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8 kilometer in Pottuville

* USAID-funded road and drainage system opened in Ampara, Sri Lanka
Thursday, February 28, 2008, 16:02 GMT, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Feb 28, Ampara: The United States has funded an 8-kilometer road and drainage system, which was opened today in Pottuvil, Ampara.

The US Embassy in Colombo said its United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) funded the project to construct a low maintenance, durable road system and drainage structure throughout the Pottuvil Division.

In the past, the roads flooded and became almost impassable, the Embassy said, adding that the finished roads have had a major impact on Pottuvil by reducing dust in the town and increasing localsA?A?A? access to essential services, including schools, health clinics and places of worship. The project also created jobs and experience in the area.

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For the opening ceremony, USAID and UNOPS welcomed representatives from local government and the community.

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Travel Warning (US)

Travel Warning – Sri Lanka

United States Department of State
Bureau of Consular Affairs Buy lozolla
Washington, DC 20520

February 08, 2008

This Travel Warning provides updated security information and alerts American citizens traveling to or living in Sri Lanka about the continuing danger of terrorist attacks throughout the country.A?A?A?A?This supersedes the Travel Warning for Sri Lanka dated October 18, 2007.

The Department of State urges American citizens to evaluate carefully the risks of travel to Sri Lanka and specifically warns Americans against travel to northern and eastern areas of Sri Lanka.A?A? Since early January 2008, attacks by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) against civilians have increased, including in areas frequented by foreign tourists.A?A? Although there is no specific indication that American citizens or institutions were targeted, there is a heightened risk of American citizens being victims of violence by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.A?A?A?A? American citizens who decide to travel to Sri Lanka despite this travel warning should be aware of their personal surroundings and follow prudent security practices.A?A? Americans should avoid large crowds and public gatherings and should particularly avoid political rallies, military bases, and government and military vehicle convoys, which are frequent targets of LTTE attacks.

On February 3, 2008, 14 civilians were killed and approximately 100 were injured when a suicide attacker detonated an explosive device inside the main railway station in Colombo.A?A? The same day, seven were injured when a grenade was detonated at the Dehiwala Zoo in Colombo.A?A? On February 2, 2008, a bomb on a bus from Kandy, headed for Anuradhapura, exploded in Dambulla and killed 18 civilians and injured over 50.A?A? On January 8, 2008, a government minister was killed and several persons were injured when his vehicle was attacked on the road between ColomboA?a??a??s international airport and central Colombo.A?A? On October 15, 2007, the LTTE attacked a Sri Lankan Army camp in Yala National Sanctuary, located in southeastern Sri Lanka.A?A? On March 26, 2007, the Katunayake Air Force Base in Colombo came under attack from LTTE aircraft, causing the adjacent Bandaranaike International Airport to briefly suspend operations.A?A? Foreign tourists were not specifically targeted in these attacks and none were injured.

In light of attacks against civilian buses and trains, American citizens are strongly advised against traveling by bus or train in Sri Lanka.A?A? U.S. Government personnel are currently prohibited from using these modes of transportation.
While the government has effectively controlled the eastern part of the country since July 2007, security is not yet assured.A?A? Some LTTE members and larger numbers of armed paramilitary members are active in the area, leading to instability and incidents of violence.A?A? This situation is likely to continue for some time.A?A? Americans are particularly warned against travel to LTTE-controlled areas in the north, which may pose severe hazards.

Official travel by U.S. Government personnel to areas north of a line following the highway from Puttalam through Anuradhapura to Polonaruwa, Bibile, and Pottuvil in the northern and eastern parts of Sri Lanka is restricted, and unofficial travel is prohibited.

Americans should comply with all instructions from security forces and police when traveling in Sri Lanka.A?A? American citizens, including those of Sri Lankan origin, living in Sri Lanka or traveling there for even a few days are strongly urged to register with the Embassy.A?A? Registration will allow the embassy to provide direct information on the security situation as necessary.A?A? Registration is done on-line and can be done in advance of travel at Information on registering can also be found at the Embassy website: or at the Department of StateA?a??a??s Consular Affairs website:

As the Department continues to develop information on any potential security threats to U.S. citizens overseas, it shares credible threat information through its consular information documents, available on the Internet at In addition to information on the Internet, travelers may obtain up-to-date information on security conditions by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the U.S. and Canada or, outside the U.S. and Canada, on a regular toll line at 1-202-501-4444. These numbers are available from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).

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Killing of pastor: Motive personal, police act fast

By W. Chandrapala

Despite speculation that the killing of the Christian pastor in Ampara could be the work of an organisation which resented conversions to Christianity, within 16 hours police were able to reveal that it was a contract killing ordered by a husband whose wife had been converted.

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Rev. Edirisinghe. His
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The pastorA?a??a??s motor cycle fallen after the shooting

Rev. Neil Samson Edirisinghe was the pastor of the new church started in Ampara recently. He lived with his wife Shiromi and their one and a half year old child. According to police, the pastor was returning home last Monday on his motor cycle at around 8.30 p.m. when he became the target of a gunman. He was shot in the back by the assailant who also injured his wife while their child was in shock after witnessing the shooting.

The Ampara child rehabilitation centre president Chamila Kodagoda who had heard the sound of gunfire had informed the Ampara police about the incident. When police arrived on the scene, Mrs. Edirisinghe who was badly injured had requested them to hand over her child to the YMCA before she was admitted to the Ampara hospital, where the pastor was also taken and pronounced dead.

Chief Inspector Asoka Weerakkody ordered an investigation by a special police team. According to police, two security men attached to an NGO had reported that two armed men dressed in uniform similar to that worn by home guards, were seen passing close to the pastorA?a??a??s house.

Based on this piece of information police had been on the look out for the two suspects. In the wee hours of the next morning Inspector Weerakkody had received information that two men dressed in home guard uniform had walked into the police canteen a few hours earlier.

Further information helped the police investigation team arrest two civil security men posted to a bunker. At first the duo denied they knew anything about the incident but further grilling by police revealed that the two men were responsible for the attack. It was a contract killing for Rs. 100,000 given by a rich businessman in Ampara. The suspects were taken to custody after admitting that they obtained an advance of Rs. 20,000 for undertaking the task.

