Archive for the 'Security & Safety' Category

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Aliens ‘ride past Arugam Bay’ and descend on Kataragama

On the way to Okanda

On the way to Okanda

Ventolin hfa 100 mcg price Opportunists and the irreverent, gaudily-clad masses have replaced the revered swamis and authentic pilgrims of yesteryear who made the journey to Sri Lankaa??s most famous shrine, says Patrick Harrigan

(July 24, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) There is a Sinhala saying about Kataragama-bound pilgrims that goes:

DA?nagana giyot Kataragama, NodA?na giyot ataramaga.

Translated, it means: a??If you know the way, you come to Kataragama; if you dona??t know the way, you get completely lost.a??

Continue reading ‘Aliens ‘ride past Arugam Bay’ and descend on Kataragama’

No more Arugambay Pass ….

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Eastern Province travel pass

The compulsory security passes for the vehicles coming out of the Eastern Province due to security reasons have been relaxed, Police Headquarters announced last evening. Continue reading ‘No more Arugambay Pass ….’

Invest in … Arugam Bay!

SL-FlagThe British government has expressed support for the efforts to resettle displaced and the development in Sri Lanka’s north and east.

After a fact finding mission to eastern province, British High Commissioner in Colombo, Dr. Peter Hayes, told BBC Sandeshaya that he was impressed with the improvement in the security situation. Continue reading ‘Invest in … Arugam Bay!’

Protected: Police ‘Justice’ at Arugam Bay

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Foreign Know-how required to assist Tourism

“Das Ausland muesste mit Know-how helfen”
Extract from the highly respected German “Spiegel” Magazine Interview with Mr. Coorey:

Sri Lankas BA?rgerkrieg ist nach 26 Jahren endlich beendet, doch Touristen kommen noch zA?gerlich in das frA?here Urlaubsparadies. SPIEGEL ONLINE sprach mit dem Reiseveranstalter Hiran Cooray A?ber KriegsschauplA?tze als Besucherattraktion und Surferspots zwischen Armeeposten.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Von Januar bis Mai kamen kaum mehr als 11.000 Deutsche nach Sri Lanka, fast ein Drittel weniger als in der ohnehin schon schwachen Vorjahresperiode. Und sie sind, nach Briten, Indern und Maledivern, immerhin die viertgrA?AYte Besuchergruppe. Sind Sie trotzdem optimistisch fA?r die ab SpA?tsommer, nach der Regenzeit, beginnende Hauptsaison?

Cooray: Deutschland ist einer der wichtigsten MA?rkte fA?r uns – wir hatten allerdings unsere Probleme damit, dass Ihr Botschafter in Colombo, JA?rgen Weerth, die militA?rische Strategie unserer Regierung kritisierte. Aber das hat sich ja zum GlA?ck erledigt, und was die Zahlen betrifft, so muss man sagen, dass immerhin 90 Prozent der einreisenden Deutschen und Briten Urlauber sind, im Unterschied zu vielen Indern und Maledivern, die aus beruflichen GrA?nden das Land besuchen oder um Verwandte zu sehen. Continue reading ‘Foreign Know-how required to assist Tourism’

Britain relaxes travel restrictions on Sri Lanka

UK Mission

UK Mission

The British government has relaxed some travel restrictions on Sri Lanka. British High Commission Dr Peter Hayes said UK no longer discourage British holidaymakers from enjoying leopard-spotting at Yala National Park, surfing at Arugam Bay or admiring Trincomalee harbour, one of the worlda??s deepest natural ports.

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a??Wea??ve taken this decision based on our assessment of the improving security situation in these parts of Sri Lanka.,a?? he said in a press release. Continue reading ‘Britain relaxes travel restrictions on Sri Lanka’

The Best Beaches are on the East Coast

With an end to hostilities in Sri Lanka tourism could be set to spread to the country’s troubled north & east.

By Adrian Bridge

Sri Lanka: end of conflict could boost tourism

A beach near the city of Trincomalee, an area that could attract future tourists Photo: GETTY

While it is still too early to predict the future course of events in Sri Lanka, the possibility of a lasting peace opens up the prospect of the great swathes of pristine sandy beaches in the north and east of the country becoming new tourist hotspots.

With the fighting still fresh, outrage over the number of civilians killed and fears that pockets of Tamil Tiger fighters may continue with terrorist attacks, the Foreign Office continues to advise against all travel to the north and east of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka travel experts, however, hope that in the long term, the ending of the 26-year-long civil war will signal a fresh start for tourism in what is potentially one of the most attractive holiday destinations in Asia.

a??This is a good step forward but we have to be cautiously optimistic; there is still a lot of work to be done to bring about a true peace,a?? said Jean-Marc Flambert, who promotes a number of hotels in Sri Lanka.

a??But in fact the best beaches on the island are on the east coast. Also, with the rainy season there coming at a different time to the rain in the south and west it could turn Sri Lanka into a year round destination.a??

