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Arugam Bay: An exotic, eclectic experience

Clozaril online

By David Stephens
Why travellers from around the world flock to this surfersa?? paradise

The unusually large waves, bellowing like blue behemoths performing a roaring symphony to an enraptured audience of the suna??s finest rays, draped in gold and crimson garments.

Cost isoptin

Sun RISE at Arugam Bay

The droves of surfers, carrying their sea-scarred boards along the deep dunes while gazing toward the water in anticipation of the battles ahead. The uncomplicated cabanas and roadside shops, filled with people wearing bright smiles and colourful beachwear. Nothing at Arugam Bay seems normal to an outsider. It is as though someone switched channels on life and brought the volume down by several decibels.

Yet ironically, it is the outsider who has essentially built and come to define this quaint little beachside community, a few kilometres from the town of Pottuvil. Following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, much of Arugam Bay, known locally as Ullai, was left in ruins. With its infrastructure in shambles, Arugam Bay banked on its reputation as a surfing hotspot with foreign visitors to rebuild.

As it turned out, this strategy did not just resuscitate local life, but imbued it with a fresh dimension as travellers from all parts of the world, who flocked to Arugam Baya??s pristine beaches, transformed it into one of the worlda??s top surfing destinations.
In a way, according to a cook at one of the many compact restaurants that line the main road (who, in line with the skewed reality of the area, is an economics graduate), these events also isolated Arugam Bay from the rest of the country.
This is felt keenly in every aspect of life here. A careful glance in any direction will quickly reveal to you a large and diverse international population. For the majority of them Arugam Bay is now a regular exotic retreat, a place with which they have integrated seamlessly. Along the beach it is not at all unusual to see Sri Lankans and tourists from everywhere between Australia and America engaged in the animated conversation which only blossoms between close friends.

Getting ready to ride the waves

Along the beach this deep familiarity and friendship is even more conspicuous as local and visiting surfers exchange opinions on the waves and surf techniques as well as personal anecdotes. Their echoes of laughter crescendo with the slap of a back, thigh or arm, a familial gesture in an atmosphere of acceptance. There is an electrifying bolt of camaraderie, which surges as high as the tide, whenever someone, who pulls off a masterful sequence of manoeuvres in the water, is applauded.
After an exhausting spell amidst the waves, most surfers gather at the small restaurant housed at the main Surf Point, the principal battleground where the water is at its most violent.

The sparsely furnished yet charming eating house opens out on to the Surf Point in a way where it has become an essential part of it, a recuperation zone where surfers take stock of their daya??s performance while refuelling for another run of the waves.

Away from this central hubbub, in a quieter corner of the main surfing area, 15-year-old Dixon cradles a board almost thrice his size as he trots enthusiastically through the watera??s white wake. Although particularly pint-sized for his age, Dixon sheds his diminutive stature once he weaves his way among the seaa??s mighty ridges and caverns. With his body tilted, arms aloft and face twisted in concentration, Dixon transforms himself into Prospero, conjuring up a magical repertoire through his board to tame the encroaching tempest.

Although most of life at Arugam Bay is shrouded in a mist of friendship, understanding and respect, it does possess an exploitative underbelly. The main manifestation of this is the exorbitant pricing of food, lodging and transport. Do not be surprised if a plate of rice and curry sets you back over Rs. 1,000 or a ride of a few kilometres from the beach in a tuk-tuk lightens your purse by more than that amount.

But looking away from the huge rippling waves with their hordes of surfers and the crass capitalism of some establishments and individuals, there is one more mask on Arugam Baya??s eclectic visage: a unique nightlife.

By 11.30 p.m. on a Saturday night, beachside clubs are packed like a can of sardines. With strobe lights flashing, beautiful and exotic women gyrating and bare-chested, long-haired Lotharios bordering the dance floor, Arugam Baya??s nocturnal haunts are oftentimes more alive than any of Colomboa??s.

Yet there is no sense of superficiality, no intoxicating clouds of perfume and cologne, no judgmental glances or legions dressed in their Sunday best. There is just music, dancing, conversation and uninhibited fun. You are free to be yourself and are toasted for it.

In a way that pretty much is the underlying philosophy of the entire Arugam Bay experience. It is a soothing brew which calms your senses and speaks to your soul. And much like the cascading waves and procession of picturesque sunsets, it is easily accessible to anyone who wishes to find it.


