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Peace Building

08 Jul, 2008 09:00:02

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Sri Lanka should build English medium schools in East: official
July 07, 2008 (LBO) – Sri Lanka’s government should start English medium schools in the East of the island, because educators in the areas are clamouring them, a top official in charge of peace building efforts said.
The Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP) is encouraging communities in the Eastern Province to formulate their own development initiatives for the area which will also contribute to peace building.A key initiative was the request for an English medium schools in the Trincomalee district, Rajiva Wijesinha secretary general of SCOPP told reporters in Colombo.

“Principals from Moslem, Tamil and Sinhalese schools in the region have requested for an overarching English medium school to supplement a teacher shortage.”

“This will also help children of different ethnicities to blend with each other, hopefully when the children unite, the adults will also do so,” Wijesinha said.

The secretariat has opted to allow the communities to plan their own development schemes for the region. It will also help communities unite in the peace building process, SCOPP says.

“These are the areas we have to move in and act quickly because the people themselves have asked for it,” Wijesinha said.

Sri Lanka Army freed from the Eastern region of the island from Tamil Tigers over the past year. Provincial polls were also conducted in the Eastern Province in May, where TVMP the break-away faction of Tigers won the chief ministerial portfolio.

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Since then, development work has been initiated in the region.The government also opened the new Arugam Bay Bridge connecting Pottuvil, Arugam Bay and Panama in the Eastern province, which was swept away in the 20047 tsunami, to the public this month.

SCOPP has also appointed civil coordinators for the region to stir constant discussion and exchange of information.

It is important to bring community action together against ‘spoiling’ activities such as abductions and torture, says Wijesinha.

However, the region has a dearth of job opportunities and skilled labour due to lower levels of education, he also said.


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Potuville Point real-estate controversy

Potuvil Point pictured below from Google Earth, is located at the northern end of Sri LankaA?a??a??s famous Arugam bay.Potuvil Point - Google Earth close up facing South

Potuvil Point from Google Earth Facing North

This isolated surfing paradise is the centre of an expose on what appreas to be some shady real estate deals. The story has a familiar recipe of neo colonial symbolism – foreign nationals buying land from locals, accusations of corruption, and real-estate developed building resorts on pristine beaches in the third world. It is the sort of thing that can bring out the environmental activists into the streets.

The expose is written by Frederica Jansz (who has previously rattled a lot of people including the LTTE) and is currently listed as a contributor to Montage Lanka. The gist of the accusation is that two locally based British nationals have been selling land in Sri Lanka to overseas buyers at inflated prices – while evading Sri Lankan taxes and immigration laws.

You can read through the details on Glycomet online dictionary FredericaA?a??a??s article A?a??A?Land grabbing and the Sri Lanka GovernmentA?a??a??s silenceA?a??A?. The article was also carried by the The Sunday Leader newspaper on 20 March 2005 under the same title.

The first link to the article on this blog is to the text cached by Google. The article was originally hosted on which is off line as I write (on June 2nd). The domain remains registered to A?a??A?Kataragama Research PublicationsA?a??A?. This organisation also owns quite a few other domains including – most of them (I wasnA?a??a??t able to check each one) are off line as off 31 May – 2 June 2008. You might be able to access their content through Google cache until hopefully the web-site return.

Interestingly the late Manik Sandrasagra was involved with the Living Heritage trust that used the domain. The fact that the website of an organisation concerned with sustainability and ecology carried the article seems to suggests that there were/are deeper concerns about the development.

Online, the whole issue seems to have quietened down after 2005. Perhaps everything was resolved. Or as with such things in Sri Lanka forgotten under other concerns.

The master plan for a tourism related development for Pottuvil Point is online. Interestingly both and (the online face of the subject of FredericaA?a??a??s expose) are registered (whois search as of June 1 200 8) to the famous Clarinase price australia Dome apartment at Galle Face Court featured in Sri Lanka lifestyle/interior design articles and books. Turns out the location belongs to Giles Scott, one of the British Nationals named in Frederica JanszA?a??a??s article.

It certainly get murkier all right. If anyone knows better/up-to-date info, you know where the comment box is :)

The marginally more adventurous can explore Potuvil point via


Co2 neutral

10 Millionen BA?A?ume in 5 Jahren A?a??a??
Sri Lanka will Co2 neutral werden

Frankfurt/Colombo Mai 2008: Zehn Millionen BA?A?ume will der Rotary Club von Sri Lanka in den kommenden fA?A?nf Jahren als Beitrag zum Klimaschutz pflanzen. Die ehrgeizige Aktion ist Teil einer Tourismusinitiative, die Sri Lanka anlA?A?sslich der Umweltkonferenz der Vereinten Nationen im vergangenen Oktober in Davos angekA?A?ndigt hat. Das groA?A?angelegte A?a??A?Earth Lung ProjektA?a??A? zielt darauf, schA?A?dliche Emissionen, wie zum Beispiel durch den Flugverkehr verursacht, nachhaltig zu reduzieren und die Insel zu einem kohlendioxidfreien Ferienziel zu machen.

