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Sir Arthur C Clarke

Mourners at Arthur C Clarke's funeral

Immediate family members gathered in Colombo for the writer’s funeral

British science-fiction writer Sir Arthur C Clarke has been buried in his adopted country of Sri Lanka.Music from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey was played at the funeral and members of the family which had adopted him cried as his coffin was lowered.

“Here lies Arthur C Clarke. He never grew up and did not stop growing,” his gravestone in Colombo is to read, in accordance with the author’s wishes.

Sir Arthur died from heart failure and breathing problems at the age of 90.

A nationwide minute’s silence was ordered by the Sri Lankan government to coincide with the ceremony.

Sir Arthur’s brother, Fred Clarke, attended the funeral along with members of the Ekanayake family, with whom the writer had lived in recent years.

Floral tributes to Arthur C Clarke
Your footprint will never fade. If anything, it will only magnify what we do
Family friend Tamara Ekanayake

Post-polio syndrome meant Sir Arthur had used a wheelchair since 1995.

Fred Clarke said his elder brother had “always loved” the “warm climate and the friendly people” of Sri Lanka.

“He said he had managed to escape 40 British winters and had no regrets,” Mr Clarke told AFP news agency.

Tamara Ekanayake, who grew up at Sir Arthur’s home in Colombo, paid tribute to him at the service, saying: “We feel so privileged that you left your mark on us.”

“Your footprint will never fade. If anything, it will only magnify what we do,” she told mourners.

Before the funeral, yellow roses were thrown on to Sir Arthur’s body as a final gesture of respect as it lay on a white bed beneath curved elephant tusks.


Arugam Bay is Cut Off. Again.

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Bidge OK – Causeway washed away

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Power Cuts are frequent

Power Cuts are frequent

Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay is Cut Off. Again.’

“Sleeping Tigers”

While right-thinking Muslim leaders, not succumbing to this pressure, have tried to get the frustrated youth to involve themselves in politics instead, others have made use of them A?a??a?? and continue to do so even today A?a??a?? for crimes. This is an open secret in the east.

In a worrisome development, amid violence and threats in the east, there are confirmed reports that say Muslim extremists are abandoning their previously quiet lifestyle for armed resistance.

Several attempts by a few Muslim leaders in the east to conceal this fact has failed as the extremists, mostly youth, who have been ignored by society, are insistent on carrying arms and fighting for their lost rights.

It is known that the creation of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) itself was in order to prevent Muslim youth from embracing arms. This is a clear indication that the Muslim youth have been longing to embrace militancy, similar to Tamil militancy, with a view to protecting their interests.

The majority of Sri LankaA?a??a??s 1.3 million Muslims live in the east and a section of the community has been overtly exerting pressure on Muslim politicians and leaders to deal with the LTTE militarily.

Open secret
While right-thinking Muslim leaders, not succumbing to this pressure, have tried to get the frustrated youth to involve themselves in politics instead, others have made use of them A?a??a?? and continue to do so even today A?a??a?? for crimes. This is an open secret in the east.

Continue reading ‘“Sleeping Tigers”’

LankaFirst – Newsletter v. 06.03.08

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Jungle rumble

Jungle rumble: The battle goes on

By Wasantha Chandrapala

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The duel between man and beast does not seem to have an end and the situation seems to be worsening by the day. The result is that both man and beast die in the confrontation. While an elephant at Dighawapiya area in Ampara district was killed in early February, on the 26th of last month a wild elephant killed a farmer in Ruhunugama village.

Other villages where the menace is rampant in this district are Kotavehera, Suduwella and Vijithapura where at sundown elephants stray into paddy fields destroying crops and other cultivations. According to Wild Life officials already four elephants have been killed in the two months of this year.

A farmerA?a??a??s bicycle mangled by an angry elephant

Speaking on the issue of negligence on the part of the Wild Life officers, Ven. Anuradhapura Dhammarama Thera of the Ruhunugama temple said that so far three villagers have become victims.A?a??A?When his mother was killed by an elephant, her son had shot the animal dead. Much harm is being done to cultivation by marauding animals who stray into villages at dusk,A?a??A? he said.

The thera lamented that no amount of appeals made to officials has met with any success and added that requests for necessary items be supplied to scare the animals away have not met with success either. He appealed to the President to take some action to counter the menace which has caused villagers to leave their homes and go elsewhere.

A person identified as W. Nimal said animals roam at night in the Buddhangala area and requested officials to have an electrified fence erected to tackle the problem. Dighawapi farmers organisation president S.S. Wijekoon said he wanted officials to have an electrified fence erected.

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A Wild Life official blamed humans for straying into animal territory forcing them to invade villages. He, however, said staff was insufficient to fight the menace. According to him areas where electrified fences were needed have been identified and said chief among them were Buddhangala, Ekgalaoya and Dighawapi.

Arugam Bay Water Tower

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Just South of our “City Centre”, landside, USAID and their sub contractors are well under way to build a new Water Tower and supply system.
This project seems swift and professional in its approach – we’ll keep you posted of its progress.

Killing of pastor: Motive personal, police act fast

By W. Chandrapala

Despite speculation that the killing of the Christian pastor in Ampara could be the work of an organisation which resented conversions to Christianity, within 16 hours police were able to reveal that it was a contract killing ordered by a husband whose wife had been converted.

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Rev. Edirisinghe. His
daughter in
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The pastorA?a??a??s motor cycle fallen after the shooting

Rev. Neil Samson Edirisinghe was the pastor of the new church started in Ampara recently. He lived with his wife Shiromi and their one and a half year old child. According to police, the pastor was returning home last Monday on his motor cycle at around 8.30 p.m. when he became the target of a gunman. He was shot in the back by the assailant who also injured his wife while their child was in shock after witnessing the shooting.

The Ampara child rehabilitation centre president Chamila Kodagoda who had heard the sound of gunfire had informed the Ampara police about the incident. When police arrived on the scene, Mrs. Edirisinghe who was badly injured had requested them to hand over her child to the YMCA before she was admitted to the Ampara hospital, where the pastor was also taken and pronounced dead.

Chief Inspector Asoka Weerakkody ordered an investigation by a special police team. According to police, two security men attached to an NGO had reported that two armed men dressed in uniform similar to that worn by home guards, were seen passing close to the pastorA?a??a??s house.

Based on this piece of information police had been on the look out for the two suspects. In the wee hours of the next morning Inspector Weerakkody had received information that two men dressed in home guard uniform had walked into the police canteen a few hours earlier.

Further information helped the police investigation team arrest two civil security men posted to a bunker. At first the duo denied they knew anything about the incident but further grilling by police revealed that the two men were responsible for the attack. It was a contract killing for Rs. 100,000 given by a rich businessman in Ampara. The suspects were taken to custody after admitting that they obtained an advance of Rs. 20,000 for undertaking the task.