Panama Village Resort

#05a Panama Village Resort
We have been informed that this guesthouse is now under a new management.
It was formerly known as “No Worries” Cheap evecare himalya
Below is a description which was sent in to us by the new owners.
More and better recent photos will be posted.


#05a Panama Village Resort is at the North end of the bay next door to our good friends at the popular Beach Hut Resort and a 20-second walk from the water.

We’re a 15-minute walk along the beach to Main Point, and a short motorbike or tuktuk ride to Whiskey Point and Crocodile/Elephant Rock.

We have 12 clean and affordable rooms including Singles with ensuite and fan, Twins/Doubles with ensuite and fan or AC,A?and a 4-bed dorm with fan and shared bathroom.

We offer free WiFi, motorbike and tuktuk rentals, safari tours and laundry service.

Our restaurant serves breakfast daily, and family-style dinners when we’re full.

“Our” New Airport. Mattala

The New Mattala International Airport.
Just 2 Hrs. 30 Min. A?South of Arugam Bay reporters. shown here at the New Mattala Airport

More-up-to date details:

Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport awarded International Airport Certification

President Mahinda Rajapaksa will commission Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport on March 18. This is the second International Airport in Sri Lanka and the first ever Sri Lankan International Airport to be operated as an International Airport ‘from the day of commencing operations’, Civil Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratne said.

He was addressing a special press briefing at the Civil Aviation Ministry yesterday in connection with awarding International Airport Certification Continue reading ‘“Our” New Airport. Mattala’


Riding (Arugama??s) new wave

Travel Magazine

There are not many places on Earth where travellers can surf world-class waves in the morning, have a close encounter with an elephant at lunchtime and be back in the water by mid afternoon. Arugam Bay, on Sri Lankaa??s eastern coast, is one such place, and since the countrya??s civil war ended three years ago, the small town has been busier than ever a?? despite how hard it is to get to.

South of Arugam. nr. Panama

Other than a highway from Colombo, the capital, to Galle, a city in the south, most of Sri Lankaa??s roads remain practically as they were in the 1950s a?? which means narrow, dual carriageways shared by everyone, including cyclists, buses and trucks. As such, the coast-to-coast haul from Colombo to Arugam Bay by public bus is a 400-rupee, 320km journey that takes nearly 12 hours. It is hot, uncomfortable, occasionally terrifying and utterly worthwhile.

Panama - to Kumana track

On a recent trip, a young man with an AK-47 boarded the noisy bus and prodded the barrel of his assault rifle into the belly of a middle-aged woman. Rather than panic and scream, she politely asked him to refrain, and the young man, a soldier in the Sri Lankan army, looked a bit embarrassed and apologised. The weapon, hanging from his shoulder, had accidentally prodded the woman as he leaned forward to stow his luggage in the cramped overhead compartment.

Well-marked busses leave frequently from the Bastian Mawatha Bus Terminal in Colombo. Alternatively, visitors can make the journey by taxi, which will take less time and has the added bonus of privacy and air-conditioning, but will cost about 16,500 rupees.

Once you get to Arugam Bay, there is not much to do.

..."not much to do" ....

The town a?? nicknamed Buy allegra 60 mg a??A Baya?? by locals a?? is basically a thin strip of road with bars and restaurants frequented by young surfers and partygoers, a smattering of places to stay, a few surf shops and not much else, but travellers are lured by the excellent food on offer, easy access to exotic wildlife and waves that are widely regarded as some of the countrya??s best. It seems like a place on the cusp of something, which, in a way, it is. Many of the local tourism operators, tuk-tuk drivers and restaurant staff say that 2012 has been the busiest year yet.

The hometown surfers have grown up on Arugam Baya??s many breaks, and run the towna??s surf shops and schools. Continue reading ‘Riding (Arugama??s) new wave’


Where to Stay

Feb 5, 2012

Where to stay in Arugam Bay

Copyright A? David Graham
graham travel

If beach access is important to you, youa??re in luck. Arugam Bay has a number of beachfront hotels and cabanas.

List of phone numbers

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see contact information for a number of hotels and bed-and-breakfasts in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka. This is a list of phone numbers that I compiled myself, walking from one end of the main drag to theA?other.

I was following in the footsteps ofA?Fred Netzband-Miller, who did the same walk every year from the 1990s through the summer of 2011. Notes Fred, a??We did a similar exercise, walking from bridge to bridge and taking photos of every sign we could spot. The results for previous years are on ourA?home page, and therea??s a condensed version on Picasa.a??

