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Wave Ride AbaY

By Charitha Fernando

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Surfers ride Sri Lanka’s Arugam Bay waves again
July 6, 2009, ARUGAM BAY (LBO) – Arugam Bay Price of cleocin in eastern Sri Lanka is coming to life after the end of a 30-year war in Sri Lanka cleared the way for surfers from around the world to ride its waves again.
Hotels in the area were packed to capacity this week when surfers flocked to the town to take part in a contest dubbed ‘Champion of Champions’.

“We had a fantastic event. We’ve seen some great waves and spectacular surfing,” says Dave Reed, a tour director for UK’s Pro Surf organization.

“We chose Arugam Bay because its one of the best waves in the world.” Continue reading ‘Wave Ride AbaY’

Arugam Bay Surfing Championships

A keen contest will be witnessed at the 2009 Champion of Champion Surf contest which commenced at Arugambay Buy myambutol classification on (Wednesday) with 42 surfers fighting it out to become the ultimate champion including some of UKa??s professional surfers, International stars and local Sri Lankan surfers.

In view of the Championship Surf Contest organized by the Ministry of Tourism the tourists resorts Arugambay Flonase inhaler price and Ulle are a hive of activity with full of tourists and almost all the tourist hotels are full with surfers and their fans.

A large number of Foreign Surf competitors along with Sri Lankans were seen in action preparing for the competition until Tuesday in the sea of Arugambay and large number of spectators were present to witness this pleasant competition.

According to the Program Co-Ordinator of the Tourism Ministry M.I.M. Ibrhim Sri Lankan competitors numbering 26 participated in the competition out of which 16 are selected to face foreigners. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay Surfing Championships’

Britain relaxes travel restrictions on Sri Lanka

UK Mission

UK Mission

The British government has relaxed some travel restrictions on Sri Lanka. British High Commission Dr Peter Hayes said UK no longer discourage British holidaymakers from enjoying leopard-spotting at Yala National Park, surfing at Arugam Bay or admiring Trincomalee harbour, one of the worlda??s deepest natural ports.

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a??Wea??ve taken this decision based on our assessment of the improving security situation in these parts of Sri Lanka.,a?? he said in a press release. Continue reading ‘Britain relaxes travel restrictions on Sri Lanka’

UKPSA Sri Lanka Surf Championships-Arugam Bay

Day One

After a four year absence the UK PRO SURF TOUR returns to Arugam Bay.
The tour was the first to return after the Tsunami, and now is returning after the civil conflict has ended.

For the first day of the event the surfers were treated to 3-4ft excellent surf.
The stand performances came from all the top surfers, with Johnny Fryer scoring the highest points in the second heat of the day.
The locals were not to be outdone with Asanka creating the upset of the round. Defeating an on form Toby Donachie and Danny Wells to progress to the third round of the event.

Asanka said;
a?? Ita??s great to welcome back the UK Pro surf tour to Arugam Bay. I love to watch the UK surfers and hopefully try to learn from them. Ita??s also great for the local economy and promotes tourisma??

Johnny Fryer who had the highest scoring wave of the day (9.33 out of a possible 10)
also commented;

a?? Ia??ve always loved this wave and stoked to be back here this year. The heat was so much fun, felt really relaxed.A? I feel confident Ia??ll do well.a??

Tomorrow the swell forecast is to get even bigger which will provide an opportunity for another fantastic day of surfing.

Event organisers would like to thank SriLanka Airlines, Sri Lanka Tourism and Crystal Holidays for making the event happen.
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East Coast Beaches back on the menu soon?

With war finally a thing of the past in Sri Lanka, great excitement and interest is being expressed towards areas which were previously deemed a??off-limitsa?? by various travel advisories. It is surely a matter of time before the British Foreign Office revises ita??s stance on travelling to certain areas of the island.

The spectacular sands of KalkudahThe spectacular sands of Kalkudah

Fishing restrictions for the north and east were also formally removed last week for the first time in 20 years meaning the area is likely to see considerable growth and much needed developmenta??.

The beaches of the eastern coast of the island are one such area. Their addition to travel itineraries will mean that Sri Lanka really can boast to be a year round destination, with fabled paradise beaches in season at any given time (the islanda??s two monsoons effect the north & east and the south & west coast beaches at different times).

I was fortunate to visit some of the key beaches and towns of the east recently on a couple of trips I made. With infrastructure rapidly improving (roads were under construction across the region) the area looks set to make a major comeback.

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We have left for Arugam Bay…

Thursday, July 2, 2009

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In 1 hour 30 minutes…we leave for Abay

Can you buy dramamine over the counter We head to paradise! Arugam Bay. Yahoooo. Hope for nice waves in the morning and then windy afternoons. Surfing in the morning, Kitesurfing in the afternoon.