Resorts that are likely to become holiday favourites include Nilaveli, just north of Trincomalee, and, further south, Kalkudah and Passekudah. Arugam Bay is set to attract the surfing crowd while Trincomalee itself, described by Admiral Nelson as the finest harbour in the world, could become a major new tourist hub. Continue reading ‘The Best Beaches are on the East Coast’

PVC Oceans

Today's catch ....
Today’s catch ….

Drowning in plastic: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of France

There are now 46,000 pieces of plastic per square kilometre of the world’s oceans, killing a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals each year. Worse still, there seems to be nothing we can do to clean it up. So how do we turn the tide?

Richard Grant reports on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and a new expedition that aims to make us reassess our relationship with plastic. Illustrations by Brett Ryder

Way out in the Pacific Ocean, in an area once known as the doldrums, an enormous, accidental monument to modern society has formed. Invisible to satellites, poorly understood by scientists and perhaps twice the size of France, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not a solid mass, as is sometimes imagined, but a kind of marine soup whose main ingredient is floating plastic debris.

Protected: Massacre of Fishermen Send Shock Waves

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Sri Lanka draws tourism plans

Dove released in peace

Dove released in peace

A rare editorial:
OurA? island’sA? long, bloody and very painful war has been won.
It was not easy, and very costly in every way. To achieve a military and specially aA? propaganda victory.
But now, after all those terrible years we have a clear winner.
There will be no more LTTE. They lost all round, incl. all remaining sympathy.
This alone should stop their feared ‘underground’ regrouping chances.
If handled well,A? a realistic chance exists to win the hearts and minds of the people.
That may be an even harder task.
So far, only distant hope is expressed by folks in the East and North.
We know the emotions in the West and South may differ.
We hope, wish and pray for a united, peaceful island Nation.

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New Delhi: The Sri Lankan government plans to turn the country’s war-torn northeastern region, which boasts of some of the island’s most scenic beaches, into a tourist attraction as the decades-old conflict with the Tamil Tigers seems to be nearing its end.
“The battle between the Sri Lankan forces and the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) is nearing its end, paving way for long awaited peace and development in these areas. Against this backdrop, Sri Lanka Tourism is gearing up for a post conflict strategy focusing on development of the tourist potential in the northeast,” said an official statement issued here.

“The development of the east is of specific focus for the government as the beaches there are some of the best in the island. Arugam Bay is famous as one of the best surfing destinations in the world,” the statement said. Continue reading ‘Sri Lanka draws tourism plans’

mini Quake at Arugam Bay

This morning a tiny earth tremor caused no damage at all, but some concern amongst the village people of Arugam Bay. Ophthacare online games

Tsunami Warning system Arugam Bay Hill

Tsunami Warning system Arugam Bay Hill

As usual, fears of another Tsunami surfaced. Some ran away into the opposite direction. Just as they did end of 2004, towards Lahugala. still maintains a highly efficient Early Warning System. Due to our own strong Thai connections we receive very quick and first hand warnings directly from the world’s most advanced centre at Silom Road, Bangkok.
There was not a hint of danger – so our sirens were not activated.
However, we are also informed that a mast (see photo) has recently been erected on the hill overlooking the Bay. It is however not known to us if this system is active and tested so far.
Our own opinion:
Clonidine depression treatment The next real Tsunami will come! The question is: When?
The ONLY real answer is: Build Tsunami resistant structures.
Or construct low level dwellings well away from the sea as indicated by the Government 100 or 200 Meter zone, earlier.
Do NOT reconstruct low level, low quality buildings near the sea front! As this will endanger the life and security of residents and visitors in future.A? For sure.

Eastern Highway code: Give Way to the Bigger one.

Republished article. Due to fresh, goodA? Comment (click above box):

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I just returned to Arugam Bay from Colombo. I left at 07:00am and landed around 16:00hrs. non stop in my rattling old rusty VW van. In the capital city interest in the East Coast has increased. Many guys asked to visit Arugam Bay in April. They have one full week off! Poya day (9), Good Friday (10), Easter weekend, Tamil & Singhala New year (13 & 14).
Driving along the A4 as usual I received a few calls from my new Colombo friends. The usual questions: Is it safe, what is the security situation like etc.
Therefore, here is one further word of advice:

All is VERY safe! Do come. We have NO problem here in the Bay or on its approach roads!

