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Several dead in Sri Lankan bombing

Several dead in Sri Lankan bombing

The government has accused the LTTE of trying to sabotage regional elections with the attack [AFP]
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The government has blamed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for Friday’s explosion, saying that it was an attempt to sabotage the elections and general development activities in the area.

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Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara, a military spokesman, said: “There has been an explosion in Ampara town a little while ago. Eleven civilians were killed and 29 injured. It is definitely by the LTTE.”
The LTTE did not immediately comment on the incident.
Unknown target
Police said the target of blast in the crowded New City Cafe was unclear, despite a government minister’s convoy passing through the area minutes beforehand.

Timeline: The Sri Lankan conflict

The injured were taken to the local Ampara hospital. Police said nine women and two men died in the attack.

Fighting has intensified between the Tamil fighters and government forces along the northern frontier between the two groups in recent months.
Security along the eastern coast has been stepped up for the elections in Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Ampara on Saturday to elect officials to run the eastern provincial council.
The military had expelled Tamil fighters from large areas of the east, formerly a LTTE stronghold, in July 2007.
‘Hearts and minds’
The elections are part of Mahinda Rajapakse’s, Sri Lanka’s president, government’s policy to devolve power to minority Tamil areas, which they hope will occur in parallel with a military victory over the LTTE.
Rajapakse has expressed his desire to win the “hearts and minds” of “liberated” Tamils affected by the war by devolving power.
It is a policy the government also wants to take to northern areas held by the LTTE.
Tens of thousands of people have died in the war in which the LTTE are attempting to gain a separate homeland for minority Tamils in the island’s north and east.

Bombing on eve of Sri Lanka polls

Cheap rizact At least 11 people have been killed in a bombing on the eve of elections in eastern Sri Lanka, the military says.

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More than 20 others were wounded in the blast in a cafe in the town of Ampara, 220km (130 miles) from Colombo. Tamil Tiger rebels have been blamed.

Security is tight in the east of the island, a day before the region’s first provincial elections in 20 years.

Fighting between troops and Tamil Tigers has worsened this year after the government pulled out of a truce.

Limited devolution Buy cheap albendazole without prescription The director of Ampara national hospital, Dr Lankathilake Jayasinghe, told the BBC’s Sinhala Service that 11 people had been killed and 36 injured in the blast.

Military spokesman Brig Udaya Nanayakkara said the 11 people killed were all civilians.

The explosion hit a small restaurant called the City Cafe and Bake House.

Brig Nanayakkara said the blast was clearly the work of the rebels, or the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as they are known.

“Yes definitely, it’s the LTTE,” he said. “They have done similar explosions in Colombo and its suburbs. This was also done by them.”

Voters in the east coast towns of Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Amapara go to the polls on Saturday to elect the eastern provincial council.

The elections come after government troops drove the Tamil Tigers from their bases in the east last summer.

The BBC’s Roland Buerk in Colombo says Saturday’s vote will lay the foundation for limited devolution that the government says is the answer to Tamil complaints of domination by Sinhalese-led central governments.

‘Town taken’

Meanwhile, fighting is going on in the north where the rebels have their main stronghold.

The military said a small town and an area of territory were captured on Friday and 31 Tiger fighters were killed as well as three soldiers. The account cannot be independently verified.

About 70,000 people have been killed since the civil war began in 1983. The rebels want an independent state for minority Tamils in the north and east.


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All set for Eastern Poll

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COLOMBO: The percentage of polling cards distribution has reached 98.5 per cent yesterday in the Eastern Province, Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardana said yesterday.

The biggest and strongest security contingent has been deployed by the Government to ensure a free and fair Provincial Council Election on May 10, the Minister said.

Addressing a media-briefing yesterday in Colombo, the Minister said that the Government has taken all measures to provide maximum security with special emphasis on the polling day.

Security personnel will be at polling duties allowing the public to cast their votes in a democratic manner and there will be no possibility of elections violations in the province.

“No complaint has been received regarding the unlawful acquisition of polling cards by armed factions within the Province,” he said. Maximum facilities specially common transport services have been strengthened for the benefit of voters.

They must produce their identity cards at the polling booths. All officers have been advised to carry out duties without fear and favour and stern action will be taken against those involved in election related violations.

“Only 72 complaints related to election violations have been reported so far with 21 incidents being minor,” he said.

Several ethnic groups irrespectively 44.3 per cent of Tamils, 32.6 Muslims and 22.6 of Sinhalese are living in the East. The Government has established an election-friendly environment in the East.

“As a result many political parties are involved in election campaigns addressing rallies and distributing leaflets even at the midnight.”

A peaceful environment has been established in Vakarai and over 1,400 residents of Vakarai, Kinniya and Lahugala gathered on Tuesday night to present their problems to the President via satellite.

It shows that there is no more fear psychosis among the people in these areas even at night and they live freely and peacefully.

None of villagers raised a problem regarding their security and all problems were related to electricity, education and fishing. According to them, armed groups has caused no trouble.

“The UNP’s propaganda on several armed groups in the Eastern Province is false. No one complained to the President in this regard.

People are enjoying their freedom now after the liberation of the East from the LTTE. Democracy will be further reinforced by the Government with the setting up of the Provincial Council in the East.”

Pilleyan has come to the democratic path and it is a big victory of all of us, the Minister added. The UNP’s rhetoric on armed groups is an excuse for their imminent defeat at the election.

“Today the Eastern Province is blessed with massive development. There were only two roads to access to the Eastern Province before the liberation. The A5 road has been fully rehabilitated and opened to enter the East.”

The Government has allocated Rs. 607.7 million for electricity projects in Ampara while 12 projects have been successfully completed so far. Electricity projects valued at Rs.300.7 million have been completed in Batticaloa.

The President has advised authorities to set up Samurdhi Banks in the Eastern Province with immediate effect for the benefit of villagers. It has also stepped up measures to set up 25 Coop-cities in the East as a relief measure to consumers.

Irrigation projects have given priority in the development and Rs.15 million has been allocated for irrigation development in Trincomalee and Ampara Districts. In order to upgrade infrastructure developments in the Agriculture sector, the Government has allocated Rs.123.6 million.

Agriculture development in the East has been given priority and considerable allocations have been granted by the Government until year 2010.

It has allocated Rs. 418.5 million in 2008 while It would be Rs.227.5 million in 2009. The allocation would be a Rs.123.6 million in 2010.

People in East and North face many social problems. Parents arrange child marriages at age 13 due to boys’ deployment for terrorism by the LTTE. “We have taken a number of measures to change this situation,” he said.

Representative will be appointed to the Provincial Council in East according to the wishes of voters.

They will be selected representing all ethnic groups. The Government expects to launch a massive development programme after the election for the betterment of the people, he remarked.

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People of the East now enjoy …. says President

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The President, Mahinda Rajapakse says the benefits of the development activities enjoyed by the masses in the South will reach the people in the East.The people of the East now enjoy the benefits of freedom and democracy now.

The President further said many, including religious leaders lost their lives in the hands of LTTE. The security forces were able to liberate the whole Eastern Province after the operations held at Maavil Aaru.

The President was speaking at a meeting with the people of three villages in the Eastern Province through satellite.

He said that some of the leaders who signed agreements with the LTTE terrorists were unable to travel to these areas. However, the President pointed out that now they were able to travel by roads to these areas. PeoplesA?A?A? representatives are necessary to identify the problems of the masses. That is why the elections to the Eastern Province is to be held.

A resident of Kinniya who participated this live telecast thanked the President for granting freedom to the people. The President said the Kinniya Bridge will be completed within three months. He also instructed the officials to establish Samurdhi Bank at Panama within a day. Those who say that Pilleyan is armed never pointed out about to disarm Prabhakaran. Some of them who were armed in the past have now entered into the democratic main stream. Some of them are Ministers and parliamentarians.

The President said he would give all cooperation to those appraise democracy after liberating the north. Sri Lanka is a single state and no room will be allowed to break it into pieces.