A?a??A?Auch Touristen denken beim Reisen zunehmend an die Folgen fA?A?r die UmweltA?a??A?, meint Channa Jayasinghe, Direktor des Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau in Frankfurt. A?a??A?Wir sehen der Tatsache ins Auge, dass viele unserer GA?A?ste eine lange Anreise haben und wollen alles tun, um den SchadstoffausstoA?A? zu minimieren.A?a??A?

Sri Lanka soll Co2 neutral werden lautet die strikte Zielsetzung mit deren Umsetzung bereits begonnen wurde: In der reizvollen Bergregion von Hunas Falls fiel kA?A?rzlich mit einer ersten groA?A?en Pflanzaktion der Startschuss fA?A?r das langfristig angelegte, gewaltige Aufforstungsprojekt.

Bereits heute bedecken die tropischen WA?A?lder rund 24% der GesamtflA?A?che der Insel. Die WA?A?lder nehmen Kohlenstoff auf und kompensieren so den AusstoA?A? durch die Verbrennung von fossilen EnergietrA?A?gern, wie Kerosin und A?a??l. Eine nachhaltige Forstwirtschaft soll die tropischen WA?A?lder der Insel als wichtige CO2 Speicher pflegen und flA?A?chenmA?A?A?A?ig ausdehnen.

Ganz im Zeichen der Umweltinitiative steht auch das kommende A?a??A?Vogue Lifestyles WeekendA?a??A? vom 30. Mai bis 1. Juni 2008 im Colombo. Amtierende SchA?A?nheitskA?A?niginnen aus aller Welt werden anlA?A?sslich der bedeutenden Fashion-Show A?a??A?grA?A?neA?a??A? Mode von asiatischen Top-Designern auf dem Catwalk prA?A?sentieren: farbenprA?A?chtige Roben aus naturbelassenen Materialien und phantasievollen Dekors, die die Natur reflektieren. Der ErlA?A?s kommt dem nationalen Aufforstungsprojekt zugute.

Glucophage price in philippines Auch Sri Lankas Textilindustrie schlieA?A?t sich der Initiative an: Zwei der grA?A?A?A?ten Textilhersteller haben bereits mehrere Millionen Euro zur VerfA?A?gung gestellt, um ihre Produktion umzurA?A?sten und so die Freisetzung von Co2 zu minimieren und nachhaltig Energie und Wasser einzusparen. Weitere Industriebetriebe wollen im Laufe des Jahres folgen. Order arcoxia prospect

Channa Jayasinghe: A?a??A?Das gewaltige Vorhaben gewinnt in Sri Lanka immer mehr an Fahrt und wir wA?A?rden uns freuen wenn sich weitere LA?A?nder anschlieA?A?en.A?a??A?

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Presseinformation | Kontakt:

mk Advertising . Travel . Public Relations | Monika Blachian
Goethestr. 66 | 80336 MA?A?nchen | Tel. +49-89-590 439 04
Fax +49-89-516 568 94 | |

Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau| Direktor Channa Jayasinghe
Allerheiligentor 2-4 I 60311 Frankfurt/M. | Tel. +49-69-28 77 34
Fax +49-69-28 83 71 | |

Free Natural Beer Offer

Happy Tamil & Sinhalese NEW YEAR!
Tiger Beer

There is no more “Tiger” on the East Coast!
Purchase zestoretic cost “Tiger” is OUT!!??!! On strict Presidential Orders!
South Eastern Pacific Breweries NowA? have serious problems:
Their other two “Baron“s have also been “Anchored.

Worse still: All the the old, loyal & local “Kings” have been dismissed!
Rumor has it that a local version of “High-Necken “ will soon be on our island.

Btw: Nl – DK: What is the int. beer dominance score now?
Nederland – v- Denmark?
Has Holland got the upper hand since the Daemonic Cartoons appeared?

A unique, home grown, Local Product, recently Exported to the UK:
(Said to have run into trouble with authorities on arrival in the UK)
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No worries!!! –
Like the Aussie surfers would say:

All the now famous Arugam Beers are still available!
On draft /tap @ Arugam Bay!
Rs./ 2,000 will buy you a few liters!

May launch of Mai Bock Beer

AbaY’s New Year Offer:
Cut out this image, present it to us at Arugam Bay:
(To find the only outlet so far is YOUR local task!)
Found the only place on the entire island?:
Mention this article:A? And receive a FREE Sample of Natural Draft Beer!
(Do it! Before we are also forced to export the stuff…)
turn the cartoon!
Choose from:
(If available)
Fine draft Beers
This post wasA? originally published April 1st, 2008,
But appeared a bit delayed due to poor Internet connections.

