,” says Sri Lankan Lawrence Upali, who has operated a popularA?A?
beachside restaurant for the past 12 years.A?A?
The only road to the bay is through a wildlife park, once homeA?A?
to herds of elephants but now roamed by Tamil Tiger rebels byA?A?
night. Another access road is restricted due to rebel activity.A?A?
A police commando unit stops travellers from using the road atA?A?
night. It is opened in the morning only after patrols check it forA?A?
any mines laid overnight by the rebels.A?A?
Most of the Tamil-dominated north is in the hands of theA?A?
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam guerrillas, fighting for aA?A?
homeland in the north and the east for the minority Tamils. TheA?A?
east has a mixed population of Sinhalese, Tamils and Moslems andA?A?
is largely controlled by the military.A?A?
A?A?Arugam Bay is the only place in the eastern districts ofA?A?
Amparai, Batticaloa and Trincomalee to be visited by foreignA?A?
“We are not promoting tourism in these places because of theA?A?
unrest. But we are aware that tourists keep going to Arugam Bay,”A?A?
N.U. Yasupala, director-general of the Ceylon Tourist Board, saidA?A?
in Colombo.A?A?
He said Arugam Bay in Amparai, Passekudah in Batticaloa andA?A?
Nilaveli in Trincomalee were advertised in international travelA?A?
magazines as having the best beaches in the world.A?A?
While local travellers are often attacked by Tamil rebels,A?A?
foreigners have been spared to date, with the exception of aA?A?
Dutchman killed last year in a bus attack.A?A?
Locals say he failed to leave the bus as ordered by theA?A?
rebels, choosing to stay and protect the Sri Lankan passengers.A?A?
“It is a bit scary when you hear these stories. But weA?A?
generally don’t think about these things, though everyone warnsA?A?
you, the tourism authorities or others in Colombo, that it isA?A?
dangerous to go to Arugam Bay,” said Gillaid.A?A?
Many of the surfers are Australians while others come fromA?A?
Britain, Italy, Germany, France and Israel. A few non-surfingA?A?
tourists also seek out the bay.A?A?
One Welsh surfer said the waves at Arugam Bay were as good asA?A?
those in Indonesia or Hawaii.A?A?
“But what attracts us most to this place is that fisherfolkA?A?
here lead a simple life and living is cheap compared to what oneA?A?
would spend (elsewhere),” he said.A?A?
Many surfers have visited the bay for four or five years in aA?A?
“This place is also nice because it is deserted and there areA?A?
no high-rises,” Gillaid said. “We like the simple village life andA?A?
little comforts. It should stay that way. Surfers prefer a quietA?A?
location and if tourists start crowding the place, we would goA?A?
The visitors stay in small “cadjan” huts with two beds, hiredA?A?
by locals for just 50 rupees (about $1) a bed. Food is cheap.A?A?
Most of the Australian surfers spend two to three months aA?A?
year at Arugam Bay. Others stay a couple of weeks.A?A?
Esther Reese, a 21-year-old student from Germany and one ofA?A?
the few non-surfers, said she heard about the bay from friends.A?A?
“People tell you there are problems in these areas but we have notA?A?
encountered any since we came last week.”A?A?
Most of the tourists come to Arugam Bay by bus from Hikkaduwa,A?A?
another cheap but crowded seaside resort 160 km (100 miles) to theA?A?
“Our bags are checked at all security points but otherwiseA?A?
there are no problems,” said Gillaid, who says she plans to returnA?A?
next year.A?A?


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This beautiful girl is the daughter of a fisherman that invited me for tea in his house. She didnt speak any English, but the smile said it all. Pottuvil, Sri Lanka.
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STF …. comes under LTTE attack – Panama

Deltasone generic name Order indinavir crixivan LTTE terrorists launched an attack targeting a group of security forces personnel on route clearing patrol in general area Panama, this afternoon, 2 September.

The incident took place around 12.30 p.m. while the troops patrolling along the Okanda Road, Kudumbigala in Panama. One Special Task Force (STF) person and a Civil Defence Force (CDF) person were succumbed to injuries while being evacuating to the hospital, defence sources said.

