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Wiener Zeitung

Indiens TrA?A?ne im Ozean

Illustration - SA?A?dasiatische TA?A?nzer verkA?A?rpern in theatralischen Inszenierungen das Drama von Machtwahn und Schuldverstrickung, wie es in Sri Lanka auf der Tagesordnung steht.  Foto: Neumann

SA?A?dasiatische TA?A?nzer verkA?A?rpern in theatralischen Inszenierungen das Drama von Machtwahn und Schuldverstrickung, wie es in Sri Lanka auf der Tagesordnung steht. Foto: Neumann

Illustration - Der Nordosten Sri Lankas ist vielfach zerstA?A?rt, wie hier die UniversitA?A?t von Trincomalee.  Foto: Neumann

Der Nordosten Sri Lankas ist vielfach zerstA?A?rt, wie hier die UniversitA?A?t von Trincomalee. Foto: Neumann

Illustration - Trauerritual zum Jahrestag eines Massakers, bei dem 1999 44 Dorfbewohner ermordet wurden.  Foto: Preitler

Trauerritual zum Jahrestag eines Massakers, bei dem 1999 44 Dorfbewohner ermordet wurden. Foto: Preitler

Famvir 750 mg price Von Gunther Neumann
AufzA?A?hlung Der BA?A?rgerkrieg in Sri Lanka hat nur kurz nach dem Tsunami internationale Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Warum es Konflikte jenseits des Nahen Ostens in unserer Wahrnehmung schwer haben.
Ein Dorf im Nordosten, nahe der vagen Front zwischen Armee und Rebellen. BedA?A?chtige DickhA?A?uter schnauben beim Baden am trA?A?gen Fluss. Eine junge Frau im roten Sari schwemmt Kleider, ungestA?A?me Kinder treiben einen alten Reifen A?A?ber die staubige StraA?A?e, in die untergehende Sonne. “Kupferstunde” nannte ein Rotkreuz-Delegierter diese kurzen Momente trA?A?gerischer Idylle im Krieg: Die Haut der Menschen leuchtet im milden Abendlicht, wA?A?hrend hochbesoldete Vertreter internationaler Organisationen lA?A?ngst zurA?A?ck in die Hauptstadt eilen, an den kA?A?hlenden Pool, rechtzeitig zum Dinner.

AusgedA?A?rrte Soldaten rA?A?umen Sandsackstellungen am Dorfzugang, ziehen sich in festungsartig ausgebaute Garnisonen zurA?A?ck. Die Nacht bricht mit Zirpen und Schnarren herein. Die DA?A?rfer sind vogelfrei, ausgeliefert der Angst, dem Recht des jeweils StA?A?rkeren: der Armee bei Tag, den “Tamilentigern” bei Nacht. Hinter jedem Tierschrei lauert ein A?A?berfall, ein Blutbad, der Tod. Das Morgengrauen bringt keine ErlA?A?sung, nur Aufschub. Seit 24 Jahren herrscht Krieg auf der edelstein- oder trA?A?nenfA?A?rmigen Insel von der knappen GrA?A?A?A?e Osterreichs.

Nach einem Waffenstillstand 2002 unter norwegischer Vermittlung und der Tsunami-Flut 2004 keimte kurz Friedenshoffnung auf. Dutzende Hilfsorganisationen unterstA?A?tzten den Wiederaufbau, darunter einige A?A?sterreichische Initiativen. Doch die A?A?berschwemmungskatastrophe brachte keinen nationalen Schulterschluss. VerteilungskA?A?mpfe um Tsunamigelder mA?A?ndeten in Gefechte. FlutA?A?berlebende aus eben erst bezogenen HA?A?usern sind wieder auf der Flucht, nun vor einer neuen Welle militA?A?rischer Gewalt.

130.000 Tote und Verschwundene hat der politische Terror im tropischen Paradies seit 1983 gefordert, davon 70.000 der Krieg zwischen Armee und Tamilenrebellen, Hunderttausende VerstA?A?mmelte, Traumatisierte, Waisen. Im Namen von Volk, Kultur, Religion: bekannte Muster. Doch wie lassen sich vergleichsweise undogmatische Religionen wie Buddhismus und Hinduismus politisch derart instrumentalisieren?

Der Konflikt ist nicht 25, sondern 2500 Jahre alt. Indogermanische Singhalesen, “LA?A?wenmenschen”, kamen ab dem 6. Jh. v. Chr. aus Nordindien, Tamilen aus SA?A?dindien A?A?ber die Meerenge nach “Lanka”, die DA?A?moneninsel aus dem Heldenepos “Ramayana”. Die spektakulA?A?re Felsenfestung Sigiriya mit ihren schwebenden WolkenmA?A?dchen, Felsenbuddhas, Tempeln, verwaschen von Monsunregen, sind Zeugen der Kultur und ihrer Lebendigkeit durch stA?A?ndige Befruchtung. WeitlA?A?ufige Ruinen an uralten BewA?A?sserungskanA?A?len erzA?A?hlen unter flimmernder Hitze von blA?A?henden StA?A?dten voll von Geist, Handel, KA?A?mpfen und meditativer Besinnung.

Siam und die Khmer Kambodschas wurden vom Kulturland Ceylon buddhistisch missioniert. Seit der Antike kamen A?A?gyptische HA?A?ndler an die Gestade der Insel. Das Abendland hatte fA?A?r die duftenden SchA?A?tze des Orients kaum mehr als Edelmetalle zu bieten.

Dem bei Dritte-Welt-Konflikten viel strapazierten SA?A?ndenbock Kolonialismus die Schuld am Krieg zu geben, greift in Ceylon zu kurz. Jahrhunderte wogte das Ringen, fand Vermischung statt. Die meist buddhistischen Singhalesen behielten die Oberhand und stellen heute gut zwei Drittel der 20 Millionen Ceylonesen. Ein Viertel sind hinduistische Tamilen, auA?A?er im Hochland vorwiegend im Norden und Osten beheimatet. Die restlichen zehn Prozent sind Muslime und Christen.

Nach Vasco da Gamas Seeweg um Afrika 1498 lA?A?sten einander europA?A?ische GewA?A?rz- und Kolonialambitionen ab, zunA?A?chst jene der Portugiesen, dann die der HollA?A?nder. Erst die Briten eroberten im 19. Jahrhundert das letzte buddhistische BergkA?A?nigreich von Kandy. Die Singhalesen waren aber wenig geneigt, Londons Weltmacht in der Administration und auf Plantagen zu dienen. Tamilen, so intelligent wie willig, stiegen auf und hielten bei der friedlichen UnabhA?A?ngigkeit Anfang 1948, ein halbes Jahr nach den indischen “Mitternachtskindern”, 60 Prozent der Verwaltungsposten.

Ceylon war reicher als Indien, hat heute kaum Analphabeten und eine ungebrochene Tradition von moderner Demokratie A?a??a?? mit zu schwachen Minderheitenrechten. Die singhalesische Mehrheit steigerte sich chauvinistisch in eine Opferrolle, drA?A?ngte Tamilen mit Quoten und WillkA?A?r aus A?a?zmtern, von den UniversitA?A?ten, in die Defensive. Ceylon wurde 1972 zu Sri Lanka, gesegnete Insel, Singhalesisch zur Staatssprache, der Buddhismus Staatsreligion. Die Tamilen begannen sich zu wehren, zunA?A?chst friedlich A?a??a?? und erfolglos. Dann trat eine neue Kraft auf den Plan: die “Befreiungstiger von Tamil Eelam” (LTTE). Bei einem A?A?berfall 1983 wurde eine Handvoll Armeesoldaten getA?A?tet, ihre Leichen nach Colombo gebracht. Der lauernde Konflikt explodierte: Aufgestachelte Singhalesenmobs plA?A?nderten Tausende GeschA?A?fte, fackelten HA?A?user ab. 3000 Tamilen kamen im “Schwarzen Juli” um, Zehntausende rannten um ihr Leben. Die LTTE forderte nun kompromisslos einen eigenen, ethnisch reinen Staat im Norden und Osten der Insel.

Wer fA?A?rchtet, umgebracht zu werden, flieht A?a??a?? wenn er kann. Hunderttausende Tamilen sind nach Indien geflohen, Tausende Gebildete nach Australien oder Nordamerika emigriert. Singhalesen gelten in Europa nicht als politisch Verfolgte. So sie nicht als BootsflA?A?chtlinge ertrinken, werden sie zurA?A?ckgeschickt. Wer von den Kindern der Armen nicht einmal die harte Arbeitsemigration bei arabischen Scheichs erreicht, wird als Kanonenfutter verheizt. Wessen Bruder erschossen wurde, wer die Schwester vergewaltigt gesehen hat, ist fanatisierbar, bereit, selbst zu foltern und Minen zu vergraben. Die Tamilen-Tiger “erfanden” die spektakulA?A?ren SelbstmordanschlA?A?ge unserer Tage: Lkw-Bomben mit Hunderten Toten mitten in Colombo. Als “Schwarze Tiger” indoktrinierte Kinder tragen Zyankali-Kapseln als Halsschmuck: Keiner lA?A?sst sich lebend fangen.

Indien, “Mutter” der verfehdeten Geschwister Singhalesen und Tamilen, gewA?A?hrte den “Tigern” A?a??a?? mit Blick auf 50 Millionen eigene Tamilen A?a??a?? zuerst stillschweigend Ausbildung, Nachschub, um 1987 schlieA?A?lich auf militA?A?rischem Wege Frieden auf der Insel zu schaffen. Die regionale Supermacht holte sich beim Versuch der LTTE-Entwaffnung aber eine blutige Nase. Die Regierung in Colombo lieA?A? den “Tigern” geheim Waffen zukommen, um die bevormundende “Mutter” wieder loszuwerden. Indiens MinisterprA?A?sident Rajiv Gandhi wurde beim Selbstmordanschlag einer Tamilin zerfetzt.

Rebellion im SA?A?den

Damit nicht genug. Ein in Moskau initiierter, dann maoistisch inspirierter UniversitA?A?tszirkel entfachte im SA?A?den der gespaltenen Insel einen weiteren, diesmal innersinghalesischen Feuersturm. Die Kaderpartei “JVP” versuchte sich durch Terror gegen Politiker und Intellektuelle an einer Kulturrevolution. Die Regierung schlug mit Todesschwadronen zurA?A?ck. VerdA?A?chtige wurden aufgespA?A?rt, gefoltert, zur Abschreckung mit Autoreifen um den Hals lebendig verbrannt, KA?A?pfe an StraA?A?enrA?A?ndern aufgepfA?A?hlt. Monsunwellen spA?A?len von Haien zusA?A?tzlich entstellte Kadaver an von Touristen verlassene StrA?A?nde.

BA?A?rgerkrieg im Norden und Osten, Rebellion im SA?A?den, 100.000 indische Interventionssoldaten: Dieser Terror und Gegenterror kosteten 1988/89 rund 50.000 Menschen das Leben und brachten die Insel an den Rand des Abgrunds. Manchmal kann nur Literatur das Grauen in seiner Vielschichtigkeit begreifbar machen: Michael Ondaatje, aus Colombo stammender Autor des internationalen Buch- und Filmerfolgs “Der Englische Patient”, zeichnet in dem Roman “Anils Geist” ein beklemmendes Sri Lanka am Scheideweg zwischen Kultur und BestialitA?A?t.

Die Vertuschung von MassengrA?A?ueln, ungestrafte TA?A?ter, kaum gesA?A?hnte Opfer A?a??a?? das alles sind vertraute Muster aus der europA?A?ischen Geschichte. Auch in Sri Lanka wurden TA?A?ter auf der Regierungsseite nie ermittelt. Hinter der lA?A?chelnden Maske einer von Gewalt erfassten Gesellschaft verbirgt sich seit 1983 eine der weltweit hA?A?chsten Selbstmordraten.

FA?A?r die Erfassung der Folgen von VerdrA?A?ngung sind keine psychoanalytischen Erkenntnisse des 20. Jahrhunderts nA?A?tig. Antike Mythen, sA?A?dindische TA?A?nze dramatisieren die Schuldverstrickung einmal offen, einmal verschlA?A?sselt: Vergehen des Einzelnen fallen auf das Individuum oder seine Sippe zurA?A?ck. Beteiligt sich das Kollektiv an der Vertuschung, dann rA?A?chen sich die GA?A?tter und das Schicksal am Volk.

“Ohne jede Spur . . .” hat Barbara Preitler ein Buch A?A?ber ihre Arbeit mit AngehA?A?rigen Verschwundener betitelt. Seit 2003 unterstA?A?tzt die Psychotherapeutin und Psychologin von der UniversitA?A?t Klagenfurt den Aufbau eines psychosozialen Programms in Sri Lanka. “Egal welche Kultur: Erst Gerechtigkeit und die Anerkennung seelischer Verletzung ermA?A?glichen rituelle Verabschiedung, Vergebung A?a??a?? und einen Neuanfang” , weiA?A? Preitler aus langjA?A?hriger Erfahrung in SA?A?dasien.

Schattenseite der Insel

Bilder von Tsunami-Opfern schafften 2004 vorA?A?bergehend mediale Aufmerksamkeit, weckten ungleich mehr Hilfsbereitschaft als der BA?A?rgerkrieg oder die rund 15 Millionen obdachlosen Opfer des asiatischen Monsunregens in diesem Sommer.

Sind uns “exotische” Kriege fremd, weil uns die flinke Zuschreibung von Gut und BA?A?se schwer fA?A?llt? Gewohnte Feindbilder wie Kommunismus, Imperialismus oder islamischer Fundamentalismus helfen in Sri Lanka nicht weiter. Solche Kriege machen sprachlos. Wir ziehen es vor, sie nicht wahrzunehmen, wenn dies auch keine GroA?A?- und Medienmacht tut A?a??a?? solange keine Rohstoffinteressen im Spiel sind. Sri Lanka ist weder Naher noch Ferner Osten. Mittlerer SA?A?dosten? Es ist eine geostrategisch undefinierte Region.

