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Arugam’s Beautiful Curry Chef!

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Samanthi . . . . Sri Lanka's most beautiful Chef

After all these years of travelling to Sri Lanka, and living for months in Arugam Bay, i have failed to hail the unsung heroa??s and heroina??s of this tropical isle. So, ia??m going to start with the one person that provides me with all the fuel i need to surf! Samanthi is affectionately known as a??Number 1 sistera??. I have known Samanthi and her family for the past 6 years. She and her sister, Erandathi, were the teachers at the Pre-School, near the Buddhist Temple, at the south end of the village. Samanthi and her family have fed and watered me over this time. They have even tolerated me living in their cabanas and at times the castle. I have to surf and go fishing to prevent the weight piling on! The problem is the food! Samanthia??s cooking is the best. It is not only the Rice n Curries that she serves up, but the cakes, pizzas, desserts and short eats. I never come home to Devon lighter than when i went out. Samanthi heads a team of sisters in the kitchen. She is up and starting the kitchen duties at six every morning, and regularly works through until midnight during the tourist season. Way back, when i first arrived, it was Amma doing the cooking, and forever supplying me and the brothers with Tea. Now it is Samanthi, with the assistance of younger sisters Gayani and Ruwanthi, and cousins Geeva and Sudu. There is a constant call for me to come and eat from the kitchen, and if i miss a meal, it is always waiting there for my return. Not only is Samanthi an awesome cook, but she is also beautiful. Be warned though! She has four protective brothers, a father, and a brother in law!


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Arugam Bay Freedom

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Arugam Bay “Freedom Beach” Cabanas

These family run cabanas have recently been refurbished. They are sporting new tiled bathrooms, ceilings, mosquito nets and verandas. The garden now has grass and feels so good underfoot.
Come and enjoy a touch of family life in Arugam Bay. Beautiful home cooked traditional Sri Lankan food as well as western dishes for those desiring a touch of home. Sunday Roast on request. Party BBQa??s and Buffet Dinners for those wishing to celebrate a special occasion. Birthday Cakes made to order.
The family also provide Tuk Tuk Hire, Taxi Bookings, Wildlife Safaria??s, Boat Trips, Surf Lessons and Surfboard Hire. This is truely a family run business by one of the original families from Cheapest xenical in uk Arugam Bay. So remember Freedom Beach Cabanas, Samanthia??s Restaurant and Thaththaa??s Tea Shop for all your holiday needs in Arugam Bay.

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Before & After !

An Arugam Bay Fish B4

An early morning fishing session in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka, saw this beautifully marked Rock Fish come to the Dinner table @ Samanthia??s Restaurant. The fish was caught on a jointed plug that has proven to be successful in the coastal waters in Devon. The

fish had already escaped once, having broken the 4kg breaking strain line following a series of powerful dives into the sharp reef. Unfortunately for the big mouthed greedy fish, it chose to go for a second plug that had been quickly tied to the main line, this time with a short 70lb leader, and cast out into the same spot. It not only looked beautiful but tasted fantastic. Samanthia??s Restaurant can be found next to Freedom Cabanas at the southern corner of Arugam Bay, only a very short walk to the highly prized right hand point break.

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An Arugam Bay Fish. There after



Arugam Bay and beyond

– Land of the Lotus Eaters

Arugam Bay Order danazol for endometriosis is the amalgamation of the Tamil word for six – Aru and the Sinhala word for village – gam. Juliet Coombe discovered the area has a lot more on offer than surf, sand and sea, when travelling with 2nd Partner – a tour company with a difference. What is the price of augmentin antibiotics

Arugam Bay is a long way from everything, and in the early years when there was no bridge to the area, this was part of the attraction to the a??reala?? adventure traveller, who discovered this spot of the island in the 1970s. Known for its love gurus, nude bathing and nirvana lifestyle it fast became the spot to surf the waves by day, and the area by night looking for fun times. However, today, this a??Shangri la,a?? tipped to be the next best thing is a rather sad strip of hotels and restaurants that makes Hikkaduwa in comparison look like the South of France. The food is at best terrible, and the only place worth hanging out in is Siam, according to the first film crew, SBS from Australia who have just been filming My Sri Lanka with world famous chef Peter Kurivitas. They are the first crew to go through the area in 30 years and only Siam was worth eating at, where a dude called DJ Nihal calls the shots and the food is the best on the strip. Not really on the surface worth an eight to 10 hour trip from Colombo depending on the weather and traffic conditions.