Incidentally, I might have missed a place or twoa??some areas close to the beach are literally honeycombed with affordable places to staya??but these phone numbers will save you a lot of grief if you arrive without a reservation.

Built in 1979, Fred Netzband-Millera??s Siam View Hotela?? Arugam Baya??s oldest surfer hangouta??survived the 2004 tsunami with aplomb. It was voted the Best British Pub in Sri Lanka in the Telegrapha??s 2010 Best of British Awards. The Siam View is known in the surfer community for its great food, cold beers, convivial atmosphere and strong wi-fi signal.

Start thinking ahead

Arugam Baya??s surfing season runs from April through October, when rooms can be hard to get. This magnet for diehard surfers has barely enough guest beds to accommodate everyone who drifts in here at the height of the season, when visitors can outnumber the year-round residents.A?It pays to make your reservations well in advance, especially if youa??re thinking of staying at a popular place like the Siam View Hotel, which starts filling up early in the season.

Some of the places on the beach have their own websites, but most dona??t. Use the contact information Ia??ve provided below to call and find out whata??s available, when, and for how much. And if youa??re calling from overseas, check the current time in Colombo before you call. That way you wona??t disturb these guys in the wee hours of the morning.

No street numbers

Youa??ll notice there are no street numbers in the list below. Arugam Bay is a lot like Carmel, California, in this regard. I have simply listed the places as I found them, working my way down from the north end of town, a little ways south of the bridge across the bay. Ia??d like to say Ia??ve listed the hotels in their exact order, but thata??s probably not theA?case.

The type and cost of accommodations vary widely in Arugam Bay. You could chill out in a pleasant no-frills beach cabana for a few dollars a night, or opt for plush digs costing more. Either way, make your reservations in advance.

Two-lane blacktop

Since the places Ia??ve listed are on both sides of the Panama-Pottuvil road (the two-lane blacktop that runs south from the small town of Pottuvil to Arugam Bay, and that some have cheekily taken to calling Main Street), Ia??ve divided the list into two sections, east andA?west.

When it comes to giving directions to addresses on coastal roads, Sri Lankans rarely refer to the points of the compass. Most people tend to describe a house or a place of business as being either on the a??land sidea?? or the a??sea side.a?? Thus, my eastside listings are for places on the sea side of the road, and westside listings are for places on the landA?side.

Youa??ll be fine staying at a place on the land side of the road. All it really means is that youa??ll need to schlep your board across a two-lane blacktop to reach the beach. Therea??s not much traffic other than the occasional three-wheeler driver sputtering by, sounding his horn apropos of nothing.

Sri Lankans describe the location of a house or hotel as being either on the a??land sidea?? or a??sea sidea?? of a coastal road.

Dona??t forget toA?ask

Surfing fanatics, like those pioneering Australians who camped out here in the 1960s, probably wona??t care as much about creature comforts as they do about riding the waves. But Ia??m guessing this wona??t be the case for everyone.

This is so obvious that ita??s barely worth mentioning, but Ia??ll say it anyway: Make sure you verify that your room comes with what you absolutely cana??t live without. Most surfers are cool with spartan accommodation, but if youa??re finicky about things like an attached bathroom, air conditioning, hot water, clean sheets, fresh towels, laundry service and free wi-fi or whatever, you should ask about them upA?front.

The Arugam Bay infrastructure is a work in progress. The good news is that ita??s being upgraded. That said, you may experience the occasional power outage or find yourself without water on tap for an hour or two. If you stay at a hotel that has a power generator and its own water supply, this wona??t be an issue. Youa??d have to pay more for such amenities of course, butA?hey.

Food for thought

Ita??s the same with restaurants. Most hotels in Arugam Bay have restaurant facilities, and a few offer the whole enchiladaa??fine dining with polished silverware, spotless napery, romantic lighting and a decent wineA?list.

On the other hand, if youa??re determined to spend as little as possible on food and accommodation so that you can splurge on three-wheeler scooter taxi rides to the fabulous surfing spots around Arugam Bay, you can definitely do that,A?too.

Fact is, if youa??re on a limited budget and youa??re just here to surfa??and dona??t care much about where or what you eat, as long as it tastes OKa??Arugam Bay has plenty of street cafes where you can gorge yourself into a stupor on $5 a day. If thata??s the case but you still believe as I do that civilization began withA?the invention of the fork, Ia??d advise you to bring along a supply of clear plastic cutlery.