The firearm used in the killing was also seized and the suspects remanded. DIG Eastern Range Rienzie Perera, SSP A.Wijesuriya and ASPs Arunapala and Ravichandra led the investigation team.


Lanka First Newsletter

Liebe Sri Lanka-Freunde!

Ganz herzlich begrA?A?A?A?e ich die neuen Abonnenten, die mit der Registrierung im neuen Forum diesen Newsletter automatisch zugestellt bekommen.

Schlagzeilen, die A?A?ber das normale MaA?A? des Wahnsinns, wie er in Sri Lanka praktiziert wird hinausgehen gibt es nicht viele und ich mA?A?chte darauf verzichten den BA?A?rgerkrieg buchhalterisch aufzuarbeiten, zumal wie A?A?blich, beide Kriegsparteien stumpfe Propaganda pflegen, die sich darauf beschrA?A?nkt eigene Erfolgsmeldungen von zweifelhaftem Wert in die Welt zu setzen. Solange eine freie und unabhA?A?ngige Berichterstattung aus dem Krisengebiet verhindert wird, werden wir auch nicht erfahren, was denn wirklich dort passiert.


Im Newsletter Nr. 9 vom 08.02.08 hatte ich den Versuch unternommen Ursprung und Entwicklung der Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Singhalesen und Tamilen in Sri Lanka fA?A?r die Leser aufzuarbeiten, die mit den Gegebenheiten und Protagonisten des Konfliktes nicht so vertraut sind. Bei nochmaliger Revision des Geschriebenen habe ich festgestellt, dass diese Chronologie unvollstA?A?ndig wA?A?re ohne ErwA?A?hnung der Frau, deren Politik es war, die einen Konflikt heraufbeschworen hat der mit den Jahren kontinuierlich an Heftigkeit zunahm und zu dem wurde was er heute ist: BA?A?rgerkrieg!
Im Folgenden die Kurzbiografie der
Sirimavo Bandaranaike: Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike

*17. 04.1916A?A?


Sirimavo Bandaranaike in jungen Jahren

Sirimavo Ratwatte Dias Bandaranaike (geb. 17. April 1916, gest. 10. Oktober 2000) war dreimal Premierministerin ihres Landes, 1960 – 1965, 1970 – 1977 und 1994 bis 2000. Bei ihrem ersten Amtsantritt war sie der erste weibliche Premierminister der Welt und fA?A?hrte die Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) an. Ihr Ehemann war der ehemalige Premierminister Solomon Bandaranaike und ihre Tochter Chandrika Kumaratunga wurde Sri Lanka’s dritte PrA?A?sidentin, ihr Sohn Anura Bandaranaike war Tourismus Minister und die zweite Tochter Sunetthra Bandaraneike, eine Philanthropin.

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Ex-Premierminister Solomon Bandaraneike, Ehemann von Sirimavo Bandaranaike

Sunethra Bandaranaike, zweite Tochter von Sirimavo Bandaranaike

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Nach der Ermordung ihres Ehemannes, der die Sri Lanka Freedom Party in wesentlichen Teilen geformt und 1956 zu einem Wahlsieg gefA?A?hrt hatte, A?A?bernahm Sirimavo Bandaranaike seinen Platz in der FA?A?hrung der Partei und behielt diesen 40 Jahre lang bis zu ihrem Tod. Am 21. Juli 1960 wurde sie erstmals Premierministerin und damit der erste weibliche Regierungschef der Welt. In insgesamt drei Amtsperioden bestimmte Sirimavo Bandaranaike die Geschicke des Landes wA?A?hrend der 60er und 70er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts bis sie bei der Wahl in 1977 eine vernichtende Niederlage erlitt. 1980 wurde sie vom Parlament wegen “Machtmissbrauchs” abgesetzt und fA?A?r sieben Jahre aus allen A?A?ffentlichen A?a?zmtern verbannt.
Als A?A?berzeugte Sozialistin setzte Bandaranaike die Politik ihres Mannes, SchlA?A?sselindustrien wie Banken- und Versicherungswesen zu verstaatlichen, fort. Mit A?A?bernahme des Amtes begann fA?A?r sie eine Achterbahnfahrt. Im ersten Jahr nach ihrer AmtsA?A?bernahme 1960 rief sie erstmals den Ausnahmezustand aus. Das hatte massive Proteste und Akte zivilen Ungehorsams der tamilischen Minderheit im Lande zur Folge, die sich durch ihre Anordnung Englisch als

Chandrika Kumaratunga

Anura Bandaranaike

offizielle Landssprache abzusetzen und stattdessen Sinhala, die Sprache der in der MajoritA?A?t befindlichen Sinhalesen, einzufA?A?hren auf das GrA?A?bste benachteiligt sahen. Die Tamilen betrachteten die Anordnung als hA?A?chst diskriminierenden Akt und den Versuch Tamilen den Zugang zu A?A?ffentlichen A?a?zmtern und Gesetzgebung zu verweigern. Die Militanz der Tamilen wuchs und setzte sich unter den Folgeregierungen fort.

Weitere Probleme tauchten mit der Verstaatlichung auslA?A?ndischer Unternehmen, besonders im A?a??lsektor auf, was in einer VerA?A?rgerung der Amerikaner und Briten endete, die mit der Verweigerung weiterer Hilfen fA?A?r Sri Lanka reagierten. Als Reaktion rA?A?ckte Bandaraneike enger an die Chinesen und Russen heran und verfolgte fortan eine Politik der NeutralitA?A?t. Zuhause konnte sie 1962 und 1964 erfolgreich Umsturzversuche des MilitA?A?rs abwehren. 1964 ging sie die historische Koalition mit der Lanka Samaja Party (LSSP) ein. Am Ende dieses Jahres wurde sie durch eine verlorene Vertrauensabstimmung ihres Amtes enthoben und verlor auch die folgenden allgemeinen Wahlen. Sechs Jahre spA?A?ter war sie wieder da, ihre United Front gewann bei den Wahlen 1970 eine tragfA?A?hige Mehrheit. In ihrer zweiten Amtszeit wurde eine neue Verfassung eingefA?A?hrt, die den Status des Landes als Teil des Commonwealth A?A?nderte. Das damalige Ceylon wurde umbenannt in Sri Lanka und die Republik wurde ausgerufen. Gerade mal 16 Monate im Amt begann eine aufsteigende linke Jugend ihre Politik fast zu kippen. Sri Lanka’s damals rein zeremonielle Armee war nicht