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Arugam Bay Water Tower

One more Tower – One more Land Mark!
At picturesque Arugam Bay.
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Arugam Bay Water Tower under Construction

Between #61 Fishing Net and #62 Palmgrove Holiday Inn a new, large project is being constructed at present. Where can i buy levothroid
Just South of our “City Centre”, landside, USAID and their sub contractors are well under way to build a new Water Tower and supply system.
This project seems swift and professional in its approach – we’ll keep you posted of its progress.

Panama, Kumana

SRI LANKA: War-affected forest community gets new lease of life

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Photo: Christine Jayasinghe/IRIN
War-displaced Rammalappu Dhanapala in his shrine in Panama, eastern Sri Lanka. His Padu community was evicted from the Kumana forest by government authorities who feared the area had been infiltrated by Tamil Tiger separatist rebels

PANAMA, 17 February 2008 (IRIN) – Every Friday people crowd into Rammalappu DhanapalaA?a??a??s yard, eager to hear the fortune tellerA?a??a??s prophecies and seek his advice on how to avert imminent disasters. A?a??A?I have supernatural powers given to me by my grandparents and my parents,A?a??A? he said, showing vials of potions that he dispenses to cure various ailments.

Carrying on a long family tradition, Dhanapala who lives in Panama village in Ampara District in eastern Sri Lanka, now offers his counsel in a newly-constructed shrine room filled with the scent of incense. Its brick walls are decorated with colourful pictures of the many gods he invokes.

What is unique about the fortune-tellerA?a??a??s operation is that a local community-based organisation, the Movement of Young Social Workers (MOYS), spent Rs. 60,000 (about US$530) – in funding given it by international non-governmental organisation ActionAid – to build him a bigger shrine room that would accommodate more clients. Since then, his clientele has doubled, bringing him Rs. 5,000-6,000 (about $50-$60) on a busy day.

MOYSA?a??a??s support for Dhanapala is only a small part of its support to the Padu community, traditionally considered as occupying one of the lower rungs of the caste hierarchy of the Sinhalese.


Interactive Sri Lanka map
highlighting Panama village

View larger version at Google Maps

The community was forcibly uprooted from the nearby Kumana forest 18 years ago by the police, when the government feared that rebels of the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had infiltrated the area.

Brought to Panama under duress and left to fend for themselves, the once self-sufficient members of the Padu community found it difficult to adjust to a new way of life, particularly given their low caste. Thirteen families now live in Panama while others have made their home in nearby villages. Besides being displaced victims of the war, they also suffered human and material losses from the December 2004 tsunami.

The Padu community traces its history back to the islandA?a??a??s central Kandyan kingdom when their ancestors served high-caste aristocrats who rebelled against the British colonial rulers in the 19th century. When the noblemen fled a crackdown, they took their domestics with them to eastern Sri Lanka. The servants ended up living as a tightly knit, self-sufficient clan in the Kumana forest.

Supporting traditional livelihoods

In DhanapalaA?a??a??s case, said Nirosion Perera, chairman of MOYS, A?a??A?He has an unusual occupation and one of our aims is to encourage and support the traditional livelihoods of the Padu community. He is also quite successful at what he does, so we felt he deserved help to improve his standing in Panama.A?a??A?

MOYS is supporting others in the Padu community to improve their economic status so that the ensuing recognition will assist in their long-term integration with the largely upper caste Sinhala Buddhists who live in Panama.


DhanapalaA?a??a??s brother, R. Sugathapala, scours the forest to bring honey made by wild bees. The honey is highly prized in the village and beyond for being wholesome and nutritious and his A?a??E?KumanaA?a??a?? brand has now made a name for itself.

A?a??A?This is the first time we have got any help from any organisation,A?a??A? said Sugathapala, who used to barter the honey in exchange for goods his family needed. MOYS is helping Sugathapala acquire skills, including how to manage his business, as well as funding costs to start a small poultry farm that his wife will manage to give the family an additional income source.

MOYS also helps other members of the community by providing funding and technical expertise for livelihood projects such as growing seasonal crops of chillies, aubergines and millet, and for the `chenaA?a??a?? (post-slash and burn) cultivation.

But MOYS does not just assist the community in developing livelihoods and increasing incomes. A relationship has grown up between the agency and the community that enables it to advise residents on issues affecting their lives, including how to save sufficient money for emergencies and ways to ensure their kids get an education. A?a??A?We want to look into their health, improve their living standards, ensure their children go to school and assist their psycho-social development through giving them economic support,A?a??A? said Perera.

Perera pointed out that members of the community knew little of some aspects of modern life such as banking extra income for future investment, and banding together to promote their interests as a group. MOYS has helped them set up a rural bank and is organising them into a group so as to better defend its interests.

Few in school

Few children attend school because they cannot afford to buy books and other necessities, but also because of the social ostracism they face from their peers. A?a??A?People here donA?a??a??t want to have anything to do with the people from Kumana because of the problem of their caste,A?a??A? said Perera. A?a??A?By giving them a voice within the larger community, we want to help them gain acceptance.A?a??A?

