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Germany mentions Arugam Bay (!)

Sri Lanka: a small universe with great potential

Welcome to your new post, Herr Botschafter!

Welcome to your new post, Herr Botschafter!

a?? German What is the cost of cytoxan Ambassador Herr Jens Uwe Plotner

With the security situation in the country rapidly improving with the collapse of the LTTE in May this year, Germany has further relaxed travel restrictions imposed on German nationals visiting Sri Lanka.

The German Embassy said that a long standing travel advisory had been eased enabling German tourists to visit Yala National Park and Arugam Bay. Continue reading ‘Germany mentions Arugam Bay (!)’

Big profit from nature protection

By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website

…….The project’s initial tranche of work focussed on forests, finding that the ongoing loss of forest comes with an annual pricetag of US $2-5 trillion, dwarfing the banking crisis Generic tretinoin .

The new analysis takes the economists to the undersea realms of fisheries and coral reefs…………

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Societies gain financially from leaving forests intact rather than clearing them

Money invested in protecting nature can bring huge financial returns, according to a major investigation into the costs and benefits of the natural world.

It says money ploughed into protecting wetlands, coral reefs and forests can bring a hundredfold return on capital.

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity study (Teeb) is Continue reading ‘Big profit from nature protection’

Sunita’s “Best of Sri Lanka”

  • Pottuvil and Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay, 3km (2 miles) south of the small fishing village of Pottuvil, had a reputation as a surfer’s paradise before the area became unsafe due to incidents in and around Pottuvil and on the roads leading to it. It has long, empty beaches and a wide lagoon which is a haven for numerous bird species.

Gal Oya National Park

About 16km (10 miles) west of Pottuvil, Lahugala Buy diltiazem er was designated as a national park mainly to provide a protected corridor for elephant groups moving between the larger reserves of Ruhuna (Yala), to the south, and Gal Oya, to the north. In the dry season this small park is reputed to have more elephants than any other part of the country, attracted by the grazing around the reservoirs within the park.

Yala National Park

Yala National Park , one of Sri Lanka ‘s premier eco tourism destinations, lies 24km northeast of Tissamaharama and 290km from Colombo on the southeast coast of Sri Lanka , spanning a vast 97,878 hectares over the Southern and Uva Provinces

Yala West (Ruhuna) National Park is well recognised as one of the best parks in the world to observe and photograph leopards. The park covers an area of over 100,000 hectares and is divided into five blocks. Block one is the most visited area since it contains the highest density of leopards. However other areas of Yala such as Yala East had been closed to visitors for some years and it will take time to research leopard numbers in these areas. Yala West consists of scrub jungle, brackish lagoons and stunning rock monoliths scattered throughout the park, its eastern edge is bounded by the South East coast.

Yala National Park1

An excellent a??Natural World’ wildlife documentary was filmed here featuring Continue reading ‘Sunita’s “Best of Sri Lanka”’


Water-Sporting Sri Lanka

“……..A cheaper option is surfing. Surfing lessons are about 100 bucks an hour (including board) at MirissaA?but much cheaperA?ArugamA?Bay especially off-season…..”

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For an island surrounded by water, and well-knownA?for ita??s ifA?not world-class, at least great-for-ameteurs surfing spots,A?its inhabitantsA?are surprisingly lax atA?engaging inA?water sports.

Expense is probably a factor. But maybe not a big one.A?Sporting as a leisure activity is mostly only common with a country that has a growing mid-incomeA?classA?population. The poorA?tend to get their thrills out of their jobs itself and the rich are far too lazy most often to engage in active sports, and the proportion that do are far too small to figure. Continue reading ‘Water-Sporting Sri Lanka’

One more nice traveler’s report

Purchase indocin for gout “One exception, if you like waves, is Arugam Bay, a couple of kilometres south of the small town of Pottuvil. The town was badly hit by the tsunami of 2004, but a lot of small new houses have been constructed since, funded by international aid and built with the help of foreign volunteers, very pleasing to see that out of tragedy came such help and generosity.”
A strange thing happened on my first day in Sri Lanka.