However step out of this artificial boomtown and discover amazing places like Kudumbigala Monastery (11 miles from Panama), which is the only cylindrical stupa in Sri Lanka. Surrounded by 200 caves in the area that used to be used by monks, they have paintings older than the ones of the girls painted on the Sigriya rock Fortress palace. Appu Hami, a 64-year-old village elder, held in high esteem and the best jungle guide in the area comes from Panama, which dates back as a settlement to 1818. His face is a gnarled as the trees from the jungle, eyes as sharp as a hawka??s, and has a lifetime of stories to tell.

Appu Hami – a legend
in Arugam Bay Appu Hami advocates that before any trek you should eat well from the local indigenous vegetables which include seven different types of yams and two types of Lotus plants which are pulled by the roots from the lakes, famed for their beautiful water lilies. Lotus eating is good for the heart, blood sugar (diabetes) and other things that he says, brings a sparkle to onea??s eyes. It seems women also mix the lotus seeds together and make facial scrubs and the pulled up flowers are used as offerings at the Buddhist temples.

The lakes have always been fished in and this is how the people of the Bay discovered the benefits of the Lotus. Until the 1960s no money exchanged hands, and the community-bartered goods instead, and everyone was much better off. The average wages were only Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay and beyond’

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Arugambay a?? 5 Reasons To Visit

Are you an avid surfer?

If so, you may instantly recognize the name Arugam Bay. Even if you are not, you may be interested to learn more about this popular tourist attraction.

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The Surf Boards can be rented at many outlets at Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay is a sleepy little hamlet 320 km due east of Colombo, Sri Lanka’s capital city and is ranked among the top ten surf destinations in the world. In this article I am going to tell you 5 good reasons you should make a visit to Arugam Bay.

Arugam Bay is not your typical surf destination with modern facilities. It is more a community based destination, where little guest houses and the odd star rated hotel lie side by side. This does not make it any less attractive to regular visitors who make repeat visits every year. Although this destination was devastated by the 2004 tsunami and the conflict, the enterprising community of Arugam Bay have brought the destination back to its old glory.

Brilliant roads. by Maga, Photo by: Lovely Arugam Bay on Facebook:

Much improved roads, which have reduced travel times by almost an hour and a half and the return of peace has made Arugam Bay a destination you should not miss visiting.+

Here are the top 5 reasons to visit Arugam Bay:

  1. It is the third highest ranked among the world’s top ten surfing destinations. So, if you are a surfing enthusiast or are interested in learning to surf this is just the location for you. You need not even bring your gear along, as you can hire surfing gear from local outfits, who also provide training for newbie surfers. It boasts of over 10 surf points and the waves are great between April and October and it also is the scene for local and international surfing competitions staged during this period.

    10 Surf Spots. Ideal for beginners. And professionals

  2. During November to April the sea is fine for swimming and snorkeling and conditions are just right if you are looking for a quiet get- away. The prices for accommodation can get pretty low and you can find a pretty decent room with basic facilities for around $15 per night.

    Romantic Bungalows. To suit all budgets. Here is one of "Hideaways" best

  3. If you are a wild life enthusiast your excellent wild life sanctuaries are just minutes away from this destination. The Lahugala sanctuary famous for elephants is not more than a 20 minute drive from here. You may even pass some of these majestic beasts if en-route if you take the inland route to arrive here. The Kumana bird sanctuary lies just 10km south of Arugam Bay and birds from as far as Siberia are known to migrate to this location to escape winter.