The firearm used in the killing was also seized and the suspects remanded. DIG Eastern Range Rienzie Perera, SSP A.Wijesuriya and ASPs Arunapala and Ravichandra led the investigation team.


Lanka First Newsletter

Liebe Sri Lanka-Freunde!

Ganz herzlich begrA?A?A?A?e ich die neuen Abonnenten, die mit der Registrierung im neuen Forum diesen Newsletter automatisch zugestellt bekommen.

Schlagzeilen, die A?A?ber das normale MaA?A? des Wahnsinns, wie er in Sri Lanka praktiziert wird hinausgehen gibt es nicht viele und ich mA?A?chte darauf verzichten den BA?A?rgerkrieg buchhalterisch aufzuarbeiten, zumal wie A?A?blich, beide Kriegsparteien stumpfe Propaganda pflegen, die sich darauf beschrA?A?nkt eigene Erfolgsmeldungen von zweifelhaftem Wert in die Welt zu setzen. Solange eine freie und unabhA?A?ngige Berichterstattung aus dem Krisengebiet verhindert wird, werden wir auch nicht erfahren, was denn wirklich dort passiert.


Im Newsletter Nr. 9 vom 08.02.08 hatte ich den Versuch unternommen Ursprung und Entwicklung der Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Singhalesen und Tamilen in Sri Lanka fA?A?r die Leser aufzuarbeiten, die mit den Gegebenheiten und Protagonisten des Konfliktes nicht so vertraut sind. Bei nochmaliger Revision des Geschriebenen habe ich festgestellt, dass diese Chronologie unvollstA?A?ndig wA?A?re ohne ErwA?A?hnung der Frau, deren Politik es war, die einen Konflikt heraufbeschworen hat der mit den Jahren kontinuierlich an Heftigkeit zunahm und zu dem wurde was er heute ist: BA?A?rgerkrieg!
Im Folgenden die Kurzbiografie der
Sirimavo Bandaranaike: Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike

*17. 04.1916A?A?


Sirimavo Bandaranaike in jungen Jahren

Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike (geb. 17. April 1916, gest. 10. Oktober 2000) war dreimal Premierministerin ihres Landes, 1960 – 1965, 1970 – 1977 und 1994 bis 2000. Bei ihrem ersten Amtsantritt war sie der erste weibliche Premierminister der Welt und fA?A?hrte die Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) an. Ihr Ehemann war der ehemalige Premierminister Solomon Bandaranaike und ihre Tochter Chandrika Kumaratunga wurde Sri Lanka’s dritte PrA?A?sidentin, ihr Sohn Anura Bandaranaike war Tourismus Minister und die zweite Tochter Sunetthra Bandaraneike, eine Philanthropin.

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Ex-Premierminister Solomon Bandaraneike, Ehemann von Sirimavo Bandaranaike

Sunethra Bandaranaike, zweite Tochter von Sirimavo Bandaranaike

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Nach der Ermordung ihres Ehemannes, der die Sri Lanka Freedom Party in wesentlichen Teilen geformt und 1956 zu einem Wahlsieg gefA?A?hrt hatte, A?A?bernahm Sirimavo Bandaranaike seinen Platz in der FA?A?hrung der Partei und behielt diesen 40 Jahre lang bis zu ihrem Tod. Am 21. Juli 1960 wurde sie erstmals Premierministerin und damit der erste weibliche Regierungschef der Welt. In insgesamt drei Amtsperioden bestimmte Sirimavo Bandaranaike die Geschicke des Landes wA?A?hrend der 60er und 70er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts bis sie bei der Wahl in 1977 eine vernichtende Niederlage erlitt. 1980 wurde sie vom Parlament wegen “Machtmissbrauchs” abgesetzt und fA?A?r sieben Jahre aus allen A?A?ffentlichen A?a?zmtern verbannt.
Als A?A?berzeugte Sozialistin setzte Bandaranaike die Politik ihres Mannes, SchlA?A?sselindustrien wie Banken- und Versicherungswesen zu verstaatlichen, fort. Mit A?A?bernahme des Amtes begann fA?A?r sie eine Achterbahnfahrt. Im ersten Jahr nach ihrer AmtsA?A?bernahme 1960 rief sie erstmals den Ausnahmezustand aus. Das hatte massive Proteste und Akte zivilen Ungehorsams der tamilischen Minderheit im Lande zur Folge, die sich durch ihre Anordnung Englisch als

Chandrika Kumaratunga

Anura Bandaranaike

offizielle Landssprache abzusetzen und stattdessen Sinhala, die Sprache der in der MajoritA?A?t befindlichen Sinhalesen, einzufA?A?hren auf das GrA?A?bste benachteiligt sahen. Die Tamilen betrachteten die Anordnung als hA?A?chst diskriminierenden Akt und den Versuch Tamilen den Zugang zu A?A?ffentlichen A?a?zmtern und Gesetzgebung zu verweigern. Die Militanz der Tamilen wuchs und setzte sich unter den Folgeregierungen fort.

Weitere Probleme tauchten mit der Verstaatlichung auslA?A?ndischer Unternehmen, besonders im A?a??lsektor auf, was in einer VerA?A?rgerung der Amerikaner und Briten endete, die mit der Verweigerung weiterer Hilfen fA?A?r Sri Lanka reagierten. Als Reaktion rA?A?ckte Bandaraneike enger an die Chinesen und Russen heran und verfolgte fortan eine Politik der NeutralitA?A?t. Zuhause konnte sie 1962 und 1964 erfolgreich Umsturzversuche des MilitA?A?rs abwehren. 1964 ging sie die historische Koalition mit der Lanka Samaja Party (LSSP) ein. Am Ende dieses Jahres wurde sie durch eine verlorene Vertrauensabstimmung ihres Amtes enthoben und verlor auch die folgenden allgemeinen Wahlen. Sechs Jahre spA?A?ter war sie wieder da, ihre United Front gewann bei den Wahlen 1970 eine tragfA?A?hige Mehrheit. In ihrer zweiten Amtszeit wurde eine neue Verfassung eingefA?A?hrt, die den Status des Landes als Teil des Commonwealth A?A?nderte. Das damalige Ceylon wurde umbenannt in Sri Lanka und die Republik wurde ausgerufen. Gerade mal 16 Monate im Amt begann eine aufsteigende linke Jugend ihre Politik fast zu kippen. Sri Lanka’s damals rein zeremonielle Armee war nicht

Indische Truppen in Sri Lanka

in der Lage des Aufruhrs Herr zu werden und ihre geschickte AuA?A?enpolitik begann sich auszuzahlen. Die neutralen Staaten Indien und Pakistan kamen ihr zu Hilfe und schickten Truppen nach Colombo, die den Aufstand niederschlugen. In diesen unruhigen Jahren erwies sich Bandaranaike als ernstzunehmende politische FA?A?hrerin. WA?A?hrend des HA?A?hepunktes der Unruhen bekannte eines der damaligen Regierungsmitglieder: “Sie ist der einzige Mann im Kabinett”.