A water rat appeared in my Negombo loo. Not what one expects to encounter when about to sit down. Continue reading ‘One more nice traveler’s report’

Seeing the land on three cycles

a??The strip from Arugam Bay to Trincomalee was beautiful,a?? said Thilina. a??The changes in culture and atmosphere and the rapid transformation in scenary from brown to green as we cycled, was also amazing to behold,a?? added Anushka.

By Adilah Ismail

a??Where from?a?? was the first question the bemused villagers along the East Coast asked, as they gathered around the three lads on their bicycles and gazed at them curiously. Continue reading ‘Seeing the land on three cycles’

Sri Lanka Tourism to attract travellers to a??Visit Sri Lankaa??

“………Six star world surfing festival at Arugambay……..”

Tourism industry to target over 700, 000 tourists by end 2011; campaign to market destination on key TV channels

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(L-R)A? Director Marketing Sri Lanka Tourism, Dileep Mudadenia and Secretary to the Ministry of Tourism George Michael in Conversation while Minister of Tourism Promotion, Faizer Mustapha and Chairman of Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) Bernard Gunathilake answers the questions raised by the media. Pic by Varuna Wanniarachchi

Purchase trandate injection By Cheranka Mendis

A value and price driven global “Visit Sri Lanka 2011″A? campaign costing Rs.1.3 million is geared to attract 765, 000 tourists by the end ofA? 2011.

The key objectives of the campaign a??Visit Sri Lanka 2011a?? are harnessing Continue reading ‘Sri Lanka Tourism to attract travellers to a??Visit Sri Lankaa??’

Day 1 a?? Arugam Bay

To Batticaloa

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We took the 7.15 train to Batticaloa from Colombo Fort, which seems to be the place from where most of our travels begin. It is also possible to get to Arugam Bay via Ampara but spending A?11 hours in a bus wasna??t exactly our idea of fun.

The train ride is long. We only got to Batti at 5 am. It stopped at various places for no apparent reason. Traveling on a Sunday night in second class will get you double seats for yourself. But, unless you are a midget, youa??d be hard pressed to get some comfortable sleep. Tickets are Rs. 500. Its a longass train ride that takes you through Habarana and Polonnaruwa seemingly just to avoid the hill country.


At Batti, following the guidance of Lonely Planet we visited a very mediocre looking dutch fort. The generalA?architectureA?of Batti is reminiscent of South India. There arena??t many trees but the ones there are have been colonized by pigeons, with very bad bathroom habits.

We ate at a restaurant called Hotel Thameemy at the end of main street. We had Parata and pol rotti with potato curry, pol sambol and beef. The food was excellent.
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To Arugam Bay

The ride to Arugam Bay was in three stages. Batti to Kalmunai, Kalmunai to Akkaraipattu and Akkaraipattu to Pottuvil. The landscape is dry and arid. Its got a strange beauty about it.

The first two stages were in hot buses. We had interesting chats with the driver on the second stretch. The roads are being developed at a rate and this provides a lot of employment to area residents. On the stretch from Akkaraipattu to Aa??bay we took a tuk tuk. This cost us around Rs. 1300. We recommend you take the bus.

Eating and Sleeping in Aa??Bay


We stayed at Sooriyas, the only place in Sri Lanka (pendingA?verification) whereA?accommodationA?can be gotten for 200 bucks per person. The room comes complete with bathroom, fan and fresh linen. The host, Asraff, is friendly and a good cook. Food is billed for separately though and if youa??re looking for ultra cheap meals then Aliraa??s, a fewA?metersA?north on the beach side, is a good option.

Peanut farm


We rented 3 push bikes and biked over to Peanut Farm. Bikes can be gotten from Hakeema??s for 300 rupees a day. Peanut farm is a surfing point that is roughly 8kms south of Arugam Bay. Its got beautiful deserted beaches and some interesting looking rocks on to the right side with some caves in them.

The road heads through fields flanked by thick dry zone forest. Elephants are said to haunt the roadsides after dark and we had a close encounter with one on the way back. It gave us the stink eye. We assume there is rap music involved somewhere.