Walkers and the Arugam Bay prefab Bridge

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MTD Walkers PLC, successor to Kapila Heavy Equipment PLC and holding company of Walker Sons & Company Engineering (Pvt.) Ltd., will commence the setting up of a fully fledged master workshop inclusive of a state-of-the-art steel fabrication plant to enhance engineering and infrastructure development capabilities, the company announced recently.

Cheap vasodilan buy A?a??A?This master workshop which is to be set up in a 9 acre land in close proximity to Malwana will co-locate all workshops related to engineering and infrastructure development operations, thus further facilitating those worksA?a??A? Head of Operations of MTD Walkers PLC, Air Vice Marshall (Rtd.)Lal Perera stated.

A?a??A?Several advanced features required for engineering and infrastructure development projects such as, A?a??E?blast cleaningA?a??a??, automatic welding and ultra modern steel plate rolling facilities will be available at the master workshop. In addition, the production capacity of our plantation engineering arm, which manufactures machinery required for the tea industry, will be doubled due to the setting up of this workshop.A?a??A?, he added.

MTD Walkers PLC intends to complete the setting up of the workshop by September 2009 and provide jobs opportunities to over a 100 skilled individuals in this facility.

At present, the Engineering Division of MTD Walkers PLC mainly engages in the construction of superstructures of bridges using prefabricated steel, designing and building storage tanks for the petroleum industry and repairing of petroleum storage tanks including the replacement of bottom plates of vertical tanks.

A?a??A?Erection of the superstructure of the recently completed, 160 m long, 2-lane, Arugambay Bridge, using 535 metric tons of prefabricated steel, in a time span of 52 days could be highlighted as an example of the companyA?a??a??s engineering prowess. A similar bridge constructed according to conventional methods would require a minimum of 3-4 months for completionA?a??A?. Head of Enginering of MTD Walkers PLC, Channa Caldera stated.

A?a??A?In the petroleum storage tank designing and manufacturing arena too, we have served local as well as foreign clients. It is mention worthy that all tanks designed and built by us are approved by the Lloyds Register and compatible with the American Petroleum Industry (API) standardsA?a??A?, he added.

MTD Walkers PLC was formed in November, 2007 as a result of MTD Capital, a leading Malaysian based civil engineering and infrastructure Company, purchasing a majority stake in Kapila Heavy Equipment PLC, which was the former holding company of Walker Sons group of companies. Prior to being acquired by MTD Capital, the Walker Sons group of companies had been in operation in Sri Lanka for over 150 years.


Sri Lankan Towns Without A

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At parties I end up talking to kids. This being Sri Lanka itA?a??a??s entirely natural to have three generations at a party, each entirely being themselves. As it should be. Often when I go out I feel like IA?a??a??m talking to myself, or as a PR exercise. Kids are some of the few people that genuinely surprise me. Kids are often wrong, but not for lack of reasoning. If anything they reason more, albeit with less information. I know a bunch of stuff by now, but I donA?a??a??t think that hard anymore. Little Seba was asking me how many Sri Lankan towns I could name that donA?a??a??t have the letter A?a??E?aA?a??a?? in them. ItA?a??a??s amazing, but I could only think of Colombo, Negombo and, like Pottuvil. Being that I donA?a??a??t know much about Sri Lankan geography we looked at a map and thereA?a??a??s still only like 10 or 15. ItA?a??a??s odd. I included the whole list we could think of after the jump. WhatA?a??a??s interesting is that almost all of the names without A?a??E?aA?a??a?? in them are Tamil.

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The Sinhala names are all A?a??E?allasA?a??a?? or A?a??E?duwasA?a??a?? or something or rather. Strange.


Lahugala, Arugam & Mahavamsa

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The first King of Gampola
This article is part of a continuing series on the A?a??E?Mahavamsa,A?a??a?? the recorded chronicle of Sri Lankan history
By Halaliye Karunathilake Edited and translated by Kamala Silva Illustrated by Saman Kalubowila

1.Buwanekabahu IV is named as the 1st king of Gampola. His Prime Minister, Senadhilankara had employed four strategies to strengthen the security of the country. There is hardly any mention of Alagakkonara and Raigama A?a??a?? by this time. Scholars are made to believe that even those areas had been ruled by Gampola.