Urlauber rA?A?keln sich an den PalmenstrA?A?nden von Sri Lankas SA?A?dwestkA?A?ste, in l4-Tage-All-inclusive-Clubs oder bei Ayurveda-Kuren: Eine Jahrtausende alte Medizinphilosophie des Ausgleichs gerA?A?t zum modischen KA?A?rperkult. Wir schauen bei einem Happy-Hour-Cocktail vertrA?A?umt in den Sonnenuntergang. Auf der Schattenseite der Insel explodieren Landminen, werden KA?A?rper und Seelen verstA?A?mmelt.

KA?A?nnten wir etwas dagegen tun? Zumindest kA?A?nnten wir etwas A?A?ber unseren scheinbar verdienten und doch fragilen Frieden im Herzen Europas lernen. Nicht jedem ist es gegeben, sich wie Gudrun Kramer und Wilfried Graf fA?A?r Frieden vor Ort zu engagieren. Die beiden A?a??sterreicher arbeiten seit Jahren mit der Zivilgesellschaft in Sri Lanka an einer nachhaltigen VerstA?A?ndigung der Konfliktparteien, ohne groA?A?zA?A?gige UNO-GehA?A?lter, abseits von A?a??ffentlichkeit und Medien.

Keiner der Kontrahenten kann den Krieg auf Sri Lanka gewinnen. Jede Teilung wA?A?rde genauso unsauber und problematisch verlaufen wie jene Britisch-Indiens. Regierungsoffensiven gegen die “Tiger” forderten in den letzten Monaten wieder Hunderte Tote und Zehntausende FlA?A?chtlinge. Die LTTE wurde aus dem Osten in den Norden vertrieben. VordergrA?A?ndig. Sie kommt bei Nacht zurA?A?ck, rA?A?cht sich an Kollaborateuren. Die Spirale aus Gewalt, EntfA?A?hrungen, Menschenrechtsverletzungen droht neuerlich zu eskalieren . . .

Sri Lankas Bewohner sind Buddhisten, Hindus, Moslems. Sie teilen sich eine paradiesische Insel A?a??a?? und zerfleischen sich im Namen von Nationalismen und GA?A?ttern. Die Instrumentalisierung von Religionen erweist sich nirgendwo als stabilisierend. Die explosiven Konfliktmischungen aus Volk, Religion und Rache reichen von Sri Lanka A?A?ber den Sudan, Kaschmir, Kambodscha in den Kaukasus, Kosovo, Kongo, bis nach Osttimor, Westafrika und an viele andere SchauplA?A?tze des Schreckens. Unsere heile Welt schottet sich davon ab. Wir glauben uns erhaben, herausentwickelt aus dem Lebens-, manchmal Teufelskreis von Barbarei, Leid, Wiedergeburt. Es sind immer die Anderen, denen die Gewalt im Blut liegt und die eine ProjektionsflA?A?che fA?A?r das Archaische bilden, das wir in uns selbst scheinbar getilgt haben . . .

Wer nicht religiA?A?s ist, mag sich mit einem Satz des Dichters Manes Sperber trA?A?sten: “A?A?berlebt auch nur einer heil an KA?A?rper und Seele, ist die Menschheit nicht verloren.” Tricore salesforce Indiens schillernder Smaragd ist eine TrA?A?ne im Ozean. Auf versA?A?hnlichen Wellen gelangt man zu den Gestaden der nA?A?chsten Insel, dem kleinen Mauritius A?a??a?? mit toleranten Hindus, Buddhisten, Muslimen und Christen.

Gunther Neumann, geboren 1958, ist Journalist und Beobachter lokaler Kriege in Lateinamerika, Afrika, Asien. Lange bei internationalen Organisationen fA?A?r KonfliktlA?A?sung und heute in EU-, UN- und OSZE-Projekten tA?A?tig.

Freitag, 31. August 2007

A School for All? has long campaigned for a true Common School.
An establishment where all children learn to grow up and respect each other’s culture.
NGO’s build more Separatist schools instead.
Now a wise local politician seems to agree with us at Arugam Bay

By Yohan Perera
Activities of the Karuna faction in Pottuvil have slowed down during the past few weeks, a Pottuvil Pradeshiya Sabha member said yesterday.
Pottuvil area was in a state of tension due to acts of terror by Karuna Group. A recent tussle between the Pradeshiya Sabaha and the Karuna group over a building which belonged to the local body too had led to the tense situation in the area.
The dispute arose when the Pradeshiya Sabha wanted to demolish the building to put up a new one. The Karuna group which was against it had tried to prevent the demolition and the police referred the case to the Pottuvil courts.
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The local politician who did not want to be named said more practical steps should be taken to bring about peace in the area. Buy xenical orlistat online He said children of all communities should be allowed to attend any school. A?a??A?Schools run on ethnic basis as Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim must cease to exist,A?a??A? he said

source: Daily Mirror

Eviction is not A?a??E?winning hearts and mindsA?a??a??

When did uroxatral go generic By Shakuntala Perera
Nationalist politics invariably crossing over to various levels of extremism have always been the bane of Sri Lanka. Such opportunist politics have always beein in the way of the country reaching its development goals. It has more importantly been the biggest obstacle in the way of minorities receiving their due. But, never in the history of this country has the situation dropped to the depths that they have today.

Allegations of attempts to change the demography of the country, especially with regard to the contentious Eastern and Northern provinces, increase at an alarming rate. Several development plans of the government especially in the East is showing strong moves to this end.

The newly A?a??E?liberatedA?a??a?? Eastern province is today a volcano awaiting eruption. The political agendas of various nationalist groups are threatening the peace of the province as never before. More seriously, they are threatening the lives of innocent people caught in between.

The Mavil Aru debacle and the consequent military engagements are increasingly viewed as further alienating the minority communities in the East. Such feelings have left suspicions on the Northern exercise that has now begun.
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Following the first movement of displaced persons, 6,000 families, approx 30,000 persons, took place in April 2006 from the Trincomalee District to the Batticaloa District after the Mavil Aaru clashes between the Government and the LTTE. The IDPs first moved from Trincomalee to Vaharai in the Batticaloa district, then in late 2006 from Vaharai to Batticaloa. The third movement of persons was from West Batticaloa to Batticaloa East.

The resettlement plans of the government are accused of attempts to A?a??E?SinhaliseA?a??a?? the province. The allegation is strongly contributed to by clear moves to cement the demands by religious foundations.

Both humanitarian agencies operating in the areas and the people left destitute confirm that there were clear moves by certain political organizations to settle Sinhala families within Muslim villages have only poured fuel to the sensitivities of the area. The anger rising out of the Muslim community is not to be ignored. Such anger has the potential to grow in to militancy as we experience with the LTTE. The frustrations growing out of the situation are not to be ignored.

The government by Gazette notification No 1467/3 Board of Investment of Sri Lanka Law No 40(1978), declared a new High Security Zone covering Sampur and Muttur East on 16 February 2007. The declaration of HSZ for an Economic Zone will lead to the displacement of thousands. The government has reportedly already taken action to acquire land for relocation of said displaced families. Eastern Security Forces Commander Parakrama Pannipitiya has been appointed as the Competent Authority for the implementation of the regulations.

There are suspicions that A?a??E?a new and trustworthy work force and new communities, most likely Sinhala will be moved into Trincomalee, A?a??E?dramatically impacting on the demography and the ethnic balance in the Trincomalee District.A?a??a?? Already local communities are expressing fears that their areas are being marginalized and their needs and rights are being ignored in the proposed development plans.

Moves under the BOI Trincomalee Development Plan, to establish a nature park and in Seenanveli, north of Illankaiturai Muhattuvaram, a HSZ and a special fishing zone are not without their questionable implications. The residents, most of them Tamils of Veddha descent, from about 8 villages, have been transported and virtually dumped in the open. A?a??E?They are prevented from going home on the pretext of landmines while their meagre possessions have been reportedly looted by A?a??E?SinhaleseA?a??a?? from the Mahindapura colony, acting allegedly in cooperation with the ArmyA?a??a??. The army is also engaged in constructing a Buddhist Temple, Samudragiri Vihara, in Seenanveli.

The Coalition of Muslims and Tamils for Peace and Coexistence (CMTPC) maintain the allegations have a sound basis. They allege that the current development plan for Trincomalee or the soon to be unveiled Eastern Development Plan has elements contributing to the mistrust. A?a??E?This concern of minority communities needs to be addressed and their fears allayed as speedily as possibleA?a??a?? they maintain.

Certainly the eviction of 251 resettled farmers from Arafa Nagar on 10th, August, without prior notice by the military, demonstrates that it is not purely security concerns that keep the Tamils out of their lands. Such actions and in some instances obstacles placed in the way of resettlement are prompted more by ethnic considerations than by security safeguards. These Muslim families who earlier received the green light to rebuild their lives and continue farming from the security forces were suddenly evicted. All hopes of bringing some normalcy to their hopeless lives were short lived, they found. Five months to be exact.

A board declaring it a High Security Zone was erected on August 10, with a warning issued against trespasses. Trespassers were threatened with death. It is such harsh decisions by the State that are pushing the minority communities further and further awy from the Centre. These are far from the ambitious plans that the government spoke about to A?a??E?win hearts and mindsA?a??a?? of the liberated people. In effect these and many other similar examples are pushing the people towards the LTTE. There are serious questions raised if the demands of the LTTE are not justified. Pertinent questions are being asked on the intentions of the government policy in this regard. The people want to know if liberation from one terror group was only going to push them towards another dictatorial rule.

South Asians for Human Rights last week charged against the moves to Sinhalise the area. A?a??E?Appointment of numerous Sinhala government officials to the Provincial Council in the East after the de-merger of the Northern and Eastern province; establishment of Sinhala resettlements in Ampara; and building Viharas in Pottuvil, a predominantly Muslim area. The Muslim people, correctly, viewed themselves as being stuck between Sinhala and Tamil nationalisms,A?a??a?? they allege.

The concern of international communities canA?a??a??t be ignored in this scenario. Human rights violations, what ever form they take must remain the necessary concern of the international stakeholders. Attempts to antagonize them would not help the government in any way. The fact remains that all democratic governments are accountable at some point. It is irrelevant what their interpretation of liberation is. There is simply no justification for the human cost of the most A?a??E?nobleA?a??a?? of causes.

Daily Mirror

USAID & Red Cross

USAID Partners with Red Cross for Water System Project in East

USAID’s Economic Growth Office Director Dick Edwards (second left and Minister of Water Supply and Drainage A.L.M. Athaullah (right) raise the flags of their respective countries at the groundbreaking of the new USAID water treatment facility project for Pottuvil in partnership with the Red Cross. Photo: USAID/Mike Gould

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cross Societies, broke ground this week on a $4.7 million water system improvement project as part of its $50 million Sri Lanka Tsunami Reconstruction Program (SLTRP).

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This water supply project, which includes building wells, a raw water line and water treatment plant, will be executed in cooperation with the National Water Supply and Drainage Board. It complements the $10 million reconstruction of the tsunami-damaged Arugam Bay Bridge linking Pottuvil with the resort area of Ulla, a major element of the USAID Sri Lanka Tsunami Reconstruction Program (SLTRP).

“Until now, local residents have depended mainly on rain water and shallow wells, many of which may be contaminated,” said Dick Edwards, USAID’s Economic Growth Office Director at the groundbreaking. “This new treatment facility will help improve the health of as many 30,000 people in the region.”

Other dignitaries speaking at the event included Hon. A.L.M. Athaullah, Minister of Water Supply and Drainage, K.R. Devasurendra, Deputy General Manager of the Water Supply and Drainage Board, and A.M.A. Rafeeq, Water Board Operations and Maintenance Manager

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As partners in the project, The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies will coordinate construction of a 1,000-cubic meter elevated water storage tower together with the main distribution network, which will pipe water to over 1,000 households in the area.

“This project will bring dramatic improvements to the health and welfare of the residents of Pottuvil,” said Al Panico, head of delegation for the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Sri Lanka. “For the first time they will have a reliable source of clean drinking water throughout the year.”

The American Red Cross is contributing $1.5 million to the project, while the Irish Red Cross is providing an additional $600,000 and a dedicated staff member to supervise work on the ground. Local families will also benefit from a hygiene promotion program organized by the Sri Lanka Red Cross and its partners.

The project will be constructed by International Construction Consortium Ltd under the auspices of U.S.-based CH2M Hill, the prime contractor for the SLTRP. It is expected to be completed in July 2008.

Courtesy: Embassy of the United States of America- Colombo


Red Cross Experience

This is a true account our own experience with the “Great” Red Cross.
Sadly it is a story of failure, wasted resources and misused donor’s cash as well as a report about broken promises and total incompetence. was originally set up locally to promote just tourism.
Assisted by resident expats with a Sri Lankan connection of more than 30 years.
However, a well known event at the end of 2004 and global reaction since have changed some priorities of AbHa.
Foreign organizations (in Tamil language known as: Where to buy ashwagandha powder in australia ENJOY’s) came and pretended to help us all – but many feel that they are only here to help themselves.
For future reference and as entry into East Coast History books, here is an extract of a recent press interview with a well known local professional resident of Arugambay:

Some say that you are prejudiced towards organizations. Why is that?

Indeed, we are, and we perhaps always have been.
The Red Cross, for example used to be the non-plus ultra in all of our minds.
I personally always had a good opinion and very high regard for this global organization. Shocking events since 2005 totally reversed that, however.

It sounds like something has happened? What has changed your mind?