  • Somlak – must try your thai cooking
  • Fred – the local brew
  • Richard – perhaps some surf lessons for Curt
  • Saman and Minna – mmm, the pizza

The crowd from MAS, now dont stay indoors, go out in the sun and get tanned! Ah, Sri Lanka Rocks!

Eastern province hotels to be upgraded

Harshini PERERA



With the dawn of peace the Eastern province is to have more hotels to develop the tourism industry in the country.

Coordinator for Tourism Development in the Eastern Region, A.M.Jaufer said there are nearly 1000 hotel rooms existing in the Eastern province. These hotels are located in Nilaveli, Batticaloa, Lamictal 200 mg price Cheap lukolela Arugam Bay, Passikudah and Ampara. Continue reading ‘Eastern province hotels to be upgraded’

Abay Walk 2009

Arugam Bay’s traditional Mid-Year walk from end-to-end of AbaY:

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Do you like to try your luck and spot any “progress”:
Here are links to the same-same walk of previous years:
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There are changes and various improvements 2009.
Now we show not only the road/street sign.But also at least one impression of the establishment as well.
This years walk was conducted by Mr. Tavis Fu, a volunteer from Taiwan.HKG FUi
Links and introductions on this page (, shown right below will be updated asap. Please allow 1 week.

Sunset to Sunrise Party at Arugam Bay

Generic substitute for estrace Sunset to Sunrise Party at Arugam Bay

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Arugam Bay Party Spot @ Mambo's

Arugam Bay Party Spot @ Mambo's Press Release

Close to nature

By Sanath Weerasuriya

Haldumulla, though is not a popular tourist destination, is fast becoming a major transit point to Arugam Bay and Pottuvil in the Eastern Province. a??Mount Field Cottagea?? is the latest and the most modern addition to the area of mild weather. Located in the 20 acre land in the silent village of Haldumulla, beside of the Colombo- Badulla highway, Mount Field Cottage is an ideal place to spend a relaxed holiday.

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Just fourteen months old, a??Mount Field Cottagea?? has managed to attract the attention of Sri Lankan travellers with their nature friendly environment and luxury room service. The place is more popular with honeymooners throughout the year.

It has tastefully designed 15 cottages built towards the peak of the mountain with a panoramic view of mountains and surrounded by rock greeneries. In addition to the Cottages, main bungalow caters to luxury living. Continue reading ‘Close to nature’

Over 100,000 targeted:


The Tourism Ministry will launch hotel construction projects at selected locations in the Northern and Eastern Provinces to attract Trileptal generic vs brand Cheap tenormin dosage over 100,000 foreign tourists during 2010.

Deputy Tourism Minister Faizer Mustapha told the Sunday Observer that the ending of the 30-year war and the emergence of peace in the North and the East has encouraged the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Board and private sector hoteliers to recommence their business activities in the region.

a??In addition, several tour group operators will reactivate operations between the South and the North,a?? he said. Referring to the official launch of the new brand for Sri Lanka Tourism at a ceremony, held in Colombo on Tuesday, Deputy Minister Mustapha said the aim of the launch was to position our country as the premier tourist destination in the region.

He said a team of officials was sent to the Northern and Eastern regions to identify suitable locations to construct hotels and to study ways and means to develop tourist attractions.

a??Nilaweli, Arugam Bay and Kuchchaveli in the Trincomalee District are the main places, we have already identified to construct large hotel complexes,a?? he said.

The Minister said the number of tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka from UK, USA, France, the Maldives, Germany, Japan, Russia and Australia will be doubled during the forthcoming season, especially due to the end of the war. Asked about sending local tour groups to the North and East, especially those who have never visited these regions, Minister Mustapha said that priority will be given to promote local tourism in these regions in collaboration with Sri Lanka Tourism.

Surfers off to Aragum, Aragon, Aragoon & also Arugam Bay

Around 40 surfers from Cornwall are heading to Sri Lanka for a special UK Pro Surf Tour Champion of Champions contest that starts on 1 July.

Surfers will travel to Aragum Bay, renowned as one of the best point breaks in the world.

The event coincides with a visit from Cornish-based charity ‘Surf Relief’ who are going to revisit projects they have set up in the local community.

Surf Relief was formed in 2005 to help people affected by the Asian tsunami.

UK Pro Surf Tour director Dave Reed said helping rebuild communities affected by the 2004 tsunami and recent civil war is an important part of the trip.

There are a lot more surfers in Sri Lanka now and it has become a very big culture
Dave Reed

“It was questioned as to whether or not we should go back after the tsunami,” Reed told BBC Radio Cornwall.