Facing south on the Panama-Pottuvil road: Staying at a place on the land side of this road shouldna??t impose too much of a hardship on you, since all it means is that youa??ll need to tote your board across a street about as wide as Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz, and not quite as busy. By the way, I love thisA?sign.

A note on the phone numbers: If youa??re calling a number in Arugam Bay from anywhere in Sri Lanka, you need to first dial 0 (zero), just like you need to first dial 1 (one) when dialing a number in a different area code in California. So if youa??re in Colombo and youa??re calling the Siam View Hotel in Arugam Bay, for example, youa??d dial 0773200201. But if youa??re calling the hotel from, say, Santa Cruz, youa??ll need to add the two digits for international direct dialing plus the two digits for the Sri Lanka country code (94) and dial 01194773200201 instead. In other words, youa??ll need to insert four digits (1194) between the zero and the rest of the number. If youa??reA?calling from overseas, make sure you look up theA?current time in Colombo before you call, to avoid disturbing these guys in the middle of the night. Ia??ve already added the zero to the numbers listed below, so dona??t go adding another one.

Rooms, beach cabanas and hotel accommodation on the eastside:

Stardust Beach Hotel (18 rooms, villas and cabanas): 0632248191 (

Trazodone treatment Star Rest Beach House: 0779969358 and 0773609297

Another World Hotel: 0602635831, 0779592208 and 0774686581 (

Moon Eyes Beach Hotel: 0757574749 (

Ocean Beach Hotel: 0632248405 (

Watermusic: 0635671431 (

Rikas Resort: 0779969356

Holiday Park Cabanas: 0774621167, 0114369960, 0752915185 and 0787509523

Sandy Beach Hotel: 0773242764

Tiffany Beach Hotel: 0779358869

Galaxy Lounge Cabanas (seven cabanas): 0632248415

Mid Bay Guest House: 0779949319 and 0776984538

Casra Hotel: 0778151583

The Tsunami Hotel: 0634923383 and 0776642991

Nice Place: 077342240 and 0756725959

Arnea??s Place: 0771358303 and 0775564304

Tropicana Beach Hotel: 0771272677

Rockview Beach Hotel: 0776424616

Sea Rock Beach Resort: 0632248341 and 0775387142 (

Samanthaa??s Folly: 0773387808 (

Roccoa??s Rooms: 0776642991 (

New Leprechaun Surfer Hotel: 0776085448

Paradise Sand Beach Hotel: 0632248513 and 0776313725A?(

Blue Ocean Cabanas: 0771759619

The White House: 0776013895 and 0776925119

New Tri Star Beach Hotel: 0632248454

Deana??s Beach Hotel: 06779584308 and 0771272869

Sea Rider Bed and Breakfast: 0777719954 (

Sunrise Beach Hotel: 0632248200

Bay View Hotel: 0714832122

Orient Beach Rest: 0776683623

Arugam Bay Surf Resort: 0632248189

Del Mar Hotel: 0712950109

Gecko Restaurant and Rooms: 0632248212 and 0771591265 (

Rupaa??s Beach Hotel (13 rooms, 10 cabanas): 0632248258

Siam View Hotel (four rooms): 0773200201 (

Sashini Beach Resort: 0726047113

Lahiru Place: 0779005322

Tharaka Beach Hotel: 0633631763 and 0779649566

Freedom Beach Cabanas: 0771759620, 0772317057 and 0779621823 ( andA?

Coco Bay Hotel: 0632248510

East Surf Cabanas: 0775402481

Rooms and hotel accommodation on the westside:

Alaska Hotel: 0776994581 and 0778433504

Hangout Hotel and Restaurant (two rooms): 0724906874 and 0722894429

Ithara Hotel: 0724518014 and 0724518014

Sri New Dilshan Guest House: 0754713591 and 0634909535

The Danish Villa: 0776957936

Seatop Hotel: 0633632202 and 071820065

Fantasy Hotel: 0778743578

Farhath Guest House: 0770454552

The Green Room Beach Cabanas: 0771929956

The Pacific Hotel: 0632248340 and 0777515243 (

Tri Star Beach Hotel: 063224840

Hideaway: 0632248259

Surf n Sun: 0776065099 (

Sooriyas Hotel: 0632248232 and 0776683892 (

Zim Bay Hotel: 0775395822 (

Palm Grove Holiday Inn (18 rooms): 0632248457, 0773544281 and 0773878007 ( and

Kumudu A.G.A. Ariya Beach Hotel: 0632248017 and 0770571946

Note that this is not a complete list of hotels, beach cabanas and other lodging available in Arugam Bay. Ia??ve only listed the places for which I could find phone numbers (that is, the actual phone number of the hotel itself and not that of a tour operator). If these places have their own websites, Ia??ve provided links to them. Ia??ll keep adding stuff like their email addressesa??plus the number of rooms and cabanas they have availablea??when I get this information. I couldna??t find contact information for Seashore Beach Resort, Aloha, Meenaa??s, Ever Green Cabanas, Hummus Bay and Kudakalliya Guest House, so I didna??t list them.A?If you own or operate a place in Arugam Bay and have been left out, email your contact information to and Ia??ll add it to thisA?list.

Copyright A? David Graham

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Arugam Bay: Sri Lankaa??s last frontier?
A?A?Siyambala 2012
….a??Dona??t write about this place,a?? the chubby little man admonished Supem De Silva sternly. a??People will come here and spoil everything.a??…..

According to industry expert Supem De Silva, youa??ll find more family-friendly places to go and fun things to do within easy driving range of Arugam Bay than there are around almost any other travel destination in Sri Lanka.

a??Dona??t write about this place,a?? the chubby little man admonished Supem De Silva sternly. a??People will come here and spoil everything.a??

The agitated speaker wasA?Manik Sandrasagra, the late auteur of Sri Lankan cinema, but Supem hadna??t known who he was back then.A?This was in 1998, and Supem had been gathering information for Arugam Baya??s first online directory of hotels and other services. Hea??d seen Sandrasagra sitting by himself at another table at Chuttia??s Place Restaurant. Since the movie director was barechested, with a towel draped over his shoulders, Supem had assumed he was one of the local beach bums.

The baby waves at Whiskey Point are perfect for beginning surfers. Lessons cost around $20 an hour.

Supem chuckles as he recounts this story, shaking his head as he adds that Manik had been a consultant to the Sri Lanka Tourist Board at the time (I could just picture this scene, having encountered the mercurial director and his larger-than-life personality when I wrote the ads forA?Rampage, Manika??s 1978 movie about a homicidal elephant; my colleagueA?Chris Greetwrote the moviea??s tagline, a??Can an elephant plan and execute a murder?a??).

In a way, Supem notes, his encounter with Manik Sandarasagra neatly illustrates one of the reasons why Arugam Bay has been overlooked as a tourist destination.A?On the one hand there are those whoa??ve been coming to Arugam Bay for years, and who are apprehensive about the notion of it becoming discovered as a resort. And on the other, there are those who should know about Arugam Bay and dona??t. Among this latter group are travel industry experts who arena??t even aware that therea??s hotel accommodation here.

Johnson Ratnasinghama??s new Amigo Surf School charges around $20 an hour for lessons (thata??s Farook painting the sign in February). I forgot to ask Johnson whether he named the school after his dog Amiga, a personable pooch.

a??Arugam Bay is a black hole as far as many people in the travel industry are concerned,a?? says Supem ruefully. a??They have no idea whata??s available here.a??

Thata??s too bad, because the fact is that there are quite a few good hotels in Arugam Bay. And there are going to be even more, what with a number of plans for hotels underway (scroll down to the bottom of this post for information on a really cool new place to stay in Arugam Bay for around $9 a day).

Elephants are supposed to need 300 pounds of fodder a day, but at the rate this fellow was stuffing himself with water plants at Lahugala National Park (twelve miles from Tulasi buyers in hyderabad Arugam Bay), Ia??d say they eat a great deal more.

Supem himself is an unassuming guy whose mind is a jackdawa??s nest of fascinating facts about Sri Lanka. Hea??s also able to step out of the Sri Lankan mindset and see the country from a tourista??s perspective.

He knows, for example, that youa??re not coming here to be bored out of your skull by sitting through a harangue on Sri Lankaa??s religious history and cultural heritage; youa??re coming here to enjoy yourself and have an unforgettable time. He gets that.

Supem De Silva created Arugam Baya??s first online directory of hotels and other services, and was the first webmaster of the first site dedicated solely to news about the area. The Sri Lanka Tourist Board is using his case study on Arugam Bay as the basis for its plans for the areaa??s future. In case you wondered, there are no tall buildings within fifty miles of Arugam Bay; took this picture outside Supema??s office in Colombo.