Die A?a??lkrise im Jahr 1973 hatte traumatische Auswirkungen auf die A?a??konomie des Landes. Sie hatte keinen Zugang mehr zu westlicher Hilfe und ihre sozialistische Politik lA?A?hmte wirtschaftliche AktivitA?A?ten. Rationierung musste angeordnet werden. Bandaranaike wurde mit der Zeit immer intoleranter gegenA?A?ber Kritik und sie betrieb die SchlieA?A?ung der Independent Newspaper Group, deren Medien ihre heftigsten Kritiker waren. FrA?A?her schon hatte sie die grA?A?A?A?te Zeitung des Landes “Lake House” verstaatlicht, welche noch heute offizielles Sprachrohr der Regierung ist.

Von ihren Freunden “Mrs. B.” genannt war Sirimavo Bandaranaike geschickt im Umgang mit A?A?ffentlichen Emotionen besonders wenn es um die UnterstA?A?tzung ihrer PlA?A?ne ging. HA?A?ufig brach sie in TrA?A?nen aus wenn sie von dem GelA?A?bnis sprach, die Politik ihres ermordeten Mannes fortzusetzen. Ihre Gegner und Kritiker nannten sie die “weinende Witwe”.

Im Jahr 1976 war Bandaranaike im Ausland anerkannter als im eigenen Land. Der grA?A?A?A?te Triumph ihrer auA?A?enpolitischen Karriere war der Vorsitz in der Konferenz blockfreier Staaten, als sie erstmals Gastgeberin der grA?A?A?A?ten internationalen Konferenz mit den StaatsoberhA?A?uptern aller neutralen Staaten sein durfte, die das Land jemals gesehen hatte. Trotz ihres international hohen Ansehens verlor sie im Lande rasch an Akzeptanz. Beschleunigt wurde er Niedergang durch gegen sie erhobene KorruptionsvorwA?A?rfe und die stark rA?A?cklA?A?ufige Wirtschaft des Landes. Nichts, so schien es damals, konnte sie vor dem politischen Aus retten. Das veranlasste ihre Regierung, die zu der Zeit eine komfortable Mehrheit von 75% der Stimmen im Parlament besaA?A?, diese Mehrheit aus der letzten Wahl zu nutzen, um anstehende Wahlen um zwei Jahre zu verschieben und ihre Amtszeit von ursprA?A?nglich 6 Jahren auf 8 Jahre zu verlA?A?ngern. Dieser undemokratische Akt war der Hauptgrund fA?A?r die Aberkennung ihrer BA?A?rgerrechte in spA?A?teren Jahren.

1977 erlitt sie eine schmerzhafte Wahlniederlage in deren Folge ihr von den neuen Machthabern wegen Machtmissbrauchs die bA?A?rgerlichen Rechte aberkannt wurden. Die 80er Jahre waren wohl ihre dunkelsten – sie wurde zur politisch AusgestoA?A?enen die von den Leuten gemieden wurde, die einst ihre glA?A?hendsten AnhA?A?nger waren. Die nA?A?chsten siebzehn Jahre verbrachte Bandaranaike in der Opposition, stA?A?ndig darauf bedacht Angriffe – selbst die ihrer Kinder – auf ihren FA?A?hrungsanspruch in der SLFP abzuwehren. Ganz Politikerin spielte sie ihre ambitionierte Tochter Chandrika und ihren Sohn Anura gegeneinander aus und behielt die Kontrolle, trotzdem sie sA?A?mtliche nachfolgenden

Sirimavo Bandaranaike bei der Stimmabgabe kurz vor ihrem Tod am 10. Oktober 2000

allgemeinen Wahlen verlor. Letztendlich fand sie ihren Meister ausgerechnet in ihrer Tochter Chandrika, der es gelang ihre Mutter auszumanA?A?vrieren und im Jahr 1994 selbst Premierminister und im Jahr darauf PrA?A?sidentin zu werden, als es einer Koalition unter FA?A?hrung der SLFP gelang in den Wahlen an die Macht zu kommen.

Bandaranaike wurde nochmals Premierminister, doch hatte sich die Verfassung seit ihrer letzen Amtszeit geA?A?ndert, sie war nun ihrer Tochter, der PrA?A?sidentin, unterstellt. Vor ihrem Tod A?A?bte sie ihr Amt gerade mal ein paar Monate, mit sehr geringen Machtbefugnissen aus. Sirimavo Bandaranaike starb sie im Alter von 84 Jahren am 10. Oktober 2000 – einem Wahltag – nachdem sie ihre Stimme abgegeben hatte.

nucleus meint:A?A? Eine beachtliche Karriere mit Up und Downs die leider aber auch wieder einmal deutlich macht, wie Politik in Sri Lanka funktioniert. Erbfolge ist nichts ungewA?A?hnliches und die in der Politik EngagiertenA?A? verwenden den GroA?A?teil ihrer konstruktiven Energie darauf sich zu bereichern und ihre Positionen zu verteidigen: Wenn nA?A?tig mit Mitteln die z.T. jenseits jeden Gesetzes stehen.


Saddam Hussein Village – Sri Lanka

Saddam Hussein Village ist der Name eines kleinen Ortes an der OstkA?A?ste nA?A?rdlich von Batticaloa. 1978 wurde das Dorf nahezu vollstA?A?ndig von einem Zyklon zerstA?A?rt. Der damalige Abgeordnete fA?A?r den District Battcaloa Dr. Fareed Meeralebbe initiierte fA?A?r seinen Geburtsort ein Hilfsprogramm, fA?A?r das er anlA?A?sslich eines Besuches im Irak den irakischen PrA?A?sidenten als Sponsor gewinnen konnte. Saddam Hussein, frA?A?herer PrA?A?sident des Irak, A?A?bernahm die gesamten Kosten fA?A?r den Wiederaufbau – etwa 100 WohnhA?A?user, mit einer Schule und einer Moschee im Zentrum wurden zwischen Eravur und Thalavai gebaut. Aus Dankbarkeit benannten die Einwohner ihr Dorf nach dem irakischen Diktator. So versteht es sich, dass die Dorfbewohner von Saddam Hussein Village der Irak-Politik der Vereinigten Staaten und der Gefangennahme von Saddam Hussein durch die US-StreitkrA?A?fte hA?A?chst kontrovers gegenA?A?berstanden und -stehen.

In den Fokus der A?a??ffentlichkeit geriet Saddam Hussein Village dann nochmals 1990 als der Ort Ziel des LTTE-Terrors wurde. In der Nacht wurden harmlose moslemische Bauern von der LTTE regelrecht hingeschlachtet. Damals flA?A?chtete ein GroA?A?teil der BevA?A?lkerung und galt fortan als Vertriebene, die Zuflucht im FlA?A?chtlingslager von Eravur fanden. Zur Zeit kehren die Einwohner vereinzelt in ihre HA?A?user zurA?A?ck.