While some of those who have been displaced by Sri LankaA?a??a??s protracted conflict may not want to return to their former homes, the Padu community longs to head back, not only to their open air abodes, but also to a simpler lifestyle.

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Arugam Bay Master Plan

Rebuilding Sri Lanka for Tourists:
A Report on the Latest Situation
Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR), Sri Lanka

After the December 2004 tsunami struck, devastating the countries of South and Southeast Asia, the Sri Lankan government moved quickly to announce the launch of a grand plan not just to rehabilitate the affected areas but to rebuild the whole country. They have since gathered commitments of over $3 billion from the international financial institutions and foreign governments to carry this out.

Within days of the disaster, the government had announced that people should not rebuild their houses on the coast. Within weeks, an exclusion zone of up to 200 metres inland from the coast had been announced, displacing fisherfolk and other coastal communities from their land and effectively severing them from their livelihoods. Shortly afterwards, exceptions were announced for tourist businesses, and the government has been talking about the need to promote tourism. In the meantime, non-governmental agencies have been carrying out almost all of the work in cleaning up the destroyed areas, building temporary shelters, regenerating livelihoods and so on.

The Sri Lanka Tourist Board website says, A?a??A?In a cruel twist of fate, nature has presented Sri Lanka with a unique opportunity, and out of this great tragedy will come a world class tourism destination.A?a??A? However, this A?a??A?unique opportunityA?a??A? seems to be reserved solely for developers and those who can afford a A?a??A?world-class tourist destination,A?a??A? but for the majority of tsunami survivors, the opportunity for rebuilding their lives with dignity and sustainability will be lost. For them, the A?a??A?cruel twist of fateA?a??A? was not in the tsunami, but lies in the governmentA?a??a??s tourist- and business-oriented rebuilding plan.

The Master Plans: Arugam Bay, a Blueprint for Sri Lanka

Plans are now being developed to transform 15 coastal towns all around the island into tourist resorts as part of the post- tsunami rebuilding process. The 15 towns under discussion, Wadduwa, Beruwala, Bentota, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Unawatuna, Koggala, Matara, Hambantota, Tangalla, Yala, Arugam Bay, Passikuddah, Nilaweli and Kalpitiya, have been singled out for redevelopment according to different themes.

The first plan to emerge was that for the redevelopment of Arugam Bay, a small town nestled on the edge of a 300 hectare lagoon on the east coast of Sri Lanka, which just happens to be one of the best surfing spots in the world with beautiful beaches. There are indications that this will serve as a model for all the other areas.

Redevelopment Plans A?a??A? Grandiose and InappropriateA?a??A?

The Arugam Bay Resource Development Plan covers a stretch of land 17km by 5km between Komari and Panama, including Pottuvil Town. It envisages the total reorientation of the area away from the current fishing and agricultural communities, supplemented by seasonal guesthouses, into a large development of hotels (A?a??A?low cost budget windsurfer to 5-star touristA?a??A?), a commercial centre (A?a??A?shoppersA?a??a?? paradiseA?a??A?), a yachting marina, floating plane pier and helipad. According to the plan, while only 9 out of 25,000 hectares are currently being used for tourism, this figure is set to increase exponentially through the redevelopment.

Consultants contracted to work on the redevelopment admit that they, A?a??A?have drawn heavily upon past plans (esp. the Tourism Master Plan)A?a??A?which was widely recognised as being A?a??E? grandioseA?a??a?? and A?a??E?inappropriateA?a??a??,A?a??A? referring to a report of the Asian Development Bank. The disconnect between the planned development and the interests of the people is illustrated in the following quote, A?a??E?the location of the helicopter pad near the new pedestrianised road will bring a new vibrant life in to Arugam Bay town centreA?a??a??.

Government Coercion Forces Out Coastal Communities

In the name of A?a??A? redevelopment,A?a??A? the Sri Lanka Tourist Board is ready to acquire not only all the land within the buffer zone declared by the Taskforce for Rebuilding the Nation (TAFREN) of 200 metres from the high tide line, but also a stretch up to a kilometre wide running along 3 kilometres of the coast beyond the buffer zone, as well as a belt of land over 600 metres wide in places around the edge of the lagoon. In addition, an area of sea next to the lagoon entrance will be appropriated for the yachting marina and a strip across the middle of the lagoon for the floating plane landing pier.

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This proprietary sentiment was reflected in statements made by the Sri Lanka Tourist Board Chairman at a meeting organised by Sewalanka Foundation between the community and the Sri Lanka Tourist Board. Saying, A?a??A?The land belongs to the government. Maybe your forefathers lived in that area, but the 860 acres belongs to the government. It will be developed as a tourist zone. We will put up buildings and develop the area and we will ask you to come and work thereA?a??A? After I became the Chairman I captured 5,000 acres of land for the Tourist Board. My target is 15,000 acres,A?a??A? the Chairman left no room for doubt about the true nature of the plans for reconstruction.