The President promised to appoint English teachers to Lahugala Maha Vidyalaya and officials to the Hospital. At present electricity has been provided to Vakarai. Answering a question raised by a resident of Vakarai the President said arrangements have been made to provide fishing boats and nets to the people of the area.

The main objective of the government is to allow the people to live freely without fear and suspicion. Now the time has come to fulfil the aspirations of the people of the East. All efforts will be made for the prosperity of the children in future.

The unity of the masses is necessity to achieve this. He also pointed out that some of the Non Governmental Organisations are working to get propaganda credit for the development projects carried out by the government.

The people of Vakarai who participated at the discussion said that they do not know that Pilleyan group is armed. However, they said that the LTTE recruited their children by force for its benefits.

The President also requested not to leave room for the terrorists to control the areas which have been liberated. He also said the basic activities have already in swing to free the people of the north from the clutches of the terrorists.

He said the Madu area has already freed. Very soon the statue of the shrine will be enshrined in the Church. The President also said 30 billion rupees has been allocated for the development of the eastern province.

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Before Pillayan kills meA?a??A?

Arugam Bay, May 03

Delivery tenormin Aceon for sale Posted by Ajith (Perera, Chief organizer, UNP) on May 5, 2008
As I wrote earlier, election campaigning is fun, but nothing can be compared to what we are doing in the Eastern province now. This is far too dangerous than anybody in Colombo can ever think of. Though not so obvious in first looks the ominous smell of Pillayan is everywhere. It is a reality that anybody who dares to campaign in the East should live with.

I keep asking questions from myself what Pillayan could do. How strong is PillayanA?a??a??s terrorist network? How many armed cadre he has? (I saw it in papers he has about 700 gunmen but it can be more) Where are they positioned? Finally how far they would go to stop a rival winning the elections? (which is obvious by now) Will they just stop at rigging the polls with the kind assistance of the current government leaders (who will be happy to provide that support) or perhaps failing that go further and try a mass genocide?

These are some simple questions to which we have no answers.

The fact that disturbed us most is that Pillayan is no ordinary terrorist. HE IS A LICENSED TERRORIST, if I were to coin a term. In any society, no citizen is allowed to bear guns without the approval of the state. But Pillayan and his terrorist goondas bear guns, though they are not part of the security forces. The government not just shows a blind eye, but happily endorses this terrorist bearing guns and using them in the territory the government claims to be A?a??E?LIBERATEDA?a??a?? as well.

The weak excuses provided by senior government ministers justifying PillayanA?a??a??s terrorist group bearing and perhaps using arms is amusing. According to them, it is for their safety from LTTE. My foot! If LTTE is still so strong in Eastern province why call it A?a??E?LIBERATEDA?a??a??? No, the only reason why government happily keeps Pillayan armed is for rigging. They know they have no chances of winning without mass scale rigging.

The possibility of butchery by Pillayan cannot be ignored. He has guns and he has men trained to use them. Nobody would give evidence against him. GovernmentA?a??a??s least resistance path too will be covering up such a killing (easy to blame LTTE) than finding the real culprits. So why he should not?

The only consolation is I work in a Sinhala dominated area where Pillayan does not work directly but comes only through other political parties. JHU Akmeemana Dayaratne thero used few PillayanA?a??a??s terrorists in their campaign, but it did not look too dangerous. They just sat in the front seat of government vehicles. Anyway JHU has stopped campaigning now. They might have given up after seeing it a dead end for them.

My only hope is the polls will be peaceful and there would be no election violence. Still it is difficult to think Kurrakan boy will let us win so easily. He knows what defeat means. That is why we should be ready for any obstacle.

Still I am optimistic that DEMOCRAY will win over PillayanA?a??a??s (government sponsored) terrorism on May 10.


A?a??A? And The Muslim Bogey

“A?a??A?.that appalling fray”.
Shelley (The Revolt of Islam)

Muhamalai, an avoidable mistake with horrendous consequences, represents the quintessence of Rajapakse rule. Muhamalai is a logical outcome for an administration with a penchant for forgetting the past and for living in an imagined reality. Muhamalai is symbolic of the place Sri Lanka is headed to, if the regime persists in refusing to learn from its past errors.

The first Muhamalai debacle (Operation Agni Keela) happened on 24th April, 2001. The latest Muhamalai debacle took place seven years (but one day) later, on 23rd April, 2008. In between, there was another, identical, debacle, in October 2006. On all three occasions the LTTE lured the SLA into its territory (with a beguiling lack of resistance) and moved for the kill. On all three occasions hundreds of soldiers were killed or injured. On all three occasions alarm bells failed to ring, at the LTTEA?a??a??s amazing absence of resistance on a front line of such strategic importance.

How could such wanton carelessness be possible? Why did memory fail, in the planning stage and on the battlefield? The second and third Muhamalai debacles happened under the same President, the same administration, the same Defence Secretary and the same Army Commander. The Army Commander visited the Security Forces Headquarters in Jaffna on April 21st “to observe the ground situation in the Jaffna FDLs” (Daily News A?a??a?? 25.4.2008). Did he not feel a sense of dA?A?jA?A? vu? The President cannot be expected to remember the details of every major battle in the Fourth Eelam War but the Defence Secretary has no such excuse. Failures of memory of this magnitude, on the part of those who are tasked with and paid for remembering, amounts to criminal negligence. The ones who forgot are partly responsible for every death and for every injury.

Sun Tzu exhorts those engaged in warfare to understand the enemy. Are the repeated debacles at Muhamalai due to a fatal inability to understand the Tiger? DBS Jeyaraj (writing in opines that the SLA was deceived by bogus Tiger radio messages bewailing their inability to defend the Muhamalai FDL. Is this why troops were sent to the Isthmus of death for the third time? Is this why air cover was not obtained in time? Is this why official websites carried jubilant notices of victory (subsequently removed) even as the troops were marching into the Tiger death-trap?

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The Cowardly TigerA?a??A?

What was Muhamalai A?a??a?? defeat or victory in deep disguise? The Army Commander says that Muhamalai was a non-debacle: “According to the Commander, a veteran infantryman whose capabilities are well known to the terrorists than many others, the number of army casualties is nowhere near what could be termed a military debacle. He explained that not all battles are cakewalks and there will be times like this where the LTTE will be pushed to expend its best fighting cadre and resources but with no significant gain. Few more such attempts will bring the LTTE to its breaking point from which it could soon meet its fate, he explained” (Muhamalai Attack: LTTEA?a??a??s Defeated Aim A?a??a?? The end is nigh for terrorists A?a??a?? Army Chief A?a??a?? Ministry of Defence Website A?a??a?? emphasis mine).

Does the Army Commander seriously believe that three, four, more non-debacles a la Muhamalai will ensure the final defeat of the Tigers? Perhaps he is basing himself on the fantastic statistics given in the same article A?a??a?? 145 dead Tigers, 340 injured Tigers (170 in government hospitals; 170 in LTTEA?a??a??s medical bases). Creating Tiger deaths on paper will not kill living Tigers; similarly denying Lankan deaths on paper will not give life to the dead soldiers. The state owned Daily News in its Defence Column gives an account of the Muhamalai battle which is remarkable for its pathos. The SLA began moving towards Tiger positions by 2 am and for almost 10 hours it was a cakewalk: “Troops have reached the Tiger FDL by 11 am and it was between 12 noon to 1 pm the fierce battle erupted with rains of artillery and mortar fell onto the Tiger FDL dominated by the troops. Though the casualties were relatively low till 11 a.m. the number of casualties suddenly increased between 12 noon to 1 p.m. as the LTTE was firing directly onto Tiger trenches which were dominated by the troops. Since the number of casualties increased on the part of the Security Forces at 12.30 pm the field commanders decided to withdraw the troops from the second line of the Tiger FDL into the first line. The Field Commanders were of the view that it was a futile attempt to hold that ground with a large number of casualties on the part of the Security Forces. It was at this stage some soldiers went missing when the troops were withdrawing from the Tiger second defence line to the first line. Troops could not recover the bodies of the soldiers due to heavy mortar and artillery fire” (Daily News A?a??a?? 25.4.2008). The men fought and died bravely but their courage provides no justification for the negligence of those who planned and sanctioned this operation.