Wer nun denkt, dass es sich bei dieser exotisch anmutenden Namensgebung um eine Einmaligkeit handelt, der sollte mal einen Blick auf das indische Lakhanow im Staat Bihar werfen. Zwar ist der Ort nicht nach Saddam Hussein benannt jedoch tragen alle nach 1991 – dem Jahr des Golfkrieges – geborenen mA?A?nnlichen Kinder den Namen Saddam Hussein. In der A?A?rtlichen Privatschule lernen fast 100 Saddam Husseins das Lesen und das Schreiben. Nach ihrem Namen befragt bekunden alle groA?A?en Stolz nach dem “Kriegshelden Saddam” benannt worden zu sein und am Tag der Hinrichtung quoll die A?A?rtliche Moschee A?A?ber von Namensvettern die nach dem Gebet lautstark gegen die US-Politik im Irak protestierten und dabei eine Puppe des amerikanischen PrA?A?sidenten George W. Bush verbrannten. Eine Familie ging in ihrer Verehrung fA?A?r Diktatoren und muslimische Terroristen noch ein StA?A?ck weiter – hieA?A? der Erstgeborene noch Saddam Hussein, wurde der zweite Osama Bin Laden genannt.

“The War on Terror’A?A? A?a??a??A?A? from Birmingham to Batticaloa
India’s Saddam Hussein Village

nucleus meint:A?A? Einerseits amA?A?siert, andererseits auA?A?erordentlich besorgt finde ich, dass Dankbarkeit m.E. so etwas wie eine moralische Verpflichtung ist, Personenkult dagegen Folge demagogischer EinflA?A?sse und damit pathologisch. Zugute halten muss man Sri Lankern wie Indern, dass sie in einer kleinen Welt leben, in der man, von neutralen Informationsquellen abgeschnitten,A?A? traditionsgemA?A?A?A? die Meinung der Herrschenden A?A?bernimmt. Das ist auch der Grund, warum ich die Verbannung von unabhA?A?ngigen Journalisten aus dem Kriegsgebiet in Sri Lanka verurteile. Reality-TV A?A? la USA “Nein”, objektive und sachliche Berichterstattung “Ja”!

‘Business as Usual’

In der Wirtschaft Sri Lanka’s A?A?herrscht ‘business as usual’. Lediglich die Betreiber von Teeplantagen haben einen Grund zu heimlicher Freude. Sri Lanka profitiert stark von den, durch die Keniakrise verursachten Reaktionen auf dem Weltmarkt. Wer auf KokosnA?A?sse gesetzt hatte wurde allerdings stark enttA?A?uscht. Der ‘Minister of Coconut Development’ (Minister fA?A?r Kokosnussentwicklung; Ja, so etwas gibt es in Sri Lanka!) musste bekannt geben, dass die Preise fA?A?r die in Sri Lanka allgegenwA?A?rtige Nuss aufgrund mangelnden Angebotes wohl steigen werden. Grund sei das Wetter aber auch die Rodung von 200.000 Acres (ca. 67 ha) Plantagenland. DarA?A?ber hinaus seien rund 200.000 BA?A?ume im SA?A?den der Insel von einem Bakterium befallen, das den Tod der Pflanze verursache. Wie gut, dass da der Entwicklungsfond der Vereinten Nationen zur rechten Zeit US$ 30 Mio. fA?A?r den Ausbau der Kokosnussindustrie ins Land pumpt.

Ganz auf das Wohl des Volkes bedacht hat die Regierung nun angekA?A?ndigt LKR 500 Mio. Rupien in die Entwicklung der Ostprovinz stecken zu wollen. Bravo, nur wo sind den die ursprA?A?nglich versprochenen US$ 500 Mio. aus dem ErlA?A?s der Staatsanleihe geblieben, die aus der gebeutelten Provinz eine blA?A?hende Landschaft machen sollten? Und wie die Rs. 500 Mio. finanziert werden sollen weiA?A? wohl auch noch niemand so richtig, jedenfalls denkt die Zentralbank bereits A?A?ber einen neuen internationalen Kredit von US$ 300 Mio. nach. Die ironischen UntertA?A?ne bitte ich mir zu entschuldigen aber ich weiA?A? nicht wie man solche VorgA?A?nge noch erklA?A?ren kann ohne unsachlich zu werden.

Spannend wird die nA?A?chste ErhA?A?hung der Strompreise werden. Die Marxisten haben bereits angekA?A?ndigt Massenproteste organisieren zu wollen und es steht zu befA?A?rchten, dass diese A?a?zuA?A?erungen des Volkeswillens nicht friedlich verlaufen werden. Der Regierung Rajapaksa steht eine ‘heisse’ Zeit bevor.

Der Wechselkurs des Euro zur Sri Lanka Rupie ist in den letzten 15 Tagen wieder relativ stabil geblieben. Der Interbank Kassakurs lag im Durchschnitt bei EUR 1 = LKR 157,81360 mit einem HA?A?chststand von EUR 1 = LKR 159,32000 und einem Tiefststand von EUR 1 = LKR 156,45900

Euro im Vergleich zur Sri Lanka Rupie
08.02.2008 bis 22.02.2008


Euro-Guthaben werden in Sri Lanka unverA?A?ndert verzinst. Die Angebote fA?A?r Euro-Festgeld der fA?A?hrenden Banken haben sich seit dem 07. Februar nicht verA?A?ndert. Hier die aktuellen ZinssA?A?tze vom 22. Februar 2008.

Zinsen fA?A?r Euro-Festgeld

Stand: 22. Februar 2008

Bank 1m (%) 3m (%) 6m (%) 12m (%)
Bank of Ceylon 3,25 – 3,60 3,35 – 3,70 3,45 – 3,80 3,55 – 3,90
Commercial Bank of Ceylon 4,10 4,20 4,35 4,50
Hatton National Bank 3,50 3,75 4,00 4,00
ICICI Bank 4,35 4,45 4,50 4,60
People’s Bank 3,00 3,10 3,20 3,25
Seylan Bank 2,75 3,00 3,25 3,50
Sampath Bank 3,50 – 4,00 3,75 – 4,10 3,90 – 4,25 4,00 – 4,40
National Savings Bank 3,15 4,00 4,30 4,40
Union Bank of Colombo 3,50 3,60 3,75 3,90


Colombo Consumers’ Price Index (CCPI) fA?A?r Januar 2008


Das AuswA?A?rtige Amt hat am 07.02.2008 eine geA?A?nderte Reisewarnung fA?A?r Sri Lanka herausgegeben.