Indische Truppen in Sri Lanka

in der Lage des Aufruhrs Herr zu werden und ihre geschickte AuA?A?enpolitik begann sich auszuzahlen. Die neutralen Staaten Indien und Pakistan kamen ihr zu Hilfe und schickten Truppen nach Colombo, die den Aufstand niederschlugen. In diesen unruhigen Jahren erwies sich Bandaranaike als ernstzunehmende politische FA?A?hrerin. WA?A?hrend des HA?A?hepunktes der Unruhen bekannte eines der damaligen Regierungsmitglieder: “Sie ist der einzige Mann im Kabinett”.

Die A?a??lkrise im Jahr 1973 hatte traumatische Auswirkungen auf die A?a??konomie des Landes. Sie hatte keinen Zugang mehr zu westlicher Hilfe und ihre sozialistische Politik lA?A?hmte wirtschaftliche AktivitA?A?ten. Rationierung musste angeordnet werden. Bandaranaike wurde mit der Zeit immer intoleranter gegenA?A?ber Kritik und sie betrieb die SchlieA?A?ung der Independent Newspaper Group, deren Medien ihre heftigsten Kritiker waren. FrA?A?her schon hatte sie die grA?A?A?A?te Zeitung des Landes “Lake House” verstaatlicht, welche noch heute offizielles Sprachrohr der Regierung ist.

Von ihren Freunden “Mrs. B.” genannt war Sirimavo Bandaranaike geschickt im Umgang mit A?A?ffentlichen Emotionen besonders wenn es um die UnterstA?A?tzung ihrer PlA?A?ne ging. HA?A?ufig brach sie in TrA?A?nen aus wenn sie von dem GelA?A?bnis sprach, die Politik ihres ermordeten Mannes fortzusetzen. Ihre Gegner und Kritiker nannten sie die “weinende Witwe”.

Im Jahr 1976 war Bandaranaike im Ausland anerkannter als im eigenen Land. Der grA?A?A?A?te Triumph ihrer auA?A?enpolitischen Karriere war der Vorsitz in der Konferenz blockfreier Staaten, als sie erstmals Gastgeberin der grA?A?A?A?ten internationalen Konferenz mit den StaatsoberhA?A?uptern aller neutralen Staaten sein durfte, die das Land jemals gesehen hatte. Trotz ihres international hohen Ansehens verlor sie im Lande rasch an Akzeptanz. Beschleunigt wurde er Niedergang durch gegen sie erhobene KorruptionsvorwA?A?rfe und die stark rA?A?cklA?A?ufige Wirtschaft des Landes. Nichts, so schien es damals, konnte sie vor dem politischen Aus retten. Das veranlasste ihre Regierung, die zu der Zeit eine komfortable Mehrheit von 75% der Stimmen im Parlament besaA?A?, diese Mehrheit aus der letzten Wahl zu nutzen, um anstehende Wahlen um zwei Jahre zu verschieben und ihre Amtszeit von ursprA?A?nglich 6 Jahren auf 8 Jahre zu verlA?A?ngern. Dieser undemokratische Akt war der Hauptgrund fA?A?r die Aberkennung ihrer BA?A?rgerrechte in spA?A?teren Jahren.

1977 erlitt sie eine schmerzhafte Wahlniederlage in deren Folge ihr von den neuen Machthabern wegen Machtmissbrauchs die bA?A?rgerlichen Rechte aberkannt wurden. Die 80er Jahre waren wohl ihre dunkelsten – sie wurde zur politisch AusgestoA?A?enen die von den Leuten gemieden wurde, die einst ihre glA?A?hendsten AnhA?A?nger waren. Die nA?A?chsten siebzehn Jahre verbrachte Bandaranaike in der Opposition, stA?A?ndig darauf bedacht Angriffe – selbst die ihrer Kinder – auf ihren FA?A?hrungsanspruch in der SLFP abzuwehren. Ganz Politikerin spielte sie ihre ambitionierte Tochter Chandrika und ihren Sohn Anura gegeneinander aus und behielt die Kontrolle, trotzdem sie sA?A?mtliche nachfolgenden

Sirimavo Bandaranaike bei der Stimmabgabe kurz vor ihrem Tod am 10. Oktober 2000

allgemeinen Wahlen verlor. Letztendlich fand sie ihren Meister ausgerechnet in ihrer Tochter Chandrika, der es gelang ihre Mutter auszumanA?A?vrieren und im Jahr 1994 selbst Premierminister und im Jahr darauf PrA?A?sidentin zu werden, als es einer Koalition unter FA?A?hrung der SLFP gelang in den Wahlen an die Macht zu kommen.

Bandaranaike wurde nochmals Premierminister, doch hatte sich die Verfassung seit ihrer letzen Amtszeit geA?A?ndert, sie war nun ihrer Tochter, der PrA?A?sidentin, unterstellt. Vor ihrem Tod A?A?bte sie ihr Amt gerade mal ein paar Monate, mit sehr geringen Machtbefugnissen aus. Sirimavo Bandaranaike starb sie im Alter von 84 Jahren am 10. Oktober 2000 – einem Wahltag – nachdem sie ihre Stimme abgegeben hatte.

nucleus meint:A?A? Eine beachtliche Karriere mit Up und Downs die leider aber auch wieder einmal deutlich macht, wie Politik in Sri Lanka funktioniert. Erbfolge ist nichts ungewA?A?hnliches und die in der Politik EngagiertenA?A? verwenden den GroA?A?teil ihrer konstruktiven Energie darauf sich zu bereichern und ihre Positionen zu verteidigen: Wenn nA?A?tig mit Mitteln die z.T. jenseits jeden Gesetzes stehen.