We never knew that there are so many, totally uncoordinated Red Cross and Red Half Moon organizations – many of which seem to be able to do whatever they want, where and when and regardless of costs.
The Swiss leadership seems totally incompetent or unaware of facts. The staff they where sending into a disaster area turned out to be totally unqualified and unfit for the task.
One day alone, in a popular AbaY restaurant there were 4 Red Cross teams from 4 different, but very much underdeveloped Countries, such as Kenya, Somalia and the former Yugoslavian region. In discussions it emerged that the African ladies, sporting their flash Red Cross Jackets, all had similar tasks, such as ‘teaching hygiene to the natives’.
They were in Sri Lanka for just 2 weeks, could speak no Tamil or Singhala and knew nothing of each other’s group doing the very same thing it seemed.
2 days in Colombo, 2 days local transfers, just 10 days on the East Coast, and again two days to recover from the grueling tasks in a plush hotel in the capital city.
Privately they agreed that there was a lot more to do at home, in poor Africa, where help is actually needed. It was simply an expensive vacation for them and nothing was achieved in Sri Lanka to speak of.

The wasted airfares alone came to more than our self-help budget for the past 2 years.

That sound terrible; please tell us more of your own experiences, step-by-step. Do not add any hearsay or rumors please.
On New years day, 2005 the French Military Formations completed their impressive two day task in the Bay. Highly trained experts in their chosen field, very competent guys indeed. They achieved more in a couple of days of duty than the French Red Cross did in two full years.
Slow down now, what happened exactly?
The Formations Militaires Francaise were the first foreign team to arrive in our, beyond doubt hardest hit area of Sri Lanka on New Year’s eve 2004. They indicated that the (now: in-)famous Red Cross would soon follow (once they completed their 4 Star hotel stunt in Colombo).
This is hearsay! How do you know the Red Cross spent time in a top hotel?
Please look at this photo album, all shots are dated and the camera belonged to Red Cross Members.
OK, Accepted! It looks like they had a jolly good time – when the rest of the island was waiting for this so-called ERU (Emergency Response Unit). Continue to recall events in your own words.
Please accept that we can only speak of events in OUR area. We do not know how brilliant ERU, EMU or the Reds performed elsewhere. The first team to reach our remote, but accessible area was from France. They were actually quite nice, pleasant people. We formed a good relationship with them and as they came to help us, we decided to give them (the Red Cross) all of our remaining facilities and offered our full support.
Was a contact signed? How much did you charge them for the use of your hotel, rooms, food & drink?
Money never entered our thoughts! All our facilities and remaining resources where given away free to EVERYONE. It was a matter of pure survival and we had after all about 2 weeks of real hardship behind us – left entirely, but very successfully to our own devices and resources.
Where did the teams come from?
The so called ERU team came from France, it was the French Red Cross.
What was their task at Arugam Bay?

A medical clinic was set up in the former SVH business centre, as well as a very well equipped pharmacy and a huge water purifying plant operated by Red Cross Water Force – or was it the “Water Farce”? I can’t recall the correct title 😉
Also all remaining rooms, mainly our luxury apartments were donated free of charge to the staff.

The Red Cross also benefited from our well stocked bars, remaining wine cellar and stock, our famous draft beers and our Thai catering facilities. Power was also supplied by us, hard hit Tsunami victims for the Red Cross installations until their own 15kVa Dutch generators arrived somewhat later.
Did it work out well? How did they perform?
As mentioned, the first team was nowhere near as perfect as the French Military, but overall OK. They entered certain contracts with translators, drivers and so on. Sadly they were soon replaced by a second, terrible team, also from Paris.
Why terrible?
Because just about everything agreed upon a few days earlier was canceled, ignored or turned around. Hired new local staff was fired without reason, agreed wages reduced to totally unrealistic levels. They even fell out with a local Judge, a Mr. Amarasinghe who was employed by the earlier team as driver, coordinator and translator. He was fired.
Why did they fell out with him?
I don’t know for sure, but there has been an issue about some highly pregnant ladies which were refused help, some theft matters and so on. I have seen a police complaint against the Red Cross filed by Mr. Amarasinghe. Please ask him for details.
It seems there was no real hand-over or documentation, OK, so what?
The real problems emerged within hours, or days. The new team was totally incompetent. Many members had personal problems and could not really sustain themselves in a tropical Country. They were unfriendly. They had a strict lunch break of about 3 hours and refused to attend to any emergency at that time.
There were at least two serious cases where the team leader denied help to seriously ill patients. Requests to allow one of their luxury Jeeps to be used to ferry patients to a proper hospital were denied on the grounds that they are ‘No ambulances’ and the new seats might get blood stained.
In our ignorant little world a Red Cross symbol used to mean ‘First Aid ‘or so – it no longer has such meaning.
Was the clinic popular with the locals?
At first, yes. But when DEMIRA (German Mine Clearers) set up a tiny field hospital nearby on a mini budget (100,000$/year) at the end of January, 2005 just about every patient voted with their feet. Hardly anyone wanted to see the Red Cross again.
One monitored day, DEMIRA treated just under 100 patients; the Red Cross had not even 10; less than their own staff numbered at the time.
Sadly DEMIRA run out of funds and received none of the huge donations given by kind people to a situation such as this.
I heard some mention “Red Vomit or Rote Kotze”. What is that?
It stems from a word pun following one of many wrongly diagnosed medical conditions at the time.
A patient complained of blood in his spit or vomit.
The Red Cross ‘experts’ from Paris sent him away unaware of a very serious condition advising him to chew less beetle nuts. The case is well documented, (the Red Cross diagnosis file was left behind by ERU when they hastily departed). The patient barely survived, after he found a real doctor. Some did not.
The Red Cross lost a good name in a matter of days due to such ignorance and total incompetence. Such and many other stories can’t be kept quiet in a small community.
Whom did they treat then, thereafter?
Hardly anyone wanted to see the Red Cross. Just to prove a point, a brilliant water engineer, a Herr Matthias Bock injured his Hand operating a water pump. Although he worked for the German Red Cross – did he seek treatment with his French counterparts?
No! He trusted DEMIRA and qualified people with his condition.
I am informed that Herr Bock also left the Red Cross in disgust – most good people seem to do just that. Why I wonder?
Did the ERU water plant work well?
No, not at all. It was a brilliant huge, brand new plant together with a swimming pool size reservoir.
The team however was unable to operate it properly, the water was saline and nobody ever drunk any of it.
The whole thing took a week to erect and was taken away without ever having been useful.
Apart from the usual public relation stunts of course to show gullible French donors how good the Rouge Crusaders are performing in the tropics.
How long did they stay at Arugam Bay?
It seems that the maximum a French EMU team was expected ‘operate’ under such ‘duress’ was about 2 weeks before being repatriated for recovery or treatment.
What is the story behind ERU’s moving out of your premises?
The French Red Cross gave us a very bad name. Not only did they treat us as their catering offshoot or a Red Canteen, but they abused our hospitality. We operated a donations only policy, provided all services for FREE to anyone in NEED. This was also abused by these highly paid “experts”. When I mentioned our discomfort to the team leader, he snapped, got angry and he was incapable of any improvements or compromise.
He (wrongfully) told his team we evicted them and they packed their bags and tried to find alternative locations nearby.
Nobody really wanted them, and they eventually, in desperation set up camp in the old mortuary on famous “Heroes Hill” – the worst place to chose for a hospital in our kind of society and our beliefs.
There is a report filed with the local police station against the French Red Cross?
Yes, there are a number of legal complaints filed locally as well as elsewhere. Our own case centres around willful damage, sabotage so to speak, caused by irritated Red Cross members when they vacated our own premises
The Red Cross SABOTAGED premises of Tsunami victims and survivors?
Indeed, they did! They stole a local electrician’s tool box, broke all of our low energy lamps, cut off all cables so short they they could not be reconnected, willfully blocked our sewage systems with our new towels, vandalized the apartments. They even caused a fist fight between the police and our contract staff and so on.
Has there been a Court case?
The Red Cross in Genevra sent us messages threatening legal action against us if we don’t withdraw comments on this web site ( We simply reported our observation at the time. They called it slander and defamation of their famous institution.
We replied and we were looking forward to such legal action, because everything was well documented and we have ample proof of our statements.
What happened next?
A long time nothing, then a Mr. Robert Mayhem (or similar, sorry I lost his card; he came from Darwin and said he is 2nd in command) contacted us, arranged a meeting, came on time, was jolly and friendly. We sat down in the very same ERU building, had a cup of tea and agreed to withdraw our comments in exchange for $5,500 in cash.
The Red Cross paid you off to shut up?
We had other priorities at the time. The Community was short of funds, we had no support at all. The money was immediately distributed to the most needy and this mini program actually helped a lot of affected residents to recover quickly. Everyone signed a receipt and at the time this seemed a better option than a long drawn out legal case.
Why do you feel free to reveal this issue now?
Because the Red Cross broke a main condition of our settlement. The pleasant Australian Mr. Robert agreed to help & assist the Community; we discussed many options. Needless to say, we never heard from him or the Red Cross again and NOTHING useful was done by them locally to my knowledge.
Did you remind them?
Of course! Many letters and mails followed, also to Genevra.
In short, they say: Do what you want, we don’t care.
“What does the oak tree care about the worm crawling on its bark”.
Well, at the very least we feel that we have to leave a slimy, dirty mark on this formerly great tree.
Are you angry with the Red Cross?
Angry is not the word, more disappointed. They urgently need some reform, they seem out of touch and out of date in present situations. They even refused to carry out their traditional role of locating relatives and mortality’s. We asked them to give us a few men at the time to respond to hundreds or requests of concerned loved ones –, with it’s mini resources was left alone to carry out traditional Red Cross tasks.
You feel they did not support you or the Community then?
I feel the Red Cross done more damage to us than good.
Because the Red Cross (still) has such a good name, they influenced other organizations against us, just because were dared to voice a hint of criticism. Ever since we were boycotted, obstructed and even threatened.
I have confidential email copies and we are happy to produce all of our material if requested.
You are looking for revenge?
Our only aim is to improve matters; the next disaster will sure come and the Red Cross certainly will make the same mistakes again. Unless someone looks into internal problems they seem to have.
Any other events you recall?
There are loads of strange events; we should write a book about it!
Like the American Red Cross action to send truck loads of US toilet paper to AbaY. Enough to fill the entire HangLoose Hotel. All at a time when there was not one functioning toilet in the Bay. And: the locals don’t use paper, but wash. But: The kids loved them as streamers! Sadly the airfreight and logistics may have cost more than Rs./ 36 per roll. A USA roll of shit paper may have cost 10$ or so by the time it landed here, not 36 cents….
This was the price of BETTER quality paper in nearby PottuVille, available at any time. If we had the money to buy one that is.
We read about neck ties and ball room dresses?
Indeed, we almost forgot. The first consignment dropped off by a chopper contained such useful items, donated by I think, the Italian Red Cross as first assistance to us.
What about food items?
There never was a shortage of any food at all. Nothing needed to be imported. Remember, only a tiny coastal strip was affected. Life and shopping went on everywhere else as usual. All we needed was the some funds – and we could have purchased our own, traditional food (and other) items in any nearby town.
Someone mentioned tins of meat?
Again, typical. The Polish (Red Cross?) dropped off loads of unmarked tins of very good pork. Of course we never received one single can, at war with the Reds at the time already. But the local Muslims came to us for translation of the Polish print and wondered how Halal the stuff might be.
Made good dog food though.
What is your main recommendation?
I personally feel that the larger the organization, the less efficient they seem to be.
Home grown, local, private self-help groups were seen as competition.
They should have been supported rather than ignored or- in our case- obstructed, because we had the local knowledge and experience and managed to work highly efficiently.
Get away now! How much did you, as Tsunami victims and self-help group receive and who from?
We received, to this very day not one single rupee or goods of any kind from any official sources, organization or government.
Purchase beconase generic AbHa (Arugam Bay Hotel Association) never got anything at all; indeed we were obstructed in every way.
The SVH managed to collect about 20,000Euro from friends, relatives and former guests, who followed earlier versions of this web site. Personal savings of about 40,000Euro were added to this and the total of approx. 60,000Euro was distributed; a quick self help and rebuilding program which worked out well. The signed receipts are here to be inspected (again).
Would you do it again?
Maybe not. Because we expected to be compensated a little for our efforts. After all, the first and only help locally was done by locals, not any NGO or the Governments. Everyone we know is disappointed in the way most organizations still behave and waste precious donor’s funds.



Thank you for this interview.
I hear you have just returned from an inspection tour of the entire East Coast.
You took a Swiss Journalist around Swiss Red Cross installations and projects I understand. Can you tell us more?
Sorry, I cannot.
It is a matter of our client to report his findings.
I however understand that a Max Seelhofer is also waiting to see the photos, study the progress and read the full report.
Who is Max Seelhofer?
I understand he used to be the Country Chief of the Swiss Red Cross in Sri Lanka.
I am informed that he has resigned his lucrative post, being disillusioned and disappointed in his own organization.

Again, Thanks.
We hope to read more.

Karuna matters

Batti Army Chief wants Karuna group disarmed: SLMM

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Astelin corticosteroid By Easwaran Rutnam
The debate whether to disarm or not to disarm Karuna continues with a senior army officer telling the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission he felt the Karuna group, also known as the Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Pullikal should be disarmed if normalcy was to be restored to the east.

Major General Daya Ratnayake, Batticaloa District General Officer Commanding (GOC) 23 Division, expressed this view at a meeting with the SLMM recently. Its spokesman Steinar Sveinsson told the Daily Mirror adding however that he was unaware if the view was his personal opinion or official.

This is the first time the military had openly commented on the need to disarm the Karuna faction although government ministers and even the Defence Secretary in the wake of the capture of Thoppigala had expressed the intention of disarming armed groups in the east.