Der Wasgamuwa Nationalpark ist seit dem 11.02. wieder geA?A?ffnet. Udawalawe und Yala bleiben auch weiterhin aus SicherheitsgrA?A?nden geschlossen!
MA?A?glicherweise ist es Ihnen entgangen
, dass die MA?A?glichkeit bietet die Entwicklung von TropenstA?A?rmen und Zyklonen zeitnah auf Satellitenbildern zu verfolgen. Mehrfach tA?A?glich aktualisiert zeigen die Bilder sehr plastisch aktuelle Bedrohungen vom tropischen Tiefdruckgebiet bis zum Zyklon der Kategorie 5. DarA?A?ber hinaus warnt die Seite bei akuten Bedrohungen mit aktuellen Prognosen zum Verlauf. A?A? …mehr

Eigene Ansichten?
Sie mA?A?chten Ihre Sicht der Dinge in Sri Lanka loswerden, konstruktive Kritik anbringen oder gar ein Lob aussprechen? Das kA?A?nnen Sie nach Herzenslust im Forum tun. Der Newsletter hat dort neben anderen interessanten Themen eine eigene Ecke. Nach einer kurzen Registrierungsprozedur sind Sie dabei. Ich zA?A?hl auf Sie …..A?A?
A?A? …mehr A?A?


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Sri Lanka – Wo Gott weint


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NatA?A?rlich bin ich mit meinen bescheiden Resourcen nicht in der Lage in diesem Newsletter das Geschehen der letzten 14 Tage in Sri Lanka 1:1 abzubilden. Meinem Versuch einer Zusammenfassung fallen natA?A?rlich viele Themen zum Opfer, die mancher mA?A?glicherweise vermissen wird. Sehr viel aktueller und umfassender ist da der Pressespiegel in oder aber der Themenstrang Lanka aktuell im Forum.

A pro pos Forum. Ich bin ein wenig enttA?A?uscht, dass von der groA?A?en Zahl der Abonnenten nur recht wenige meine Einladung wahrgenommen haben am Forum teilzunehmen. Leider handelt es sich auch um viele der Sri Lanka-Freunde, die mich fA?A?rmlich bekniet haben dieses Forum einzurichten. Ich mA?A?chte nochmals betonen, dass der Besuch des Forums vA?A?llig kostenlos und anonym ablA?A?uft. Niemand wird genA?A?tigt einen Beitrag zu schreiben auch wenn ein Forum erst mit der Vielzahl der Meinungen und BeitrA?A?ge interessant wird. Also, raffen Sie sich auf und besuchen Sie unser Forum. Helfen Sie dem Forum Leben einzuhauchen und es zu dem zu machen was es sein soll: Kommunikationsplattform fA?A?r Sri Lanka-Interessierte.

Zum Schluss noch eine kurze AnkA?A?ndigung:
In der Zeit vom 07. MA?A?rz 2008 bis voraussichtlich 14. MA?A?rz 2008 bin ich aufgrund eines Krankenhausaufenthaltes leider nicht in der Lage Seiten in, die einen aktuellen Bezug haben zu pflegen. Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Mitglieder des Forums mit ihren BeitrA?A?gen helfen, den A?A?berblick A?A?ber die Situation in Sri Lanka zu behalten.A?A?A?A?

Der nA?A?chste Newsletter erscheint bereits am 06.03.2008.

Nun wA?A?nsche ich ein schA?A?nes Wochenende und sage TschA?A?s aus DA?A?sseldorf.
Bis bald in oder im Forum.

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Copyright A?A? A?A?NUCLEUS 2008

Lahugala nr. Arugam Bay

Saving Elephants by Helping People, Sri Lanka

The Lahugala National Park at 1,500 hectares is one of Sri LankaA?a??a??s smallest national parks and is situated in the Ampara District and is supposed to have an elephant population of 300. The Ampara and Monaragala Districts of Sri Lanka cover 7,133 and 2,984 square kilometers respectively and are known as the Eastern Region and have 9 Protected Areas. Though a large number of Shipping nitrofurantoin elephants are supposed to be in this region there is sparse data on the actual number of elephants or the intensity of HEC.

The Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society (SLWCS) with supporting partners is establishing a solar-powered electric fence to protect four villages situated along the southern boundary of the Lahugala National Park, which is at the center of the proposed study area.

This project will use participatory research methods to assess socio economic information of villagers and use direct and non-direct field research methods to estimate elephant populations and their range and behavior over temporal and spatial scales in the Eastern Region.

The anticipated outputs are:

  1. the construction of a 15-kiolometer solar powered electric fence with local community participation;
  2. resolution of human-elephant conflicts along the boundary of the Lahugala Kitulana National Park;
  3. the establishment of a critical elephant corridor connecting the Yala National Park to the Lahugala Kitulana National Park;
  4. the establishment of Managed Elephant Regions;
  5. reliable information on HEC;
  6. a better understanding of community perceptions in regard to HEC;
  7. a greater information base to develop effective and sustainable management strategies;
  8. a GIS mapping of distribution and HEC data to aid in management efforts; and
  9. How much depakote does it take to overdose

  10. proposals, maps, reports and recommendations for further project


Rocco’s Blog “Musings”

Arugam Bay 2007/2008 Musings

IA?a??a??m sitting in the restaurant at RoccoA?a??a??s admiring the gracefulness of the sea eagles flight, as they cruise looking for a fish to swoop down on. Contemplation on the year past and the year ahead, 2 months before the A?a??a??seasonA?a??a?? kicks off. Arugam Bay or ABay is operating in its normal lethargic hive of activity. Fishermen out to sea, hotelierA?a??a??s repairs & maintenance after the monsoon.Last season was a very quiet affair; some say the A?a??E?worstA?a??a?? yet, certainly the quietest since 2004.

Those that did visit enjoyed appreciative welcomes, shared in the relaxed atmosphere without hassle or danger. We had visitors from Europe, Dubai, UAE, Maldives and Australia.

Special mention to the Irish contingent; Magz & co for drinking us dry on a few occasions (bad planning, my fault) along with a future famous artist, Zayo. The painting outside room 4 adds to the style of Where can i buy motrin platinum Buy furosemide online RoccoA?a??a??s a complete contrast to the graffiti wall on the beach rooms (Banksy it ainA?a??a??t, although if he wants to pay us a visitA?a??A?A?a??A?.. Plenty of political material here for him!). I have resisted putting the room rate up on the soon to become an artists pilgrimage but will charge for photos once Zayo is a name all art buffs are talking about, funds will go to stocking the bar in case Magz & co descend on us again!

Once again the road A?a??E?curfewA?a??a?? is back, 6pm – 7am, the political situation has worsened, security is high, many more check points around the Island, Colombo especially.

I have spent time in Tangalle helping to open a scuba diving centre; with my friend Rohana, Tangalle suffers in a similar way from lack of tourists as we do here Arugam Bay. Both effected by the political situation, closure of Yala and not being on the west coast.