Saddam Hussein Village – Sri Lanka

Saddam Hussein Village ist der Name eines kleinen Ortes an der OstkA?A?ste nA?A?rdlich von Batticaloa. 1978 wurde das Dorf nahezu vollstA?A?ndig von einem Zyklon zerstA?A?rt. Der damalige Abgeordnete fA?A?r den District Battcaloa Dr. Fareed Meeralebbe initiierte fA?A?r seinen Geburtsort ein Hilfsprogramm, fA?A?r das er anlA?A?sslich eines Besuches im Irak den irakischen PrA?A?sidenten als Sponsor gewinnen konnte. Saddam Hussein, frA?A?herer PrA?A?sident des Irak, A?A?bernahm die gesamten Kosten fA?A?r den Wiederaufbau – etwa 100 WohnhA?A?user, mit einer Schule und einer Moschee im Zentrum wurden zwischen Eravur und Thalavai gebaut. Aus Dankbarkeit benannten die Einwohner ihr Dorf nach dem irakischen Diktator. So versteht es sich, dass die Dorfbewohner von Saddam Hussein Village der Irak-Politik der Vereinigten Staaten und der Gefangennahme von Saddam Hussein durch die US-StreitkrA?A?fte hA?A?chst kontrovers gegenA?A?berstanden und -stehen.

In den Fokus der A?a??ffentlichkeit geriet Saddam Hussein Village dann nochmals 1990 als der Ort Ziel des LTTE-Terrors wurde. In der Nacht wurden harmlose moslemische Bauern von der LTTE regelrecht hingeschlachtet. Damals flA?A?chtete ein GroA?A?teil der BevA?A?lkerung und galt fortan als Vertriebene, die Zuflucht im FlA?A?chtlingslager von Eravur fanden. Zur Zeit kehren die Einwohner vereinzelt in ihre HA?A?user zurA?A?ck.

Wer nun denkt, dass es sich bei dieser exotisch anmutenden Namensgebung um eine Einmaligkeit handelt, der sollte mal einen Blick auf das indische Lakhanow im Staat Bihar werfen. Zwar ist der Ort nicht nach Saddam Hussein benannt jedoch tragen alle nach 1991 – dem Jahr des Golfkrieges – geborenen mA?A?nnlichen Kinder den Namen Saddam Hussein. In der A?A?rtlichen Privatschule lernen fast 100 Saddam Husseins das Lesen und das Schreiben. Nach ihrem Namen befragt bekunden alle groA?A?en Stolz nach dem “Kriegshelden Saddam” benannt worden zu sein und am Tag der Hinrichtung quoll die A?A?rtliche Moschee A?A?ber von Namensvettern die nach dem Gebet lautstark gegen die US-Politik im Irak protestierten und dabei eine Puppe des amerikanischen PrA?A?sidenten George W. Bush verbrannten. Eine Familie ging in ihrer Verehrung fA?A?r Diktatoren und muslimische Terroristen noch ein StA?A?ck weiter – hieA?A? der Erstgeborene noch Saddam Hussein, wurde der zweite Osama Bin Laden genannt.

“The War on Terror’A?A? A?a??a??A?A? from Birmingham to Batticaloa
India’s Saddam Hussein Village

nucleus meint:A?A? Einerseits amA?A?siert, andererseits auA?A?erordentlich besorgt finde ich, dass Dankbarkeit m.E. so etwas wie eine moralische Verpflichtung ist, Personenkult dagegen Folge demagogischer EinflA?A?sse und damit pathologisch. Zugute halten muss man Sri Lankern wie Indern, dass sie in einer kleinen Welt leben, in der man, von neutralen Informationsquellen abgeschnitten,A?A? traditionsgemA?A?A?A? die Meinung der Herrschenden A?A?bernimmt. Das ist auch der Grund, warum ich die Verbannung von unabhA?A?ngigen Journalisten aus dem Kriegsgebiet in Sri Lanka verurteile. Reality-TV A?A? la USA “Nein”, objektive und sachliche Berichterstattung “Ja”!

‘Business as Usual’

In der Wirtschaft Sri Lanka’s A?A?herrscht ‘business as usual’. Lediglich die Betreiber von Teeplantagen haben einen Grund zu heimlicher Freude. Sri Lanka profitiert stark von den, durch die Keniakrise verursachten Reaktionen auf dem Weltmarkt. Wer auf KokosnA?A?sse gesetzt hatte wurde allerdings stark enttA?A?uscht. Der ‘Minister of Coconut Development’ (Minister fA?A?r Kokosnussentwicklung; Ja, so etwas gibt es in Sri Lanka!) musste bekannt geben, dass die Preise fA?A?r die in Sri Lanka allgegenwA?A?rtige Nuss aufgrund mangelnden Angebotes wohl steigen werden. Grund sei das Wetter aber auch die Rodung von 200.000 Acres (ca. 67 ha) Plantagenland. DarA?A?ber hinaus seien rund 200.000 BA?A?ume im SA?A?den der Insel von einem Bakterium befallen, das den Tod der Pflanze verursache. Wie gut, dass da der Entwicklungsfond der Vereinten Nationen zur rechten Zeit US$ 30 Mio. fA?A?r den Ausbau der Kokosnussindustrie ins Land pumpt.

Ganz auf das Wohl des Volkes bedacht hat die Regierung nun angekA?A?ndigt LKR 500 Mio. Rupien in die Entwicklung der Ostprovinz stecken zu wollen. Bravo, nur wo sind den die ursprA?A?nglich versprochenen US$ 500 Mio. aus dem ErlA?A?s der Staatsanleihe geblieben, die aus der gebeutelten Provinz eine blA?A?hende Landschaft machen sollten? Und wie die Rs. 500 Mio. finanziert werden sollen weiA?A? wohl auch noch niemand so richtig, jedenfalls denkt die Zentralbank bereits A?A?ber einen neuen internationalen Kredit von US$ 300 Mio. nach. Die ironischen UntertA?A?ne bitte ich mir zu entschuldigen aber ich weiA?A? nicht wie man solche VorgA?A?nge noch erklA?A?ren kann ohne unsachlich zu werden.