When contacted Military spokesman Prasad Samarasingha however refused to comment on the views expressed by Major General Ratnayake while Karuna Amman himself had said he would not disarm at this time. Meanwhile the SLMM said it had received several complaints regarding extortion and harassment by the Karuna group in Batticaloa and Ampara. It was also reported that the Karuna group summoned people to its offices for questioning.

The Inter Agency Standing Committee (IASC) in its latest weekly report released yesterday noted that there was a continued presence of armed civilians in the Batticaloa district, particularly in close proximity to certain political party offices.

It said in the past week some humanitarian agencies had received threatening phone calls requesting for shelter material. An armed group in Pottuvil Komari is reported to have forcibly taken the keys to 30 permanent tsunami houses and evicted the families, IASC added.

Speaking to reporters at the weekly situation briefing, Highways Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle said the Karuna faction should be allowed to contest the elections in the east if it wished to do so.

As was reported in the Daily Mirror earlier the Karuna faction was expected to be listed in a new report on child recruitment, to be handed over to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon this month even as UNICEF and the Karuna faction traded charges over allegations of continued child recruitment.


Daily Mirror – Opinion

Learning once again from the past to bring peace to the East

By Jehan Perera

The alliance between the breakaway faction of the ruling party (SLFP M) headed by former minister Mangala Samaraweera and the UNP has re-energised opposition politics. The large show of strength at the inaugural meeting of the new alliance last week has caused anxiety in the government. A government response is to conduct celebrations throughout the country to keep alive patriotic sentiment in the aftermath of its military victory over the LTTE in the east. By itself this is unlikely to assuage the hunger for economic progress and normalcy in the lives of the majority of the electorate. The most recent increase in the price of petrol and cooking fuel, and the continuing reports of military encounters and associated costs of war, are an indicator of the difficulties that need to be overcome.
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This time of political flux and violence is an opportune one for reflecting on the past. The month of July in particular holds special significance on account of two events of momentous significance. The first is that it marks the 24th anniversary of the July riots of 1983. Most commentators consider the war for Eelam to have commenced with that anti-Tamil pogrom. In the context of the present governmentA?a??a??s emphasis on Sinhalese nationalism, there was limited reference to these events that finally convinced the Tamil polity in the country that separation was the answer to their terrible plight. The presence of war and a dispirited Tamil polity offered little space for even civil society to publicly mourn the past.

The second momentous event that took place in July was the signing, two decades ago, of the Indo Lanka Peace Accord in July 1987. Prior to this landmark agreement, the main hope of Tamil nationalists and militants alike was that India would continue with its political and military assistance that had taken separatist sentiment to the point of no-return. But the signing of the Indo Lanka Peace Accord should have ended that dream. It did not, and the political conviction of an entire generation on the need for Tamil separation has needed the succeeding two decades to fade away as being unachievable and unrealistic.

The indications on the ground at the present time are that the LTTE is fighting a rearguard action on behalf of a cause that has diminished relevance to a generation of younger of Tamils whose aspirations for the future lie elsewhere. The departure of the LTTE is also a relief to many people in the east who, despite retaining their desire for equal rights and autonomy, feared above all losing their children to forced conscription.

I formed these impressions during a five day visit to the three districts of the east last week in the company of several leading journalists. The areas we covered included the Mutur and Vakarai areas. These are names which have been in the news in recent months in view of the major battles fought there between the government forces and the LTTE to gain control of them on account of their strategic importance.

Continuing legacy
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The Indo Lanka Peace Accord was signed by the leaders of the two countries to establish a sustainable political solution. It envisaged a new political framework of devolved power for the provinces, the merger of the Northern and Eastern provinces, the disarming of the LTTE and the meeting of Indian foreign policy imperatives in relation to Sri Lanka. The agreement also saw the entry into Sri Lanka of an Indian peacekeeping presence that came in the form of a large army called the Indian Peace Keeping Force. When the LTTE backed out of its commitment to go along with this agreement, to which it was not even a signatory, a terrible war broke out that marred the relations between the two countries.

The present provincial council system that is operative in the country is today the sole remaining legacy of the Indo Lanka Peace Accord. If it had been implemented properly in law and in spirit it could have provided the basis for a sustainable political solution as envisaged by its architects. It could have saved the country at least 50,000 lives and led to an economy that could have generated an income stream for the people that is double that of today. Unfortunately, from the very beginning, the Indo Lanka Peace Accord was highly contested, with only a section of the government supporting it, and the LTTE and most of the mainstream political opposition parties opposed to it.

The problem with the Indo Lanka Peace Accord was that it attempted to achieve too many controversial objectives in too short a time. There was no consultation with the main actors or information supplied to the population at large.

Prime Minister Ranasinghe Premadasa and National Security Minister Lalith Athulathmudali were two prominent dissenters from the agreement. The LTTE was informed but not consulted, and muscled into the process, and no one else was either consulted or informed. It did not take long before the agreement began to unravel. Not even the might of the regional superpower, that had stationed its battleships within sight of Colombo, could compel a solution.

The desire for solutions that are imposed on others by virtue of superior power is a continuing saga in Sri Lanka. IndiaA?a??a??s present reluctance to get directly and openly involved in peace making in Sri Lanka may stem from its own learning experience from the past. But in Sri Lanka itself the lesson does not seem to have been learnt. The present strategy of the government is to impose a political solution upon a militarily weakened LTTE and a dispirited Tamil polity. The triumphant celebration that the government is conducting throughout the country is to take political advantage of its military victories.

Not Sustainable

There is no denying that the government has been more successful than anticipated in taking the military battle to the LTTE and forcing them to retreat. On the other hand, the Indo Lanka Peace Accord shows the danger of giving priority to imposed solutions in the resolution of long standing disputes such as the ethnic conflict. Today in the east, all the LTTEA?a??a??s political offices in the east have been closed, and most of them have been replaced by cadres of the Karuna group who work in collaboration with the government. Their multi coloured streamers flutter in the wind on the streets on which their offices are located. Karuna cadres also stand as the eyes of the security forces to tell them if there is LTTE infiltration back into the east. It would seem to be an uphill task for the LTTE to stage a comeback into the areas they have lost.

But this was also the situation two decades ago when the Indian Peace Keeping Force cleared the LTTE out of the east. In place of the LTTE, the Indian decision makers put the EPRLF to govern the east, and even had an election carried out to legitimise the new dispensation. But this reconfiguration of power was not sustainable and it collapsed with the IPKFA?a??a??s withdrawal from Sri Lanka at the behest of President Premadasa. Despite the battering they had received at the hands of the IPKF, the LTTE were soon back again. Whether the LTTE will be able to stage a similar come back two decades later will depend on how the situation evolves.

On the last day of our stay in the east, we stopped briefly at the Uganthai Kovil (Hokanda Devale) in the Pottuvil area. Devotees from the east go to this temple on their way to Kataragama. They believe that Lord Murugan and his consort Valli, lived here for a while before settling down in Kataragama. Crowds of devotees were visible in the temple and on the road.

The temple officials informed us that this year they expected 20,000 devotees for the festival, as against 13,000 last year. They attributed this increase to the greater sense of security that the people felt following the end of the battles for the east. It appeared that at least in this southernmost point of the Eastern Province, the people felt a greater sense of freedom to move after the governmentA?a??a??s eviction of the LTTE.

But whether this security will prove to be sustainable is the question. In the more northern part of the Eastern Province, in Mutur and Vakarai, which were the scenes of battle and large scale displacement of people, we saw the terrible suffering of the displaced people, and the children, that could be compared to the poorest parts of Africa.

In the east there is a vast reservoir of grievance that can once again lead to an LTTE come back in the east unless the government comes up with a hearts and minds strategy, the likes of which Sri Lanka is yet to see. The urgent need today, as it has been for the past two decades, is for a viable political package that can meet with Tamil aspirations, a whole hearted reconstruction programme for the north and east, and a genuine willingness to engage in peace talks with the LTTE. Unfortunately, the present government has not yet been able to even make a start on any one of these three essentials for sustainable peace.

Water Supply Contract

Sri Lankan firm signs a contract to construct water supply system in Pottuvil Cafergot comprimidos costo
Wednesday, August 1, 2007, 13:25 GMT, Colombo Page News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 01, Colombo: A major Sri Lankan construction firm, The International Construction Consortium Ltd (ICC) signed a contract with the American firm CH2M Hill to construct a water supply system in Pottuvil in Sri Lanka’s East.

The $4,756,222 worth contract was signed at the American Center in Colombo recently to build the wells, raw water line and water treatment plant for Pottuvil.

This work is financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under their Tsunami Reconstruction Program, the US embassy in Colombo said.

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This program focuses on assisting areas impacted by the 2004 tsunami, including Ampara District. This water supply facility complements the new Arugam Bay Bridge currently under construction linking Pottuvil with the resort area of Ulla.

ICC expects to complete the work by July 2008.


Arugam Bay & next Big waves?

Lanka veering off earthquake-safe zone

COLOMBO: A Geological Survey and Mines Bureau spokesperson said the recent frequent earth tremors indicated that Sri Lanka has veered from its earlier classification of ‘100 per cent earthquake safe’ category.

He added that there was no reason for the public to panic over what he called ‘minor earth tremors’ of less than 3.0 points on the Richter scale, as there is no concrete evidence of an imminent disaster.

Responding to the Daily News, the spokesperson said five geological experts have visited Matara during the past few days to conduct a ground survey and assess the probable cause for the tremors recorded in the area. Their report will be out today.

The team will also try to find if there was a connection between Matara tremors and the 5.2 point tremor recorded 335 kilometres off Street price of celebrex Cheap urispas dosage Ampara and Arugam Bay coast, last week.

Surf Relief PR

Background to Sri Lanka Projects


TSUNAMI Surf Relief UK (now Surf Relief UK), the organisation that helped co-ordinate the UK surfing communitiesA?a??a?? response to the Asian Tsunami of Boxing day 2004, has made real impact on the East coast of Sri Lanka, building houses, employing teachers and helping to build an orphanage and contribute towards enhancements to a pre-school building school.


Phil Williams one of the charityA?a??a??s trustees visited Sri Lanka in May to monitor the progress of projects funded by Tsunami Surf Relief UK. He found that the funds that have been raised through the generosity of the surfing community have been well used.


The amount of money raised by Surf Relief UK, in partnership with organisations such as Christian Surfers UK, topped nearly A?A?50,000 in 2005. This has been used for a number of projects, particularly in the Arugam Bay area of Sri Lanka.A?A?


Surf Relief UK is now a registered charity. Having experienced the generosity of the surfing community in response to the Boxing Day Tsunami organisers realised that there was potential to raise further funds for other projects acting as the UKA?a??a??s surfing charity.


The projects include:


A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?Seven brick constructed houses built.A?A? In May Phil Williams (Trustee), met four of the seven families due to take possession of these properties and they expressed huge gratitude to all those from the UK who had contributed to the re-building of their homes. This provides permanent residency for these seven families affected by the Tsunami who have currently lost so much in terms of both material and human life.

A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?Sponsoring ten teachers who are currently teaching in six different denomination schools in the Arugam Bay/Pottuville Region. These teachers are replacing the paid staff lost in the Tsunami.A?A? Thanks to the generosity of the Charity their training is being funded and they will be paid during their first year in post.A?A? After this time the Government will take over responsibility for their on-going training and salaries.

A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?The construction of an orphanage for young girls orphaned by the Tsunami.A?A? Tsunami Surf Relief UK and Christian Surfers UK have funded the staff quarters of the orphanage.A?A? This will sleep up to three staff ensuring that the orphanage can use all its space for the orphans and enabling western-trained teachers to visit the orphanage.

A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?Working with Paddle4Relief (, who refurbished and

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extended the local pre-school in Arugam Bay as well as creating a

playground, Surf Relief UK provided funding for the roof of the extension.

A number of small donations to support local businesses providing valuable help to rebuild their lives and livelihoods.