The Tigers are terrorists who do not baulk at any act of barbarism, as the atrocious bus-bombing in Piliyandala demonstrates yet again. But A?a??E?terroristA?a??a?? is not the same as coward. It is when the enemy is underestimated, when his capacities are glossed over, avoidable mistakes are made. The latest Air Tiger attack is a case in point. Last week two Tiger planes got through our air defences, dropped a couple of bombs on the Welioya FDL and departed unscathed. What is significant is not the damage they inflicted (which was miniscule) but that they came undetected, dropped their bombs and escaped unharmed. When we underestimate the enemy we present him with the priceless gift of surprise, a decisive fact in the outcome of many a battle.

Ranil Wickremesinghe underestimated the TigerA?a??a??s ferocity and fanatical commitment. He opted for appeasement because he believed the LTTE could be won over through excessive concessions. The Rajapakses correctly see the Tigers as terrorists but believe that terrorists are faint-hearts; they underestimate the courage and the tenacity of hardcore Tigers. When the Tigers retreat without a battle, suspicions are not kindled, because such conduct is seen as natural for the A?a??E?cowardly TigerA?a??a??. Euphoria (in peacemaking and in war) blunts intelligence and clouds judgement. Just as Mr. WickremesingheA?a??a??s incorrect assessment of the LTTE defeated the peace process, the RajapaksesA?a??a?? incorrect assessment of the LTTE will undermine the war effort.

In the war for the East we possessed two major advantages A?a??a?? the ethno religious plurality of the East and the Karuna factor. In fact even with the pluralist nature of the East and the hostility of the Muslim community towards the Tigers, the East may not have been won without the Karuna rebellion. Unfortunately the Eastern victory was attributed to the political will and the ideological clarity of the Rajapakse regime than to the Karuna schism and the Muslim factor. In the resultant jubilation (which often took a Sinhala supremacist form) the very real differences between the North and the East became submerged. Any attempt to point out this difference was decried as treachery. The regime, immersed in hubris believed that the war was as good as won. The Army Commander, who is due to retire this year, declared that he will not leave the task of defeating terrorism to his successor.

It is easy to make extravagant pledges about fast victories and to put up posters in Colombo demanding a non-stop march to Vanni and Killinochchi. But if the Northern war is attempted without the sort of political corollary which can win us the backing of Tamils and the world and can create doubts in the minds of Tiger cadres about the necessity of Eelam, carnages, a la Muhamalai, will result. Oppressed by economic difficulties the Southern public is nearing the end of its tether. Only the (vanishing) prospect of a Northern victory is keeping the South quiescent. More Muhamalais will devastate Southern hopes and break its will. If so, the war will end not in victory but in a ruinous stalemate leading to another appeasement process.

A?a??A? And The Muslim Bogey

In Muhamalai history repeated itself. A similar error (of far greater magnitude) may be in progress in the East. In 1981, elections were held for the newly constituted District Development Councils. The Jayewardene administration was intent on winning this election, including in Jaffna. The TULF defied the militant boycott and contested the election. It was a situation pregnant with possibilities. But positive potential was destroyed, caught between hammer of militantA?a??a??s determination to sabotage the election and the anvil of Mr. JayewardeneA?a??a??s determination to somehow win it. President Jayewardene “despatched Sinhalese policemen from Colombo and two ministers including the rabidly anti-Tamil Cyril Mathew and Gamini Dissanayake, to Jafffna to ensure at least a partial victory for the UNP. (When two policemen were killed by a gunman attacking a TULF rally) policemen in Jaffna went on a rampageA?a??A?(and) security forces set fire to the splendid Jaffna public library” (Tigers of Lanka: From Boys to Guerrillas A?a??a?? M.R. Narayan Swamy). Despite blatant rigging by the UNP the election was won by the TULF. But by then the damage was done A?a??a?? to Tamil-Sinhala relations, to the chances of a peaceful resolution of the ethnic problem, to Sri Lanka.

A similar mistake must not be made vis-A?A?-vis Eastern Muslims. The regime is intent on winning the Eastern election, come what may. In this context the JHU is introducing an overtly ethno-religious tone to the campaign to win over the Sinhala voters. “Mr. Hakeem has let loose an A?a??E?OtuA?a??a?? (Arabic) terrorism in areas such as Pottuvil, Panama, Akkarapattu, Samanthurai, Kinniya, Mutur and Kalmunai, JHU spokesman Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe chargedA?a??A?. The party led by Mr. Hakeem is promoting sentiments against the state and the Sinhalese for a A?a??E?Muslim DeshaiA?a??a?? (Muslim state) in these areasA?a??A?. He compared this to the idea propped up among Tamil youths by the TULF in the 1960-70 period for a separate state for their community. This will end up in another armed struggle, this time by Muslim youths, for a separate stateA?a??A?.. Mr. Hakeem has also spoken about the advantage of a A?a??E?NasaristanA?a??a?? in a merged North-east. The SLMC leader is spreading Muslim extremism by destroying Buddhist places of worship in the East and taking over the land belonging to themA?a??A?. The East will come under the grip of Al Qaida terrorism if this situation continues, he warned” (Lanka Dissent .com).

Forget the factual errors (the TULF did not exist in 1960-70). Forget the illogic (can a Nasasristan be formed in a merged Northeast, with its Tamil majority and armed Tigers?). What is truly worrying is the insidious creation of a Muslim bogey to win Sinhala votes for the government. Just as the TULF and Mr. Amirthalingam were falsely accused of manipulating the LTTE, the SLMC and its weak but democratic leader Rauf Hakeem are being accused of creating Muslim terrorists and promoting a Muslim state, of allying with Al Qaida, and of destroying Buddhist places of worship. There isnA?a??a??t an iota of proof but mobs A?a??a?? especially fundamentalist mobs A?a??a?? are no sticklers for evidence.

This attempt to create a Muslim phobia amongst the Sinhala voter assumes extreme seriousness because the JHU is a part of the governing coalition and is campaigning for it. Is the President aware of these divisive and incendiary utterances and the damage they do to Sinhala-Muslims relations, to Sri Lanka and to the war effort (the East cannot be secured without Muslim support). Or is he, like President Jayewardene, willing to permit any atrocity so long as he can win the election? If so, irrespective of who wins this election, Sri Lanka and all her peoples will be the ultimate losers. Because the JHU, with its rabidly anti-Muslim rhetoric, is sowing the dragon seeds of a violent Sinhala-Muslim divide.

Big Spender-Sponsors on the East Coast

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The Government has launched a massive development drive in the Eastern Province including the recently liberated areas to develop the province on par with other provinces.

Attention has been drawn towards highway development and road development, the health sector and provision of good sanitation facilities to the public, agriculture sector, community development programmes. While developing the infrastructure facilities special attention will be paid to human resource development.

Advisor to the Healthcare and Nutrition Ministry Jeganathan said that the Government has allocated Rs. 450 million to develop the health sector in the province and to provide good sanitation facilities to the public.

The funds will be spent to develop hospitals, dispensaries, staff quarters and ward complexes.

He said MBBS doctors have been employed in the hospitals in the recently cleared areas including Vakarai.

The Government has launched a massive agricultural development drive in the Eastern Province under the Neganahira Navodhaya Programme to assist the farmers and to increase agricultural output. The financial requirement for the upcoming three years are Rs. 153.8 million, 134.3 million and 44.35 million respectively for the year 2008, 2009 and 2010 to carry out agricultural development work in the Eastern Province. Rs. 2.935 million has been allocated so far.

With the funding of the Treasury and other sources, Agrarian Service Centres, fertiliser warehouse and minor tanks are to be renovated.

The Government has distributed 64 two wheel tractors under the “Yen grant for Agriculture equipment. Meanwhile, the Government has reserved 11,000 metric tons of fertiliser to the Eastern Province for the 2007/2008 Maha season. The Government intends to distribute 6,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser for the Yala season this year.

Director of the Road Development and Highways Ministry Dhammika Matharaarachchi said that the Government has focused increased attention towards road development in the Eastern Province. The Government intends to develop the road network in the province to provide better transport facilities.