Spannend wird die nA?A?chste ErhA?A?hung der Strompreise werden. Die Marxisten haben bereits angekA?A?ndigt Massenproteste organisieren zu wollen und es steht zu befA?A?rchten, dass diese A?a?zuA?A?erungen des Volkeswillens nicht friedlich verlaufen werden. Der Regierung Rajapaksa steht eine ‘heisse’ Zeit bevor.

Der Wechselkurs des Euro zur Sri Lanka Rupie ist in den letzten 15 Tagen wieder relativ stabil geblieben. Der Interbank Kassakurs lag im Durchschnitt bei EUR 1 = LKR 157,81360 mit einem HA?A?chststand von EUR 1 = LKR 159,32000 und einem Tiefststand von EUR 1 = LKR 156,45900

Euro im Vergleich zur Sri Lanka Rupie
08.02.2008 bis 22.02.2008


Euro-Guthaben werden in Sri Lanka unverA?A?ndert verzinst. Die Angebote fA?A?r Euro-Festgeld der fA?A?hrenden Banken haben sich seit dem 07. Februar nicht verA?A?ndert. Hier die aktuellen ZinssA?A?tze vom 22. Februar 2008.

Zinsen fA?A?r Euro-Festgeld

Stand: 22. Februar 2008

Bank 1m (%) 3m (%) 6m (%) 12m (%)
Bank of Ceylon 3,25 – 3,60 3,35 – 3,70 3,45 – 3,80 3,55 – 3,90
Commercial Bank of Ceylon 4,10 4,20 4,35 4,50
Hatton National Bank 3,50 3,75 4,00 4,00
ICICI Bank 4,35 4,45 4,50 4,60
People’s Bank 3,00 3,10 3,20 3,25
Seylan Bank 2,75 3,00 3,25 3,50
Sampath Bank 3,50 – 4,00 3,75 – 4,10 3,90 – 4,25 4,00 – 4,40
National Savings Bank 3,15 4,00 4,30 4,40
Union Bank of Colombo 3,50 3,60 3,75 3,90


Colombo Consumers’ Price Index (CCPI) fA?A?r Januar 2008


Das AuswA?A?rtige Amt hat am 07.02.2008 eine geA?A?nderte Reisewarnung fA?A?r Sri Lanka herausgegeben.

Der Wasgamuwa Nationalpark ist seit dem 11.02. wieder geA?A?ffnet. Udawalawe und Yala bleiben auch weiterhin aus SicherheitsgrA?A?nden geschlossen!
MA?A?glicherweise ist es Ihnen entgangen
, dass die MA?A?glichkeit bietet die Entwicklung von TropenstA?A?rmen und Zyklonen zeitnah auf Satellitenbildern zu verfolgen. Mehrfach tA?A?glich aktualisiert zeigen die Bilder sehr plastisch aktuelle Bedrohungen vom tropischen Tiefdruckgebiet bis zum Zyklon der Kategorie 5. DarA?A?ber hinaus warnt die Seite bei akuten Bedrohungen mit aktuellen Prognosen zum Verlauf. A?A? …mehr

Eigene Ansichten?
Sie mA?A?chten Ihre Sicht der Dinge in Sri Lanka loswerden, konstruktive Kritik anbringen oder gar ein Lob aussprechen? Das kA?A?nnen Sie nach Herzenslust im Forum tun. Der Newsletter hat dort neben anderen interessanten Themen eine eigene Ecke. Nach einer kurzen Registrierungsprozedur sind Sie dabei. Ich zA?A?hl auf Sie …..A?A?
A?A? …mehr A?A?


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NatA?A?rlich bin ich mit meinen bescheiden Resourcen nicht in der Lage in diesem Newsletter das Geschehen der letzten 14 Tage in Sri Lanka 1:1 abzubilden. Meinem Versuch einer Zusammenfassung fallen natA?A?rlich viele Themen zum Opfer, die mancher mA?A?glicherweise vermissen wird. Sehr viel aktueller und umfassender ist da der Pressespiegel in oder aber der Themenstrang Lanka aktuell im Forum.

A pro pos Forum. Ich bin ein wenig enttA?A?uscht, dass von der groA?A?en Zahl der Abonnenten nur recht wenige meine Einladung wahrgenommen haben am Forum teilzunehmen. Leider handelt es sich auch um viele der Sri Lanka-Freunde, die mich fA?A?rmlich bekniet haben dieses Forum einzurichten. Ich mA?A?chte nochmals betonen, dass der Besuch des Forums vA?A?llig kostenlos und anonym ablA?A?uft. Niemand wird genA?A?tigt einen Beitrag zu schreiben auch wenn ein Forum erst mit der Vielzahl der Meinungen und BeitrA?A?ge interessant wird. Also, raffen Sie sich auf und besuchen Sie unser Forum. Helfen Sie dem Forum Leben einzuhauchen und es zu dem zu machen was es sein soll: Kommunikationsplattform fA?A?r Sri Lanka-Interessierte.

Zum Schluss noch eine kurze AnkA?A?ndigung:
In der Zeit vom 07. MA?A?rz 2008 bis voraussichtlich 14. MA?A?rz 2008 bin ich aufgrund eines Krankenhausaufenthaltes leider nicht in der Lage Seiten in, die einen aktuellen Bezug haben zu pflegen. Ich gehe davon aus, dass die Mitglieder des Forums mit ihren BeitrA?A?gen helfen, den A?A?berblick A?A?ber die Situation in Sri Lanka zu behalten.A?A?A?A?

Der nA?A?chste Newsletter erscheint bereits am 06.03.2008.

Nun wA?A?nsche ich ein schA?A?nes Wochenende und sage TschA?A?s aus DA?A?sseldorf.
Bis bald in oder im Forum.

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Lahugala Help

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Australia grants Rs 5 million for rural development in Sri Lanka PDF Print Generic decadron E-mail

The Acting Australian High Commissioner, Dr Matthew Hyndes presented funds worth Rs 5 million to six local organisations under the Australian GovernmentA?a??a??s Direct Aid program (DAP) in a ceremony on 19 February. Speaking at the occasion Dr Hyndes emphasised that A?a??A?The High Commission takes great pride in the Direct Aid Program which allows us the opportunity to work with organisations such as the six organisations gathered today, each of which is working in their communities, in different parts of the country to assist disadvantaged peopleA?a??A?DAP projects have benefited female headed households, children, the disabled, the elderly and the rural poor, among others.