Driving around I found it to be no different even with the extra checkpoints, foreigners treated with courtesy, papers checked a few A?a??A?which country?A?a??A? & A?a??A?whatA?a??a??s your nameA?a??A? A?a??A?you like Sri Lanka?A?a??A? A smile then on your way.

Living here is way different to visiting here; living here you are drawn into conversations about the politics, the conflict, peace coming, most are quite negative for the immediate future, optimistically we hope for a long peaceful future if only the powers that be on all sides would put the country and its people first.

This season? Who knows? Negumbo is packed; first time ever I had to look around for a bed as my normal haunts full?! Few venture outside of Negumbo to see the real Sri Lanka or Negumbo A?a??E?trapsA?a??a?? visitors with how dangerous the rest of the Island is, good propaganda & business sense in lean times but not so good for the country as a whole, me thinks.

For those that do venture Arugam Bay is still open, still considered safe, still the most relaxed natural place in Sri Lanka, little hard to get to, we like it that way, little basic compared to A?a??E?developedA?a??a?? areas, we like it that way too, most of all it has, surf, wild elephants, nature all around, quiet, relaxed, laid back, friendly, beach, sand, ocean, good food & plenty of places to stay, RoccoA?a??a??s first choice of course!

Steve A?a??A?The MuseA?a??A? Jones
Arugam Bay
East Coast
Sri Lanka

Arugam Bay – Haputale


beginning of 2005 and 2006 I travelled between Haputale and Arugam Bay to see what changed.

With some volunteers from Haputale and a truck full of vegetables we drove January 2005 to Pottuvil. Cause the refugees in the camps cooked all for themselve we packed them vegetables in family parcels, gave them to a camp near 3-mile-police-camp, took the rest with a canadian Navy boat to Arugam Bay and gave them to tent families. Some way with a soldier on our side.

I know by some internet forums about the worries of many people who got no contacts and were most interested to know whatA?A?s going on there. So I hope my informations will be a little help. Meanwhile most guesthouses and restaurants are re-opened, fishermen have hundreds of boots and life is going on better than before. But there are still many families sitting on ruins. People who have no rich friends and got no donations, or they do so to get more help? Difficult to understand whoA?A?s telling a story and who needs real help.

The eastcoast of Sri Lanka was hardly effected by Tsunami and help came only to places where locals have international or political friends or good contact to the radio, TV and newspapers. This was the time of us backpackers who know to accept simple comfort. No toilets. No drinking water. Polluted wells. No electricity. Not enough beds. But all of them, friends of Arugam Bay, came to help. Eye whitnesses reported me from 10 m high waves which swapped in the Bay from the left to the right like boiling water. Especially the south of Arugam Bay, the old fisher village Ulla with the first known surfer cabanas had lot of losts. And further down south to Yala Nationalpark I saw trees lying down, mangroves hanging like balls in the fields and broken fisher boats all around.

The partly destroyed brigde connecting Arugam Bay with Pottuvil town got reopened allready. The sandy road at the south of the bridge was wash away. The indian army attached there a new oneway bridge. All material they took from an old bridge somewhere inside the jungle. So long there were privat floods and the canadian Navy transporting people, goods and vehicles from one to the other side.

Cheap ampicillin drug Close to this bridge was the wellknown danish hotel A?a??A?StardustA?a??A?. The owner Per Godman died with some of his workers in the waves. His wife Merete reopened the hotel now in a smaller size. The beautifull open terrace, which looked like a big tent, was totally destroyed, also the kitchen, well and all cabanas. Only a closeby new house with some rooms is in use.

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Another guesthouse most famous to all surfers since many years was the A?a??A?SiripalaA?a??A? of Ramini which got totally destroyed. Everything was under water (same situation in 2006). Where there was before the family-house, three cabanas, a terrace, kitchen and another house with some guestrooms, there is now a lagune only. RaminiA?A?s family survid all this. I had many good days there and will always remember this special place. In 2006 I went to visit Ramini but she was out. Living now in a simple house somewhere in the dunes behind the school.

But the water did not stop behind this guesthouse. It ran a half kilometer inside against the school and wash it away. Nothing left. Good luck it was a holiday. All children were home and less fishermen on the sea. Some Italians tried to rebuild the school but came in conflict with authorities. A provisional school built by long open tents were given to the students. Also the german city Hamburg gave 18,750 Euro to rebuild the school.

RaminiA?A?s brother belongs the guesthouse A?a??A?ChutiA?A?s PlaceA?a??A? which got also effected but less cause itA?A?s closer to the the road. Chuti lost his wooden and stone Cabanas, fishing boat and equipment. His truck got damaged. Also his family survived. The family house is still there. In 2006 I saw him building new cabanas and his top restaurant looks quiet good with chairs, tables and fence made by wood. A highlight there is a rescue boat in the top of the restaurant.

The SVH A?a??A?Siam View HotelA?a??A? od Fred (red telefon cabines on the road) got wellknown to many people for uncomplicated help to all who asked for. They lost all their cabanas and the mainhouse stood little bit to the side now. The xmas opening of A?a??A?Bank of CeylonA?a??A? office will be later than exspected, the internet cafA?A? is already open.

After Tsunami the SVH owner Fred, his workers, friends and guests came from all around, stood for many days and weeks and gave a lot of help. Many collected donations were given to plenty neighbours to rebuild, buy tools, give food and for basic existence. His kitchen gave some tousand meals, food and water to all people, free telefon and internet for all users. This people have done a realy good job without any official help. This year the restaurant looks bigger and there is a big party hut on the beach. Also a big 7 m high cage for some monkeys of Wolfgang who is offering eco-tours in the jungle.

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Tel: 0094-63-2248195 or Mobil Fred: 0094-773200-201 Somlak: -202 Wolfgang: -203

Lot of people survived only cause they found a save roof on A?a??A?ChutiA?A?s PlaceA?a??A? und A?a??A?SVHA?a??A?. I guess a problem of many victims were the all private grounds surrounding fences with barbwire which hold the people under water and they died in the higher and higher waves. ThatA?A?s what I miss from the past early 1991/2. There were no fences all around and easy walk between the houses down to the beach.

Also from A?a??A?RupaA?A?s PlaceA?a??A? and the old house (Upali) at the surfpoint was nothing left but in 2006 I saw them having new but simple cabanas.

Also “Sunrise” of Mohammed is running well and cheap for low budget travellers. Food is good and sweets are his favourite dish. This March I payed 150 Rs. only for single/bath. Only problem there was fungus under the bed. Maybe this why I got headache there?

