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Panama nr. Arugambay

The settlement of Panama is just 15km south of Arugam Bay

Pattini Devale, Panama

After the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, I made several trips to Pottuvil on the East Coast of Sri Lanka with loads of supplies for the displaced people. On one such trip, in early April, I continued south to the village of Panama (pronounced paa-nuh-muh).
Over 200 years ago, on the 13th of September 1800, an Englishman, William Orr, Esq (a civil servant) visited Panama on the way from Tangalle in the south to Batticaloa in the East. According to his report to the British Governor,
Paoneme contains sixty inhabitants, who cultivate seventy-three amonams of paddy ground.
The following year Thomas Anthony Reeder, surgeon of the 51st Regiment of Foot (who was to die soon after, during the 1st Kandyan War) travelled in the opposite direction. According to his journal,
Panoa is situate on a plain surrounded by jungle. Here are some cultivated fields, and several large stocks of paddee.
A year later, the British Governor himself, the Hon. Frederick North (later 5th Earl of Guilford), followed the southward route. He was accompanied by the Inspector of Hospitals in Ceylon, Thomas Christie, Esq, who reported that
Panoa is a considerable village, and the country round it abounds with paddee fields.

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What these descriptions – which appear in James Cordiner’s A Description of Ceylon (London, 1807; Dehiwela, Tisara Prakasakayo, 1983) – show (apart from the recognised inability of the English to tackle with any accuracy the phonetics of foreign place names) is that Panama’s chief attraction was its paddy fields. The surrounding jungle was far more notable to these perfidious Albionians: Christie was highly excited by the sight, en-route to the village of
a herd of wild hogs, and an alligator, both of which allowed us to approach very near.

Rock, fields and tank at Panama

When I visited the place, however, it was in the knowledge that it possesses a Devale (temple) of the goddess Pattini. The shrine, on a rocky spot on the shore of a tank, is a Buddhist one. However, Hindu shrines of Pattini also exist, although she was not originally a Hindu deity.

Main Pattini shrine

Pattini is a goddess of fertility, who may originally have been a middle-eastern deity, Potnia. Continue reading ‘Panama nr. Arugambay’

Arugam Surf Moll Dairy. Prt.2

Dear Moll diary,

I was surrounded by Israelis. All eyes were glued to our computer screen, viewing and reviewing and checking again the pictures I had (grudgingly) taken of them surfing that afternoon.

I was bored.

A Moll. Next Generation.

A Moll. Next Generation.

Surfers are obsessed with images of themselves surfing. Once they have access to some they will view and review with several different audiences producing several different discussions, all really saying the same thing (that was an awesome wave trick!! You are awesome, surfing friend!!)

I was really bored.

Surf Board, Girl & Wetssuit

Surf Board, Girl & Wetssuit

So I reached over and began to flip through the only reading material available in Order lioresal injection medtronic Arugam Bay (Sri Lanka). Continue reading ‘Arugam Surf Moll Dairy. Prt.2’

A AbaY Tsunami Drill takes place on …. ??? Be informed.

Mon, Aug 31, 2009, 08:38 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Aug 31, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Disaster Management and Human Rights will be testing the pre-tsunami danger warning tower system Tuesday, September 1st. Purchase ralista 6

The government has recently installed fifty Tsunami Towers through out the country.

S.L. Government Tsunami Warning Tower situated on a hill overlooking Arugam Bay

S.L. Government Tsunami Warning Tower situated on a hill overlooking Arugam Bay

The Towers are expected to provide early warning messages to coastal communities who are vulnerable to tsunamis.

Several sirens are fixed at the towers and warnings will be issued once information of a tsunami threat has been received. Danger warning messages will be issued in several languages and a danger warning alarm will also be sounded soon after receiving the tsunami alert.

The warning towers are incorporated into the national tsunami warning system and work in conjunction with existing infrastructure operated by the Disaster Management Center (DMC) in Colombo and the Department of Meteorology.

According to the Ministry, the testing of the pre-tsunami danger warning towers in the Kalutara district will be conducted from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. tomorrow. Buy cyklokapron uses

The testing of towers in the districts of the Colombo, Gampaha, Puttalam, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Ampara, Hambantota, Matara and Galle will take place on the 19th.