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Lankan Friends

*By Delerine Munzeer*
*Moiya Hazell recalls what it was like to be born in “Ceylon” and live a
carefree life on a tea plantation in “Ceylon” over half a century agoA?a??A?*
*Moiya Hazel on her recent visit to Norwood where she spent her early
Norwood Bungalow as it stands today is one of the world famous “Ceylon Tea
Trails” bungalows, which maintain the ambience and old world charm of an era
long gone by. But Moiya Hazell Kidde-Hansen is a rare person who has
experienced the real thing A?a??a?? she was born and lived at Norwood when life
still went on at a tranquil pace and we all had time to “stand and stare.”
Moiya Hazell was born at the Hatton Nursing Home in Dickoya in 1949, as were
her older and younger sisters before and after her. This nursing home no
longer exists but it was where most planter’s wives of that era went when
the need arose. Her father Dick Hazell was planting at Medecoombra Estate
for a short while before moving on to Norwood where Moiya spent the first
very happy 12 years of her life.
*A young Moiya Hazel with her parents at Norwood*
“We never went to school,” recalls Moiya. “Mum taught us at home until it
was time for us to school in England.” She recalls that as young children
they had to be very self-sufficient and finds ways of entertaining
themselves. This was long before the era of computer games and T.V. A?a??a?? a
period during which children actually learned to integrate with one another,
build relationships with fellow human beings as opposed to machines, and use
and develop their imaginations to keep themselves occupied.
She recalls how Podi Singho the cook would make them sugar sandwiches and
lovely plaited rolls with a thick layer of butter (the bread was always
baked in the bungalow kitchens) and they would picnic in the garden. “If
snails happened to invade the garden, we were given a bucket into which we
would collect them and be paid one cent for each snail collected,” she
remembers adding: “If we got two rupees we thought it to be a lordly sum in
those days.” “Mother would read to us every afternoon after lunch A?a??a?? the
usual Enid Blyton stories and it was a truly happy and carefree life,” says
Moiya remembers their neighbour A?a??a?? Elton Lane A?a??a?? who drove a pale blue
American car and one of the children’s greatest thrills came when Lane
allowed them to push the button which opened the boot of this magical car.
“He had built his own mausoleum and we were fascinated by it and would ride
around it and think about him being buried there!” says Moiya.
She recalls her father going snipe shooting in Mannar and on one particular
occasion he came home around 4 a.m. and announced to her mother that: “I
have a pony in the trailer A?a??a?? you sort him out.” Notwithstanding the hour,
her mother did just that and the pony became a part of their lives, starting
out the size of a large Alsatian and growing to a size where they were able
to go riding every day.
*Moiya Hazel as a child at Norwood with her pony ‘Dollar’*
Among her other memories of those halcyon days, Moiya counts going camping
in Okanda, near Panama in Arugam Bay. Buy lady era pills “We had special khaki shorts and
shirts and jungle gear made for these camping expeditions,” she says.
“We had a little barking deer called Bambi and ever so often she would
escape from her enclosure, and we would have to call out all the tea
pluckers to go and look for her,” says Moiya. They also had quite a few
other animals including cows, pigs, chickens and rabbits and her father kept
a pack of hounds and would often go hunting in the jungles and mountains
which lay behind the bungalow.
“My Dad would grow mushrooms and Mum would make her own butter and cream
cheese and she would even make our own ham, bacon and sausages,” she says.
Recounting how the Hazells first came to Ceylon Moiya says her father Dick
Hazell was originally from Guernsey, Channel Islands and came to Ceylon in
1935. He was a creeper on Norwood Estate, starting out as an S.D. or “Sinna
Dorai” and ending up as P.D. A?a??a?? “Periya Dorai.” While planting he had joined
the Ceylon Planters Rifle Corps (CPRC) and saw active service during the war
in Burma and Egypt along with other planters from Ceylon.
Dick Hazell met Thea, his wife to be in the New Forest in Hampshire while on
home leave. It was a whirlwind romance, they married in 1946 and he returned
to Ceylon while Thea his 25 year old wife followed a while later travelling
from England to Ceylon on board a troop ship. “And unfortunately my father
forgot and no one was there to meet the ship!” recalls Moiya. But Thea was
made of sterner stuff and remained unfazed by this slight hiccup. She had
stayed two days in Colombo and travelled upcountry to begin her life as a
planter’s wife.
“Norwood was a simply perfect place,” enthuses Moiya. She recalls that what
is today the Irwin suite at the end of the corridor was the children’s
nursery. “We always ate in the nursery and never had a meal until we could
put food in our mouths!”
Moiya married at the Scotts Kirk in Colombo and had “a wonderful wedding
reception” at the Ballroom of the Galle Face Hotel.
Moiya Hazell has moved around the world considerably since those wonderful
days of her childhood and youth spent at Norwood in “Ceylon.” She lived in
the Middle East, moved to Denmark and Poland finally South West France. “But
I want to return home to Ceylon,” she says. “I want to end up here and
finish up where I startedA?a??A?.”
*Reproduced with permission of the author. First published in the Sunday
* * These images can be seen in a larger size in the Photo Album. Please
type “Moiya Hazel” in the keyword search which will bring the images up.*
taken from: Deltasone generic


Schweizer Korruptionshelfer

This Article is only in German language.
It is important, however, as it deals with the waste of Tsunami cash by the Swiss Red Cross and other well funded organizations.

Von Philipp Gut

In Sri Lanka wurde mit Spendengeldern fA?A?r die Tsunami-Opfer Missbrauch in MillionenhA?A?he getrieben. Die Verantwortlichen vertuschten den systematischen Schwindel.

FA?A?r sich reklamiert: Dieses Schild zierte HA?A?user, die mit Geld aus Deutschland gebaut wurden.

In der letzten Ausgabe berichtete die Weltwoche A?A?ber den Schwindel, der in Sri Lanka mit Schweizer Spendengeldern fA?A?r die Tsunami-Opfer getrieben wird (A?A?1000 US-Dollar fA?A?r eine beschA?A?digte HaustA?A?r in Sri LankaA?A?). Die verantwortlichen Organisationen reagierten prompt. Die Deza, die Direktion fA?A?r Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit im Aussendepartement (EDA), und die GlA?A?ckskette stellten quasi gleichlautende Texte ins Internet (, Sie nennen den Weltwoche-Artikel eine A?A?vA?A?llig verzerrte DarstellungA?A? und betonen die QualitA?A?t ihrer HilfstA?A?tigkeit. A?A?Registrierung und KontrolleA?A? der GeldempfA?A?nger seien A?A?strengA?A?. Eine A?A?unabhA?A?ngige BegleitexpertiseA?A? habe das Programm untersucht. Kernaussage der gemeinsamen PR-Anstrengung ist der Satz: A?A?Potenziellen MissbrA?A?uchen wurde nachgegangen und notwendige Korrekturen wurden vorgenommen.A?A? Der RealitA?A?t hA?A?lt diese Aussage nicht stand. Der Weltwoche liegen Dokumente vor, die belegen, dass die Verantwortlichen im Aussendepartement und bei den Hilfswerken (Rotes Kreuz, Heks) die Korruption zugelassen und sogar aktiv gedeckt haben.

Am 6. April 2005 unterzeichnete der Schweizer Botschafter in Colombo, Bernardino Regazzoni, ein Abkommen mit der srilankischen Regierung, das den Einstieg der Schweiz in das bereits laufende A?A?CashA?A?-Programm fA?A?r Hausbesitzer regelte (mit vollem Namen A?A?Cash for Repair and ReconstructionA?A?. Das Prinzip des Vertrags: Die Schweiz zahlt, die srilankischen BehA?A?rden wA?A?hlen die BegA?A?nstigten aus. Bern akzeptierte, dass es nur A?A?begrenzten EinflussA?A? auf die A?A?Ausgestaltung und UmsetzungA?A? nehmen konnte. Selbst auf lokaler Ebene, schreibt die Deza in einem internen Bericht, sei sie A?A?nicht in der Lage, das Programm zu managenA?A?. Der Korruption waren auf diese Weise TA?A?r und Tor geA?A?ffnet; BetrA?A?gereien gab es in verschiedenen Varianten.

1300 HA?A?user stehen leer

Ein ehemaliger Projektmanager vor Ort, der vom Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (Heks) angestellt war, hat die FA?A?lle schriftlich und fotografisch dokumentiert. Allein im Distrikt Matara erhielten 3188 EigentA?A?mer 1000 US-Dollar, obwohl deren HA?A?user nur geringfA?A?gig beschA?A?digt waren. In Hunderten von FA?A?llen verursachten die Besitzer die SchA?A?den mutwillig selbst. Sie schlugen Fenster und TA?A?ren ein, leerten WasserkA?A?bel aus. Ein weiterer Schwindel: EigentA?A?mer, deren Haus als A?A?teilweise beschA?A?digtA?A? galt, liessen sich in die Kategorie A?A?vollstA?A?ndig zerstA?A?rtA?A? umteilen und erhielten so 2500 statt 1000 Dollar. DarA?A?ber hinaus gab es zahlreiche BegA?A?nstigte, die doppelt entschA?A?digt wurden. Die Schweizer zahlten BeitrA?A?ge fA?A?r den Wiederaufbau von HA?A?usern, die durch andere Hilfsorganisationen bereits vollstA?A?ndig finanziert waren. In Matara trifft dies in mindestens 428 FA?A?llen zu. Allein diese Form des Missbrauchs dA?A?rfte rund eine Million Dollar an Spendengeldern verschlungen haben.

Die Lage verschA?A?rfte sich Anfang 2006. Damals reduzierte die srilankische Regierung den Abstand von der KA?A?stenlinie, in dem Neubauten untersagt waren (sogenannte Pufferzone) von hundert auf fA?A?nfunddreissig bis fA?A?nfzig Meter. Dies hatte zur Folge, dass Tausende von Familien aus dem staatlichen Umsiedlungsprogramm in das Hausbauprojekt der Schweiz wechselten A?a??a?? Familien, fA?A?r die zahlreiche Hilfswerke im Hinterland bereits neue HA?A?user und Siedlungen geplant und teilweise bereits fertiggestellt hatten. Aus einem Dokument der amtlichen srilankischen Wiederaufbau-Agentur Rada vom Juni 2006 geht hervor, dass 644 Wohneinheiten aus diesem Grund A?A?verlassenA?A? wurden. Der Projektleiter des Schweizer Konsortiums (der Allianz von Deza, GlA?A?ckskette, SRK und Heks) rechnete zu diesem Zeitpunkt damit, dass bis im Herbst 2006 rund 1300 HA?A?user leer stehen wA?A?rden. Sie alle wurden A?A?ber den Bedarf hinaus gebaut.

In diesem und den anderen dokumentierten FA?A?llen gilt: Der systematische Schwindel war den Schweizer Verantwortlichen bekannt. Noch am selben Tag, als er von den massenhaft leerstehenden HA?A?usern erfuhr, informierte der Projektmanager den Gouverneur des Distrikts und die Koordinatoren des Konsortiums in Colombo und der Schweiz. Eingeschritten sind sie nicht, stattdessen beschuldigten sie den Mann vor Ort, er ziehe das Ansehen der Schweiz in Cheap urispas tab den Schmutz. Die Deza schickte eine diplomatische Protestnote an die Heks-Zentrale in ZA?A?rich und verlangte, dass fortan keine Kritik mehr ohne Autorisierung aus Bern geA?A?ussert werden dA?A?rfe.

Auch die Spitzenkader, die letztlich die Verantwortung tragen, waren im Bild. Deza-Vizedirektor Toni Frisch, der Chef der humanitA?A?ren Hilfe, und GlA?A?ckskette-Direktor FA?A?lix Bollmann wurden vor Ort aufgeklA?A?rt. Am 3. April flogen sie in Begleitung von Botschafter Regazzoni in einem eigens gemieteten Jet von Colombo nach Matara. Der dortige Projektleiter zeigte ihnen eine Reihe von HA?A?usern, die mit franzA?A?sischen Spenden aus der Bretagne komplett wiederaufgebaut wurden. Neben den Namen der bretonischen Gemeinden klebten an den HA?A?usern auch Schilder mit dem Schweizer Kreuz und einem Text, wonach A?A?die BevA?A?lkerung der SchweizA?A? den Wiederaufbau unterstA?A?tzt habe. Die EigentA?A?mer bekamen aus der Schweiz zusA?A?tzlich 2500 Dollar, obwohl die HA?A?user von den Franzosen vollstA?A?ndig bezahlt worden waren. Der Projektleiter fA?A?hrte die Besucher schliesslich vor ein Hinkelstein-artiges Monument, das die Bewohner des Stadtteils zu Ehren der franzA?A?sischen Spender errichtet hatten. In diesem Augenblick sagte GlA?A?ckskette-Direktor Bollmann: A?A?Wenn jetzt die Presse hier wA?A?re, wA?A?ren wir erledigt.A?A?

A?A?ber dieselbe Art des Missbrauchs an einem anderen Ort orientierte die private srilankische WohltA?A?tigkeitsorganisation Jayawickreme Foundation den Schweizer Botschafter in Colombo. In einem E-Mail, das der Weltwoche vorliegt, schildert der Vorsitzende der Stiftung, Sujith C. Jayawickreme, folgenden Vorfall: A?A?Am 21. August 2006 erlebten wir einen unangenehmen und harten Schock, als wir deutschen Sponsoren, begleitet von deutschen Medien, unsere Projekte zeigten: HA?A?user, die von unserer Stiftung gebaut und vollstA?A?ndig von deutschen Geldgebern finanziert worden waren, sind A?A?ber Nacht mit Schildern versehen worden, auf denen steht, die HA?A?user seien durch Gelder der Schweizer BevA?A?lkerung wiederaufgebaut worden.A?A? Wie eine Nachfrage bei der Stiftung in Sri Lanka ergeben hat, waren davon 16 HA?A?user betroffen. Auch in diesem Fall, das wusste man im Aussendepartement und beim Heks, flossen die Schweizer Spendengelder unnA?A?tig und zweckwidrig.

In vierzehntA?A?glichen Feld-Rapporten der Projektleiter wurden die Vorgesetzten in der Deza, beim Roten Kreuz und beim Heks A?A?ber die vielfA?A?ltigen MissbrA?A?uche informiert. Im Bericht vom 20. September 2006 heisst es, die srilankischen BehA?A?rden seien A?A?direkt verantwortlich fA?A?r den bewussten und exzessiven MissbrauchA?A? der Spendengelder, das Hausbau-Programm in Matara sei A?A?vA?A?llig korrumpiertA?A?. Entgegen der Behauptung von Deza und GlA?A?ckskette sind die Verantwortlichen diesen MissbrA?A?uchen weder A?A?nachgegangenA?A?, noch haben sie A?A?notwendige Korrekturen vorgenommenA?A?. Ganz im Gegenteil: Den Projektleiter vor Ort, der die FA?A?lle dokumentierte und die fehlbaren Beamten direkt ansprach, forderten sie ultimativ zum Schweigen auf (spA?A?ter wurde er entlassen).