This post might be a bit delayed because we are currently using internet that apparently uses smoke signals and monkeys overdosing on Acid for transmission provided by the dude over at via dialog. Phone reception is particularly good with most areas covered by that operator.


UK Tuk-Tuk Tours

Rattle and roll on the Lanka Challenge tuk-tuk race

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What do you get when you put 70 foreigners in charge of 25 tuk-tuks? Charles Starmer-Smith finds out as he leads Team Telegraph on a wild and wonderful 10-day ride across a devastated land that’s slowly regaining its tourism feet a?? and its winning smile.

Night had well and truly set in by the time we reached the village of Dambana, 150 miles east of the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo. With just a single flickering beam from our tuk-tuk a?? a motorised rickshaw a?? to guide us, we could barely make out the potholed road ahead. But for a few gaslights hanging from the corrugated shacks clustered along the forest edge, the village was cloaked in darkness. People appeared to lurch forward out of the gloom, their faces momentarily illuminated but their shouts drowned by the whine of the engine. My two team-mates had fallen silent in the back as my grip tightened on the wheel. We were lost. Continue reading ‘UK Tuk-Tuk Tours’

Ven Kataragama Siri Ratana, the lone guardian of the historic Moodu Maha Vihara at Pottuvil

Arugambay/ PottuVille News


Ven Kataragama Siri Ratana stood in the sands, a lonely figure, holding in his hands the offerings we had made to him.A?Alone and vulnerable he has dug himself into this hostile territory in a small a??sanghavasaa?? (abode of bhikkus) to protect and preserve an ancient temple on the beaches in Pottuvil in Eastern Sri Lanka. It is a one man battle against heavy odds. Continue reading ‘Ven Kataragama Siri Ratana, the lone guardian of the historic Moodu Maha Vihara at Pottuvil’

Just South of Arugambay: A Human/Elephant Conflict

So, we rented some push bikes and set off for Peanut Farm. 100 meters out of the gate,A?Jerry fell over and skinned his knees. He had blood running down his legs but the cuts werena??t deep. We said wea??d wash it in the ocean and moved on. South of Arugam Bay Norvasc prescription assistance is a surreal landscape, surrounded by a sea of dry paddy fields, parades of water buffaloes, peacocks. Even elephants.

We left Peanut Farm because it was getting dark and wea??d been warned not once or twice but thrice about elephants. At least I had. I also ran into an elephant on the way to the bar once (in Yala) and he tried to kill me. I avoid wild elephants like Ministera??s sons, and Ia??d heard they were causing trouble in Arugam Bay.

The Good Part Continue reading ‘Just South of Arugambay: A Human/Elephant Conflict’

Fishing Trawlers at Arugam Bay & North

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Stranded fishy trawler at Arugam Bay

SRI LANKA: Fighting over fish

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COLOMBO, 16 October 2009 (IRIN) – The seas off Batticaloa in the country’s former war-torn east are home to one of the most fertile spawning grounds off Sri Lanka, and fishermen rarely had to travel far for a good catch.

But of late, traditional fishermen who use boats powered by outboard motors or canoes to fish have complained of meagre harvests.

“I went out on five consecutive days, and only yesterday did I return with some fish, but only 6kg,” said Tamil Chelvam, who operates a boat from Tirivendu beach, just south of Batticaloa.

Locals blame a recent influx of large fishing trawlers into their waters for their dwindling catches. Before the encroachment, a good catch would earn fishermen up to US$174, and a normal catch, about $85. Continue reading ‘Fishing Trawlers at Arugam Bay & North’

Next Arugam Tsu: Only a matter of time?

Tsunamis triggered by a strong quake in the South Pacific have killed at least 90 people across a number of islands.

At least 65 people were reported dead in Samoa, more than 20 in American Samoa and at least six in Tonga.

Samoan officials say whole villages have been destroyed while thousands of people are reported to have been made homeless in American Samoa.

An 8.3-magnitude quake struck at 1748 GMT on Tuesday, generating 15ft (4.5m) waves in some areas of the islands.