    Truly Free & Wild Elephants. Right next to the road. No fence!

  4. The sand dunes at Panama allow you to wander around an unspoilt stretch of land, and even go on a jeep safari to the dunes. The Pottuvil dunes are much closer, but it is situated in the midst of a busy little town, but none the less attractive in its own little way.

    A shephard cowboy in the Panama dunes or the Wild East

  5. The area close to Arugam Bay also boasts a host of ancient monuments. The Kudumbigala archeological reserve is host to monastic caves dating from around the 12th Century AD. The ancient Okanda temple dedicated lord Skanda situated on a rocky outcrop south of Arugam Bay is believed to be featured in “Sinbad the Sailor’s tales”. Monuments related to the Southern kingdom of Magama almost a thousand years old are found in Pottuvil town, by the dunes and within the Lahugala sanctuary. They are said to be built to honour the mother of the warrior king Dutugemunu of the Anradhapura kingdom.

    Ancient Temples and shrines. Adore the area all around Arugam Bay

The attractions of Arugam Bay are so, numerous and cater to visitors with different interests. It is just amazing that so many attractions should lie so close together. Coupled with the extremely friendly service by the villagers who run the facilities, I would strongly recommend that you visit here especially if you are on a tight budget.

Friendly local management (Of the SVH and Hideaway shown here)

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With the best and most predictable climate in Asia!
The only dry and sunny place on the island this entire November 2010

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Finding Beach Paradise in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka

Arugam Bay – a true, unspoiled Beach Paradise

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Hello from Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka.

Ia??ve spent the last few days enjoying all that Sri Lanka has to offer; predominantly the beach, exquisite cuisine and personalities of the local people. Sri Lanka is an interesting place, with the 25 year civil war ending justA? ~1 year ago, I am curious what this place will look like in 5-10 years if the peace persists.

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Arugam Bay is located near the a??linea?? where freedom and fighting was. As a result it did not have many NGOa??s help after the devastating tsunami of 2004 for safety concerns. High season has not started yet and you really get a good idea of what life is like here, if one were to live in this laid-back country of ~21 million people.

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There are few restaurants, hotels and of course, the ever present tuk tuk drivers.A? To get here one must take a tuk tuk from the bus station in Pottuvil. In the last few days, could count the other tourists seen on one hand. The beach is basically ours, shared with Continue reading ‘Finding Beach Paradise in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka’


Arugam Bay: Riding High on waves to Recovery

It may be a sleepy village but Arugam Bay in Sri Lanka is a great place to get some winter sun and hit the surf. How much estrogen is in alesse 28

Arugam is also a traditional fishing Bay

You must move, it will charge,a?? shouts a tuk-tuk driver as the elephant goes out of view to my right. Besides the threat of stampeding wild elephants, therea??s a lot to take in on the A4 to Arugam Bay on Sri Lankaa??s war-torn, tsunami-battered east coast. The road itself is being rebuilt and a hangover from 25 years of the civil war, which ended last May, means every road in the country is peppered with military outposts, roadblocks and army personnel.

Sri Lanka’s best Surf spot. Is Arugam Bay

But Arugam Bay is shining a light for better things to come on the countrya??s untouched east coast. The colourful jumble of guest houses, cabanas and shops have been built and rebuilt. The slogans on some T-shirts state a??The Birth Of A Surfing Nationa?? but any Aussie surfer will tell you this point break has been a boarder mecca for years. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay: Riding High on waves to Recovery’


Sripalaa??s Place, Arugam Bay

Sripala’ s Place is one of the most original and oldest establishment of Renagel tablets 800 mg price Arugam Bay. They are situated near famous Surf Point for many years.

Sripala & Family, at Arugam Bay has just been notified of a legal case to relocate them. As soon as we receive confirmation and further information, details will be published here.