With timber and metal sheets locals tried to build simple houses to accommodate the foreighn helpers and tourist who had to sleep in this heat and mosquitos somewhere on the roofs or share some of the less houses with lot of people. Arugam Bay had lot of friends this days, who came to help and sent lot of money. Finally Arugam Bay will be more beautifull than before. Except the lost souls. Some A?a??A?victimsA?a??A? there are quite clever and know well how to get help and fishing boats from NGOA?A?s they never owned before. In 2006 I got disappointed to see how many boats with modern hightech sonar equipment and best nets are lying there. Incredible to much for this area and maybe the death of the fishing.

The Temple Sastraweli further south in the jungle behind Elephant Rock looks much better now. The buddhist monks are back and cleaning the jungle. Slowly hided treasures came out. Old ruins, dagobas and up in the hills a giant of a rock with caves and ancient walls. Looks all like more than 2000 years old. To get there follow the beach one hour and pass 2 lagoones. 500 m right behind the big rock is a jungle road going to the temple. Cause tsunami washed away all trees you can see a part of the temple, a white pillar, from the beach side. Beware of Warans, Bears, Elephants and Crocodiles. There can be also rough currents in the lagoones. Safer by car you take the road down south about 5 km, pass a little river/bridge and turn left at the army camp. The road goes left hand around the army camp and makes finally a big turn left around to the temple. About 250 m meters behind the camp is a shortcut on the left hand to walk up to the giant rock and down to the temple.

Totally different was the north of Pottuvil. No camera teams, less help. Some times I drove down the eastcoast between Kalmunai, Akkairapattu (expensive), Tirrukuvil (temple damaged), Komari (ghoast town) and Pottuvil (many tent camps alongside the road). There is nothing of interest for tourists. Komari has nice, wide beaches but less houses and the YMCA looked empty. I think the people have other worries than to think about us. But some places the locals sound more aggressive cause they got disappointed not to get the same help like others. A well organisationed desinformation by some groups who follow their own interests.

My favorite, cause there is a better climate, good location and less mosquitos, is the new B&B guesthouse A?a??A?White Monkey – Dias RestA?a??A? near Haputale. On the Dambetenne Road 3 km east from town in the little village Thotulagala. Walk down the steps at km-post-3. It runs by the friendly tamil owner WSM Dias and his family (5 children and 5 dogs). ItA?A?s about 1500 m above sealevel, has a climate like summer in Europe and good local, spicy and vegetarian food. There is a new house with two big rooms, a 100 mA?A? roof terrace and a nice cottage with a mega-size panorama window. Saddled on a rock infront of a 700 m deep abyss visitors can join the sounds from the deep jungle and see the coastline in 70 km distance. ItA?A?s an excellant place surrounded, by a tea estate, for families or people looking for nature. They have international telefon, solar light and big watertanks (looks more like a swimming pool). Cost whitout breakfast only 500/700/900 for single, double or family. Meals between 1-2 Euro. Much better than others in Haputale town and sure a good adress in the future.

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Tel: 0094-(0)57-5681027 Mobil: 071-2591361 or 072-4143534

Another place close by on the way to Haputale is the A?a??A?Kelburne EstateA?a??A?. A luxery place with excelant service, kolonial style, interesting visitors and acceptable prices. Bungalows can be rented only with all rooms and staff from Colombo office but itA?A?s worth to spend some tousand rupees to join this. I used to go there for a ice cooled beer, small-talks and newspaper. A surprise for me were there low prizes for beer.

Much cheaper than the A?a??A?Royal Top Inn RestA?a??A? at the railwail station where visitors have to say all drinks they bought are from outside, cause the owner has no alcohol license. And finally the guests have to pay overrated prices plus tax and service charges! My warning to all is check the menue card and prices before you do any order. Also check the final bill. There is always an additional win for the staff. A big negative for such a beautiful hotel.

Another interesting, colonial hotel is the A?a??A?QueensA?a??A? on the road to Bandarawela. They offer some rooms and a terrace in the top floor. Also a nice high hall decorated with wooden paneels and old furnitures. Worth to go there for a beer.

Since some days Haputale got his own homwpage with lot of photos and interesting informations for tourists and locals at
My basic place to start help was always from Haputale were I felt more comfortable than somewhere on the coast. In my free time I made some tours around and found some interesting places. Opposite of the A?a??A?Dias RestA?a??A? Cottage is a 300-700 m deep falling rock. Very good to make photos at sunrise and sunset. God place for lovers or people who like to hear the wind. ItA?A?s like little WorldA?A?s End (15$) but doesnA?A?t cost a cent.

A one hour walk north up the hill above Thotulagala is a little Hindu “Surangamuni Kovil” (like temple/take off your shoes), from where you can see all of Haputale like a map. At clear nights and days also Adams Peak in the west and the north western highlands. Easy way just follow the top left side arround. Right behind the temple in the man-size bushes is an 80 meter footpath going to a cave. The entrance is a 5 m hole and only possible to get down with a rope or ladder. DonA?A?t worry about some small bates in the cave. But be carefully in case you like to explore the top of the cave. Rocks just lying together with soil and green in the corners. This soil wonA?A?t support you and there are 10 m holes down under.

All around in the hangs there are lot of house-size rocks lying aroung like a child lost his toys. A big adventure for children. Made me to feel young again when I was a scout and we had our tents between ruins of old castles somewhere in south Germany. Save area also for women and no pollution. Unbelievable this place is just some hours from hectic Colombo and offers so much.

9 km east from Haputale is the Dambetenne Tea Estate better known as Lipton. This tea factory was built by Sir Thomas Lipton in the year 1890. Visitors are welcome for a tour against some fees. They will show you all the works and machines from drying to rolling, hackling, sieving and grading.

Some kilometers right above is the highest mountain of this area. The 1950 m high “Lipton Seat”, from where people can have a brilliant view at clear days. Best time is early in the morning. From Dambetenne it takes about 90 minutes for fast walkers. Or 3 hours with children to walk up and down.

Shortly behind the former Lipton fabric, nearby a large yellow building, are some hundred old steps going up to a plattform. Follow the old stonemade way about 100 m to the white house of the tea pluckers, turn left and follow the sandy road to the car turn and further on a small, sleepy footpath to a viewpoint surrounded by a white wall. From here you can see the fabric from the top. Little bit on there are steps going 20 m down to an old, lonesome temple, called “Samimale Rock Temple”. There is bell to sign your visit. Behind the temple are other steps going up to where you started. Go back to the turn but walk down to the left through the tea between the trees. There is a shortcut going down to Pitaratmalie Estate, the only place is this area having a real, origin but privat forest. Romantic walk like Adams Peak.

North from the turn is a more than 100 m high red-white SLTV/Telecom tower you can see also from Bandarawela. ItA?A?s forbidden to make photos there but possible to walk tho the gate, have a tea or some water from a tap. To find it go back from the turn, pass the white house of the tea pluckers, turn next road left and than up the cement road.