He said that several issues related to road development have been identified so far. They are insufficient road maintenance, poor linkage within and to other districts due to bad road conditions, delayed road rehabilitation improvement work and poor contribution to the economy due to not having proper infrastructure facilities.

Matharaarachchi said that the Periyakallar Causeway, Kodikallar Causeway, Kalkudah-Valachchanai road (4.42km), Oddamawadi-Vahaneri road (3.0km out of 9.25km), Padiruppu-Vellaveli road (2.0km out of 6.03 km) and Valachchanai Nasivanthivu-Navaladi road (2.12km out of 5.12 km) have been completed so far. The Periyakallar causeway, Kodikallar causeway projects were completed with a Japanese grant.

Construction work on the Ambilanthurai-Weeramunai road costing Rs. 641 million funded by the Asian Development Bank is now in progress.

Construction work on the Maha Oya-Chenkaladi road with a Rs. 1,100 million funding of the Asian Development Bank will commence shortly.

The Oddamavadi bridge will be constructed costing Rs. 380 million with funding from the Spanish Government.

Rural roads were improved through the Highways and Road Development Ministry, District and Divisional Secretaries with the assistance of Local Government Authorities and Provincial councils. The Highways and Road Development Ministry has implemented a rural road development project under the Maga Neguma project.

Meanwhile, Vocational Training Authority Director W.A. Ranaweera said the Vocational Training Authority has initiated vocational training programmes in the province with a view to create skilled employees for the development of the country.

In addition to the existing Vocational Training Centres, three training centres have been built, at Ninthavur costing Rs. 98 million, Sammanthurai costing of Rs. 230 million and the Cental Camp costing Rs. 122 million will be established.

Rs. 20 million has been allocated for the development of Akkaraipatthu training centre and Rs. 30 million for the development of Karathivu training centre respectively. These funds will be utilised to construct buildings and to develop other infrastructure facilities related to technical education and training students.

Rs. 27 million will be spent to construct the Pottuvil training centre and the GTZ will spend Rs. 3 million for other basic infrastructure development.

Rs. 591 million will be spent in total for human resource development in the area.

source: Sominex for sale

Bloody Red Tape

April 29, 2008 by jodevivre

Before I start this entry, I just want to say thanks to everyone for the comments and emails on my A?a??A?MysteriesA?a??A? post. Who knew so many of my friends would be so knowledgeable about toilets? I donA?a??a??t know what that says about youA?a??A? or meA?a??A?but I find it amusing nonetheless. Okay, on with the postA?a??A?

If there is one sure-fire thing IA?a??a??m going to gain from this Sri Lanka experience, it is patience. Unfortunately, IA?a??a??m not sure that patience was one of the big things that I was in need of before I came. Sure, I have no patience for idiots but, really, should anyone? Anyway, over the past 24 hours, I have encountered so many stumbling blocks and got myself tangled in so much red tape that I could probably fashion a sturdy noose out of it and hang myself. But I wonA?a??a??tA?a??A? patience, you see.

You may recall (did I tell you?) that after two weeks, I finally got a phone at home. IA?a??a??ve been waiting for said phone because it is the gateway to getting internet at home. Except apparently I donA?a??a??t have the right kind of phone. Mine is wireless and, according to the very unhelpful Sri Lanka Telecom representatives, I need a A?a??A?wire phone.A?a??A? So I logically asked them for a wire phone. But I canA?a??a??t do that because my landlordA?a??a??s name is on the account so he has to do the asking. The man is 100 years old and has a bum knee. Going to get my first phone was ordeal enough for him. Given that I made significant imaginary life changes the last time I tried to talk to him about the phone, IA?a??a??m really not looking forward to our next stressful conversation. I may end up pregnant.

Meanwhile, Sri Lankan Customs is still holding my package hostage. I have to write three letters requesting its release, go into town tomorrow during work hours to get a temporary VAT number and I probably have to drop a bag full of unmarked 1000 rupee bills in a garbage receptacle of their choosing before I get my bloody hairdryer. My computer, which our IT guy formatted for me to access wi-fi at the office now no longer able to access wi-fi anywhere else on the planet and I canA?a??a??t get the microphone in my headset or my webcam to work for more than one minute (just long enough to tease me that itA?a??a??s CAPABLE of working but chooses, infuriatingly, not to).

You just gotta laugh at it all. Oh woe is me A?a??a?? the challenges of my privileged life.

So I forgot to mention in my last entry something that made me laugh over the weekend. The fancy cafe the American girls and I went to is having a special food event. Apparently this is Hot Dog Week. Now this is a place that sells crepes and gourmet sandwiches and baked goods to die for but the big full-colour banner out front is trumpeting the awesome culinary masterpiece that is street meat. Yes, hot dogs with all sorts of different toppings (bun included!) are available, but only from April 25 to May 3. Get yours now.

Actually, I would totally welcome one of Oscar MayerA?a??a??s finest at lunchtime. During the day, there is absolutely no variety in what you can order from a Sri Lankan restaurant and, unfortunately, there are no fast food chains near my work. So every restaurant offers vegetable, chicken or fish curry. Or vegetable, chicken or fish buns. Now there are some very tasty dishes that IA?a??a??ve had since I arrived in Sri Lanka, but I canA?a??a??t find them anywhere during the day. But one evening as I was coming home after dark, I noticed that the street totally comes alive at dusk. From about 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. all of these food stalls emerge at the side of the road selling a variety of tasty things that are nowhere to be found during the day. They are like the vampires of food, except I am the one who wants to do the biting. The problem though is my office closes an hour before the vamps come out. And if I go home and then back to buy from these stalls, I have to take the food home again. That means I will need to go into my kitchen A?a??a?? after dark A?a??a?? to throw out the remnants. Oh dear. Oh, alright, ALRIGHT!! Maybe IA?a??a??ll break the no-kitchen-after-dark rule, but youA?a??a??re going to hear about it when I discover the rat party that goes on in there at night.

One of the things that I still havenA?a??a??t gotten used to is that in general, IA?a??a??m a total freak show here. It is partly amusing but most of the time itA?a??a??s just frustrating. EVERYONE looks at me. And most of these looks are not in a good way. They are prolonged stares that we would never give another human being out of politeness in Canada. IA?a??a??m talking discovering a new species stares. Stop walking kind of stares. Point and tug at your momA?a??a??s skirt stares. Actually turn around while youA?a??a??re driving a vehicle that could easily kill people kind of stares. Putting my shoulders under cover hasnA?a??a??t helped. And then Sunday morning, in search of breakfast food, I decided to go for a run. A very, very, VERY short run to the grocery store and back. And the running just made the staring worse. No one runs here. I knew this when I donned my sneakers, but sometimes you just gotta say A?a??A?screw itA?a??A? and embrace the freak in you.

Sunday was also BarbaraA?a??a??s birthday (one of the American girls), so that night, we went back to the fancy house where I had attended my first Sri Lankan birthday party to attend BarbaraA?a??a??s. It was a low-key affair with conversation, drinks, food and some easy listening radio (every English station in Sri Lanka seems to be easy listening). There was some yummy fresh guacamole. Guacamole! I hadnA?a??a??t even thought of that! All the ingredients are available at the local markets and itA?a??a??s healthy! This is another great reason to get to know people A?a??a?? to get meal ideas for when I start to eat again. J Tenormin nombre generico

I should also say an apology to Jesse. Turns out a Sri Lankan dog that was exported to England was infected with Rabies and has subsequently killed three Brits. All jokes about his neighbourA?a??a??s attack dog are retracted.

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Two more things A?a??a?? these fit in with nothing but they are things IA?a??a??ve observed and want to share. IA?a??a??ve noticed that both the Brits and the Sri Lankans have a habit, when rhyming off phone numbers or any number sequence, of saying A?a??A?doubleA?a??A? or A?a??A?tripleA?a??A?. When the first unhelpful telephone customer service rep referred me to the second one today, she said A?a??A?dial 2 triple five triple five.A?a??A? And it took me a couple of seconds to realize what she was saying. This wasnA?a??a??t the first time this has happened and the Americans stumble on it too. You wouldnA?a??a??t think that it is that confusing but it really is. A?a??A?The number is 0 triple 7 double 2 -1 – double 8 – 9A?a??A?. Uh, wha-?