As a senior travel industry professionala??among other things, he lectures trainee tour guides on Sri Lankaa??s east coast attractionsa??Supem has seen the glazed eyes and the jeez-what-did-I-get-myself-into look of Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay: Sri Lankaa??s last frontier?’

A wild afternoon at Kumana

A wild afternoon at Kumana

This leoparda??s expression reminded me of that famous line from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: a??Jesus, who are those guys?a?? (Our drivers scared the daylights out of this young male as he was sunning himself on aA?rock).

a??Have you guys ever done this before?a??

Thata??s the first thing I should have asked our drivers before we headed into Kumana National Park, A?about twenty miles south ofA?Arugam Bay on the east coast of SriA?Lanka.

I know how Robert Capa must have felt after seeing prints of the pictures he took on Omaha Beach on D-Day (June 6, 1944) in Normandy. We had happened upon a small herd of elephants when our drivers lost it and started excitedly yelling a??Aliya, aliya, aliyaa?? (the Sinhala word for elephant). The animals bolted, trumpeting indignantly (they were protecting at least two baby elephants). I just had enough time to capture a few blurred images before they disappeared into the jungle.

And yes, we had two drivers: the first guy was the one who drove us fromA?Arugam Bay to Panama in his three-wheeler scooter taxi, and the second guy was the one who drove us from Panama to Okande and Kumana in his jeep.A?They both sat upfront in the cab (Tyrone and I and the guide from the wildlife department were in back) and between them they managed to startle a leopard and spook a small herd of elephants.

The young bucka??s antlers are still in velvet. Kumanaa??s huge deer population keeps the parka??s leopards fat andA?happy.

Not that Ia??m complaining, mind you, because Tyrone and I had the greatest time (you really cana??t have a bad day in Kumana). Besides, the drivers are both good guys, and Ia??ll hire them again without hesitation the next timeA?Ia??m in Arugam Bay. So what if they were just learning the ropes of the safari business? At least they werena??t learning toA?drive.

Sir Samuel Baker hunted sambhur (Cervus unicolor) with hounds in Ceylon in the 1840s. Sambhur, often mistakenly called elk by 19th Century British sportsmen, are not as numerous as the spotted deer in Kumana.

Hey, ita??s Arugam Bay. If you want to be happy here, just let it happen.

Copyright A? David Graham
The person who probably knows this best is Continue reading ‘A wild afternoon at Kumana’

“Arugam Bay” International Airport

Inauguration planned for this year :

Mattala inta??l airport on track

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By Shirajiv Sirimane

….”Tourists who will arrive in Mattala will also have minimum transit times to holiday destinations such as Nuwara Eliya and Arugam Bay.”….

Model / artist Impression of the New Airport

With Sri Lanka aiming for a golden double of one million tourists and one million US dollars in revenue from tourism, and the country targeting nearly two billion US

dollars in foreign direct investments and many developments taking place in Hambantota, a second airport was a crying need for almost a decade. Several new airlines too want to include Sri Lanka in their radar while the existing operators want to add capacity; hence, a second airport was a long-felt need.

Though a second airport was discussed for many years, lack of finances and proper planning was a gray area. Finally, President Mahinda Rajapaksa secured a loan of US$ 190 million from the Chinese government to get the project off the ground.

Realising the importance of this project and its financial viability, Airport and Aviation Services of Sri Lanka, motivated by its Chairman Prasanna Wickramasuriya, also invested US$ 19 million for the project to get off the ground.

The construction of Sri Lankaa??s second international airport at Mattala is right on track and would be ready by the end of this year. Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratne is also keen that this project is completed on schedule and is monitoring the progress and wooing investors and airlines.

The biggest advantage this airport has is sea and air cargo transshipment with the Hambantota Port a few kilometres away. The proposed International Container Terminal with all modern facilities is another advantage to develop Hambantota as a cargo hub, opening many opportunities to investors.

Investment opportunities also exist in direct aviation related ventures such as aircraft MROs, aircraft painting, and flying schools as well as in related trades such as hospitality, tourism, freight forwarding and courier services.

The Mattala airport will also stress on having 60 percent of flights for cargo and 40 percent for passengers; these ratios will also be increased with the passage of time.