There are plans for new housing for the estimated 5,000 displaced families in 5 separate inland locations, in all cases behind areas zoned off for tourism. These resettlements are located well over 1km from both the sea and the lagoon, which are rendered practically inaccessible by the new tourist infrastructure. The plan proposes to allocate houses in the resettlement districts by drawing lots, and there is blatant coercion to move from the government, saying through the Tourist Board that A?a??A?these houses will be given to people who support our program.A?a??A? Further threats from the Tourist Board hint at state oppression of non- compliants, threatening communities that A?a??A?if you built any illegal structures in Arugam Bay, the army and the police will have to come and remove them.A?a??A?
The document also says that the over 70 existing guesthouses and numerous other small enterprises that will have to be relocated would, if they were already registered businesses, be given the option of leasing land within the zones for a period of up to 30 years, while unregistered businesses would have no such rights. None of the businesses will receive compensation.

$80 Million of Tsunami Funds Spent on Creating a A?a??A?Tourist ParadiseA?a??A?

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The initial investment in the planned development is estimated at $80 million. Of that, $50 million is earmarked for a bridge over Arugam Lagoon, which according to the plan A?a??A?will stand as an inspirational symbol that shows progress towards the achievement of prosperity for Arugam BayA?a??A? as A?a??A?the gateway to a tourist paradise.A?a??A?

Another $5 million is allocated for a new road around Arugam Lagoon, and $20 million is proposed for the construction of the new inland townships of 2,500 houses each. The remaining $5 million is slated for water supply and sanitation systems in the new townships and the tourist zone. The cost of the other proposed infrastructure, such as the floating plane pier and helipad, is not yet included in the overall plan, although it is stated in the document that such amenities will have to be funded either by investment by the government or from NGOs.


What else could $80 million do?

The government has decided to stop the weekly food grant of 200 rupees in cash and 175 rupees in rations for the 881,000 people affected by the disaster. $80 million would be sufficient to extend this relief for all for another 6 months.

The government has only started to build 1,659 permanent houses to replace the 41,393 that were completely destroyed, a mere fraction of the housing desperately needed by tsunami victims. $80 million would be enough for 32,000 families to build houses.


Redevelopment Plan Conceived in Isolation

The plan was apparently initiated independently by the Rebuild Sri Lanka Trust, which was set up in the aftermath of the tsunami by 4 individuals and started working in the Arugam Bay area as a A?a??A?non- political private sector initiative.A?a??A? The Trustees include the managing director of Maxim Ltd., a garment manufacturing company; a senior partner in a Colombo law firm, specialising in foreign investment, infrastructure development advisory services and real estate; the Managing Director of Expolanka Freight Ltd, a transport services company; and a retired doctor.

The Rebuild Sri Lanka Trust had within a month of the tsunami contracted a series of consultants to work on the plan. These are Dutch engineering consultants Arcadis; ECOPLAN-Z Limited from New Zealand; and EML Consultants from Sri Lanka. All of these consultants are involved in or are directly linked to work on large Asian Development Bank or World Bank infrastructure projects. The local company, EML Consultants, according to their website, normally works in facilitating US investment in water and environmental services, in carbon trading and in the promotion of plantation agriculture and floriculture.

The plan was finalised in late April of this year, and states that at the time of writing the President had already given approval, and was A?a??A?keen to see the action projects proposed in the report are implemented without delay.A?a??A? In fact, USAID had already published a presolicitation notice for a contract to construct the bridge, road, water supply scheme and wastewater system in Arugam Bay by 8th April 2005, and hosted a pre-bid conference for potential contractors in Colombo on 10th May 2005.

The first the residents of Arugam Bay heard of the plan was at a meeting organised by the Sri Lanka Tourist Board and Sewalanka Foundation in Colombo on 17th May 2005, nearly a month after the plan had been approved and finalized by the government, and more than a month after the USAID presoliciation notice was issued.

An assessment of the plan carried out by Arcadis said A?a??A?the most important shortcoming is that it has largely been produced in isolation in Colombo, with little or no stakeholder involvement. It is evident that the team spent only two days in Pottuvil – Arugam Bay, and apart from the GA officer in Ampara and the DS in Pottuvil, they met only with INGO staff.A?a??A?


Business Interests at the Top

The plan falls under the remit of the Taskforce for Rebuilding the Nation (TAFREN), an extra-governmental body functioning under the authority of the President. TAFREN is headed by 10 business leaders, at least 5 of whom own or manage companies that operate beach hotels.


For Tsunami Victims, Another A?a??A?Cruel Twist of FateA?a??A? In Store

The picture that is becoming clearer by the day shows that the direction being taken in the post-tsunami rebuilding is completely counter to the interests of those people who have suffered in the disaster. They are being driven off their land and out of their livelihoods in the name of a grand plan for the A?a??E?modernisationA?a??a?? of the country.