Cause weather can change within minutes and shops are rare I recommend all to take enough food, water, rain dresses, a warm shirt and torch with you. Sometimes fog comes in secounds and view can be less than 20 m. Nights can be cool sometimes.

From the A?a??A?Dias RestA?a??A? itA?A?s a 40 minutes (slow) walk to Haputale. There are some good viewpoints and many ways inviting to walk through the tea. Trees growing on rocks and grey-white monkeys jumping around. Haputale is a little town but offers all need. Many shops, restaurants (guesthouses), bars, police station, public library, petrol stations, post office, busstop, railway station, a colonial hospital (no x-ray), internet, comunication, banks and many taxis and wheelers. Thursday most shops are closed. The new Fair is opposite the busstand or downroads after the railway cross.

ItA?A?s a one hour walk from Haputale to the Adisham Monestary. A shortcut from the railway station is to follow the railroad to the steps near Amarasinghe Guesthouse. Adisham is a nice old, colonial building like a little castle with a beautiful flower garden and lot of roses and some statues. Now it runs under monchs. They have a slaughtery there and sell jam, oil and honey to the visitors. Also they have a shop on the road between Haputale and Bandarawela.

Who likes to go for shopping, cheap internet (60 Rs./h) or fast photo service should go by train or bus to the next town Bandarawela. Also a day tour to Ella or Ohiya (WorldA?A?s End, Horton Plains, Baker Falls) is interesting. Or walk to Indulgashinna alongside the railroad and come back by the train. The trains are so loud that you will hear them right in time. Enough time to jump to the side and get some good photos or videos. Somewhere on the way is an old goods train fallen down by accident and a nice funny dog is living in a barrel right from the railroad. Long distances by train have also their charme special down to Kandy but take much more time than busses. For example Colombo: Bus 6 hours, train 9 hours.

You know to deal well and want to go long distance than hire a taxi for 15 rupees a kilometer and make a trip to Nuwara Eliya, Hatton (Adams Peak), Kandy, some beaches or Colombo airport. Daytours to Diyaluma Fall Koslanda, Baker Fall Horton Plains or Dunhinda Fall Badulla cost around 1500-3000 rupees. On the way to Badulla have a stop at Doha temple and find there an old, some meter high stone carving of Buddha.

Warning: I know from some taxis they take double money (8000 Rs/200km) for airport tours. Once a driver told me cause IA?A?m leaving the country they canA?A?t make more money from me so they do it on this last tour. This why and cause of my long legs, good view and toilet I prefer the first class panorama train which cost a quarter of the taxis. In Colombo I would recommend privat cabs you can order by phone. They were always in time, correct, save drivers and cheaper than the airport guys.

So, thatA?A?s it from my side. Hope you got some ideas.
Enjoy your trip to Sri Lanka.


arugam pul

Women do penance for elephantsA?A?A? death
Order viramune coupon Saturday February 9 2008 09:44 ISTS Kaththasami Lady era over the counter

COIMBATORE: Ever since the death of three elephants in a train accident near Madukkarai recently, there has been a flurry of reports in the regional dailies about pregnant women in nearby villages doing penance on the advice of a local godman.

Believing the words of the godman that the death of the elephants is a bad omen, many women in Pannimadai village are still performing rituals like lighting A?A?A?deepamA?A?A? with ghee in the evenings and pouring water on Lord Vinayaka.

But godman Ponoothu Malai Amman Arulvaku Sithar P K Narayanasami has scoffed at the newspaper reports that he had advised the local people to do penance for the death of the elephants.

A?A?A?It is irrational to believe that pregnant women will face the wrath of god because of this accident,A?A?A? said Narayanasami, who is staying at Chinnathadagam.

A?A?A?I was upset after seeing the reports. It was all a work of imagination,A?A?A? he added. He accused his friend Rajendran, who is working as a post master in Pannimadi village, of having used his name and misguided the people for his own publicity.

A?A?A?I am a fortune-teller and why should I create panic among the people?A?A?A? he asked.

R Selvi, a resident of Pannimadai, said that on Feb 5, Rajendran approached them and said that to avoid any evil befalling pregnant women, Narayanasami had advised them to mix a variety of grass (A?A?A?arugam pulA?A?A?) in a pot of water and offer it to Lord Vinayaka. Rajendran also asked them to light A?A?A?Panja muga deepamA?A?A? in homes.

A?A?A?We have strong belief in Ponoothu Malai Amman. So we followed what he told us,A?A?A? she said.


ADRA Vacancy

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is a recognized international humanitarian

agency with the specific purpose of community development and disaster relief.

We are currently recruiting for the following positions based in Pottuville, Ampara with the


Capacity and Youth Leadership Coordinator

Field Officer- Technical

Health Education Field Assistants

Interested candidates please their Bio Data/CV with the following documents:

  1. Written narrative of the candidates experience as it relates to the position
  2. 1 passport photo
  3. Photocopy of National Identity Card
  4. Photocopy of your certificates diplomas, licenses or any other relevant document
  5. Two non related references with contact details
  6. A recommendation letter from the GS
  7. Certificate of Police Clearance

Submit your applications to:

ADRA Sri Lanka, Main Street, Pottuvil or via email to

Applications must be received by February 15, 2008



  • Must be proficient in written and spoken Tamil and English is mandatory. Fluency in Sinhala is a plus.
  • Possess personality traits such as: flexibility, patience, diplomacy, sense of humor, strong moral character and work ethic, strong attention to detail and follow through.
  • Motivation to work with all ethnic groups
























Andrew Lucas
Project Director
Ampara Community Empowerment Project
ADRA Sri Lanka

cell: 077 3207498
CDMA: 063 4921684

No SMS or SOS has been informed that there will be no Prometrium price canada SMS service on the entire island today.
No mobile phone provider is allowed to support this service at least from 06:00hrs. to 12:00hrs. today we are told. Maybe all day.
It is the Accutane cost with aetna 60th Independence Day of the Nation from England.

Arugam is not Rio

Thank you! Surfer dudes from Is there a generic substitute for abilify Where to buy biaxin antibiotic Brazil who have sent us pretty photos from the Rio Carnival!
Sadly, we cannot publish your kind of shots of beautiful women here……:-((
However, we also have the odd explicit photo opportunity; even more nude than yours!!
Here is one impression of our future, female and very local Surfer generation:
Not the Rio Carnival

Have a wonderful parade in the Samba Dome! We wish we could be there with you!
(Ps.: What is the swell like in Brazil right now?)
No matter! Again! We can do better!
We also may have a parade or two on Monday next – it’s Sri Lanka’s 60th Independence day. Will it also be fun? Some of us here in S.L. wonder….

Massive development plan for North and East

The Government yesterday announced a massive development plan under the Reawakening programme to restore livelihoods through new agriculture and irrigation projects aimed at a sustainable social and economic integration of the community in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.

Continue reading ‘Massive development plan for North and East’