“But we did because they really wanted to use us a tool to develop the area and show they were still open for business.”

“There was a lot of devastation because of the tsunami, a third of the population of Aragon Bay was actually lost.” Continue reading ‘Surfers off to Aragum, Aragon, Aragoon & also Arugam Bay’

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I’ll have the lobster…

The other day we had a birthday on the team, so we surprised Steven with a lobster dinner at a local restaurant. It was 650 rupies…which is about $6 in the US. We also had a local bakery bake a cake (which had the worst frosting I have ever tasted) but it was a great night to all be together, celebrate someone’s life and all that God is doing in and through us!!!

Yesterday we held the first annual Aloha Surf Classic here in Arugam Bay for only local surfers. We worked in conjunction with the Arugam Bay Surf Association (a group of local guys here in town) and the contest was awesome!!! Continue reading ”

New Tourism Coordinator appointed

Mr. M.I.M Ibrahim Hon. Member of local authority pottuvil-Arugambay has been appointed by Hon Milinda Moragoda, Minister of tourism as coordinator for tourism development project and an activity being carried out in Ampara district by the Sri Lanka tourism development authority from 4th June 2009 the task before him is to develop tourism and tourism activity in this area. As his first assignment he is coordinating the inter national surfing champion ship 2009 (Surfing Aurugambay 2009) schedule to take place from 01st 07th July 2009 will be sponsored by Sri Lanka tourism and co-sponsored by Sri Lankan airlines with the participation of local, authority pottuvill-Arugambay

Mr. Ibrahim

Mr. Ibrahim

Q: Mr. Ibrahim, can you tell more about the Surf Contest?

A: I hope this surfing event and beach festival will create awareness among European travelers that the East coast has bounced back for their leisure once again and further it will be a good opportunity to regain and revive our much affected truisms industry. In particular we hope to be able to boost our islanda??s image through the publicity we will receive through top media from UK Cheap seroflo including the BBC who will travel along with British surfers.

Q: What is your history and track record?

A;I have 25 years long experience in the field of tourism and hotel hospitality industry after complains hotel managementA? course I joined holiday inn chain of hotels work in IranA? UAE, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. I also participated in gems and Jewelers promotion to Europe Germany Belgium and Netherlands.

Q: Please tell us more about your plans, views and hopes for the area

A: I prepared a short statement and I’d be happy if you can add it to the interview. Thank you.

Tourism Development at Arugambay

Developing tourism at Arugambay and Eastern province, I wish to mention that Eastern province is having wider region for tourism development area spanning Nillaveli beach to Arugambay beach with rich natural attractions and potentials.

My opinion is with destroying naturea??s Purchase avalide cost gift develop tourism with some improvements without changing ecology of area. I am suggesting the ministry of tourism to declare eastern province as a natural tourism resorts, because we have areas that have an asset form cultural , natural, heritage, conservations, mountains, sand dues , lakes, forest, wild life, parks costal and maries our area concern multi religious, multi cultural, multi ethnic and multi lingual.

Tourism industry makes important contribution to the economy of developing countries particularly to foreign exchange earnings and employments. We have also traditional tourism area Nilaveli beach, Passikkuda and Arugambay beach. But Arugambay is well known destination of green paddy field, forest, wild lifea??s, bird watching, variety of wild life animals and crocodiles.

Pottuvill-Agugambay offers a combination of unique pleasure, perfect niche tourist destination for surfing one of the ten best surfing destination in the world and diving within 15 minutes driving from Arugambgay. Tourist can view elephants at Lahugala, birds and various wild life animals in Kumana Natural Park within 60 minutes driving from Arugambay. I strongly suggest ArugambayA? need sustainable tourism development , because there are enough resources potential, natural environment and best romantic locations, as refers before/earlier we need tourism development that avoid damages to the environment, economy, culture of the locations and eco-system where it take place.

The aim of the sustainable tourism is to ensure that development is a positive experience for local people. Traditional beaches and sight seeing tourism is vital to Sri Lanka communities surrounds the hotels and the other tourism area. Therefore design to empower, engage and financially sustain village communities without compromising their traditional values the tourism to discover local habitats and respect traditional cultures.

Tourism is one of many activates in a community or region that required planning coordination . Planning is the process of identifying objectives and defining and evaluation of methods of resources in the eastern province.

Developing a sustainable tourism industry to Arugambay, gain maximum economic and the other benefits and to meet the challenges faced by the region.

Tourism authority must establish the foundation and direction for a focused, co-ordination and united approach to the future development of tourism and develop strengthen industry, take local organization linkage before planning any tourism development activities such as coordination from provincial council, local council (Pradeshya Sabha), community leaders from all communities and divisional secretarial and politician.