All is Well. Wells for Arugam Bay

PADDLE4Relief holds another fundraising gig at The Aggi, Braunton.

Paddle4Relief Circle

Paddle4Relief Circle

The night will feature headline band The Artists fronted by the charismatic Pascal on lead guitar and vocals; covers and originals from five-piece Tied Lose; a set from 19-year-old singer songwriter Jim Heard as Ashbeck Goes Acoustic; and the acoustic Americana sounds of Douglas E Powell.

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Braunton charity Paddle4Relief is helping to rebuild tsunami affected areas of Sri Lanka. The charity, founded by Tim Tanton, was formed shortly after the 2004 Asian tsunami, and works in the Arugam Bay area of Sri Lanka. Founder, Tim Tanton is heading back to Sri Lanka in September, for three months, to complete a number of projects before the East Coast Monsoon Season hits. This gig will help raise funds for further well projects.

Donation on the door: A?3.50.
The Aggi, Braunton

Arugam Bay remembered. by Bob Palmer

Angry Elephant. (Unknown file photo)

Angry Elephant. (Unknown file photo)

The three Brave (?) Boys and the Elephants

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Happy Birthday, Bob!
This story was received at today, Bob Palmer’s Birthday. Thanks for sharing your memories with us, mate!

The whole time we were at the Siam View Resort in Eastern Province of Sri Lanka at Arugam Bay, with Fred and Somlak, two of the nicest host and hostess you could have, we noticed that the occupancy was not 100 percent surfers. Which you might expect at a place were there where numerous surf spots that were very good.

No. the occupancy we about 70 percent surfers and 29 percent people that were there to see the wildlife at the National Park. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay remembered. by Bob Palmer’

BFO: We do not advise against travel to Arugam Bay

The British Government has issued a new travel advice to British nationals visiting Sri Lanka. It advices British on increased anti-Western (particularly anti-British) rhetoric in Sri Lanka due to the upsurge of Sinhala extremism. The travel advice said: a??The end of the military conflict has seen an upsurge of nationalism in Sri Lanka.

As a result,anti-Western (particularly anti-British) rhetoric has increased, including from senior Government figures. This has led to violent protests against the British High Commission and other diplomatic premises.a??

The summary of travel advice: Continue reading ‘BFO: We do not advise against travel to Arugam Bay’

a??A Small Miraclea??: a concept gone wrong?

Daily Mirror

Daily Mirror

By Cheranka Mendis

Sri Lanka, with the brand new a??Small Miraclea?? label, was set to take on the international market by storm. But itA? is now searching for a new concept to re-position itself. With the launch of the new programme on June 23 amidst all the pomp and blare at the BMICH, it has now been put on hold due to amendments set to be made to the tagline.

Buy myambutol dosage ….Best land in Sri Lanka is the land stretching from Trincomalee to Arugambay….. Zyprexa used for eating disorders Continue reading ‘a??A Small Miraclea??: a concept gone wrong?’

Spectacular Arugam Bay … (Japan)

Japan will strengthen and expand trade ties with Sri Lanka in the tourism, fisheries, agriculture and aqua sports sectors.

A Japanese trade delegation recently met Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake, BOI and RDA officials and also visited the Agro-Tourism project in Hambantota recently with the newly appointed Consul General for Sri Lanka in Osaka, Japan, D.W. Aluthgamage.

a??The main objective of the visit was to strengthen and expand trade ties between Japan and Sri Lanka in the sectors of trade, tourism, fisheries, agriculture, aqua sports and other fields. Continue reading ‘Spectacular Arugam Bay … (Japan)’

Arugambay: One of the world’s Best Surf Beaches

July sixth 2009 saw the return of some great international surfing atA? Arugambay. The UK Pro Surfing Associationa??s Sri Lanka Surf

Andrew Foley @ Arugam Bay

Andrew Foley @ Arugam Bay

Championships (UKPSA) was an event that showcased the surfing location to surfers from all over the world. a??Hats offa?? to the UK Pro Surf Organisation for their decision to hold the event in Arugambay, a decision based on the quality of the surf and the charm of the location. Arugambay was embedded in the memory of these surfing enthusiasts since their last visit and it was that memory that made them determined to get back there as soon as possible. Well done! There is talk of this surfing championship becoming an annual event.