2. However the downfall of Raigama has been short-lived. The reason attributed is a change in the political situation. Around this time, there would have been some influence to make even Parakramabahu leave Gampola. An inscription has been found in a place close to Lahugala, in the Magul Maha Vihara, in the Eastern Province. This inscription belongs to this period. It mentions of a queen of two brothers, who were both kings.

3. This queen happened to be another Viharamahadevi. It is believed that of the two kings mentioned, the second one is Parakramabahu V. Scholars believe that after defeating the Tamil armies, he would have ruled in the Ruhuna. Another inscription has been discovered in a place called Kotagama, situated about 13 miles to the North-east of Dedigama. This inscription too mentions about King Parakramabahu V.

4. According to this inscription, this king had been chased from Dedigama, by a king named “Singai Nagar Aryayan.” This could be Aryachakravarti. By this time, there was a new king in Gampola. He was Vickramabahu III. He became king either in 1356 or 1357 AD. The fourth year of the first phase of rule of Vickramabahu III is the same as the last year of rule of King Parakramabahu V.

5. The reason for this is because the first year of rule of Vickramabahu III is counted from, one year after the death of Buwanekabahu IV. According to the traditional belief of the 18th century, Vickramabahu III is a nephew of Parakramabahu V. He was really Parakramabahu V’s sister’s son. Some believe him to be the son of a sister of the above mentioned two kings, who got married to the Prime Minister Senadhilankara.

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6. When King Buwanekabahu fled to the South, it was advantageous for the Alagakkonara family. They spread their power in Raigama and the adjoining areas. Without stopping at that, they tried to put pressure on the Gampola Kingdom too. One Alagakkonara who lived in Peradeniya managed to win the confidence of the king, within a very short period. He got married to a sister of Vickramabahu III.

7. This Alagakkonara is not supposed to be a son of the former Alagakkonara, who was in power when Ibn Batuta came here. But he is said to be a son of a sister of that Alagakkonara. So he could be a son of Padmawathie, who got married to Attanayake. She has had three sons, two of whom have carried the name Alagakkonara. The other son had gone by his father’s name, as an Attanayake. The ones who became famous are the ones who took the Alagakkonara name A?a??a?? from the mother’s side.

8. Scholars are of the opinion that Aryachakravarti would have extended his help and support to them. Senadhilanakara who was very powerful during the time of Buwanekabahu IV, had lost a lot of power by this period. However it is Aryachakravarti who benefited from the rivalry between Raigama and Gampola.


East Warms up …

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With the commissioning of the Arugam Bay Bridge the roadway from Pottuvil to Panama is now a clear run to the East coast. Large expanses of sandy beach invitingly stretch miles on end beckoning visitors to come surf, fish, bike or discover wildlife in the surrounding areas.

A well loved tourist attraction and particularly sought by surfers, Arugam Bay boasts of the best waves for informal beginners. Also for the intermediate and to the fully initiated the swells of Arugam Bay will always be the surfersA?a??a?? paradise. Most tourism activities in Arugam Bay are community based and for details please visit