This process started long before tsunami, but it is now being pushed with the weight of the $3 billion the government has gathered in the name of the tsunami victims. If all of the 15 tourist townships require an investment of $80 million, the cost will be $1.2 billion, or a massive 40% of the total amount committed. If all of the 15 tourist township plans follow the model of Arugam Bay, the number of families pushed out to make way for hotels, yachting marinas, helipads and floating plane landing strips could be well over 75,000.

published September, 2005 – but only found on the net now, January, 2008

Virtual Globe Trotting: Sri Lanka

January 22nd, 2008

One of my greatest wishes and goals in life is to travel around the world and explore. I would like to have what I call little mini adventures. I love the sense of freedom you get when you travel. Like you can leave all the other stuff in your life at home and just enjoy the pleasures and sites of someplace new, try new things, eat new foods and just explore.

Since I canA?a??a??t just pick up and leave for these great adventures whenever I want, I do still want to learn about new places and cultures and sites. My not so very original idea instead is to read travel guides or watch videos about the places I would like to visit.

Recently while surfing channels on the TV, I found a series called Globe Trekker on PBS. I watched a program last night on Sri Lanka and the Maldives. One of the places the host visited was the Buy accutane 5 mg Pinnewala Elephant Orphanage in Kegalle, Hill Country, Sri Lanka. Apparently when the farmers started taking over more and more land to tea plantations, the elephants were driven out. The orphanage is home to these displaced elephants and also home to many injured elephants due to land mines. You can visit and observe them feeding the elephants as well as watch them go in the water for bath time, which was totally adorable and really tugs the heart strings.

I also found her visit to Arugam Bay in Ampara, Southeast Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia Bupron purchase to really interesting. Because of an ongoing civil war with the Tamil Tigers, the region has its share of terrorist activities occasionally. But apparently both sides of this war, donA?a??a??t have a problem with tourists visiting the area. Some of the most beautiful beaches are there and hard core surfers from around the world go there to surf. I thought their travel advice was pretty practical. ItA?a??a??s like anywhere else in the world, there are good areas and bad, just stay in the areas that are good and donA?a??a??t just wander around, because youA?a??a??ll run into problems. They used NYC has an analogy for this.

As for the Maldives Islands, there are 1190 of them. Tourists can only stay on a fraction of them. I learned they are very careful about conservation on those islands and the sea surrounding them. The host was saying that the islands are a divers paradise and I can believe it. The sea life was really quite amazing.

One of the cool things about learning in general to me is making connections. For example this morning when checking Google news I came across an article about Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers. I can honestly say that normally I would probably have passed over that article and never read it. But now that IA?a??a??ve watched that program and understand a bit more about the conflict goin on and seeing the people who live there, its a connection.

Anyway, just thought I would share my little virtual journey. Check out the program and links. Enjoy!!


Early Warning

Radio messages to warn of natural disasters

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by Nilma Dole

Three years after the tsunami, a natural disaster satellite alert system is now ready to help warn last-mile rural villages on natural disaster emergencies. The Addressable Radio for Emergency Alert (AREA) is a digital satellite device that uses simple radio technology, delivering messages to save lives.

LIRNEasia (Learning Initiatives on Reforms for Network Economics) is a research-based organization that has collaborated with World-Space USA. They have field-tested the AREA device in Brahamawatte – Balapitiya (Galle District) and villages, like Panama in Ampara. “We have concluded eight different configurations that we can communicate to the rural villages and communities” said, Executive Director, LIRNEasia Professor Rohan Samarajiva.

The device is a palm-top radio which can be used to listen to news and music under normal circumstances.

However in the state of an emergency, the normal channel is automatically diverted to another channel which gives updates about an emergency. For different rural villages and communities, different messages can be broadcast on different channels.

From 2006, Sarvodaya has been working with LIRNEasia to help train communities to be more informed about disasters and to think about proper evacuation methods. “For example, flash floods cannot be pre-determined but if the Kelaniya river overflows, villages downstream can be warned that in x number of hours, y inches of the water level will rise”, said Professor Samarajiva.

Sarvodaya stations are located at their regional centres in 32 villages, broadcasting emergency messages managed by their team of experts. Even though LIRNEasia has given many AREA devices to rural villages, there are still more communities who are in need of them. “The government’s assistance is needed to fund the AREA radios for all rural communities with an authoritative person in charge to transfer the emergency message”. said Professor Samarajiva.
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Solid Houses

Order yougaramdewababa On the event of re-advertised vacancy of project manager (see Comment below), this post is hereby re-published:
Still, there is not one real good development at Arugambay to report.
But, at nearby PottuVille, the Dutch Solid House Foundation is getting on very well with their Tropical Iglu project.