A brief scan of some pro surfing websites indicate that Arugambay is fondly called a??a-baya?? by the surfing community, and is reportedly one of the ten top surfing locations in the world with well documented 5 to 6 footer waves and a 400 metre a??ridea??. The relatively isolated rural location, balmy tropical weather, spectacular sunrises, great sea food and budget accommodation makes this place the free spirited surfers dream. Continue reading ‘Arugambay: One of the world’s Best Surf Beaches’

Aliens ‘ride past Arugam Bay’ and descend on Kataragama

On the way to Okanda

On the way to Okanda

Ventolin hfa 100 mcg price Opportunists and the irreverent, gaudily-clad masses have replaced the revered swamis and authentic pilgrims of yesteryear who made the journey to Sri Lankaa??s most famous shrine, says Patrick Harrigan

(July 24, Colombo, Sri Lanka Guardian) There is a Sinhala saying about Kataragama-bound pilgrims that goes:

DA?nagana giyot Kataragama, NodA?na giyot ataramaga.

Translated, it means: a??If you know the way, you come to Kataragama; if you dona??t know the way, you get completely lost.a??

Continue reading ‘Aliens ‘ride past Arugam Bay’ and descend on Kataragama’

UK: Visit Famous Arugam Bay ….!

Source: Onlanka News – By Walter Jayawardhana

UKa??s national morning free sheet leader (circulation 1.36 million) in a boost to Sri Lankan tourism told its readers to visit the a??beautifula?? island nation a??with amazing beachesa?? and opined a??Tourists can help Sri Lanka recover.a?? Continue reading ‘UK: Visit Famous Arugam Bay ….!’

Winner at AbaY

Richie Sills wins UK pro surf tour Sri Lanka

Cost keftab Buy florinef for dog Arugam Bay was firing for the final day of the UKPSA Sri Lankan Surf Championships.
An increase in swell overnight provided 4-6ft barrelling right handera??s for the remaining competitors.

In heat one of the quarter finals Micah Lester took full advantage of the conditions scoring the highest wave of the event (9.4) earning him the return ticket from London to Sri Lanka donated by Sri Lankan Airlines.

The remaining quarter final heats saw outstanding performances from Richie Sills (South Africa) and Newquay surfers Alan Stokes, Mitch Corbett and Tom Butler.

In the first semi final Richie Sills and Sam Lamroy (Newcastle) surfed consistently to edge out Lee Bartlet and Micah Lester.
Four Newquay surfers made up semi final two. Alan Stokes dominated from the beginning with two high scoring rides. Mark Harris scraped ahead of Mitch Corbett to take second with Tom Butler fourth.

The final got underway in front of a packed crowd including the President of Sri Lankaa??s son and the Minister for tourism.

In a tactical heat the four surfers struggled to find waves in the early stages.
Richie Sills found his rhythm and picked off two high scoring rides leaving the other three scratching to catch up. Alan Stokes was close behind in second and a final wave with two huge turns left the crowd guessing if he had done enough.
In the end Richie and Alan were tied for first place. A count back (best one wave scored) saw Richie take the title with Alan Stokes following in second, Mark Harris third and Sam Lamroy fourth.

Pic: Jason Feast

Spectacular end to champions surfing contest in Arugam Bay

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a??A fantastic opportunity to discover one of Sri Lankaa??s greatest assets a?? the excellent and spectacular beachesa??– Director of UK Pro Surf Tour
a??Sri Lanka Champion of Champions Surf Contesta?? reached its climax today when UK grabbed the award of the first place in the open event category beating 47 other competitors in one of the most exciting surfing events in the world, held off the Eastern coast.

Minister of Tourism Promotions (Non Cabinet) Faizer Musthapha attending the presentation ceremony highly commended the participation of the a??UK pro- surf toura?? contestants, particularly since they arrived before their Government eased its Government advisory to enter Sri Lanka due to security concerns.

The British government relaxed some travel restrictions on Sri Lanka yesterday. Continue reading ‘Spectacular end to champions surfing contest in Arugam Bay’

UKPSA Sri Lanka Surf Championships-Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay was firing for the final day of the UKPSA Sri Lankan Surf Championships.
An increase in swell overnight provided 4-6ft barrelling right handera??s for the remaining competitors.