Progress of the control tower

Hence, the airport will be used as a principal cargo hub where vegetable and fruit exporters in southern Sri Lanka will get an opportunity to export their perishable produce to the Gulf with the minimum transit times. Tourists who will arrive in Mattala will also have minimum transit times to holiday destinations such as Nuwara Eliya and Arugam Bay.

Environment friendly

Chairman Wickramasuriya said the airport would be the only environment friendly airport in South Asia and the Government would be targeting a??Green Statusa?? as well. Continue reading ‘“Arugam Bay” International Airport’

Arugam Bay. a??The Health Resorta??

The Automobile Association Handbook (1935 !) advises:

AAC's Travelers guide to Ceylon. 76 Years ago.

Arugam Bay: EP (=’Eastern Province’) . 68 miles from Batticaloa on the east coast road. This is a health resort for residents in the malarious inland areas, (such as the Moneragala planting district), with its fine sea front and facilities for sea-bathing; while there is good sport to be had in the vicinity.”

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. I dedicate this article to the memory of my maternal grandfather Arumugam Thiyagarajah (1910-1982)

Rest Houses and Shooting Tips (circa 1935)

Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay. a??The Health Resorta??’

ASP @ Arugam Bay August 30 a?? September 4

a??Arugam Bay
is such a great wave for both competitors and spectators,a??

Aragum Bay A? ASP

Sri Lankan Airlines Pro

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ASP 6-Star womena??s event
ASP World Longboard men’s event
Arugum Bay Sri Lanka
30 August – 4 September 2011

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World First At This Yeara??s Sri Lankan Airlines Pro

Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 7 July, 2011 : – – Coolangatta –A?Sri Lankan Airlines and the ASP are pleased to announce the addition of the 2011 Sri Lankan Airlines Pro to the ASP Tour calendar. This year the Sri Lankan Airlines Pro will see an exciting world first by combining an ASP 6-Star womena??s event and an ASP World Longboard Title (WLT) mena??s event.

The Sri Lankan Airlines Pro will return to Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka after last yeara??s event saw consistent, pumping waves running down the famous right-hand point for the duration of the waiting period. ASP Australasia General Manager Dane Jordan is excited to see Sri Lanka on the ASP Tour in 2011.

a??Arugam Bay is such a great wave for both competitors and spectators,a??
Jordan said. a??Last year the men (6 star event) scored almost perfect waves every day and now ita??s the women and the longboardersa?? turn. Sri Lanka is such an exotic destination for surfers and to have a World Title event at Arugam Bay is great for the sport worldwide and within Sri Lanka. Continue reading ‘ASP @ Arugam Bay August 30 a?? September 4’


Tourism at Arugam Bay should be sustainable


The surfing season in Arugam Bay starts in May and the thousands of people who are dependant on the tourism industry in this Eastern coastal village in Sri Lanka eagerly await the arrival of the highest number of tourists this year. The tourism industry in the country is booming after the end of terrorism in 2009 and Arugam Bay is now ready to regain its full potential.

Arugam Bay i How much unisom to overdose s one of the world’s top 10 surf locations, known for its fantastic waves, which attract surfers from all over the world. The best time for surfing here is between May and November when strong winds are offshore for at least the first half of the day.

There are only a few tourists at Arugam Bay

However, some small scale hoteliers, tour guides and shop owners are disappointed because still there are only a few tourists at Arugam Bay. Continue reading ‘Tourism at Arugam Bay should be sustainable’

Ella to Arugam Bay

The bus journey from Ella to Arugam Bay involves a change at Moneragala and takes 5-and-a-half hours, all for a mere 500 rupees or 2.75 pounds for the two of us.

Good value even if we do have to stand for the first 50 minutes of this two hour journey, but grindingly slow. The bus is heaving, not only with people but luggage as well and we only just manage to squeeze on with Andy half hanging out of the door! Luggage, stowed alongside the driver, is re-arranged to accommodate our rucksacks, but I feel sorry for the people who are sitting adjacent to the driver who spend most of the journey trying to prevent the mound of luggage toppling on top of them. The bus to Monaragala leaves Ella at 9am and arrives in plenty of time to spare before the 11.20am leaves for Arugum Bay, giving us time to use the non-too salubrious facilities (10 rupees) round the back of the station and purchase a much welcome ice cream and some snacks. Moneragala is Continue reading ‘Ella to Arugam Bay’

“Walking the Walk” @ AbaY

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"Walking the Walk"

open letter Arugam Bay SurfA? Club to Paddle4Relief:

Dear Tim,

How are you i am doing well here.