Die Geschichte spielte sich so ab: Am 9. November 2006 schrieb Projektleiter Georg Mayer einem srilankischen Programm-Mitarbeiter, der einen gewissen Mr Dadli auf die Liste der A?A?vollstA?A?ndig GeschA?A?digtenA?A? gesetzt hatte, er solle den EmpfA?A?nger wieder von der Liste streichen. Mr Dadlis Haus war nA?A?mlich nur minimal beschA?A?digt, und zwar nicht durch den Tsunami. Eine Kopie des E-Mails ging an den Distrikt-SekretA?A?r, eine zweite an den Deza-Koordinator in Colombo, eine dritte an Mayers Vorgesetzten beim Heks in ZA?A?rich, Andreas Sicks. Dieser antwortet umgehend: A?A?Wir fordern Sie dringend auf, von solchen AktivitA?A?ten ein fA?A?r allemal abzusehen!A?A? Mayer mA?A?sse sofort aufhA?A?ren, A?A?inkriminierende E-Mails und BriefeA?A? A?A?ber die BetrugsfA?A?lle zu schreiben. FA?A?r Beschwerden an A?A?unsere lokalen PartnerA?A? brauche es das EinverstA?A?ndnis des Heks und des Schweizer Konsortiums A?A?als GanzesA?A?, also auch der Deza, der GlA?A?ckskette und des Roten Kreuzes. Das Schreiben schliesst mit der Aufforderung, Mayer solle A?A?bitte bestA?A?tigenA?A?, dass er A?A?unsere Instruktionen verstandenA?A? habe.

FA?A?r eine Stellungnahme war Andreas Sicks nicht zu erreichen. Sein Vorgehen zeigt: Die srilankischen A?A?PartnerA?A? sollten unter allen UmstA?A?nden geschont werden A?a??a?? und die Schweizer A?a??ffentlichkeit A?A?ber die wahren VerhA?A?ltnisse getA?A?uscht werden. Derselbe Sicks, der dem Projektleiter vor Ort verbot, die BehA?A?rden auf ungerechtfertigte BezA?A?ge der Schweizer Spendengelder aufmerksam zu machen, lA?A?sst sich auf der Homepage des Heks mit dem Satz zitieren, A?A?Cash for Repair and ReconstructionA?A? sei das A?A?effizienteste und erfolgreichste Wiederaufbauprojekt in Sri Lanka nach dem SeebebenA?A?. Wie Deza und GlA?A?ckskette in ihrer Entgegnung auf den Weltwoche-Artikel von letzter Woche, verweist das Heks auf eine externe Evaluation, die dieses Selbstlob bestA?A?tigen soll. Aus der Studie, die von vier internationalen Experten verfasst wurde, zitiert es nur die Aussage, die Schweizer Programmbeteiligung sei ein A?A?bemerkenswerter ErfolgA?A?. Schaut Order shatavari herb man sich die Zusammenfassung der Studie A?a??a?? der Volltext ist nicht greifbar A?a??a?? nA?A?her an, bleibt vom schA?A?nen Bild wenig A?A?brig: A?A?Der relative Erfolg des Projekts bedeutet nicht, dass es nicht schwerwiegende Bedenken und Nachteile bezA?A?glich der Umsetzung gab.A?A? Der Bericht listet eine ganze Liste von MA?A?ngeln auf: doppelt BegA?A?nstigte, die ein Haus gebaut bekamen und obendrein noch Bargeld; ein zu geringer Betrag fA?A?r den Wiederaufbau, so dass sich manche EmpfA?A?nger verschulden mussten; mangelnde FlexibilitA?A?t, um auf die massive Teuerung zu reagieren; eine ineffektive Umsetzung usw.

Zu seiner Entlastung fA?A?hrt das Schweizer Konsortium weitere externe Untersuchungen an. Die Hilfswerke, die mit der Deza in Sri Lanka zusammenarbeiten, haben sich von der Stiftung Zewo, der Zertifizierungsstelle fA?A?r gemeinnA?A?tzige Organisationen, und von Firmen wie Pricewaterhouse Coopers und Ernst & Young prA?A?fen lassen. Der skandalA?A?se Betrug im Hausbauprojekt wurde so nicht aufgedeckt. Die Zewo evaluiert nach eigenen Angaben nicht A?A?einzelne ProjekteA?A?, sie hat lediglich das Rote Kreuz und das Heks Stellung nehmen lassen. Sie kommt zum Schluss: A?A?Unsere AbklA?A?rungen zeigen, dass die Planungs-, Evaluations- und Kontrollsysteme funktionieren und die Kontrolle wahrgenommen wurde.A?A? Dieses positive Urteil A?A?ber das durch und durch korrumpierte Projekt erweist die Zewo-AbklA?A?rung als Farce. A?a?zhnlich geringe Aussagekraft haben die Untersuchungen der RechnungsprA?A?fer. Sie schauen lediglich, ob die GeldflA?A?sse dort ankommen, wo es auf dem Papier steht. A?A?ber die zweckwidrigen BezA?A?ge erfA?A?hrt man aus ihren Berichten nichts.


Surfing The Nations

Update from Our Sri Lanka Team
On June 10th a second summer team from Surfing The Nations flew out to Sri Lanka to serve the people of Arugam Bay. One of the team members, Zach Ifland, posted an update about his experiences in a blog; this is what he wrote:

” Tonight we have a beach bbq that we are hosting for the small town of Arugam bay. we will surf , eat and just make friends and let them know that the lords presence is here. Our team is made up of 18 fabulous men and women ranging in ages from 11- mid 40’s.

monday, wednesdays, and friday we will be teaching english in one of the top muslim school of all of sri lanka. so pray for the language barrier to shattered and our lessons to be a sucess. I am real excited. later today we will be goingto a small town called peanut farm and delivering toy, clothing and food donations.

I surfed the longest right of my life today and it wasnt even good according to everyone. the water feels like the same temperature as pee and the reef is extra sharp. hopefully i will be shredding on my backside by the time i get home.

It is evident that the tsunami ripped through here and hurt this town as well as country. just across the street is a hotel Oprah built in memory of one of her employees that was killed during the tsunami. its nice but doesnt seem quiet right to have it here for some reason .the war between the tamil tigers and the singalese (dont know if i spelled it right) is real and just feels intense. just trying to get through the check points on our bus from columbo felt more like me trying to escape a refugee camp out of a movie.
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Plus there was a a crazy rain /lightning storm going on that added to the ambiance. we have to be careful what we say, where we go, how we answer questions, where the women team memeber are (cause women are not free here.) yet at the same time everyone is so friendly, it makes you on edge a little.

There are monkeys on roof tops that steal your stuff, goats on the beach, dogs everywhere, water buffaloe in the fields and elephants crossing roads. this place is beautiful and sweltering hot. Thanks again to everyone who has prayed for me and supported me. You have not only answered my prayers but help fulfill a small dream of mine.

“Be joyful always” 1 Thessalonians 5:16 is what i wear around my neck to keep me in check while going through the thick and thin here. i ask you at home or whereever you are to do the same. i will fill you in as the days go by with more words, stories and hopefully pictures if these crappy computers let me. Peace & love, Zach ”

Scotsmen & Mercy Corps

Executive pledges A?A?250,000 to aid the crisis in Darfur


THE new SNP government is expanding the reach and scope of the Executive’s international aid fund by committing A?A?250,000 to ease the plight of those suffering in Darfur in east Africa, it emerged yesterday.

Jack McConnell, the former First Minister, set up a fund of A?A?4.5 million for international development during his time in office, most of which was allocated to charities in Malawi, which is now twinned with Scotland.

Mr McConnell believed that the best way to make an impact was to concentrate much of the Executive’s very limited resources in one country.

Now, however, Alex Salmond has changed the emphasis. He has promised to double the size of the fund to A?A?9 million in the new spending round, which will be announced in November, and he has decided to spread the Executive’s resources more widely.

The decision to give A?A?250,000 to the Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund for its work in the crisis-hit region of Darfur is an example, both of the extra funds which the new Executive is committed to providing, but also the wider scope of its aid programme.

The Scottish Executive is limited to what it can do in international development and ministers have to be careful not to impinge on the remit of the much bigger Department for International Development in London, which co-ordinates Britain’s aid effort.

But the Darfur initiative falls within the remit of the Scottish Executive, principally because the money is going to a Scottish charity, not to the authorities in Darfur.

A spokeswoman for the Executive also confirmed that ministers in Edinburgh had been in close touch with Whitehall while drawing up this grant and that the International Development Department was “fully behind” the initiative.

Mary Cullen, the head of communications at SCIAF, said the money would be very well spent helping “the poorest of the poor”.

“It will go immediately to projects on the ground in Darfur to help keep people alive through what continues to be a complex and desperate crisis,” she said. “Together with the threat of violence, there is the very real risk of large scale fatalities from diseases such as cholera and malaria.

“The displaced population in Darfur now accounts for a staggering 2.1 million people, with the number of new arrivals going up all the time. Since January alone, 110,000 new people have fled to camps for protection, food and shelter.”

The war in the Darfur region of Sudan has been raging for four years and has left hundreds of thousands dead, either through the conflict itself or indirectly from starvation and drought. Announcing the cash, external affairs minister Linda Fabiani said the money would support more than 120,000 people in communities most affected by the violence and unrest in the south and west of the Sudanese province.

More than two million people are thought to have been displaced within Darfur and a further 235,000 have fled to neighbouring Chad.

Britain had allocated A?A?104 million since April, and the Executive is already contributing by supporting an educational project in south Sudan with a A?A?190,000 award.

Ms Fabiani said: “With the arrival of the rainy season, we are looking at immediate and practical solutions to support impoverished and displaced people.

“In an area where three quarters of the population are farmers, this money from the Scottish government will provide essential seeds, tools and training to allow people to begin planting to feed themselves and their families.”

Meanwhile, Mr Salmond is to try to raise Scotland’s profile on the international stage with a trip to Brussels this week when he will meet a number of senior European figures, including Peter Mandelson, the EU Trade Commissioner.


THE latest round of Executive grants for international development included many for Malawi and a small number for Scottish charities working in disaster areas.

The grants included:

A?a??A? A?A?250,000 to provide facilities and resources to train Malawians in tourism development.

A?a??A? A?A?137,000 to train people in the Mulanje region in Malawi to deal with and solve their own problems in health, nutrition and HIV/AIDS control.

A?a??A? A?A?70,000 to train specialist eye doctors for Saving Sight in Malawi.

A?a??A? A?A?222,000 on a project to provide reliable power supplies for health facilities in rural Malawi.

A?a??A? A?A?218,000 to help the Malawian growers of macadamia nuts to get their produce to markets.

A?a??A? A?A?185,000 for Mercy Corps Scotland in its work at Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka, helping the community to recover after the tsunami.

A?a??A? A?A?167,000 to fund Scottish volunteers to work with local NGOs in Sri Lanka on health and water projects in areas affected by the Tsunami.

A?a??A? A?A?100,000 – two awards of A?A?50,000, one to Oxfam and one to Mercy Corps Scotland – to help them in their work in Pakistan after the earthquake.

This article:

Last updated: 09-Jul-07 00:26 BST
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Comments Add your comment

1. AM2, Glasgow / 1:08am 10 Jul 2007

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SCIAF, their website says, “was set up by the Catholic Bishops of Scotland in 1965” and is “the official aid agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland”.Should the executive really be giving to a denominational charity?

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2. James, Dundee / 1:26am 10 Jul 2007
The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund (Sciaf) has launched an appeal to raise funds for Darfur.Donations can be made via its website or through an emergency donation line on .

Perhaps as a Scottish rather than a UK based appeal is the rationale?

As you’re well aware AM2 the population of Darfur are almost exclusively Muslim.

Helping these people is a noble thing to do.


It seems you just cant help yourself.

Report as unsuitable

3. AM2, Glasgow / 1:32am 10 Jul 2007
I’m certainly not criticising the aim of helping the people of Darfur. Neither am I raising a “sectarian issue”; that’s a straw man argument if ever I saw one! I’m raising a query about the appropriateness of public funds being given to a charity operated by a religious denomination. You see that as a “disgrace” only because, as we’ve seen before, you can’t tolerate anything that might be construed as criticism of the SNP.Report as unsuitable

4. Hebb, Scotia / 1:34am 10 Jul 2007
Oh for goodness sake AM2, give it a rest. Can you not see anything positive in what our new Scottish government does? You’ll be telling us next that SCIAF siphons off the aid money destined for the poor to fund militant Jesuit training camps preparing to overthrow what’s left of your beloved British Empire in Scotland.Come to think of it that’s not a bad idea. Maybe we could also institute a modern-day Scottish Inquisition to deal with the remnants of the heretical sect that is Unionism.

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5. James, Dundee / 1:41am 10 Jul 2007
#3 No I object not only as a Scot, but also as a Catholic. You are taking a cheap shot.There are certain aspects of SNP policy that I personally disagree with – but I’m on board with most of their manifesto.

I see nothing wrong with this charitable gesture.

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6. AM2, Glasgow / 1:47am 10 Jul 2007
#5 JamesI raised a perfectly reasonable procedural query, but now you’re raising an issue of race and religion. I’m certainly not going down that line with this.

Report as unsuitable

7. James, Dundee / 1:50am 10 Jul 2007
#6 The ice is particularly thin at this time of the year. Tread carefully! Report as unsuitable

8. AM2, Glasgow / 2:08am 10 Jul 2007
#7 JamesAs I said, I’m certainly not going down any such line.

Report as unsuitable

9. Buchanan, California / 4:44am 10 Jul 2007
AM2Have some respect for your Scottish Government
and also the the dire situation in Darfur.

Your continual whinging, glass half empty pessimissim is simply depressing in addition to boring.

I see you also criticized Alex Salmond’s nobel & voluntary donation of his salary to local charities.
Do you have something against charities now or is
it simply a brain dead reflex that you have in that
you read any article about SNP or Alex doing something positive so you just automatically criticize
like some Unionist automaton.

Any contribution by any means to help the situation
in Darfur is to be applauded. I suggest you get
out your cheque book and do some good, the
few seconds it takes to write the cheque in support
of Darfur will be time much better spend than the drivel you pen here.

Try and support your elected Scottish government’s efforts to serve the best interests of Scotland. They have no other agenda than that no matter what
conspiracy theories you might have.