In this funding round, Dr Hyndes presented funds to Child Vision in Puttalam for the purchase and installation of physiotherapy equipment for a disabled childrenA?a??a??s clinic, The Voluntary Organisation for Vulnerable Community Development to support livelihood projects for 50 tsunami and conflict families in Trincomalee, WomenA?a??a??s Development Centre for a cattle management project for women headed households in Lahugala, Sith Sevana Mentally Handicapped ChildrenA?a??a??s Development Society for three classrooms for mentally handicapped children in Thanamalwila, WomenA?a??a??s Development Foundation for a cattle management project in a poor farming community in Anuradhapura and Samata Sarana for a livelihood project for 100 families in Mutwal.


Arugam Bay – Haputale


beginning of 2005 and 2006 I travelled between Haputale and Arugam Bay to see what changed.

With some volunteers from Haputale and a truck full of vegetables we drove January 2005 to Pottuvil. Cause the refugees in the camps cooked all for themselve we packed them vegetables in family parcels, gave them to a camp near 3-mile-police-camp, took the rest with a canadian Navy boat to Arugam Bay and gave them to tent families. Some way with a soldier on our side.

I know by some internet forums about the worries of many people who got no contacts and were most interested to know whatA?A?s going on there. So I hope my informations will be a little help. Meanwhile most guesthouses and restaurants are re-opened, fishermen have hundreds of boots and life is going on better than before. But there are still many families sitting on ruins. People who have no rich friends and got no donations, or they do so to get more help? Difficult to understand whoA?A?s telling a story and who needs real help.

The eastcoast of Sri Lanka was hardly effected by Tsunami and help came only to places where locals have international or political friends or good contact to the radio, TV and newspapers. This was the time of us backpackers who know to accept simple comfort. No toilets. No drinking water. Polluted wells. No electricity. Not enough beds. But all of them, friends of Arugam Bay, came to help. Eye whitnesses reported me from 10 m high waves which swapped in the Bay from the left to the right like boiling water. Especially the south of Arugam Bay, the old fisher village Ulla with the first known surfer cabanas had lot of losts. And further down south to Yala Nationalpark I saw trees lying down, mangroves hanging like balls in the fields and broken fisher boats all around.

The partly destroyed brigde connecting Arugam Bay with Pottuvil town got reopened allready. The sandy road at the south of the bridge was wash away. The indian army attached there a new oneway bridge. All material they took from an old bridge somewhere inside the jungle. So long there were privat floods and the canadian Navy transporting people, goods and vehicles from one to the other side.

Cheap ampicillin drug Close to this bridge was the wellknown danish hotel A?a??A?StardustA?a??A?. The owner Per Godman died with some of his workers in the waves. His wife Merete reopened the hotel now in a smaller size. The beautifull open terrace, which looked like a big tent, was totally destroyed, also the kitchen, well and all cabanas. Only a closeby new house with some rooms is in use.

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Another guesthouse most famous to all surfers since many years was the A?a??A?SiripalaA?a??A? of Ramini which got totally destroyed. Everything was under water (same situation in 2006). Where there was before the family-house, three cabanas, a terrace, kitchen and another house with some guestrooms, there is now a lagune only. RaminiA?A?s family survid all this. I had many good days there and will always remember this special place. In 2006 I went to visit Ramini but she was out. Living now in a simple house somewhere in the dunes behind the school.

But the water did not stop behind this guesthouse. It ran a half kilometer inside against the school and wash it away. Nothing left. Good luck it was a holiday. All children were home and less fishermen on the sea. Some Italians tried to rebuild the school but came in conflict with authorities. A provisional school built by long open tents were given to the students. Also the german city Hamburg gave 18,750 Euro to rebuild the school.

RaminiA?A?s brother belongs the guesthouse A?a??A?ChutiA?A?s PlaceA?a??A? which got also effected but less cause itA?A?s closer to the the road. Chuti lost his wooden and stone Cabanas, fishing boat and equipment. His truck got damaged. Also his family survived. The family house is still there. In 2006 I saw him building new cabanas and his top restaurant looks quiet good with chairs, tables and fence made by wood. A highlight there is a rescue boat in the top of the restaurant.

The SVH A?a??A?Siam View HotelA?a??A? od Fred (red telefon cabines on the road) got wellknown to many people for uncomplicated help to all who asked for. They lost all their cabanas and the mainhouse stood little bit to the side now. The xmas opening of A?a??A?Bank of CeylonA?a??A? office will be later than exspected, the internet cafA?A? is already open.

After Tsunami the SVH owner Fred, his workers, friends and guests came from all around, stood for many days and weeks and gave a lot of help. Many collected donations were given to plenty neighbours to rebuild, buy tools, give food and for basic existence. His kitchen gave some tousand meals, food and water to all people, free telefon and internet for all users. This people have done a realy good job without any official help. This year the restaurant looks bigger and there is a big party hut on the beach. Also a big 7 m high cage for some monkeys of Wolfgang who is offering eco-tours in the jungle.

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Lot of people survived only cause they found a save roof on A?a??A?ChutiA?A?s PlaceA?a??A? und A?a??A?SVHA?a??A?. I guess a problem of many victims were the all private grounds surrounding fences with barbwire which hold the people under water and they died in the higher and higher waves. ThatA?A?s what I miss from the past early 1991/2. There were no fences all around and easy walk between the houses down to the beach.

Also from A?a??A?RupaA?A?s PlaceA?a??A? and the old house (Upali) at the surfpoint was nothing left but in 2006 I saw them having new but simple cabanas.

Also “Sunrise” of Mohammed is running well and cheap for low budget travellers. Food is good and sweets are his favourite dish. This March I payed 150 Rs. only for single/bath. Only problem there was fungus under the bed. Maybe this why I got headache there?