Also, at both VSO and at Sewalanka (so I presume this is a pretty common office thing) staff canA?a??a??t make or receive phone calls directly. If I want to call out, I have to call the receptionist and tell her the number I want to call. She then hangs up, calls the person and then calls me back and connects us. To me, itA?a??a??s a highly inefficient system but I presume there is some logic to it. When I find out, IA?a??a??ll let you know.


High prices and food shortages taking toll

SRI LANKA: High prices and food shortages taking toll

COLOMBO, 30 April 2008 (IRIN) – Humanitarian agencies in Sri Lanka are preparing for the fallout as increasing food prices and shortages put vulnerable populations at risk of malnutrition and leave many families no longer able to afford essentials such as medical care and school tuition.

The global food crisis, referred to by World Food Programme (WFP) officials as “the silent tsunami” during a summit in London on 22 April, is hitting home.

Munniandy Muttur, a janitor in the capital Colombo, told IRIN: “I earn only Rs350 [US$3.20] per day, and that amount is not enough if we try to eat well. If I or my wife fall sick, we can’t even think of private hospital. God willing, we will either not fall sick, or just fall dead, that is better.”

The 66-year-old man said he and his wife had cut down on meat and survived as best they could. “Everything is getting expensive, but we are not getting paid more.”

Relief agencies warn that vulnerable communities will increasingly cut back on essentials just to get by.

“Poor communities are surviving from one day to another – the rise in food prices means the poor families are living in a ‘survival mode’, planning for their next meal, rather than making and acting on long-term plans for them and their children,” Nayomi Kannangara, Child Protection Program Manager with Christian Children’s Fund in Sri Lanka, told IRIN.

Kannangara warned that children’s education and healthcare may be neglected first.

“Some families may not be able to afford the bus fare to the hospital where the medical care is free and may not be able to purchase the drugs that are not available through the free clinics,” she said. “Symptoms are neglected and less attention is paid to non-critical medical needs.”

Rice stocks have dwindled since the government imposed price controls on 17 April. In addition, the World Food Programme (WFP) has temporarily suspended its work for food project in the war-torn northeast due to a lack of resources. WFP country director Mohamed Salaheen told IRIN the programme had been benefiting 175,000 people.

“We held discussions with the government and agreed on what our priorities are,” he said. “Given the resources we have, we cannot take care of everything.” The suspension will remain in force until new donor commitments allow the WFP to recommence it.

The WFP in Sri Lanka is facing increasing budgetary restrictions given that food prices have shot up by more than 50 percent in the past year and the agency is facing a 40 percent funding shortfall.

“We need an additional US$35 million to meet the funding requirements that were set on older prices, but now they have sky-rocketed,” the WFP country director said.

The food price increases have been exacerbated by a 12.5 percent shortfall in domestic rice supply, the staple food of the islanders, according to government statistics.

Inflation jump

The government Census and Statistics Department recorded that average annual inflation rose by 16.8 percent in March 2008. A monthly 1.5 percent rise in the Colombo consumer price index (CCPI) was due to escalating food prices.

“The increase in the CCPI for March 2008 is mainly due to an increase in prices of rice, fresh milk, condensed milk, Lactogen [baby food], tea, red onions, coconut oil, butter, jam, some varieties of fresh fish, dried fish, coconuts, potatoes and some varieties of vegetables,” it said in its latest CCPI report.

Agencies working with vulnerable populations have already begun to factor in the rising prices into their estimates.

“We are in discussions with WFP on whether to increase the monthly amount provided to poor families,” Meneka Calyanaratne, chief of communications for Save the Children UK in Sri Lanka, told IRIN. Such assistance, while important, is marginal in terms of numbers, compared with the WFP programme that has been feeding more than a million people. “It will all depend on what the assessments of WFP and other UN agencies are, but there is a very real likelihood that the individual grants will go up.”

Save the Children provides Rs1,600 (approx $16) per month for 2,672 poor families countrywide.

Calyanaratne also said rising food prices may force older children in poorer families to leave school for lack of funds. “When families find it hard to make ends meet,” she said, “they tend to look for easy avenues for more income; sending children to work is one of the easiest.”

Sri Lankans on average spend 37.6 percent of their monthly expenditure on food, according to the latest Census and Statistics Department data, with vulnerable families spending as much as 70 percent.

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And then the Monsoon Broke

So I’m back to my routine at Sewalanka. O.k. I’m not really back to my routine, since I don’t have one, but I am quite busy (I guess busyness is a sign that I’m not back to my routine).

I’m learning quite a bit about the recycling industry here in Sri Lanka. We are gathering information for a proposal and I’ve met with the users (soda company), the recyclers, and soon the collectors. All fascinating stuff. Too bad I won’t be here to implement this project if we get it funded.

Cheap toradol for migraines In the meantime, I’m also preparing for a two-week jaunt around the island. My dear friend Rachel is stopping by on her way home from Egypt (technically Sri Lanka is on your way home from any destination, depending on which way you choose to fly) and we will spend 10 days seeing the sights. I haven’t actually been anywhere, so this is great for me. It has been difficult to decide where to go since I haven’t seen anything, so I can’t provide the insider information one would hope for when one visits a friend living in a country. Oh well.

The monsoon broke on Sunday (that is early), so at least it won’t be so hot while Rachel is here, but it will be wet.

Tonight I leave for Galle to do another photography workshop. I thought this would be my last one, but I’ve been asked to present at a psychosocial training also. Thursday is a holiday and Friday I’m presenting at the psychosocial training. Not a lot of time in there to do my regular job and work on the Global Fund AIDs stuff (that project is why I went to Indonesia in March).

After I put Rachel on her plane to return to Portland I will immediately jump in a vehicle to go to Arugam Bay for Wesak (for those outside of Sri Lanka that is this month’s Poya name, which is May 20) . I’ll have just been there with Rachel, but I like A’bay so much this doesn’t bother me in the least.

The point of telling you my travel schedule is so you don’t worry when you don’t hear from me for a few weeks.

My Photo

Jessica Leas
Boralesgamuwa, Sri Lanka
A dire need to work more directly with environmental issues has brought me to Sri Lanka where I advise a local nonprofit on ways to make their community development work more sustainable. Outside of work I like to take photographs (I’m obsessed with Flickr), travel, bicycle, hike and all the things associated with those activities. Oh, and I’m fascinated by all wildlife, particularly non-human primates. Great apes in particular — don’t call them monkeys!

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In the Eye of the Tiger. Part X

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Another Holiday

The yearly “Contract Break” rolled around again, it doesn’t seem that long ago that I was doing it last year. This year was a bit of a repeat of last year, it is such a long way to go to NZ that it is hardly worth doing on the shorter breaks so when the month long break comes, it seems to be the best option.

The A380 at Changi Airport

I went through Phuket again, Steve was having his 40th birthday so I thought I’d drop in for a couple of ales to help him celebrate. As per usual, it was a pretty crazy week. Highlight would have to be trying to rock n roll dance with a bemused and probably slightly scared Thai girl while Max, an English guy that lives there, belted out Elvis over the stereo of some bar. Should really stay off that Samsong I guess, does funny things to you…

Steve ringing the bell to bring in his birthday
Eddie helping Steve with his birthday bikini and water wings
The girls behind the bar in Sirocco – Goong, Fa and Aon

After that flew to Perth and down to Bunbury for a few days. I stayed with John and Ange, Ange was pretty pregnant by that stage (she’s due around Christmas or New Year). Did a bit of visiting around, saw some of the old flatties etc which was all nice. Went to Perth to catch up with Aza but he got the wrong month – he thought I was talking about December when I was actually talking about November. He’s still Spaza.