The happy news i like to inform you our surf club have been registered under the sports ministry of Sri Lanka.

This is the register number 142018.

I feel my big responsibility reached the moment.i try since 2006 but yesterday reached.

i hope from this year we can do better works.

Kind regards.

FAWAS Lafeer (Chairman).

Arugambay Surfing Club,

Main point Road,



Sri Lanka.

Mobile:+94(0)771759620/779 552 268


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“Arugam’s” Int. Airport opens next year

……. Tourists who will arrive there will also have the minimum transit times to holiday destinations such as Nuwara Eliya and Arugam Bay……

Billed to be South Asiaa??s only environmental friendly airport :

a??Mattala airport to be tourism, cargo hub end 2012a??

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Foundation stone laying ceremony for main passenger terminal today

Ravi Ladduwahetty

The $ 209 million Mattala airport, will be converted to a tourism and cargo hub for Southern Province which will be a boon to the tourism and export industries.

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Areo View of the new Airport runway

Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa will lay the foundation stone for the construction of the main passenger terminal building today while Aviation Minister Priyankara Jayaratne and Hambantota District Parliamentarian Namal Rajapaksa will also be present.

Artist Impression of the New Southern Airport

Continue reading ‘“Arugam’s” Int. Airport opens next year’

Arugam Bay & the East Coast

Train arriving at Batticaloa

Batticaloa is the nearest train station to reach Arugam Bay. The overnight sleeper express is highly recommended.

We caught the bus to Wellawaya at about 9 AM and yes it was a wreck and yes it was jam packed. But this was the norm here and we were getting used to it. It took us an hour and the ride hair raising. As I have mentioned in earlier blogs, the bus drivers here are crazy but they get you to your destination quicker than a train or a car. From Wellawaya we quickly got another bus to Monaragala. This journey also took an hour. From Monaragala we took our final bus to Arugam Bay. How much does elimite cost

Unfortunately for me a drunken Sri Lankan man sat next to me. He was well sozzeled. Now I’m no prude and you all know it, but it was just before lunch time on a Saturday. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay & the East Coast’

Rare in life, rarity in death

“….The Kumana (south of Arugam Bay) Is there a generic equivalent for aciphex crossed tusker, who became a victim of a poacher…”

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Well-known wildlife photographer Vajira Wijegunawardane recalls his encounter earlier this year, with the magnificent tusker that died tragically last Tuesday, while being translocated by the Department of Wildlife Conservation

a??There are few elephants that can literally take your breath away. a??Parakramaa??, named after King Parakramabahu the Great, is one of them. It was the fourth day, and the last opportunity to get a glimpse of this elusive but magnificent tusker. We had gone on foot with great trepidation, through scrub jungle, on information given by villagers, along an elephant corridor.

a??Through dense jungle we arrived at an open area, where, in the distance was a tank with hardly any water. From the bund, I could see an elephant hovering within the thick jungle canopy. My only hope was that it would be the tusker. I hid behind a tree. Due to weight constrains for the hard trek, I was armed only with a 70-200mm f2.8 lens. Within a few minutes the elephant emerged. It was indeed the tusker.

a??My heart stopped, as I saw the magnificent tusks shining dully, their full length hidden by the foliage. This was undoubtedly the largest tusker I had ever seen in this country. I felt so fortunate to see this animal. It was amazing how he had survived all these years, but was pleasantly reminded that its elusiveness and difficulty to track, was the very reason it was still alive.a??

This is what I recorded earlier this year. On Wednesday, I heard the tusker was to be relocated, but never did I expect another call early the following morning, to hear of its death. The very fact that a majestic creature like this was roaming the jungles of Sri Lanka, was something all Sri Lankans would have been proud of, as its tusks were longer than even most African elephantsa??. I consider myself very fortunate to have been able to photograph this elusive elephant.

The tusker population in this country is minimal, and this particular tusker was no ordinary one, just like the Kumana crossed tusker, who became a victim of a poacher. Animals like this are irreplaceable, and, as nature lovers, all we can ask of the concerned authorities is to come up with a mechanism to ensure the remaining tuskers that are still roaming the jungles in our beautiful isle, be protected, as they are indeed national treasures. Continue reading ‘Rare in life, rarity in death’