Arugam Bay was firing for the final day of the UKPSA Sri Lankan Surf Championships.An increase in swell overnight provided 4-6ft barrelling right handera??s for the remaining competitors.

In heat one of the quarter finals Micah Lester took full advantage of the conditions scoring the highest wave of the event (9.4) earning him the return ticket from London to Sri Lanka donated by Sri Lankan Airlines.

The remaining quarter final heats saw outstanding performances from Richie Sills (South Africa) and Newquay surfers Alan Stokes, Mitch Corbett and Tom Butler.

In the first semi final Richie Sills and Sam Lamroy (Newcastle) surfed consistently to edge out Lee Bartlet and Micah Lester.
Four Newquay surfers made up semi final two. Alan Stokes dominated from the beginning with two high scoring rides. Mark Harris scraped ahead of Mitch Corbett to take second with Tom Butler fourth.

The final got underway in front of a packed crowd including the President of Sri Lankaa??s son and the Minister for tourism.
In a tactical heat the four surfers struggled to find waves in the early stages.
Richie Sills found his rhythm and picked off two high scoring rides leaving the other three scratching to catch up. Alan Stokes was close behind in second and a final wave with two huge turns left the crowd guessing if he had done enough.
In the end Richie and Alan were tied for first place. A count back (best one wave scored) saw Richie take the title with Alan Stokes following in second, Mark Harris third and Sam Lamroy fourth.

Richie Sills;
a??I love Arugam Bay. The waves have been incredible and the local people have been so hospitable. The event would have been nothing without them. Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make this competition possiblea??

The Sri Lankan locala??s final was also completed today. Local Arugam Bay surfer W.l Asanka led the final from the start with some impressive surfing including a 9 point ride which earned him the title.

Event organisers would like to thank SriLanka Airlines, Sri Lanka Tourism and Crystal Holidays for making the event such a great success.
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Surfers ride Sri Lankaa??s Arugam Bay waves. again

Order aceona arugam_bay_surfersBy Charitha Fernando

Arugam Bay in eastern Sri Lanka is coming to life after the end of a 30-year war in Sri Lanka cleared the way for surfers from around the world to ride its waves again.

Hotels in the area were packed to capacity this week when surfers flocked to the town to take part in a contest dubbed a??Champion of Championsa??.

a??We had a fantastic event. Wea??ve seen some great waves and spectacular surfing,a?? says Dave Reed, a tour director for UKa??s Pro Surf organization. Continue reading ‘Surfers ride Sri Lankaa??s Arugam Bay waves. again’

Foreign Know-how required to assist Tourism

“Das Ausland muesste mit Know-how helfen”
Extract from the highly respected German “Spiegel” Magazine Interview with Mr. Coorey:

Sri Lankas BA?rgerkrieg ist nach 26 Jahren endlich beendet, doch Touristen kommen noch zA?gerlich in das frA?here Urlaubsparadies. SPIEGEL ONLINE sprach mit dem Reiseveranstalter Hiran Cooray A?ber KriegsschauplA?tze als Besucherattraktion und Surferspots zwischen Armeeposten.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Von Januar bis Mai kamen kaum mehr als 11.000 Deutsche nach Sri Lanka, fast ein Drittel weniger als in der ohnehin schon schwachen Vorjahresperiode. Und sie sind, nach Briten, Indern und Maledivern, immerhin die viertgrA?AYte Besuchergruppe. Sind Sie trotzdem optimistisch fA?r die ab SpA?tsommer, nach der Regenzeit, beginnende Hauptsaison?

Cooray: Deutschland ist einer der wichtigsten MA?rkte fA?r uns – wir hatten allerdings unsere Probleme damit, dass Ihr Botschafter in Colombo, JA?rgen Weerth, die militA?rische Strategie unserer Regierung kritisierte. Aber das hat sich ja zum GlA?ck erledigt, und was die Zahlen betrifft, so muss man sagen, dass immerhin 90 Prozent der einreisenden Deutschen und Briten Urlauber sind, im Unterschied zu vielen Indern und Maledivern, die aus beruflichen GrA?nden das Land besuchen oder um Verwandte zu sehen. Continue reading ‘Foreign Know-how required to assist Tourism’