Langley Park in Perth

From Perth I trooped on to New Plymouth where I did some hardcore sleeping for a couple of days – achieved about 13 or 14 hours on the first couple of nights. Mum cooked me a lamb roast which was grand and I did a fair bit of lazing about and hanging out with my niece. After that I flew down to Christchurch, my first trip back there in a long time, maybe 6 years. Hasn’t changed too much. Caught up with Greg, Rik and Kate, Setter and Cheryl and Poo as well as doing a bit of shopping.

Mountains north of Christchurch
Greg’s dog Kupa

Next was Blenheim, I hired a relocation rental (which didn’t turn out Fincar price in india to be as cheap as I thought after petrol was $1.70 per litre) and drove up to Picton which was a nice drive. I stayed with Lorree (she was house sitting). On Saturday, along with Andrea, we went and played mini-golf on the Picton foreshore, where I got a resounding hiding from both the girls as they have both been playing a lot of golf lately and had home-course advantage (OK, I was just really crap). After that we had lunch and a few beers. The next day Lorree and I went across to Nelson to see Marco and Anna in Mapua where we had a nice BBQ lunch and a chat and then an icecream at the inlet.

The Kaikoura coast
Marco and Isabella

The new week had me in a plane to Wellington, where I stayed with Luke and Anna. I hadn’t seen them in a long time, and they had moved back from Melbourne earlier in the year so it was good to catch up. We did a short pub crawl then went to a Japanese restaurant, then another short pub crawl before having to go home as everything shuts quite early (or doesn’t open) on a Monday night in Wellington. Except for Luke and Anna’s house, where the bar was open until about 4am… Whilst in Wellington I also had lunch with Sean Gledhill and caught up with my cousins in Lower Hutt and my Aunt in Paraparaumu.

Paekakariki and Paraparaumu from Paekakariki Hill
Kapiti Island

Then it was on up to Hawkes Bay for a night with Jock and Kylie before back to Taranaki for Georgia’s 6th birthday party (kids can be so tiring, and I was only there for 1 1/2 hours with all of them!). Next day was on up to Auckland, where I had lunch with Theuns (who I used to work with in Napier) and also saw my Aunty Pat and Uncle Denis and cousins Brian and Craig. Craig had just arrived from Sweden and it’s been a few years since I saw them so we had a cuppa and a chinwag.

Georgia’s “rock star” birthday party – shes in the blue T-shirt and headband

I flew back through Singapore (11 hours, ouch) for an overnight. I got upgraded to a suite at the hotel but couldn’t really enjoy it fully as I was absolutely knackered and only there for about 8 hours, most of which was sleeping. Then back to Colombo where I got stuck until the day before Christmas Eve. Now I’m back out east for Christmas and New Year, Christmas will be in Arugam Bay and New Year I’m not sure about yet.

Sunday, 21 October 2007

Work and Play

Just so it doesn’t look like it’s all fun and no work here, I’ve added a couple of pics of some of the roads I am doing at the moment. I’m just about finished the bottom layer of a couple of kilometers, with the macadam (stone) and surfacing to seal it all off will be started soon. We’re going balls to the wall to try and get as much finished off before the rain, but I fear we may be fighting a losing battle.

First (or sub-base for you engineers) layer in Lahugala
Setting out in Panama

Also, here are a couple of photos of beaches that we are lucky enough to be able to enjoy. Both are pretty deserted (Pottuvil Point has a reasonable break so it does get a lot of surfers when it is on) at present which makes them nice. Peanut Farm has a lovely gentle slope and is very calm at the moment, I had a very peaceful swim around there last weekend.

Peanut Farm
Pottuvil Point. How’s the serenity?

This weekend Fergus and I went down and spent Saturday afternoon at Pottuvil Point, where we went for a wee paddle around the lagoon on a contraption consisting of a pallet nailed to a couple of the local fishing “canoes”. During the wet season we’ll get a couple of big torches and go out at night and try and spot crocodiles (there are some “beauties” in there”). Merete (the owner of Stardust where I was staying at the beginning of the year) had the opening party for her restaurant on Saturday night, which she has finished rebuilding after the tsunami. It’s been a bit of a labour of love for her, slowly slowly at times, but she is pretty happy she has finished and it is a beautiful building with great views of the sea and a nice breeze to keep it all cool.

Last week the LTTE attacked a small Army camp south of Panama, inside the Yala National Park. The usual knee-jerk reaction happened, with the military sending in a whole bunch of troops to look for them but by the time they arrived they were long gone. However they have decided to piss everyone off and cut off the mobile networks again in Thirukkovil and Akkaraipattu, and also this time in Pottuvil which they didn’t do last time, so I am kind of cut off with telecoms at the moment, probably for another week or so. It ain’t so bad though.

South Africa won the world cup, at least it wasn’t the Poms. But I’m over rugby…

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Gooooooooooood Morning Viet Nam

So off I toodled to Veit Nam (Ha Noi to be precise) for a couple of days for a conference, my nice mid-stint break. I was a little bit excited, a new country and all, and also a chance to get a bit more of an understanding of what the hell we are up to here.
Part of Ha Noi from the hotel
The Red River. It’s not so red, and not as famous as the Mekong

Fergus and I went for the SEACAP (South East Asian Community Access Project) conference. SEACAP is being implemented in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam at present but UNOPS has also secured a contract to implement a similar programme in Sri Lanka in the near future. Basically it’s about assisting with developing national standards for rural roads and providing reliable road access to vulnerable rural communities, kind of the same How much remeron does it take to overdose that we are doing under our EU funded project. We get to build 200 different trial sections and do lots of nerdy engineering stuff with them.

The conference was on 2 days but we arrived a little early so had a free day to have a bit of a wander around the city. Didn’t get too far as it rained a bit (wet season so hardly surprising) so we went and hid in a coffee shop for a couple of hours. After that we wandered through the city, got accosted by a lady trying to sell us t-shirts, who actually followed us down the road on a motorbike twice to show us different stock. Full marks for persistance…We ended up at a small bar/restaurant thing next to the lake which was pleasant (and cheap) for a couple of beers and watch the madness that was going on as the lads from three adjacent restaurants tried to get customers. The later it got into the evening, the more chaos there was as they tried to stop motorbikes and cars, and with “valet” motorbike parking, people would just get off their bikes and leave them in the middle of the road until the lads moved them.

Fergus and a statue

Crazy wiring

Me and a big glass o’ beer. Very heavy, had to lighten it a little…

Drummers at the conference dinner

Anyway I quite liked Ha Noi and Viet Nam (what I saw of it at least) and I think it will go on the “visit when I decide to give myself a nice, long holiday” list. One thing that did intrigue me was how they used a version of the Roman alphabet and not script like the Thai or Khmer language or characters like the Chinese. I guess it is a result of the French colonisation.

After Ha Noi, Fergus and I flew to Bangkok for the weekend, after Fergus decided that as it was his birthday on Saturday we shouldn’t spend it in stinky old Colombo. We got in late Thursday night and retired after some pizza and beer just down the road from the hotel.

Bangkok is pretty damned big

On Friday we slept late and eventually I got in touch with Bernardo, the son of Manoel (who we work with). He was in Bangkok on a visa run for a couple of days, so he came over to meet us. We ducked across Sukhumvit Road (a very quick duck, because it is a bloody busy road) and went to the Lebanese quarter for some kebabs and stuff, then jumped on the Skytrain to go to Siam Square and do a bit of shopping. On the top floor of the shopping centre they have car shops – Ferrari, Maserati, Porsche, Lamborghini etc – so we did a bit of tyre kicking and wondered how the bloody hell they got them up the escalators, and how the bloody hell we could scam them into thinking we could afford to buy one so we could go for a test drive.
Bernardo and Fergus outside Siam Paragon shopping centre
I’m not a big shopper so little things amuse me when shopping, like in the Levi’s shop when the shop girl told Bernardo he was fat and laughed at him, as the size he asked for (that he usually buys, according to him) didn’t fit. He spent the next 30 minutes muttering to himself about it as we walked around the shop.After whiling away a few hours there, we hightailed it back to the hotel to change as we had tickets for the Muay Thai at Lumpini Stadium that evening. We picked the wrong time to travel across town (Bernardo was staying on the other side to us), then travel back to the stadium as it took forever but was kind of cool to see Bangkok’s night action beginning, with all the food stalls and markets springing up everywhere.

