But we were united, full of hope and full of confidence.
We even managed a swift and highly efficient self-recovery.
- We had our very own reliable Early Warning System.
- The Bay was covered with a high speed WiFi system, free to access by all.
- We had a good medical clinic thanks to DEMIRA.
- There was no talk of ‘Tamil’, Muslim or Sinhalese “Area”.
- Above all, there was no war.
- All was Then – Not Now.
In our personal experience, the natural flood event 3 years ago was nothing compared with the man made disaster which has unfolded since.
Still, the ‘great’ organizations are content with their ‘impressive’ achievements.
Take a look at two examples, published this week.
- The Red Crusaders and Half Moonies dwell in glowing reports “From the Field”.
- https://www.arugam.info/2007/12/25/from-the-field/
- http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/fromthefield/220224/
- 31b45032a6112e837bf489cb2a4d2cc1.htm
- We, the actual victims, had no idea that the guys in plush offices in Colombo 7, such as their grand mansion in Gregory Road, are involved in agriculture Lopid online . But we do know that they tend to send their local staff near -but never actually into – the odd trouble zone. Whilst all ex pats remain near the Happy Hour and the up market ‘Bay Leaf Restaurant opposite on Gregory’s Rd. A excellent location to pretend that IRCS so-called management also do a highly ‘dangerous’ job “In the killing Fields”. This of course is a great tool to justify their high wages and danger allowances.
- UN has managed, after 3 years, to compile a map at huge expense and keeps on advertising the fact:
- http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/rwb.nsf/db900sid/PANA-7A4ENR?OpenDocument
You can even get it for FREE. They stress. Who the hell would want this silly map, which shows no details at all and doesn’t even mention the hardest hit area Arugam Bay remains their own little secret.
A far better map was produced by the British, 60 years ago and this one is actually useful – but it does cost 75Rs./ at the Ordinance Dept. in Colombo. For this huge amount you actually receive an updated, modern version showing every telegraph pole.
- Mercy Corps and Oprah Whinfrey are still boasting with the fact that they “changed our lives”.
- Indeed, they did.
- But just about everything is much worse than it ever was before in the Bay.
- No matter. The popular, very clever Show is well in the clear. Financially.
- Harpo Inc. collected huge sums in the name of Arugam Bay with their 3 shows.
- A substantial surplus of many Millions was made, even after ‘reaching out’ by signing a cheque for 1 Mill. and walking away from our long term, Mercy Corpse created problems.
How blissful must it be, to be ignorant!
On one side the gullible donors are impressed with glowing and highly inflated claims of achievements.
On the victims side, where nobody has Internet access (Why?? We often wonder??), no one has an idea what is claimed abroad to have been done. In the remote little Bay.
Arugam.info, and also myself are (un-)lucky enough to be able to see and compare both sides.
And as they never seem to match we have seen it as our duty to report – directly from the Field. For three, terrible, long years we did just that.. If we don’t draw attention to this huge fraud, who else is to do so? It got us nowhere. On the contrary, we harmed ourselves and we would have done better to grovel and give in to their financial super power. Earning a few of the morsels they tend to drop to the greedy and their sympathizer’s.
So, who made all the difference?
The small, simple, private people.
Exactly the kind of group, the BIG organizations wanted to keep out. Their advice was NOT to take matters into one’s own hand and leave the Tsunami help in their ‘experienced’ and ‘trusted’ hands.
Lucky for the Bay some did not listen and purchased a ticket and came to see, help and do what they could.
If it were not for great guys such as:
- Nathalie, the party girl, who played with kids. Showed they that someone cared for them.
- Tom the carpenter, who came with nothing but his tools and belief to assist
- David le Sueur of Friends of Europe
- Dutch girls Maria & Hanneke
- Doc. Martin and DEMIRA,
- Supem de Silva and the Rotary Club
- Rasta Neelu and French Frederick
- Per & Camilla from Danish Villa,
- Steve of RoccoA?a??a??s fame
- Members of SLB and Reisespinne
- Wolfgang, the (then) webmaster
- N.s.s. Simon, the Bay’s big donor
- And many more
None of them ever had a vehicle fit for a Minister. Indeed, most relied on Public transport. Surprise, surprise: They all still managed to do a great deal more locally and all over the so-called ‘troubled’ East Coast than any Land Cruiser crew ever did or will do.
Without references to or demands for (non-existing-)danger money.
And all without a weird blue light on top. Or flag behind.
If these highly motivated, educated, critical and informed individuals would have been supported just a little more with some official funds (wasted daily) they are the ones who would really have changed lives to the better.
Instead, the large organizations regarded them as a threat, obstructed and even boycotted many. Most left, sad and demoralized, because they simply could not compete with (empty) promises, flash cars and elaborate lifestyles of the Great ones, which did impress and corrupt the local natives.
Most in the big organizations seem to regard their tasks as just another job. And although they may have started with great intentions they were soon grounded by their own bureaucracy. Only few had the back bone to resign in disgust. Such as Matthias from Koeln and Max Seelhofer, the Swiss Red Cross S.L country chief.
WE salute them all.
And we wish to thank our loyal, critical supporters herewith.
Without all of you great guys I am sure that some of the neck ties dropped of by the Red Cross 3 years ago would have found more than one non-intended use by now.
The US donated toilet rolls, which filled the entire “Hang Loose” Hotel at the time when we had no toilets, however, became useful after all, proving us totally wrong. A good motion.
Let us hope and pray that the next 3 years will not see are repeat performance of this mismanagement and waste of resources!
Below is just one Example.
This what we often see, locally.
Nothing at all has been done, apart from an erected sign!
Or even two…..
However, at least one organization had the neck to claim that they ‘completed’ a “Sanitary Project” in Arugam Bay. At huge expense. The trusting donors were content.
But, would they still be happy with their good deed? If they had been given the facts?
If they could have compared this grand “Project” with the REALITY, as below?
Maybe some of you can understand, why We are NOT happy with what we were forced to observe during the past Three, Terrible Years!
Happy New Year 2008!
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