Build to a high standard, mainly for Tamils in a Tamil area, and above all also popular with the locals:
Here we have, at last! a project to be proud of. regrets that no such brilliant progress has ever been made in the Bay itself – after all How much does prograf cost Arugam is “The hardest hit Community in the whole of Sri Lanka”

2007 Capture Competition

The grand Arugam Bay Order zenegra photo Competition price of 2007 remains unclaimed!
Even a regular visitor to the Bay, having won 2 weeks Free B&B for two in an a/c suite, did not visit the Bay this year. It has never been as quiet as this before!
Order lisinopril hydrochlorothiazide AbHa has decided to extent the offer to redeem for one further year, hoping to welcome brilliant photographer Mr. Philip sometime in 2008.

How about a capture contest?
Below are a few amateur shots, all taken around the same location.
During the past 3 years.

AbHa, trying hard to attract tourists thinks the few photos sum up the “progress” of the past three years rather well, without many words. And show the conflict of interests in the Bay these days.
The winner of the most apt, funny or fitting capture will win a chance to run up and down Arugam Bay beach (just 2km) and try to match the amount of vessels with the slogans painted upon them.
At our expense.
Simply click “Comments” and let us hear your suggestion.

2004 View to Beach

December 2004; a Natural Event

Clean Arugam Bay April 2005

April, 2005. A fine balance is still in place

Outlook 2005

2005: Is this what tourists come to the Bay for?

Outlook Dec. 2007: After NGO

YOUR Suggestions Please!

Green Lung of Asia

The responsible world begins to take global warming serious.
And Sri Lanka is planning to point out its unique ecological position.
The island Nation, it is said, has NO Co2 emission at all.
Indeed, our green Island produces more Oxygen than its own emission of harmful gasses. is informed that if this claim is proven to be correct, it will form the back bone of the entire future strategy of the Tourist Board.

In Arugam Bay we are blessed with no sea pollution at all.
That’s obvious, as we clearly have no industry or sewage which could ever spoil the quality of our blue waters.

Due to foreseeable energy shortages a few fossil fuel power stations are under construction in places like Trincomalee. The government might be forgiven to seek quick fix solutions; Ministers are busy with more pressing tasks. however feels that wise and western NGO’s should have played a better role in using their huge financial muscle to influence policy and educate our small developing Nation.
Starting by giving a good example, for example?
In the case of Arugam Bay the exact opposite has happened!
Still, there is not a single solar panel around, there still are no windmills on any of our windswept beaches or hills, no renewable energy sources qualified for funding, there hasn’t even been a single low energy bulb donated (or used in NGO’s offices!!).
Instead, guys like Mercy Corps donated:
1.) Two stroke Mopeds (instead of electric ones, available for the same price)
2.) Compressor fridges and freezers (instead of LPG or inverter or heat pump systems)
3.) Two stoke 3-wheelers (outlawed in most Nations, the 4 Stroke BajajA?A? was available)
4.) Electric water heaters are said to be donated and installed in small restaurants
5.) Noise & beach polluting boats and Suzuki Kerosine engines
6.) Obscure Las Vegas Style light chains for visiting TV stunts like O.W. “Lights of Hope”
…….and many more energy consuming gimmicks were dished out in true US style, just to obtain a good photo for the distant donors and for the flash M/C newsletter.
Buy tadacip from india at the time tried to help organizations such as Mercy Corps and The Angel Network to see the light of the future and use chances a remote enclave like the Bay offered to them and their long-term plans.
Our help was refused – and our own bed sheet poster, at the time: “No light – No hope” was of course totally ignored. Although much more appropriate, as NONE of the great Mercy Corpse funded ‘projects’ survived the first year of ‘operation.
Indeed, some dismissed and jobless staff had to be drafted in for the follow-on Oprah show to state “how much the US guys have changed our lives” and so on.
Five minutes after the TV guys left – the local girls of the tailor shopA?A? were without any job again, until this very day…A great deception some would call it.

It is with regret and great sadness that with all the huge sums collected, and the wisdom the rest of the world possesses regarding the future of our GREEN planet that we seem unable to begin to make realistic changes in a greenfield micro location such as Arugam Bay.
We (the NGO’s) had the cash, we had the knowledge and wisdom – and still the end effect has been totally negative.
We even damaged our own environment more than before 2004.
We had a great chance to build a better place, but it was totally missed.
At least ever since the arrival of ‘expert’ men and women from overseas.
Online prescription for cymbalta And thanks to Mercy Corps to change lives in Arugam Bay!
(Closing words of Ms. Whinfrey in her show on Arugam Bay)


The neglected Bay is still stuck since 2004!

AbHa (the original Arugam Bay Hotel Association) is considering:
Where did we go wrong?

Because we have little doubt that:

  1. We represent the interests of the Arugam Bay Hotels, since 1999
  2. Arugam Bay has been, without any doubt, the hardest hit area by the 2004 waves
  3. The sea quake centre was, after all, directly opposite the famous surf Bay
  4. Cheap seroflo Arugam Bay Hotels have, so far, not received any real help or funds to rebuild
  5. Although Millions were collected for cases such as our predicament
  6. Norvasc prices

  7. The hotels suffered most. First 25 years war, than water, than war again
  8. Fishing folk received great help, but they were back in business the next day…
  9. And: Fish prices – a FREE raw product- have increased 4-5 fold since…!??
  10. A great ‘Master Plan’ exists – but little has happened in Arugambay.
  11. Apart from more obstacles and outside interferences. Nothing! Since 2004.