Mosque times for September

Prayer & Mosque times for Arugam Bay

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Prayer Schedule September / 2008
Day Date Fajr Sunrise Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
1 Mon 4:46 5:55 12:03 3:08 6:11 7:17
2 Tue 4:46 5:55 12:03 3:06 6:10 7:16
3 Wed 4:46 5:55 12:02 3:05 6:09 7:15
4 Thu 4:46 5:54 12:02 3:04 6:09 7:15
5 Fri 4:45 5:54 12:02 3:04 6:08 7:14
6 Sat 4:45 5:54 12:01 3:04 6:08 7:13
7 Sun 4:45 5:54 12:01 3:05 6:07 7:13
8 Mon 4:45 5:54 12:01 3:05 6:07 7:13
9 Tue 4:45 5:54 12:01 3:05 6:07 7:12
10 Wed 4:45 5:53 12:00 3:05 6:06 7:11
11 Thu 4:45 5:53 12:00 3:06 6:05 7:11
12 Fri 4:45 5:53 11:59 3:06 6:05 7:10
13 Sat 4:45 5:53 11:59 3:06 6:04 7:09
14 Sun 4:44 5:53 11:59 3:06 6:03 7:09
15 Mon 4:44 5:53 11:58 3:06 6:03 7:08
16 Tue 4:44 5:53 11:58 3:06 6:03 7:08
17 Wed 4:44 5:52 11:58 3:07 6:02 7:07
18 Thu 4:44 5:52 11:57 3:07 6:01 7:07
19 Fri 4:44 5:52 11:57 3:07 6:01 7:06
20 Sat 4:44 5:52 11:57 3:07 6:00 7:05
21 Sun 4:43 5:52 11:56 3:07 6:00 7:05
22 Mon 4:43 5:51 11:56 3:07 5:59 7:04
23 Tue 4:43 5:51 11:56 3:07 5:59 7:04
24 Wed 4:43 5:51 11:55 3:08 5:58 7:03
25 Thu 4:43 5:51 11:55 3:08 5:58 7:03
26 Fri 4:43 5:51 11:54 3:08 5:57 7:02
27 Sat 4:43 5:51 11:54 3:08 5:56 7:02
28 Sun 4:42 5:50 11:54 3:08 5:56 7:01
29 Mon 4:42 5:50 11:53 3:08 5:55 7:01
30 Tue 4:42 5:50 11:53 3:08 5:55 7:01


Maternity and Children’s ward for Pottuville

Thursday, 28 August 2008

The Cheap albenza generic Buy fincar cheap Pottuvil District Hospital received a new Maternity and Children’s ward, recently (25) while the KalmunaiA?A? Regional Medical Supplies Division (RMSD) was provided with facilities to serve the area more effectively.

The funds came as a part of the UNICEF supported Tsunami Infra-structure Reconstruction Programme in Sri Lanka.Thre new maternity and Paediatric ward complex cost around Rs 103.5 millionA?A? and is capable of serving around 45,000 people in the area

The RMSD in Kalmunai will be a blessing to around 422,000people and will serve as the regional health hub of 13 medical officers of health including 3 base hospitals, 8 district hospitals, 4 divisional hospitals, and 13 central dispensaries. RMSD will also provide facilities to other institutions such as the STD unit, Anti T-B campaign, and Anti- Malaria Campaign.


Bruce, the Surf Movie Director

Joined: February 04, 2007
Last Sign In: 17 minutes ago
Videos Watched: 693
Subscribers: 11
Channel Views: 1,050
Thirty years of images from a surfers life

Name: Bruce

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I have been enjoying traveling surfing and making surf movies for 30 years in both Australia and Sri lanka. and I have enjoyed many trips to surfings magic island that is Sri Lanka,where i learnt that the one that has not much but is happy, is really the richest one.

Occupation: Painter\Tour Director
Schools: Cronulla high school
Companies: Ceylon Surfing Tours
Interests and Hobbies: surfing, travel, computers,people,places cycling(road),cameras.Old charts ancient coins 16th century sea adventures.
Movies and Shows: Blue brothers,Caddie Shack,The good the bad and the ugly. heart break ridge the first endless summer, morning of the earth.
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Arugam Bay Main Point

Arugam Bay Main PointSurfing Waves

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Surf Spot Details

Wave Quality Rating3 Type of WaveReef break Direction of WaveRight BottomCoral reef DifficultyIntermediate surfer Crowd LevelNot Too Bad Hazardsnone General DescriptionLocated in the city of Pottuvil at the east coast. Good quality waves, possible to find many different kind of points from that area. Beach breaks to beginners and good stady reef breaks to advanced surfers.

General Info

How to get thereBy bus, train or rent a taxi from Colombo. If you book a room before,many of the guesthouses in Arugam Bay organize pick-ups from the airport. Where to StaySurf’n Sun Guesthouse, Hillton, Siam View, Hello Madam, Aloha! etc. Equipment Hire Cheap bactroban cream Surf’n Sun Guesthouse Surf SchoolsSurf’n Sun Surfshcool When its Flat?From November to March


Eastern Province in Sri Lanka: Is this a good Model for Conflict Resolution?