We had almost ringside seats at the kickboxing, and they bring beer and food to you so you don’t have to miss any of the action. Early in the night they have the younger, lighter fighters and the more experienced guys later. Unfortunately we had to leave after about an hour or so as we were late for meeting up with Fergus’ friends in a pub somewhere. Bernardo and I could have stayed longer but as we had no idea where the hell we were going, we had to leave with Fergus. We just really wanted to see some teeth go flying…

Kickboxing action

Kickboxing Video. The guys in the corners (at the end) were hilarious. Waaaay!

Then we moved on to some pub somewhere and met up with some of Fergus’ friends from when he went to AIT. They were a good bunch and the pub had a good live band playing. However they also sold Whisky and Tequila by the bottle, so I’m sure you can figure out what happened then…I woke up some time the next afternoon, feeling quite strange but I put that down to the Sam Song (Thai rum). Fergus went out that night to have dinner at his friends house which was just down the road from the hotel, but I couldn’t face it and stayed in and went to bed early. We later discovered that no-one could remember who actually paid at the pub, until we got back to Sri Lanka and Bernardo filled us in. Fun times.I like Bangkok, crazy city with heaps and heaps happening all the time. Very noisy and quite polluted though, could get to you after a while.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

My thoughts on Rugby

Rugby is a stupid game. That is all.PS Ha Ha Australia

Sunday, 30 September 2007

My Shitty Week

Just thought I’d share my shitty week. It was pretty shitty.

Shit Monday: My driver got fired after 1 1/2 years. To be honest he probably deserved it. Bright Spot: Got given 1 kilo of wild pork in Panama (the town, not the country)
Shit Tuesday: Tractor driver working for us in Pottuvil got arrested for “illegally” transporting sand between 2 sites, I spend 1 hour trying to get him released then another 2 at the court.
Shit Wednesday: Meeting with Police in Pottuvil to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Bright Spot: The Pottuvil Divisional Secretary (Government Rep) ragging on the Chairman of the Pottuvil Pradeshiya Sabha (Local Council) for 10 minutes about how hard he finds it to work in Pottuvil, and how he has never had so many problems in any other division he has worked in over the past 20 years. We agree.
Shit Thursday: Not much on the shittiness front this day.
Shit Friday: Boundary wall collapses on a site and kills one labourer and injures another. ’nuff said. Visit wailing family, accident site, got offered to see the body but turned it down. Police arrest Technical Officer and Supervisor but release later. Bright Spot: Get another 4 kilos of Panama pork
Shit Saturday: Visit other man in hospital. Bright Spot: Seems like he will be OK with no lasting damage. Fiji beats Wales (sorry, South Pacific solidarity and our Security guy is a big Fijian).
Shit Sunday: Get some sort of weird allergic reaction to something and lips around left corner of my mouth swell up for a few hours. Bright Spot: BBQing some of Friday’s pork tonight. Have lunch in Arugam Bay with Dawn as she is leaving for a few months. Get word that Annette will be back soon. Don’t have to deal with anything to do with work. Guys are here installing generator so I might be able to sleep in AC at nights now (it’s really hot at the moment).

Conclusion: This week SUCKED.

Had to share that. Hope to have some pics from Ha Noi and Bangkok up soon.


Pottuvil – Akkaraipattu highway in deplorable state

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The highway described as “A-4” Road between Pottuvil and Akkaraipattu is in a deplorable condition, making it unfit for motorists who suffer accidents.

The Road Development Authority seems to have abdicated their duty when the said Pottuvil – Akkaraipattu highway remains in a dilapidated condition for a considerable length of time, about which the Sunday Observer too spotlighted last year.

The said roadway that connects several highly populated towns including Thambiluvil, Tirukovil, Vinayagapuram and Komari is in large ponds and pot-holes, deep and dangerous holes on the road surface is seen as a danger to the lives of those who ride bicycles and motorcycles.

The bridge over the Periya Muhathuwaram Causeway damaged several years ago and dangerously damaged by tsunami yet remains to be repaired. The poor state of the road way has crippled the operation of transport.


USA Arugam Bay Blogs

Forum Topic: Arugam Bay

From forum: Sri Lanka by Saby_Baby (October 07, 2007)
Hiya, Has anyone been to Arugam Bay? Or … … Sarah Hi We stayed in Arugam Bay last … … hotel, facilities etc. … … the hotels and bars in Arugam Bay. We …
Forum Topic: Arugam Aldactone acne cost Bay – Security Situation

From forum: Sri Lanka by KenR-UK (March 25, 2006)
… the security risks of visiting Arugam Bay. (For info we don’t intend to go any further North than Arugam Bay) We … … too, and continued their work: Arugam Bay and surroundings. Two …
Forum Topic: Travel to Arugam Bay from Colombo

From forum: Sri Lanka by thewoodshed (March 13, 2007)
… would like to go to Arugam Bay, for … … Eliya (Nanu Oya) and Eliya-Arugam. For the … … nice time, & [Sandya] Hi, Arugam bay is … … about the perceived problems in Arugam Bay with …
Forum Topic: Taking Young family to East coast Arugam and up – Plausible?

From forum: Sri Lanka by Baldedash (January 07, 2006)
… then plan on heading to Arugam as we are looking to give some money to an area which needs help with a school Project and it appears Arugam was pretty badly hit …
Forum Topic: Info on Arugam Bay, and weather in August on west coast

From forum: Sri Lanka by indiebear (March 18, 2005)
… of rebuilding and tourism in Arugam Bay at the moment. I’m hoping to visit Sri Lanka in August and would like to go to the east coast but am finding it …
Forum Topic: Stardust Hotel Pottuvil etc

From forum: Sri Lanka by planetvenus (July 01, 2007)
… 1) Haven’t been to Arugam but read … … influence it then. 3) Colombo-Arugam: 8 hours Arugam-Kandy: 6 … … s post. We stayed at Arugam Bay last year and met a family …
Forum Topic: where do we go?

From forum: Negombo by HansFreekit (August 02, 2007)
… Colombo.. Do we go east (Arugam?) for the … … kandy…Any suggestions? Hi there, Arugam is best visited from the south coast, can’t find a driver willing to bring you there from …
Forum Topic: diease

From forum: Waikkal by surf85 (January 21, 2006)
… im hopeing to go to arugam bay for 3months in jun to the end of august ive heard diease is really bad there at the mo is that true. and ive heard …
Forum Topic: Is it safe to travel to Aragum Bay

From forum: Sri Lanka by midnbanj (June 12, 2006)
… what to advise. For sure, Arugam is the … … security risks. Maybe call an Arugam Bay hotel … … ourselves. We plan to visit Arugam Bay at … … information. They still say that Arugam Bay is …
Copegus purchase Forum Topic: west or south coast hideaway

From forum: Sri Lanka by MisterMark (December 15, 2007)
… inland and New Year in Arugam Bay but I want to move west when my friends have gone back to work to chill out before I come home. Can anyone recommend a


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The Eastern Province elections scheduled for May 10th is one of the crucial and decisive elections in the post independence Sri Lanka. Eastern Province was the granary of the ancient Sri Lanka which provided sustenance for the illustrious forces of King Dutu Gemunu in the war of liberation and unification of the country. The illusory Eelamists dreamt to make it their food bowl, foundation of natural resources, main revenue source, the commercial capital and the main sea-port (Trincomalee). A large chunk of the land coming under the province was under occupation by the terrorist forces for over two decades. Our valiant security forces relentlessly marching forward from Mawil Aru, sacrificing their life and limb, relinquishing their worldly pleasures, forsaking their posterity, braving death, fearlessly and daringly countering enemy assaults, and shattering the propagated myth of invincibility of the terrorist enemy liberated the total Eastern Province and established the nationA?a??a??s sovereignty over the territory although some political opportunists pooh-poohed the great victory as clinging on to a waste jungle land.