For now, please send us your old memories so that we can add them to our “Old Arugam” section. To document the Bay’s history. Send them to: And all will

be published here:


Canadian Visitors view of Arugam Bay

Tsunami Scars and Wounds

We awoke in our cabana on our first full day in Arugam Bay. No conventional windows in our nest on stiltsa??just large drop-down and lift-up shutters that open unglazed sea-view portals allowing balmy tropical breezes to flow unimpeded through the large room.

Arugam Bay. Beach. Not exactly overcrowded

Clapboard–gapped in places–provided rudimentary walls that did little to stifle the predominant thunder of the breakers below. I was the one who had the pleasure of opening up the room on our first morning and looked out across this beautiful bay in brilliant morning light, amplified in the golden sand receiving the white surf to the whitely, lightly hazed horizon, all under the bluest sky. Topical birds with colourful sounds sang pagan matins from the palms around the exquisite, but rather neglected groundsa??for here, as it would become apparent in the rest of Order silvitra Arugam Bay, motivation seems to be still floundering in currents of hopelessness left over from ebb and flow of conflict and tsunami floods. After our small dinner of cold vegetable rotis from the previous night, we were very hungry for breakfast; so after dressing and a quick visit to the water’s edge to anoint each other with the waters of the Indian Ocean, we headed out to the main road where we hoped that our experience of unmotivated food vendors of the night before would look like something different in the morning light View From Our Room at Rock View

View from Rockview guesthouse

View From Our Room at Rock View
. We were surprised to find little change. One rather busy place seemed to have its clientele, but refused to tell us their prices for food until it had been checked out along a chain of people into the dark inside. We were invited to enter with no answers provided, until our insistence brought an answer Continue reading ‘Canadian Visitors view of Arugam Bay’

Viharaya bulldozing case fixed for Sept 9

Wasantha RAMANAYAKE Daily News Online The Supreme Court yesterday granted the Attorney General time to obtain instructions in respect of the rights Cheap cardizem medication

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application filed against the bulldozing of two buildings belonging to the Arugambay Samabodhi Viharaya. Senior State Counsel Lakmali Karunanayake appearing for the Attorney General moved for time to get instructions in respect of the application. The Court accordingly fixed the case for September 9. The Bench comprised Justice Dr Shirani Bandaranayake, Justice K Sripavan and Justice RKS Sureshchandra. Petitioner, Samabodhi Viharaya Chief Prelate Ven. Sivuralumulle Dhammasiri Thera complained to Court that the illegal demolition of the temple was in violation of his rights as well as that of Buddhists in the area. The petitioner sought the Supreme Court to order the respondents to rebuild the destroyed buildings or in the alternative to order for compensation in Rs. 80 million. Continue reading ‘Viharaya bulldozing case fixed for Sept 9’

Kebilitta, Arugam Bay And Kumana

Over the last weekend I visited the Eastern Province with a group of friends. Having left Colombo at 4.00 in the morning, after almost a seven hour journey, we reached our destination; Arugam Bay.

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"Arugam Bay"

By KanchanaA?Ratwatte
The closest access to this much sought-after surfing beach of Sri Lanka is via Ratnapura, Uda Walawe, Wellawaya, Monaragala, Siyambalanduwa and Pottuvil. While on the way, passing Uda Walawe and Lahugala, we did see quite a few elephants. The road network as in the case of all main roads in the Eastern Province, was well laid out with a new carpet and the drive was one great experience.
As we entered the bustling township, the first observation was the number of tourists that had gathered for the internationally publicized surfing festival which had concluded the previous weekend. Continue reading ‘Kebilitta, Arugam Bay And Kumana’


Travel industry poised for a spirited upsurge

Daily News. by Philip Fernando

…… Places like Kalpitiya, Pasikudah, Kuchchaweli, and Arugam Bay-the surfing haven, Yala, Wilpattu, Koneswaran temple in Trincomalee or Unawatuna beach-just to name a few- are entering the tourist lexicon like Banda Aceh or Pattaya Beach….. Himalaya speman purchase online

Underpinning the tourist revival is the fact that Sri Lanka is emerging a popular destination for many seeking to fill their leisure amidst the countrya??s idyllic setting. The laid-back and the debonair are being increasingly lured to our shores as an assured place for respite or revelry.