Asian Tribune

Democracy and Governance

The Government of Sri Lanka has been consistent in its commitment to maintaining democracy across the country and thus undertook all necessary measure to bring about the most significant development in the Eastern Province by the establishment of Democracy via a pluralistic political process and restoring Civil Administration. On 10th March 2008 elections were held in nine (9) local Government electorates in the Batticaloa District, resulting in the establishment of the Batticaloa Municpal Council. BatticaloaA?a??a??s first Mayoress Ms. Sivageetha Prabagaran was thus elected.

After a lapse of nearly 20 years on 10th May 2008, Provincial Council Elections were held establishing the Eastern Province Provincial Council, electing Sivanesathurai Chanthirakanthan as Chief Minister. Ms. Prabagaran and Mr. Chanthirakanthan, members of the Tammil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikhal (TMVP) contested under the UPFA, the ruling Government party.

The Municipal Council and Provincial Councils are in the process of preparing relevant development activities for the respective regions.

Both Elections provided the space and opportunity to enable the people of the East to exercise their right to participate in a democratic process. This was just one of the many rights which were denied to these civilians for almost three (3) decades.

Civil Administration

With the conclusion of the Local Government and Provincial Council Elections, there has been a smooth transition from military control to establishing civil administration in the Province. Furthermore there have been ongoing efforts on the part of the Central Government to provide the necessary skills and knowledge to all Public Officers, Local Government Members and Provincial Council Members, on their duties, responsibilities, good governance and legal obligations in order to build their capacity to deliver services and fulfil their obligations to the people of the East with efficiency and diligence.

Since the Government took control of the Eastern Province in July 2007, the Central Government began the process of implementing development projects which laid the foundation for the establishment of the Civil Administration. For example, The Ministry of Constitutional Affairs and National Integration with the support of the Ministry of Public Administration through 3 Mobile Community Service Programmes issued birth and death certificates, marriage certificates, national identity cards, drivers licence, passports and land ownership documents to the citizens in the Province.

Infrastructure Development

The Government of Sri Lanka has invested large sums of money and thus concentrated heavily on developing the infrastructure in the Eastern Province in order to have a significant impact upon the lives of the people both socially and economically. The Maga Neguma programme has seen the development of key roads and the construction of key bridges (for example the Manampitiya Bridge, Arugam Bay Bridge have already been completed while the Kinniya Ferry Bridge is under construction. The Oddamavadi, Verugal, Kayankerny, Ganagai and Upparu Bridges are also proposed to be constructed and financial allocations have already been made) enabling easy access/travel within the Districts and the Province as a whole.

Much emphasis has been placed upon rural electrification and this is expected to be a long term development, with work on-going.

Livelihood and Economic Development

The Democracy and Pluralism in the Eastern Province has led to the boost in investor confidence and it is predicted that the GDP will grow in what has always been an area with potential to be most productive in the country. With the Government investing in key infrastructural projects such as roads, ports, bridges, electricity, health and schools the private sector has also begun to focus on the East.

The Government has always been keen to promote Private-Public Sector partnership to help boost the economy of the Eastern Province. As a result several large scale investments have taken place, having a significant impact upon several economic sectors.

For example, Cargills Ceylon Limited in partnership with the Ministry of Nation Building and the World Bank will launch a Rs. 8000 million project to develop agriculture and livestock sectors with a buy back arrangement. This project aims to ease the problems of market access that is currently experienced by small and medium scale entrepreneurs across the country. Cargills is planning to focus on vegetables, rice, fruits, fish and milk, and with the buy back arrangement to avoid middlemen and thus the escalation of costs. As a consequence of this unique project, farmers are paid 20% more than the market price, and this minimum guaranteed price will help farmers plan their cash flows. This will reduce the burden on them and encourage the confident application of good agricultural practices like the use of fertilizer.

Hayleys Agro which currently has a presence in the Eastern Province aims to focus on driving advanced technology into the Province and thereby increasing productivity levels in the agricultural sector.

The Company aims to train farmers in the use of biotechnology to produce high yielding crops such as banana, pineapple, strawberry and related fruits so that it can get the best from the rich soil quality of the Eastern Province. This project will enable the farmer community by promoting technology in order to get the best returns.