Saor Alba

Report as unsuitable

10. Mercutio, Falkirk / 5:56am 10 Jul 2007
International aid /development is not a matter for the Scottish Executive, as with the previous administration this is political posturing.Report as unsuitable

11. Boy Wonder / 6:34am 10 Jul 2007
Everybody knows how antireligious I am, but even I would never criticise the work being done by any charitable aid to countries that are in dire need.For AM2 to do so is beyond the pale!

It doesn’t matter who is giving the aid in Darfur as long as they are getting every penny we can send to help alleviate the awful plight these people are in.

I’d hate to think that if it was us, people would stop to wonder who’s best placed to render the aid!

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12. ex katman 2, ex sudan / 7:37am 10 Jul 2007
Sadly the truth is ,you can throw all the money you like at these crisis countries but it will never reach the intended victims.If we have learnt anything from past episodes,it is that the money never reaches the poor intended people because of the corruption in all these countries.If you are of the opinion that if only a pitance gets through then thats ok,then you are only fuelling the corrupt govermentsReport as unsuitable

13. Dr Who / 8:00am 10 Jul 2007
Well despite AM2 taking this opportunity to bring his religous bigotry against Catholics, I have to say that I like the way the money is being targeted to actual the concrete goals of enabling the people of Darfur to improve its ability to solve their own problems with education. As an athiest I dont give a whatever to the Catholics using their already established infrastructure to administer these funds. There is little chance of the forces who continue this war getting their hands on these funds.Lets face one other point as well. If these people had massive OIL reserves there the US, UK, Australians would be there quick smart to stop the war and start to asset strip the country. We would have another Iraq on our hands.

Report as unsuitable

14. Nick_Byrne, Glasgow / 8:06am 10 Jul 2007
A?A?250,000 is not going to make much difference to the atrocities being committed in Darfur.I wasn’t aware the goverment was allowed to make donations to charities – as we’ve seen that leads to all manner of allegations.

Report as unsuitable

15. James Moore / 8:18am 10 Jul 2007
What a waste of money! This token gesture will not achieve anything! Report as unsuitable

16. paulr / 8:42am 10 Jul 2007
He would be better off giving the 250,000 to the tram scheme in edinburghReport as unsuitable

17. Arugambay, Arugam Bay / 8:54am 10 Jul 2007

“A?a??A? A?A?185,000 for Mercy Corps Scotland in its work at Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka, helping the community to recover after the tsunami.”

I am a professional Brit. Expat living in Arugam Bay since 1977 – 30 years.
This Century me and my family never left the small village, including Boxing Day 2004 when we all learned to swim….so we tend know what is going on.
Let me assure you:
Mercy Corpse Inc. has indeed been ‘active’ around here, but they left a long time ago!
Further, they wasted valuable cash from the US Oprah Whinfrey show on totally USELESS projects, splitting the entire Community by supporting only or mainly the Islamic Community around us.
There are many real Tsunami victims, such as us – and our non-Muslim neighbours, such as Tamils and Sinhalse- who swear on oath that we all have not received a single cent (or anything else) from anyone, incl. Mercy Corpse.
Kind, caring and concerned PRIVATE citizens have trusted large organization too much – and funded nothing but their elaborate lifestyle in our region.
In Tamil, the word “N.G.O.” is pronounced: “E.N.J.O.Y.” they do enjoy life in the tropics – with your kindly donated money – that is our opinion and experience here.
Do not believe their PR exercises!

look at true Community feed back, such as:
and search for the performance of Mercy Corpse and other time and cash wasting NGO’s – specially the Red Cross.
Arugam Bay Hotel Association
Arugam Bay
Eastern Sri Lanka

Thoppigala: A land of many wonders

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By Upali Salgado

The fall of Thoppigala, the citadel of the Tamil “Tigers” is imminent. A raging battle by land supported by effective air strikes ferreted out the terrorist group which stood firm in pockets for several months.

Where is Thoppigala? The huge rock, 1753 feet tall, clothed with virgin jungle and rough stony terrain close to Manampitiya has had the military spotlight for sometime now. In times of yore, this “Tiger” fortress with several natural caves (recently used to house food and artillery) was Veddah country. The plains below extending upto the well-known Dimbulagala Hills, better known as “Gunner’s Quoin” about 10 miles south east of Polonnaruwa and about 8 miles from Manampitiya were irrigated and developed under the Mahaweli scheme.

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The huge rock, 1753 feet tall, clothed with virgin jungle and rough stony terrain.

Dimbulagala has an ancient Buddhist monastery which was the home of a well-known pious monk, the Ven. Kitalagama Seelaratana Maha Thera until he was killed by the Tigers. This monk was the godfather to the poor villagers and established 23 other Buddhist temples in the Eastern Province.

Dimbulagala has ruins from 300 BC to 1200 AD. It is known for its Brahmi rock inscriptions seen over drip ledges of caves in the vicinity of the temple. This forest hermitage is perched up on the hill from where one gets a beautiful bird’s eye view of the irrigated plains and water spots below. The entire region was once Veddah territory where leopard, deer and elephants roamed.
The whole of the Eastern Province is rich in archaeological ruins and rock inscriptions of Buddhist interest. Besides these, there is the historic Mahiyangana stupa which legend says was a place visited by Gautama Buddha. There is the Digavapi stupa, south-east of Amparai, Magul Maha Vihara near Pottuvil and the Kudimbigala forest hermitage on the west bordering the Yala sanctuary. There are several lakes and ponds and small tanks that supported agriculture – the Divulana lake, Rukam tank, Maduru Oya reservoir, the Irrakkamam lake and Sorabora Wewa that attract beautiful migratory birds – the teal and heron who come there to nest during the season, from May to September each year.

Moving further south in the picturesque Eastern Province is yet another geographically interesting rock outcrop, south of Inginiyagala and not far from the largest tank of Sri Lanka, the Senanayake Samudra. This majestic-looking rock had been indicated in the Survey Department topographical sheet of Pottuvil as Westminster Abbey (Native: “Govindahella”) rising 1831 ft. over a flat plain.

During the time of the Sinhala Kings it had been a fortress – an outpost for the Rohana Province. Over 100 years ago, it was the home of the Veddah community who lived hunting and gathering bees’ honey. Prof. Seligman and later Dr. Richard L. Spittel, surgeon and anthropologist visited the Veddahs quite often to care for their needs.

Dr. Spittel in his first book on Ceylon and the Veddahs, “Wild Ceylon” says interestingly – “I have had a small share – into a narrative (in the Preface) primarily designed to describe the homely aspects of jungle life, especially as it concerns the Veddahs – the last remnant of Ceylon’s aboriginal race.

“In the dim waste lands of the Orient stands the wreck of a race, so old and vast that the greyest legend cannot lay hands on the single fact of its tongueless past.”

Dr. Spittel was a crusader of the backward communities – the Veddahs who lived at Sorabora Wewa, at Pallebedde, at Gunner’s Quoin and close to Westminster Abbey. He was always there to see to the needs of the Baiyas who lived near Chenakaladi; the Rodiyas and the Kinnarayas who engaged themselves in mat weaving. They all led a sad meagre existence and were a rare indigenous cultural entity, who braved living with the Malaria mosquito. Their folklore was interesting, their witchcraft age-old, and their unity was an example to those who loved and lived in the jungle.

A note on the picturesque and rich East will not be complete without a brief reference to a few better known personalities, who in diverse ways took an abiding interest to introduce to us, over the years, the beauty and richness of the province. Prof. Seligman and Dr. Spittel were anthropologists who were friends of the Veddahs and the backward community there. Ven. Kitalagama Seelaratana Maha Thera was besides being a religious leader, a great social worker.

Dudley Senanayake as a Minister of Agriculture set up the Gal Oya Valley scheme and saw that the Senanayake Samudra was constructed and named after his father who for decades did much to improve agriculture. S.V.O. Somanader, an educationist and journalist of Batticaloa and Nihal Fernando of “Studio Times” are great travellers and writers who introduced the area to the outside world.

Then there was D.B. Ellepola who handled work of the “Backward Communities Board” set up by D.S. Senanayake, and Dr. R.L. Brohier, a geographer, historian and cartographer of the Survey Department, who with his devoted band of surveyors travelled to all parts of the province to unearth and record for posterity the treasures there to be seen. Ven Ellawala Medhananda Thera, (MP) an epigraphist too has travelled widely in the Eastern Province to read for us, under difficult conditions, a large number of rock inscriptions discovered by him over cave drip ledges. This galaxy of people with diverse interests were a perfect mix of educated sons who did much for Lanka.


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1000 US-Dollar fA?A?r eine beschA?A?digte HaustA?A?r in Sri Lanka

Von Philipp Gut

Die Schweizer Hilfsgelder fA?A?r die Tsunami-Opfer in Sri Lanka versickern in
korrupten Projekten. BundesrA?A?tin Calmy-Reys Entwicklungshelfer zahlen, ohne
dass sie etwas zu sagen haben. Man weiss um Misswirtschaft und Betrug.
Trotzdem fliessen die Millionen.

Vor kurzem hat die GlA?A?ckskette, die laut BundesprA?A?sidentin Micheline
Calmy-Rey A?A?die starken GefA?A?hle und den guten WillenA?A? der Schweizer
BevA?A?lkerung A?A?kanalisiertA?A?, ihren Jahresbericht 2006 vorgelegt. Darin heisst
es: A?A?Der effiziente und verantwortungsvolle Einsatz der Tsunami-Spenden
stand im Zentrum aller TA?A?tigkeiten.A?A? Dieses Selbstlob entspricht dem
branchenA?A?blichen Ton. Die Hilfswerke, aber auch die Deza, die Direktion fA?A?r
Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit in Calmy-Reys Aussendepartement (EDA), stellt
ihren Einsatz in den vom Seebeben verwA?A?steten Regionen SA?A?dasiens als
Grosserfolg professioneller SolidaritA?A?t dar.

Der Jahresbericht der GlA?A?ckskette, bei der nach der Flutkatastrophe vom
26.Dezember 2004 Spenden in der HA?A?he von 227,72 Millionen Franken eingingen,
enthA?A?lt aber auch eine ungewohnt deutliche Selbstkritik.
GlA?A?ckskette-Direktor FA?A?lix Bollmann spricht von A?A?weniger erfreulichen
FeststellungenA?A?, die ausgerechnet ein Prestigeprojekt der Schweizer Hilfe
betreffen. An diesem sind neben der GlA?A?ckskette auch die Deza (also die
Eidgenossenschaft), das Schweizerische Rote Kreuz (SRK) und das Hilfswerk
der evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz (Heks) beteiligt. Vereinigt zum A?A?Schweizer
KonsortiumA?A?, unterstA?A?tzen sie auf Sri Lanka ein Programm der Regierung und
der Weltbank, das sich Cash for Repair and Reconstruction (CfRR) nennt und
den privaten Wiederaufbau von beschA?A?digten oder zerstA?A?rten HA?A?usern

Der Direktor der GlA?A?ckskette macht drei MA?A?ngel des Programms namhaft:
A?A?Erstens ist der HA?A?chstbetrag, den die BehA?A?rden fA?A?r den Wiederaufbau
bewilligten, fA?A?r den Bau eines Hauses von annehmbarer QualitA?A?t zu gering.
Und zweitens fA?A?hren die unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen VerhA?A?ltnisse und
die persA?A?nlichen Vorlieben der EmpfA?A?nger dazu, dass sich die HA?A?user
betrA?A?chtlich unterscheiden. In manchen FA?A?llen ist sogar ein Beitrag aus den
Kassen der internationalen NGOs erforderlich, damit das Haus fertiggestellt
werden kann. Dazu kommt, dass in rund 10 Prozent der FA?A?lle bezA?A?glich Auswahl
der BegA?A?nstigten Unklarheit herrschte.A?A?

Wer kritisierte, wurde entlassen

Dieses EingestA?A?ndnis von oberster Stelle bedeutet eine zumindest indirekte
Rehabilitation fA?A?r jene Mitarbeiter des Programms, die auf die
Unkorrektheiten hingewiesen hatten und daraufhin entlassen wurden. Man
erinnert sich: Ende letzten Jahres orientierten zwei ehemalige
Programm-Manager in Sri Lanka, Max Seelhofer vom Roten Kreuz und Georg Mayer
vom Heks, die A?a??ffentlichkeit A?A?ber MissstA?A?nde bei der HilfstA?A?tigkeit. Dies,
nachdem beide die Zentralen in der Schweiz regelmA?A?ssig A?A?ber die MA?A?ngel
informiert hatten. Geschehen ist nichts, ausser dass die A?A?berbringer der
schlechten Botschaft entlassen wurden (das gleiche Schicksal ereilte noch
drei weitere kritische Mitarbeiter).

Was der GlA?A?ckskette-Direktor zugibt, ist bloss die Spitze des Eisbergs. Das
tatsA?A?chliche Ausmass der Misere ist weit grA?A?sser. Es umfasst
Ungereimtheiten, FehlschlA?A?ge, Missmanagement und sogar FA?A?lle von Betrug.
Eine kleine Chronologie.

Als Aussenministerin Calmy-Rey Anfang Januar 2005 begleitet von
Deza-Direktor Walter Fust die verheerten Gebiete bereiste, versprach sie in
Thailand und Sri Lanka spontan Hilfe. Dass beim Bund dafA?A?r kein
ausreichender Budgetposten vorhanden war, kA?A?mmerte sie nicht. Als Folge
dieser GefA?A?hlsdiplomatie (noch bei der Pressekonferenz nach ihrer RA?A?ckkehr
traten Calmy-Rey laut Zeitungsberichten A?A?mehrmals TrA?A?nen in die AugenA?A?) sah
sich die Deza Verpflichtungen gegenA?A?ber, denen sie gar nicht nachkommen

GelA?A?st wurde das Problem, indem die GlA?A?ckskette einsprang, statutenwidrig.
Denn gemA?A?ss ihren Regeln darf sie nur Nichtregierungsorganisationen (NGOs)
unterstA?A?tzen. Im Fall der thailA?A?ndischen FischerdA?A?rfer wurde dieser
Grundsatz missachtet. Der GlA?A?ckskette-Jahresbericht schreibt dazu
verschleiernd bis irrefA?A?hrend: A?A?In Thailand gibt es kein Schweizer Hilfswerk
vor Ort, das auf den Wiederaufbau nach einer Katastrophe spezialisiert ist.
Die GlA?A?ckskette hat sich deshalb mit der Direktion fA?A?r Entwicklung und
Zusammenarbeit (Deza) zusammengetan.A?A?