The election being held after almost 20 years has been enthusiastically hailed by the people of the 3 districts as it would enable them to elect their own representatives and develop their areas and find viable solutions for many issues, including the severe unemployment problem. PeopleA?a??a??s enthusiasm in the election is reflected in the unprecedented number of candidates totalling 1342 vying for the 37 seats. 982,721 voters are eligible to cast their ballots in this election.

Several Parliamentary seats in the province are presently hed by Tamil National Alliance MPs who got nominated through electoral hijacking methods severely condemned by the European Union Election Observers and who does not visit their electorates or who have no link with the people they claim to represent.

The Province has all the features and ingredients needed to make it a roll model for building the foundation of true Sri Lankan identity through strengthening amity and harmony among the three main communities.

As per the 2007 enumeration conducted by the Census and Statistics Department and data published in the Preliminary Report of 2007 the distribution within the province is: Muslims 40%, Tamils 38% and the Sinhalese 22%. The District-wise population distribution as per the Report is: Trincomalee District: 45.4% Muslim, 28.6% Sri Lankan Tamils, 25.4% Sinhalese; Batticaloa District: 25% Muslim, 74% Sri Lankan Tamil, 0.5% Sinhalese; and Ampara District: 44% Muslim, 18.3% Sri Lankan Tamil, 37.5% Sinhalese.

on looming over on all sides. The Province was also left completely neglected by the previous Sri Lankan Governments. Kantalai Sugar Factory, Valachchenai Paper Factory and the export of mineral sands through the Mineral Sands Corporation could be named as the few and only steps taken by the Sri Lankan governments to develop the province.

The Eastern province covers 20% of Sri LankaA?a??a??s sea coast amounting to 420 kms, and possesses the best and beautiful beeches of Arugam Bay, Passekuda and Nilaweli with huge potential for tourist development.

There are 32 rivers flowing to the sea through the province and if the main irrigation systems that exist in the province are properly developed it can once again within a short span of time become the granary of Sri Lanka as it was built by King Saddhatissa. The Trincomalee Harbour, the fishing resources, huge mineral deposits laying untapped in the vast sea bed, wildlife sanctuaries, Kumana bird sanctuary are other economic potentials available in the province.

The terrorist outfit which was chased out by our gallant security forces will never remain at ease with the Sri Lankan government having total control of the Province and establishing the nationA?a??a??s sovereignty and territorial integrity in the province. It would undoubtedly make every attempt to disrupt the election and carry out contract killings and sow dissensions among the masses and even among the candidates, especially in the government group.

Furthermore, since the disruptive activities, horse-trading and even mass killings will not halt the elections and destiny of the Eastern Province remaining a part of Sri LankaA?a??a??s sovereign territory the terrorists outfit will chuck all its strength and financial resources to defeat the government candidates and prevent the Eastern Provincial Council becoming an Administration loyal to the government and associating with the development project underway to change the face of the hitherto backward Eastern Province, and the country reaping fruits from the Eastern Province resources.

While there are several groups in the fray contesting for the 37 Provincial Council seats in the election, the main battle is pitched between the government candidates and a Group of Mishmash that include UNP, SLMC and TNA loyalists contesting as UNP candidates under the Elephant symbol.

The whole election strategy of the UNP, contravening the stance adopted by them in the recent Batticaloa District Local Government Election, was unveiled only after the recent clandestine meeting Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe reportedly had with TNA MPs M.K. Sivajilingam, Selvam Adaikalanathan, N. Srikantha and Suresh Premachandran in Tamil Nadu. The drama of fraudulent resignation of Parliamentary seats by the SLMC red-herrings is also claimed to be part of the strategy adopted at this Tamil Nadu meeting. (The Parliamentary Seats still remain vacant and will be reoccupied by these con-men at the next Pariamentary sittings which will be held after the EP elections).

The terrorists have placed all their resources on this gambling based on the strong voter base UNP possessed in the Eastern Province since 1960s and the popularity it enjoyed among the Tamils with several Tamil MPs getting continuously elected as UNP MPs from the Eastern Province. The SLMC which insisted on contesting only under its Tree symbol shamelessly dropped the demand at the behest of the terrorist outfit for whom the SLMC leader always had strong allegiance over and above the Muslim community.

Under this atmosphere, the Eastern Province Provincial Council Election has become a crucial and a decisive turning point in Sri LankaA?a??a??s very existence as a sovereign nation, in the preservation of the glorious achievement made by the security forces, for upholding the aspirations of the liberated masses to live as equal citizens of the country, to facilitate those who have forsaken terrorism to enter the political mainstream and enjoy the fruits of democracy, and for continuation of the mammoth development work being implemented by the government.

A defeat for the government and election of the UNP Mishmash in this election would cause a colossal disaster to the country and the people of the Eastern Province. It is learnt that one of the major decision taken at the Tamil Nadu meeting was to adopt a resolution by the Provincial Council, if the UNP Mishmash was elected, to annual the demerger, and declare North and East as one single province. Having tasted the damage caused to Sri Lanka and its integrity, the enormous strength the terrorists gained, and the set backs suffered by our security forces, under terrorist appeasement government under Mr. Ranil Wickremasnghe, a Provincial Council under the UNP Mishmash gained power solely under the command of the terrorist outfit, would be a colossal disaster to the Eastern Province and for Sri Lanka as a whole.

It is a national duty and responsibility of each and every Sri Lankan to rise against this alarming danger and urge, canvass and campaign the voters of the Eastern Province to prevent a group of political opportunists getting elected and betray the great victory of liberating the Eastern Province and throw the Eastern Province masses to the jaws of the terrorist enemy,

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Mirissa adventure A?a??a?? Foreigners Only

A?a??A?Damn snobs!!A?a??A? was the exactly what I thought of Mirissa on my first visit thereas every single hotel had boards with thick lettering screaming A?a??A?Foreigners onlyA?a??A?. Even the ones without the sign looked at us locals like we were some sort of parasites A?a??A? I was rather pissed at the whole thing & swore never ever to come back to Mirissa & settled on the nearby quiet town of Weligama (my next post will be on the awesome time we had there) which was extremely hospitable.

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Even after coming back I kept stumbling on travel sites on Mirissa & what a nice beach they have (Which I had to agree with as Mirissa does have a trippy beach!!)A?a??A? However I had sworn never to go back to MirissaA?a??A? I kept remembering the first time I went to Hikkaduwa & Una Watuna although as in any tourist spot in SL people were apprehensionsA?a??a?? about locals but nevertheless they took us in with open arms & that is one reason we never stopped going back there..

After a few months however I met some friends who had good reviews about Mirissa despite my arguments with themA?a??A?. Plus these guys had pretty good reasons why the guys over there acted like all Sri Lankan travelers had the plague!! Anyways since we had a long weekend coming up & also because my plans to visit my meca the holy land of Sri lankan beach destinations A?a??A?ArugambayA?a??A? got foiled I was conviced by a couple of friends to try Mirissa once again (& maybe try see some killer whales also).

I came across Buy femara online & I called Sunil the owner of Surf sea breeze who was very gracious & offered us rooms at his joint. I must say Sunil was instrumental in changing my negative view of MirissaA?a??A? But I still wonder A?a??A?Did he give us the rooms because it was off season?? hmmmA?a??A?.

Anyways Mirissa beach was deserted & beautifulA?a??A?Surf see breeze had the best beach spot around right smack in front of the surf point!! amazing surf & plenty of restaurants that were once again kind of iffyA?a??A? but some of them were quite open (In many ways). All in all my Mirissa adventure was fun mainly because of the company I doubt I wouldA?a??a??ve enjoyed this place alone as much as I wouldA?a??a??ve enjoyed any other part of Sri Lanka – where people are friendly regardless of whether I carry dollars & pounds!! In fact I think if it was season & we did go to a rave there we wouldA?a??a??ve bin in for a spot of trouble!!

So I say to Mirissa – A?a??A?Please try change your fucking attitude!!A?a??A? J A?a??A?Thanks Sunil A?a??a?? You made our stay comfortable & I wall always recommend your place to anyone coming to mirissaA?a??A?

You can book surf see breeze by calling Sunil on 0714048084