Micro Credit Financing has been promoted by the Banks and Chambers of Commerce on a large scale in the Eastern Province, to provide financial opportunities for all citizens to engage in economic activities and uplift their living standards. Such opportunities have enabled the people to engage in a range of livelihood activities such as fisheries, agriculture, retail, dress making and furniture manufacture.

Furthermore currently there are three (3) loans schemes for the development of Agriculture and related activities. These include A?a??A?Krushi NavodayaA?a??A? Special Loan Scheme which is implemented by the Lankaputhra Development Bank under the aegis of the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance. These loans are provided for the purposes of the processing of agricultural provide, farm implements, animal husbandry, micro irrigation systems and green house farming. Interest subsidy is provided and the rate applicable to the borrower is 8% per annum with a maximum repayment period of 3 years.

The New Comprehensive Rural Credit Scheme (NCRCS) is a short term agricultural credit scheme implemented by the Central Bank. This loan can be obtained for the purposes of cultivation of agricultural crops, pre-cultivation activities and post cultivation activities. It is provided for the two cultivation seasons (Yala and Maha) with an interest of 8% per annum and repayment within 270 days.

The A?a??A?KaprukaA?a??A? Investment Relief Credit Scheme is implemented by the Coconut Development Board using Government funds to develop coconut cultivation and improve livelihoods possible in association with the coconut holdings.

In addition to the above, the European Investment Bank Loan Scheme (EIB Loan Scheme) is operated in Tsunami affected areas and is provided to medium and large scale enterprises for the resumption of their businesses.

The Construction Sector Development Project (CSDP) is implemented by the Central Bank with the main objective of strengthening the financial and technical capabilities of private local businesses to effectively participate in construction and public works in Post-Tsunami reconstruction.

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This is just one of the key sectors that the Government has focused heavily upon and funding from the World Bank was utilized in infrastructure development and capacity building projects such as Dehiattakandiya, Lahugala MOH, Padiyatalawa, Aranthalawa, Mandapathadi, Thurainaklavani, Pulukamam, Kokkadicholai, Unnichchai, Mankerny, Paddipolai MOH which were completed under the 180 Day Programme, whilst more than 200 projects relating to baby care units, maternity wards, endoscopy units, CT scanners and other equipment, renovation and refurbishment of hospitals and wards are ongoing. Some of these projects are funded by the Ministry of Nation Building and the others by the Ministry of Health. A significant achievement in the Health Sector is the Ampara Base Hospital being awarded the prize for the Best Hospital in the South Asian Region.

Education and Vocational Training

The Government of Sri Lanka taking its social responsibilities very seriously has taken several key measures to uplift the education sector in the Eastern Province. These include re-building schools together with the Private Sector and Rotary Clubs, setting up of teacher training institutions and technical colleges such as Hardy College in Ampara

Recent appointments of teachers in the Eastern Province will fill the existing vacancies. In select areas such as Vaharai the teachers are provided with accommodation facilities.

Countries like Japan are inviting the youth working in public administration to participate in Young Leaders Programmes at Schools of Government and Local Governance in Japan, giving the youth of the Eastern Province invaluable exposure and experience required for rebuilding the conflict affected region.

In order to provide the people of the East with employable skills and training, the Ministry of Vocational Training with the assistance of USAID planned to increase the number of training centres by 19 and training programs by 48 in order to increase the intake of participants up to 9000 in the three districts. Thus six new vocational training centres are currently under construction at Central Camp, Ninthavur, Sammanturai, Akkaraipattu, Karaitivu, Kaluwanchikudi, where programmes began in June 2008. In addition on 23rd January 2008, the Marvell Sarvodaya Vocational Training Centre was also declared open.

The focus of the Ministry of Education is on early childhood education, primary, secondary and tertiary level education whilst the Ministry of Higher Education concentrates mainly on the Tertiary level education by improving the facilities of the South Eastern and Eastern Universities. These Universities expect to accommodate more than 1000 students across all three campuses for more than 25 study courses/degrees. The students are from all three communities.