Map showing location of Samoan tsunami

The Samoa islands comprise two separate entities – the nation of Samoa and American Samoa, a US territory. The total population is about 250,000.

A general tsunami warning was issued for the wider South Pacific region but was cancelled a few hours later.

The general manager of Samoa’s National Health Service told the BBC that 65 people had died and 145 people were injured.
US President Barack Obama has declared a major disaster in American Samoa, enabling federal funding to made available to help victims.
Samoan Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi said he was shocked at the devastation.

“So much has gone. So many people are gone,” he told the AAP news agency.

False alarm

“Some of the areas are only a few feet above sea level, so you can imagine the devastation,” said Eni Faleomavaega, who represents American Samoa in the US.

Flood damage in Fagatogo, American Samoa (30 Sept 2009)

High waves damaged property and swept cars out to sea

“It caused severe damage to property, there are cars floating everywhere.”

Mr Faleomavaega told the BBC the waves had “literally wiped out all the low-lying areas in the Samoan islands”.

He said the tsunami had hit within minutes of the quake, leaving people with no time to escape.

“There would have been no warning system capable of giving adequate warning to the people,” he said.

Samoa’s Deputy PM Misa Telefoni told Australia’s AAP news agency that “the ocean went out within five minutes”.

“With the location and the intensity… I don’t know if anything better could have been done.” Continue reading ‘Next Arugam Tsu: Only a matter of time?’

German philanthropist in Arugam Bay

Average cost of wellbutrin xl Order vytorin medicine ‘Sudu Amma visited Panama and Arugam Bay in Eastern Province distributing food, medicine, clothing and other necessary items for the displaced families.”

File photo: Rotary Club Glasses for the needy

File photo: Rotary Club Glasses for the needy

Amarapura Saddharma Yukthika (Matara) Maha Nikaya with the consent of its Karaka Sangha Sabha conferred the honorary title ‘Sri Lanka Samaja Seva Shiromani’ on Waltrand Katharina Klett, a German philanthropist recently at a ceremony held at Purvarama Viharaya, Purvarama Place, Colombo 12. Continue reading ‘German philanthropist in Arugam Bay’

Reknown Arugam Bay

…….The Eastern beaches of Sri Lanka, considered some of the worlda??s most beautiful Himcocid syrup price , are now open to the public. The reknown Arugam Bay, Nilaweli and Pasikuda beaches in the East are fully crowded these days with local and foreign tourists. More opportunities have opened up in the tourism sector as well…….

Text of Hon. Prime Minster’s historic speech below:

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Post LTTE scenario and ensuring sustainable peace

Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka

The terrorists ignored our calls. They killed innocent unarmed people. They destroyed the nationa??s resources and created a bloodbath upon our Motherland.

My Motherland suffered from almost three decades of destruction from terrorism. But now we have shown the world that it can be defeated.

The FBI has stated that the LTTE is the worlda??s most dangerous and ruthless terrorist organization. We were able to defeat this organization which falsely built an image that it could never be defeated. Continue reading ‘Reknown Arugam Bay’

Britains visit Attractions like Arugam Bay

A typical Sri Lanka Beach

A typical Sri Lanka Beach

Sri Lanka has enjoyed rising popularity among British travellers this year despite the global recession, according to new statistics.

The country’s tourist board announced figures showing that visitor numbers from the UK were 16.9% higher in August 2009 than in the same period last year.

From all tourism source markets, Sri Lanka recorded an overall increase of 32% in inbound visitors last month.

The tourist board also revealed that forward bookings indicate a strong finish to the year following the relaxation of travel advice by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the UK.

Sanjika Perera, Sri Lanka’s UK tourism director, said: ‘We have worked on a persistent promotional campaign in conjunction with the hotel industry back home and with our airline and tour operator partners in the UK and the results have been very positive.

‘To have improved visitor figures during the recession shows that the British public are aware of the diversity that Sri Lanka offers and keen to experience an Indian Ocean break, at an attractive price.’

Travellers can catch flights to Colombo to visit attractions such as Yala National Park and Arugam Bay in Sri Lanka.

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