With timber and metal sheets locals tried to build simple houses to accommodate the foreighn helpers and tourist who had to sleep in this heat and mosquitos somewhere on the roofs or share some of the less houses with lot of people. Arugam Bay had lot of friends this days, who came to help and sent lot of money. Finally Arugam Bay will be more beautifull than before. Except the lost souls. Some A?a??A?victimsA?a??A? there are quite clever and know well how to get help and fishing boats from NGOA?A?s they never owned before. In 2006 I got disappointed to see how many boats with modern hightech sonar equipment and best nets are lying there. Incredible to much for this area and maybe the death of the fishing.

The Temple Sastraweli further south in the jungle behind Elephant Rock looks much better now. The buddhist monks are back and cleaning the jungle. Slowly hided treasures came out. Old ruins, dagobas and up in the hills a giant of a rock with caves and ancient walls. Looks all like more than 2000 years old. To get there follow the beach one hour and pass 2 lagoones. 500 m right behind the big rock is a jungle road going to the temple. Cause tsunami washed away all trees you can see a part of the temple, a white pillar, from the beach side. Beware of Warans, Bears, Elephants and Crocodiles. There can be also rough currents in the lagoones. Safer by car you take the road down south about 5 km, pass a little river/bridge and turn left at the army camp. The road goes left hand around the army camp and makes finally a big turn left around to the temple. About 250 m meters behind the camp is a shortcut on the left hand to walk up to the giant rock and down to the temple.

Totally different was the north of Pottuvil. No camera teams, less help. Some times I drove down the eastcoast between Kalmunai, Akkairapattu (expensive), Tirrukuvil (temple damaged), Komari (ghoast town) and Pottuvil (many tent camps alongside the road). There is nothing of interest for tourists. Komari has nice, wide beaches but less houses and the YMCA looked empty. I think the people have other worries than to think about us. But some places the locals sound more aggressive cause they got disappointed not to get the same help like others. A well organisationed desinformation by some groups who follow their own interests.

My favorite, cause there is a better climate, good location and less mosquitos, is the new B&B guesthouse A?a??A?White Monkey – Dias RestA?a??A? near Haputale. On the Dambetenne Road 3 km east from town in the little village Thotulagala. Walk down the steps at km-post-3. It runs by the friendly tamil owner WSM Dias and his family (5 children and 5 dogs). ItA?A?s about 1500 m above sealevel, has a climate like summer in Europe and good local, spicy and vegetarian food. There is a new house with two big rooms, a 100 mA?A? roof terrace and a nice cottage with a mega-size panorama window. Saddled on a rock infront of a 700 m deep abyss visitors can join the sounds from the deep jungle and see the coastline in 70 km distance. ItA?A?s an excellant place surrounded, by a tea estate, for families or people looking for nature. They have international telefon, solar light and big watertanks (looks more like a swimming pool). Cost whitout breakfast only 500/700/900 for single, double or family. Meals between 1-2 Euro. Much better than others in Haputale town and sure a good adress in the future.

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Another place close by on the way to Haputale is the A?a??A?Kelburne EstateA?a??A?. A luxery place with excelant service, kolonial style, interesting visitors and acceptable prices. Bungalows can be rented only with all rooms and staff from Colombo office but itA?A?s worth to spend some tousand rupees to join this. I used to go there for a ice cooled beer, small-talks and newspaper. A surprise for me were there low prizes for beer.

Much cheaper than the A?a??A?Royal Top Inn RestA?a??A? at the railwail station where visitors have to say all drinks they bought are from outside, cause the owner has no alcohol license. And finally the guests have to pay overrated prices plus tax and service charges! My warning to all is check the menue card and prices before you do any order. Also check the final bill. There is always an additional win for the staff. A big negative for such a beautiful hotel.

Another interesting, colonial hotel is the A?a??A?QueensA?a??A? on the road to Bandarawela. They offer some rooms and a terrace in the top floor. Also a nice high hall decorated with wooden paneels and old furnitures. Worth to go there for a beer.

Since some days Haputale got his own homwpage with lot of photos and interesting informations for tourists and locals at
My basic place to start help was always from Haputale were I felt more comfortable than somewhere on the coast. In my free time I made some tours around and found some interesting places. Opposite of the A?a??A?Dias RestA?a??A? Cottage is a 300-700 m deep falling rock. Very good to make photos at sunrise and sunset. God place for lovers or people who like to hear the wind. ItA?A?s like little WorldA?A?s End (15$) but doesnA?A?t cost a cent.

A one hour walk north up the hill above Thotulagala is a little Hindu “Surangamuni Kovil” (like temple/take off your shoes), from where you can see all of Haputale like a map. At clear nights and days also Adams Peak in the west and the north western highlands. Easy way just follow the top left side arround. Right behind the temple in the man-size bushes is an 80 meter footpath going to a cave. The entrance is a 5 m hole and only possible to get down with a rope or ladder. DonA?A?t worry about some small bates in the cave. But be carefully in case you like to explore the top of the cave. Rocks just lying together with soil and green in the corners. This soil wonA?A?t support you and there are 10 m holes down under.

All around in the hangs there are lot of house-size rocks lying aroung like a child lost his toys. A big adventure for children. Made me to feel young again when I was a scout and we had our tents between ruins of old castles somewhere in south Germany. Save area also for women and no pollution. Unbelievable this place is just some hours from hectic Colombo and offers so much.

9 km east from Haputale is the Dambetenne Tea Estate better known as Lipton. This tea factory was built by Sir Thomas Lipton in the year 1890. Visitors are welcome for a tour against some fees. They will show you all the works and machines from drying to rolling, hackling, sieving and grading.

Some kilometers right above is the highest mountain of this area. The 1950 m high “Lipton Seat”, from where people can have a brilliant view at clear days. Best time is early in the morning. From Dambetenne it takes about 90 minutes for fast walkers. Or 3 hours with children to walk up and down.

Shortly behind the former Lipton fabric, nearby a large yellow building, are some hundred old steps going up to a plattform. Follow the old stonemade way about 100 m to the white house of the tea pluckers, turn left and follow the sandy road to the car turn and further on a small, sleepy footpath to a viewpoint surrounded by a white wall. From here you can see the fabric from the top. Little bit on there are steps going 20 m down to an old, lonesome temple, called “Samimale Rock Temple”. There is bell to sign your visit. Behind the temple are other steps going up to where you started. Go back to the turn but walk down to the left through the tea between the trees. There is a shortcut going down to Pitaratmalie Estate, the only place is this area having a real, origin but privat forest. Romantic walk like Adams Peak.