Das ist eine Umkehr des tatsA?A?chlichen Ablaufs: Die GlA?A?ckskette kam
nachtrA?A?glich fA?A?r das Versprechen der Aussenministerin auf, damit diese ihr
Gesicht wahren konnte. Das Projekt habe A?A?aus politischen A?A?berlegungenA?A? hohe
PrioritA?A?t, bestA?A?tigte der Leiter der Asien-Sektion der Deza, Willy Lenherr
(mittlerweile frA?A?hpensioniert).

Mitte Januar 2005 lancierte Calmy-Rey auf Empfehlung eines externen
Beraters, der seit Jahren fA?A?r die Deza arbeitet, ein Programm in Sri Lanka
mit dem Titel Cash for Host Families. Hierbei sollten Gastgeberfamilien, die
A?A?berlebende Opfer des Seebebens aufnahmen, finanziell entschA?A?digt werden. Im
Februar 2005 schrieb die Deza, gegen 19000 Familien kA?A?men in den Genuss der
Zahlungen und bis zu Carafate liquid cost 100000 Order brahmi herb Obdachlose fA?A?nden so einfach und schnell ins
Alltagsleben zurA?A?ck. A?A?Diese Art der UnterstA?A?tzung ist nicht nur
kostengA?A?nstiger als die Unterbringung in Lagern A?a??a?? sie ist auch sozial
wirkungsvollerA?A?, liess die Deza verlauten. Calmy-Rey sagte, das Angebot sei
in Sri Lanka A?A?begeistert aufgenommenA?A? worden A?a??a?? doch die sri-lankische
Regierung wollte es nicht. Es widerspreche der traditionellen sri-lankischen
Gastfreundschaft, hiess es aus Colombo. Das Finanzministerium lehnte die
Offerte ab, und die Uno-Botschafterin in Genf sprach in Bern vor, um die
Unsinnigkeit des Vorhabens zu erlA?A?utern. Das gross angekA?A?ndigte Programm
wurde begraben.

Als Ersatz kA?A?ndigte die Deza Ende MA?A?rz 2005 eine neue A?A?PrioritA?A?tA?A? an: den
Wiederaufbau. Am 6.April unterzeichnete der Schweizer Botschafter in
Colombo, Bernardino Regazzoni, ein Agreement mit dem sri-lankischen
Finanzministerium, das den Einstieg der Schweiz ins CfRR-Programm regelte.
Die Schweiz verpflichtete sich zu einer Zahlung von 7 Millionen US-Dollar
fA?A?r den HA?A?userbau (rund 10,5 Millionen Franken, in einem ZusatzA?A?bereinkommen
wurde dieser Betrag spA?A?ter um 4,5 Millionen Dollar erhA?A?ht).

Geld in einen vollen Topf?

Doch auch dieser erneute Versuch, Schweizer Hilfs- und Spendengelder
sinnvoll auszugeben, ist im Begriff, spektakulA?A?r zu scheitern. Schon die
Grundsatzfrage, ob es notwendig war, auf den CfRR-Zug aufzuspringen, stellt
sich akut. Nach der A?A?bereinstimmenden EinschA?A?tzung mehrerer ehemaliger
Projektmitarbeiter war das Programm nA?A?mlich bereits zuvor vollstA?A?ndig
finanziert, durch die Weltbank, die Asiatische Entwicklungsbank und die
Kreditbank fA?A?r Wiederaufbau.

Die Schweizer Gelder fliessen in zwei der zwA?A?lf betroffenen Distrikte,
Matara und Trincomalee. Auf die Bitte um Auskunft, was dort ohne die
Schweizer UnterstA?A?tzung geschehen wA?A?re, antwortete Chulie de Silva, External
Affairs Officer der Weltbank in Colombo: A?A?I have no answer to your question
and have not been able to find one.A?A? Konkrete Nachfragen beantwortete die
Weltbank bis dato nicht, auch nicht am Hauptsitz in Washington.

Eine kleine Rechnung legt nahe, dass die Schweiz tatsA?A?chlich Geld in einen
vollen Topf schA?A?ttet. Die Weltbank hat fA?A?r das Programm 65 Millionen Dollar
bereitgestellt. FA?A?r ein als A?A?vollstA?A?ndigA?A? beschA?A?digt geltendes Haus erhalten
die Berechtigten 2500 Dollar, fA?A?r ein teilweise beschA?A?digtes 1000.
UrsprA?A?nglich ging man davon aus, dass in den betroffenen zwA?A?lf Distrikten 40
Prozent der in Frage kommenden HA?A?user in die erste Kategorie eingestuft
wA?A?rden, 60 Prozent in die zweite. Mit den 65 Millionen Dollar liessen sich
16250 ganz und 24375 teilweise zerstA?A?rte HA?A?user finanzieren (ohne
Administration). Dies entspricht ziemlich genau den Zahlen einer Erhebung,
welche die Weltbank und die Asiatische Entwicklungsbank im Januar/Februar
2005 machten A?a??a?? und zwar fA?A?r alle zwA?A?lf Distrikte.

Ein zentraler Schwachpunkt des Agreements mit der sri-lankischen Regierung
besteht darin, dass sich die Schweiz mit der Rolle einer Assistentin und
Geldgeberin zufriedengibt. In einem Bericht A?A?ber die anlaufende
UnterstA?A?tzung des CfRR-Programms schrieb der zustA?A?ndige Leiter im
Deza-Hauptquartier am 11. Mai 2005: A?A?The Swiss Party has decided to join a
predefined project design, accepting a limited influence in the design and
implementation.A?A? Und am 1. Juli heisst es in einem Protokoll des Schweizer
KoordinationsbA?A?ros in Colombo, die Deza sei A?A?not in a position to manage the
project at field level having only a support role and no specific powerA?A?.

Das Aussendepartement nahm also vorsA?A?tzlich in Kauf, dass man wenig zu sagen
hatte. Entsprechend gering ist der Einfluss auf Steuerung, Kontrolle und
QualitA?A?t des Programms.

Und um diese QualitA?A?t steht es schlecht, allerdings nicht nur durch das
Verschulden der sri-lankischen Regierung. Auch die beteiligten Schweizer
Organisationen haben operative Fehler gemacht. Die Baufortschritte nach zwei
Jahren sind gering. In einem Rechenschaftsbericht per Ende 2006 weist das
Schweizerische Rote Kreuz aus, dass erst knapp 40 Prozent der konkreten
Projekten zugeordneten 83,2 Millionen Franken verbraucht sind. In jenen
Projekten, die das SRK ausserhalb des CfRR-Programms durchfA?A?hrt, sind
lediglich 491 von total angestrebten 1283 HA?A?usern A?A?bezogenA?A? oder
A?A?bezugsbereitA?A?. Offenbar wird, um die Bilanz zu verschA?A?nern, die exakte
Bezeichnung A?A?fertiggestelltA?A? vermieden. Trotz dieser Schummelei ist die
Quote schlecht, zumal ein Haus in der Dritten Welt sehr bald einmal als
A?A?bezugsbereitA?A? gilt.

Der Wert der Spenden zerfA?A?llt

Ein Grund fA?A?r die Langsamkeit: Dringend benA?A?tigtes Baufachpersonal traf A?a??a??
mit einer Ausnahme A?a??a?? erst mit einem Jahr VerspA?A?tung in Sri Lanka ein. Der
SRK-Chefdelegierte vor Ort forderte im April 2005 schriftlich mehr
Baufachleute an (statt der entsandten Anglistin und Ethnologin). Davon
wollte die SRK-Zentrale in Bern nun aber gar nichts wissen: A?A?Die Meldung,
wir brauchten an jedem Standort zumindest je einen permanenten Construction
Delegate, ist fA?A?r uns nicht ausreichend, um darauf reagieren zu kA?A?nnen.A?A?

Ein Blick in die Bilanzen der GlA?A?ckskette, der Hauptgeldgeberin der
Schweizer Programme, bestA?A?tigt den schleppenden Gang der Hilfe. FA?A?r die
Tsunami-Opfer hat die GlA?A?ckskette 227,72 Millionen Franken Spenden
gesammelt. Bis Ende 2006 hat sie lediglich 105,5 Millionen Franken an die
projektausfA?A?hrenden Organisationen A?A?berwiesen, also weniger als die HA?A?lfte
der zur VerfA?A?gung stehenden Mittel. Selbst GlA?A?ckskette-Direktor Bollmann
sagt: A?A?Die Perspektiven fA?A?r 2006 sahen hA?A?here ZahlungsausgA?A?nge vor. Daraus
resultieren in Schweizer Franken treuhA?A?nderisch angelegte liquide Mittel,
die nur wenig Zins einbrachten (unter 2 Prozent im Jahresdurchschnitt).A?A?

Das heisst im Klartext: Weit A?A?ber 100 Millionen Spendengelder liegen
ungenutzt auf den Konten der GlA?A?ckskette, da deren Partnerorganisationen
(Hilfswerke, Deza) nicht in der Lage sind, das Geld innert nA?A?tzlicher Frist
auszugeben. Wie in Sri Lanka deutlich wird, fA?A?hrt diese VerzA?A?gerung zu einer
Wertverminderung der Spendengelder. Wegen der grossen Nachfrage betrA?A?gt die
Teuerung auf dem Bausektor rund 80 Prozent. Die Hilfeleistung, die mit einem
Spendenfranken erzielt werden kann, reduziert sich daher fortwA?A?hrend.

Selbstbehinderung der Helfer

Mit der BeschrA?A?nkung auf die Rolle des assistierenden Geldgebers hat sich
das Schweizer Konsortium unter der FA?A?hrung der Deza weitgehend um die
MA?A?glichkeit gebracht, aktiv gegen Missbrauch vorzugehen. Ein ehemaliger
Programmleiter des Heks hat im Distrikt Matara 428 FA?A?lle dokumentiert, in
denen andere, nicht-schweizerische Organisationen HA?A?user voll finanziert
hatten A?a??a?? und in denen die Hausherren trotzdem noch die 2500 Dollar aus der
Schweiz bekamen. TA?A?r und Tor fA?A?r unrechtmA?A?ssige BezA?A?ge wurden auch dadurch
geA?A?ffnet, dass man darauf verzichtete, eine Kategorie der A?A?am geringsten
GeschA?A?digtenA?A? einzufA?A?hren. Allein in Matara wurden 3188 solcher
BagatellfA?A?lle als A?A?teilweise beschA?A?digtA?A? eingestuft, wodurch die EmpfA?A?nger
die ganzen 1000 Dollar erhielten.

Noch betrA?A?gerischer: Wie ein Kadermitglied des A?A?Schweizer KonsortiumsA?A?
berichtet, beschA?A?digten Hunderte von EigentA?A?mern ihre HA?A?user mutwillig,
schlugen TA?A?ren und Fenster ein, produzierten WasserschA?A?den. Die Beamten,
welche die SchA?A?den aufnahmen, wurden bestochen A?a??a?? ein eigenes kleines
Cash-Programm: FA?A?r einen Obolus leiteten sie die Schadensmeldungen an die
Schweizer weiter, die dann nach den Richtlinien des Abkommens mit der
sri-lankischen Regierung brav zahlten. Und noch immer zahlen.

Was sagt man bei der Deza zum missbrA?A?uchlichen Bezug von Spendengeldern?
Toni Frisch, Delegierter fA?A?r humanitA?A?re Hilfe: A?A?Es gibt wohl A?A?berhaupt kein
System, das einen Missbrauch von vornherein vA?A?llig ausschliesst.A?A? Es gehe
aber darum, A?A?Massnahmen zu treffen und Instrumente einzusetzen, welche das
Risiko absolut minimieren, vor allem in einem ausserordentlich schwierigen
Umfeld, wie dies in Sri Lanka der Fall warA?A?.

Das Missbrauchspotenzial war bekannt

Die Schweiz sei verschiedentlich bei der sri-lankischen Regierung vorstellig
geworden, um eine stA?A?rkere Abstufung der BeitrA?A?ge fA?A?r die zu reparierenden
HA?A?user durchzusetzen. Sie konnte aber, so Frisch, A?A?als einzelner Donor nicht
die Auslegung eines inselweiten Vorgehens verA?A?ndernA?A?.

Dies wusste die Deza jedoch von Anfang an, wie die zitierten internen
Berichte A?A?ber das Agreement mit dem sri-lankischen Finanzministerium
belegen. Sie stimmte ihrem A?A?begrenzten Einfluss auf die Ausgestaltung und
die UmsetzungA?A? des Programms ausdrA?A?cklich zu. Sogar das Missbrauchspotenzial
war dem Aussendepartement schon beim Start des Programms bewusst.

Der Deza-Bericht vom 11.Mai 2005 hA?A?lt fest: A?A?Concerning the design, the
definition of the category A?a??A?partially damaged houseA?a??A? is weak. For instance,
a destroyed door makes the house owner eligible for the project.A?A? Die
Schweiz unterschrieb also ein Abkommen, das von ihr verlangte, fA?A?r eine
beschA?A?digte sri-lankische TA?A?r 1000 US-Dollar zu bezahlen.