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Golden beaches and tropical climate, main tourist attractions. File photo

More importantly, the countrya??s stunning diversity embodying cultural sites, historical treasures, the sun-drenched beaches and trendy urbane hotels promises it to be a captivating destination.

It is also a fact that professionalism inherently linked to tourism, the new tier in social networking had been well-articulated by Sri Lankans practising this trade. Its vexing demands are met quite competently by thousands who are in it for good.

Sri Lankans seemed quite adept at it now. The long drought brought on by the terror war did not dim their hopes. Continue reading ‘Travel industry poised for a spirited upsurge’

Rangaa??s a??Shorepiecea??

By M. Naushad Amit
Sri Lanka, as a global tourist destination, has many wonders on offer to its visitors who come with different plans during their stay in this beautiful pearl shaped island situated in the Indian Ocean. Within Sri Lanka itself, there are many holiday destinations which are popular among local and foreign tourists alike. But the unspoiled beachfront of Arugam Bay is a beautiful location yet to be explored by holidaymakers.

Arugam Bay. A popular Surf Destination

Though Arugam Bay is gradually picking up in popularity among the locals as an infrequent getaway, it has been a surfing haven for foreigners for three decades. Even during the peak of the 30-year long ethnic war that affected tourists arrivals, Arugam Bay Cheap cyklokapron catered to many foreigners, especially surfers, who found the waves there a special treat to their surfing a??needsa??.
Arugam Bay, which is located near Pottuvil in the countrya??s east coast, is rich in bird life and wildlife in the surrounding jungles, wetlands and lagoons nearby. Being an area with links to ancient kingdoms, there are many remnants in the jungle from old Buddhist culture. Just outside Pottuvil, behind the dunes, are excavations of a 2000-year-old temple, the Modu Maha Vihare. About 3,500 people live in and around Arugam Bay. It consists of three small villages, where fishing and farming are the main livelihoods. Since Arugam Bay is reputed to be one of the worlda??s best surfing points, the number of foreign surfers to visit the location has increased. To meet the demands, many in Arugam Bay have shifted their interest and trades into tourism. Though the area lacks luxury hotels, the limited number of beachfront resorts and cabanas provide the best in tourist hospitality.

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Comfort Zone
One such resort with a difference is a??Rangaa??s Beach Huta??, where guests get to enjoy a totally new experience in hospitality. Rangaa??s Beach Hut which is located at two different places neighbouring each other, is owned by Continue reading ‘Rangaa??s a??Shorepiecea??’

Beach Bar Quotes Arugam Bay

Quotes from anA?Arugam Bay Beach Bar

“We are perceivers. The world that we perceive, though, is an illusion.a??

a??Cast aside all clinging and the essence will at once emerge.a??

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A menu with a difference @ The SVH, Arugam Bay

a??Even if only in your imagination, it is still good to escape the sadness of everyday life and spend some time in another world.a??

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a??What the caterpillar calls the end of the world. One should see as a new butterfly.a??

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Last Chance to support Europe at Arugam Bay

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Many Football fans are A?happy to have followed every single A? Isoniazid cost Football World Cup match on vacation, and not at home.

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Enjoy the Finals in a similar setting, with the ocean behind at Arugam Bay!

At Arugam Bay everyone enjoyed:
UninterruptedA?coverage, Free attendance, good company, nice music, cheap booze!
And aA?fantasticA?backdrop with the blue ocean behind

Now, there is justA?the Grand Final to be shown.
Below are the dates and times, relevant for Sri Lanka:

The Grand Final is on:
Sunday night (11/12th July)
The game will be at MIDNIGHT

The party will only finish at Sun Rise with a BIG Splash into the clear Indian Ocean Waters!

Match Date – Time Venue Results
64 12/07 00:00 Johannesburg Netherlands Netherlands Preview Spain Spain