But: If oncoming traffic, day or night is flashing at you. Anywhere after Simbalanduwa.
No! There are NO speed checks at Lahugala!
(The last 40km are too bad for that anyhow)
It most likely is the odd elephant on or near the (unfenced) road, the main A4.
Back off. Show them respect: And all all is well.

They simply disappear into the forrest.
Above are a few shots to drive the message home
(No, the photos of VWA? safari couple have NOT been taken around here!)

Obama feaver hits Arugam Bay

Obama Body Surf at AbaY?

Obama Body Surf at AbaY?

Sources indicate that our Facebook memberA? Obama Barrak is planning to unwind a few days in remote, peaceful Arugam Bay.

All is Swell in AbaY

All is Swell in AbaY

This hard working statesman will surely need rest and enjoy our true unspoiled nature.

Following the G20 success on London, the NATO summit in Stressbourg it is time to go Baden – Baden indeed.
The surf season has alreadyA? started, so beginner’s surf lessons for the two girls Sasha and Malia are also scheduled. They will be joining the first couple on their Easter school break at Colombia airport, Karamtunayukie.
Courtesy of Paddle4Relief, Taunton, UK.

Obama himself is said to be a keen Kite Surfer and close friend of expert Dillsiri.
Arugam Bay is – as well known – a true All-Year Destination.
Facebook sources confirm that this is what prompted him to be one of the first fans of the popular and growing “Arugam Surf” social networking site.A? Obama actually signed up and became an insider of AbaY a long time before he became president. A forward thinking man indeed!

On hearing the news, Arugam villagers are exited.
Will he be just on holiday/vacation?
After changing the world – will he be able to bring real changes to the Bay?
Will this wise power house of a man continue to ‘listen’?A? Talk just to the DS?
Or to some locals and and maybe even to the odd, side railed expat? What can we learn from past mistakes? Will he want toA? know how Mercy Corpse and the Whimpy Opera have Fooled the local and US public? Ever since April, 2005?
Will he help Order ditropan 5mg US to “Focus” forward in his unique style?
How can we bury the past?
Security issues prevent Order etodolac 300mg to reveal more details.
But we have been informed that Obama regardsA? the T & S New Year as an excellent opportunity to “Make a Change” .
!!One that even Sri Lanka people could believe in!!
Therefore, rumor has it that the two Presidents will have informal discussions at Temple TreesA? – orA? TisteStar during his vacation.
The “Bottom Line” is:
Will the “Tide be turned”?
Will our own, Hon.A? Mr. President allow his US counterpart to visit and gain impressions from thisA? underdeveloped, but fully ‘cleared’ Eastern area ?

Meanwhile, the villagers can only sit back and hope this historic visit not be canceled on security grounds.

Fresh approach to Tourism

By Cheranka Mendis in Trincomalee daily mirror-logo

War in the east is finally very nearly over. Brand new opportunities await those who wish to grab it. Acres and acres of land stretch out on both sides of the road, desolate yet marshy. Land for the future, for development, for growth. Sun shines bright, sandy shores beckon the visitors and the sea waves crash down gailya?? Our East, the virgin land of opportunity. Continue reading ‘Fresh approach to Tourism’

Arugam Village Centre Autobahn. Progress

Exactly one year ago we voiced our concern, published the abbreviated article below.
WeA? formed a group called “Arugam Bay Walking Street”. To join, see link below.

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Beginning 2009 work has started to widen and ‘rehabilitate’ Arugam Bay’s Beach Road. So far, most residents are happy. Soon maybe no longer. Serious accidents!

New wide  trunk road March 2009

New wide trunk road March 2009

More recent photos are here:

This is an extract of the initial article, published March, 2008. You can see more below:

The Future of Arugam Bay Beach Drive is being decided by guys like Delivery precose USAID.
Present plans appear to favour the construction of a fast, through road. Results?

Accident on Road

Option #B might look something like this:

Continue reading ‘Arugam Village Centre Autobahn. Progress’

Will Deccan fly to Arugam Bay?

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Deccan to induct 40-50 seater aircraft for domestic, regional markets:

Domestic aviation poised for take off

Deccan Aviation Lanka Limited is looking at inducting a 40-50 seater aircraft to be operated in the domestic and regional markets.

a??We are also looking at introducing domestic flights to Trincomalee. We are in contact with several leading airlines to see how we could offer air connectivity directly from the international airport.,a?? said Director of Deccan Aviation, Denham Schokman.

a??With the war ending we are optimistic about the future, we feel domestic aviation is poised for a take off specially in areas such as Trincomalee and Arugam Bay which are tourist attractionsa?? he said.

50 seater plane at Arugam Bay Int. Airport;-)

50 seater plane at Arugam Bay Int. Airport;-)

Continue reading ‘Will Deccan fly to Arugam Bay?’