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Since the GovernmentA?a??a??s entry into the Eastern Province, it has acted with swift efficiency to ensure the safety and wellbeing of its people. Accordingly mentioned above are just a few of the measures adopted, all of which have contributed greatly to uplifting the lives of a conflict affected region. However needless to say, in the time span of one year, 3 decades of destruction cannot be reconstructed or rectified, therefore the East does have destroyed homes, roads, buildings, hearts and lives, but it is all now on the path to recovery, slowly yet steadily, due to the initiatives taken by the Government of Sri Lanka.. The GovernmentA?a??a??s development plan will ensure that the Eastern Re-awakening will be complete. The work is not complete unless the community are reconciled. This is the area now the government is focussing taking youth, women and children as sub sectors in re-integration and rehabilitation.

– Asian Tribune –


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US funded bus terminal in Trinco unused

The Island

USAID spent USD 548,000 on a bus terminal and shopping complex in Trincomalee. It was handed over to the Urban Council on the 11 August 2008. But the facilities are not being used as yet.

A?A?Our journalist visited the terminal on 20 August and found it deserted with its gates locked. There were no busses in the yard either.

However, the Chairman of the Trincomalee UC, G. Muhundan, told the Island financial Review on Friday that 80 private busses and 40 CTB busses are in operation and have begun to use the new bus terminal.

A?A?He said that shops in the complex had been handed over to its previous owners. Bestina buy

A?A?Transport minister Dullas Alahaperuma said that he was unaware of the fate of the bus terminal as it came under the purview of the Trincomalee UC.

A?A?USAID recently spent USD 10 million on construction of the Arugam Bay bridge which was declared open by the President. It replaced the old bridge over Arugam Bay which was severely damaged in the tsunami.

USAID have several programmes in the East to bolster development activity in the region.

“USAIDA?a??a??s Sri Lanka Transition Initiatives (SLTI) Programme has implemented 169 grants in Trincomalee District to support livelihoods, peace-building, and media activities, as well as to restore community infrastructure damaged by the 2004 tsunami or years of neglect due to former conflict in the area,” it said in a statement.

“USAID is now entering a new phase under which it will build or rebuild key infrastructure, such as schools, hospitals and transportation infrastructure, in communities that were cut off from development by the long-lasting conflict. This phase of the program has already begun and will focus on infrastructure in southern Trincomalee and western Batticaloa Districts.” -DD Purchase promethazine codeine syrup


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New UNICEF supported health facilities in the East

Two new health facilities were added to the health network of the Eastern Province on Saturday. The new Maternity and Children’s Ward of the Pottuvil District Hospital was declared open in the morning, while the Regional Medical Supplies Division (RMSD) Kalmunai was inaugurated later the same day. Both projects are part of the UNICEF-supported Tsunami Infrastructure Reconstruction Programme in Sri Lanka.The new maternity and paediatric ward complex, costing Rs 103.5 million, will serve more than 45,000 people in the area and include: a paediatric ward, maternity ward, emergency treatment unit and an administrative block. Each ward has a capacity of 30 beds.A?A? “We are really happy that the population of this area will benefit from modern facilities, complete with adequate water and electricity supplies,” said District Medical Officer in Seroquel dizziness treatment Pottuvil, Cheap vasotec iv Dr. A. Ameenudeen. It is now anticipated that the maternity facilities will provide a 24-hour service, enable the posting of a visiting obstetrician and gynaecologist in Pottuvil and thus reduce the number of home deliveries, while increasing the hospital’s current 20-30 deliveries per month to 100.

“This is expected to be an excellent addition to an area and a population which suffered greatly because of the Tsunami and it will make a sizeable difference to the pregnant women and newborns of Pottuvil,” said the head of UNICEF’s Ampara office Mr. Damascus Macheri.

Monday afternoon’s opening of the Regional Medical Supplies Division will serve the Kalmunai Regional Director of Health Service areas and its population of 422,000. It will be the regional hub for 13 medical officers of health areas and 32 regional health facilities which include; three Base Hospitals, eight District Hospitals, four Divisional Hospitals and 13 Central Dispensaries. Other facilities that will use the RMSD are the STD Unit, Tuberculosis Control Unit, and Anti-Malaria Control Unit. Work on the extension of the maternity and labour room in the Akkaraipattu District Hospital is ongoing.