AbHa considers that, overall, this is nothing short of a scandal.
Or part of a very devious mater plan?
Whatever, before we look for faults elsewhere:

Where do you, our supporters and critics, think WE have done wrong?

Perhaps we voiced our objections to the observed waste of donated Millions to openly?
Perhaps we were too undiplomatic in our approach?
(But after all we have gone through we doubt that anyone else would have been more moderate)
Your feed-back and any observation is always most welcome.
Posted right here, as a plain comment or per email to:
And we will publish your full article!

State Bank Defaults

How much does prazosin lower blood pressure Cheap alavert d State Bank defaults a Hotel Owner in Arugambay.

Sunil C. Perera, reporting from Colombo

Owner of the Siam View Hotel [SVH] of Arugambay , Dr. Fred Miller complains the Arugambay branch office of a state owned bank terminated their services and defaulted rent payments one month after the tsunami.
The Bank was located at the premises of the Siam Hotel , ArugambayA?A? and provided ample service for the area businessmen and the tourists .
Dr.Miller, served as an Engineer and the Hotel Owner who loves surfing in the Potuvil area said the BankA?a??a??sA?A? Management has still not answered his official letters regarding theA?A? monthly rent.
A?a??A?The SVH, itself the hardest hit hotel for miles around, has been politely asking for the rent due ever since. Nothing at all was paid until a letter arrived a week ago informing them that the Bank has A?a??A?No intention to re-open the Arugambay Extention office, said Dr. Miller.
For the few visitors of the Bay the handful ofA?A? hard working, hard hit survivors managed to attract in such difficult times there are no more financial services at Arugam Bay .
Indeed, the nearest cash machine is 2-3 hrs. away.A poor show – but it perhaps represents the kind of A?a??A?assistance and concernA?a??A? our East Coast location receives from faceless and very distant Colombo officers.

Since temporarily peace settled in 2002 a concerned and forward looking, branch manager of the Arugambay bank, thought to provide a better service to the influx of tourists to the Bay.
Scantly dressed females somehow looked out of place in the nearby, conservative Pottuvil at this office. Impatient surfers found waiting for currency transactions and Visa Card advances troublesome and the local staff was overworked with such transactions.

In consultation with the SVH management it was decided to rent the premises at Arugam Bay to provide a better, most welcome and valuable service to visitors to this remote region.
There are no private Banks permitted and Central BankA?a??a??s permission was granted in 2003 to open the new Extention Office at Arugambay.
For an initial period of 3 Years the ground floor offices on the main road, in the very middle of the Bay were given to the Bank at a preferential rate of just 50$/month incl. a/c and power. The Siam View Hotel refurbished the office at a cost of around 300,000 Rs./ to include an attached shower & bathroom.

On 26th December, 2004 giant floods swept the Bay and wiped off near all of the Siam View Hotel. The bank premises, however remained intact and stood up to the waves.
The interior, however was devastated and washed away. All which remained was the strong safe and the sign boards.
The State Bank never, ever came back to assess the situation, never even cleaned their own premises, but had the new safe removed in mid 2005.

The SVH itself has been credited on CNN & ITN with being the only functioning place open on the entire East Coast. Indeed, the SVH reopened on Tsunami Day itself providing valuable services to the (then) united Community. This is well documented elsewhere, mainly abroad.
More than a dozen letters were sent to the totally unconcered bankA?a??a??s Head Office. More followed to the Ampara regional office, asking to re-open the office as a matter of urgency to pay Tsunami relief locally. This great service would have enabled affected, very poorA?A? people to collect their 500 Rs./ in full.
Instead, more than 100 Rs./ were wasted on travel, via boat service to Potuvil every week.
A?a??A?Not even one single letter was ever answered, he said.


Info Idea

Arugam Bay has just two main problems:
Misinformation and the distance from the airport.
We will deal with transport in the next idea post.
Isign Propranolol back order Low cost avanafil Infosign therefore proposes to establish an airport Information Counter, staffed by knowledgeable, English speaking East Coast residents. This would assist the poorest region, greatly help visitors and also become a credit to the Nation.
As long as up-to-date reliable and unbiased information is given to arriving tourists.


It is a fact that most west coast guides have never been past Buttala or indeed anywhere near the East in their life time.
They obviously keep on recommending just own contacts and friends to arriving foreigners.
It is known that many would be visitors looking for proper, balanced Information decided against visiting Arugam Bay after talking to West Coast ‘Guides’.
Because malicious people keep on painting impressions such as below:

This may sadly be justified in Iraq. But has not a hint of justification in peaceful, calm and military totally unimportant Arugam Bay, including its approach roads.