North from the turn is a more than 100 m high red-white SLTV/Telecom tower you can see also from Bandarawela. ItA?A?s forbidden to make photos there but possible to walk tho the gate, have a tea or some water from a tap. To find it go back from the turn, pass the white house of the tea pluckers, turn next road left and than up the cement road.

Cause weather can change within minutes and shops are rare I recommend all to take enough food, water, rain dresses, a warm shirt and torch with you. Sometimes fog comes in secounds and view can be less than 20 m. Nights can be cool sometimes.

From the A?a??A?Dias RestA?a??A? itA?A?s a 40 minutes (slow) walk to Haputale. There are some good viewpoints and many ways inviting to walk through the tea. Trees growing on rocks and grey-white monkeys jumping around. Haputale is a little town but offers all need. Many shops, restaurants (guesthouses), bars, police station, public library, petrol stations, post office, busstop, railway station, a colonial hospital (no x-ray), internet, comunication, banks and many taxis and wheelers. Thursday most shops are closed. The new Fair is opposite the busstand or downroads after the railway cross.

ItA?A?s a one hour walk from Haputale to the Adisham Monestary. A shortcut from the railway station is to follow the railroad to the steps near Amarasinghe Guesthouse. Adisham is a nice old, colonial building like a little castle with a beautiful flower garden and lot of roses and some statues. Now it runs under monchs. They have a slaughtery there and sell jam, oil and honey to the visitors. Also they have a shop on the road between Haputale and Bandarawela.

Who likes to go for shopping, cheap internet (60 Rs./h) or fast photo service should go by train or bus to the next town Bandarawela. Also a day tour to Ella or Ohiya (WorldA?A?s End, Horton Plains, Baker Falls) is interesting. Or walk to Indulgashinna alongside the railroad and come back by the train. The trains are so loud that you will hear them right in time. Enough time to jump to the side and get some good photos or videos. Somewhere on the way is an old goods train fallen down by accident and a nice funny dog is living in a barrel right from the railroad. Long distances by train have also their charme special down to Kandy but take much more time than busses. For example Colombo: Bus 6 hours, train 9 hours.

You know to deal well and want to go long distance than hire a taxi for 15 rupees a kilometer and make a trip to Nuwara Eliya, Hatton (Adams Peak), Kandy, some beaches or Colombo airport. Daytours to Diyaluma Fall Koslanda, Baker Fall Horton Plains or Dunhinda Fall Badulla cost around 1500-3000 rupees. On the way to Badulla have a stop at Doha temple and find there an old, some meter high stone carving of Buddha.

Warning: I know from some taxis they take double money (8000 Rs/200km) for airport tours. Once a driver told me cause IA?A?m leaving the country they canA?A?t make more money from me so they do it on this last tour. This why and cause of my long legs, good view and toilet I prefer the first class panorama train which cost a quarter of the taxis. In Colombo I would recommend privat cabs you can order by phone. They were always in time, correct, save drivers and cheaper than the airport guys.

So, thatA?A?s it from my side. Hope you got some ideas.
Enjoy your trip to Sri Lanka.


Panama, Kumana

SRI LANKA: War-affected forest community gets new lease of life

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Photo: Christine Jayasinghe/IRIN
War-displaced Rammalappu Dhanapala in his shrine in Panama, eastern Sri Lanka. His Padu community was evicted from the Kumana forest by government authorities who feared the area had been infiltrated by Tamil Tiger separatist rebels

PANAMA, 17 February 2008 (IRIN) – Every Friday people crowd into Rammalappu DhanapalaA?a??a??s yard, eager to hear the fortune tellerA?a??a??s prophecies and seek his advice on how to avert imminent disasters. A?a??A?I have supernatural powers given to me by my grandparents and my parents,A?a??A? he said, showing vials of potions that he dispenses to cure various ailments.

Carrying on a long family tradition, Dhanapala who lives in Panama village in Ampara District in eastern Sri Lanka, now offers his counsel in a newly-constructed shrine room filled with the scent of incense. Its brick walls are decorated with colourful pictures of the many gods he invokes.

What is unique about the fortune-tellerA?a??a??s operation is that a local community-based organisation, the Movement of Young Social Workers (MOYS), spent Rs. 60,000 (about US$530) – in funding given it by international non-governmental organisation ActionAid – to build him a bigger shrine room that would accommodate more clients. Since then, his clientele has doubled, bringing him Rs. 5,000-6,000 (about $50-$60) on a busy day.

MOYSA?a??a??s support for Dhanapala is only a small part of its support to the Padu community, traditionally considered as occupying one of the lower rungs of the caste hierarchy of the Sinhalese.


Interactive Sri Lanka map
highlighting Panama village

View larger version at Google Maps

The community was forcibly uprooted from the nearby Kumana forest 18 years ago by the police, when the government feared that rebels of the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had infiltrated the area.

Brought to Panama under duress and left to fend for themselves, the once self-sufficient members of the Padu community found it difficult to adjust to a new way of life, particularly given their low caste. Thirteen families now live in Panama while others have made their home in nearby villages. Besides being displaced victims of the war, they also suffered human and material losses from the December 2004 tsunami.

The Padu community traces its history back to the islandA?a??a??s central Kandyan kingdom when their ancestors served high-caste aristocrats who rebelled against the British colonial rulers in the 19th century. When the noblemen fled a crackdown, they took their domestics with them to eastern Sri Lanka. The servants ended up living as a tightly knit, self-sufficient clan in the Kumana forest.

Supporting traditional livelihoods

In DhanapalaA?a??a??s case, said Nirosion Perera, chairman of MOYS, A?a??A?He has an unusual occupation and one of our aims is to encourage and support the traditional livelihoods of the Padu community. He is also quite successful at what he does, so we felt he deserved help to improve his standing in Panama.A?a??A?

MOYS is supporting others in the Padu community to improve their economic status so that the ensuing recognition will assist in their long-term integration with the largely upper caste Sinhala Buddhists who live in Panama.


DhanapalaA?a??a??s brother, R. Sugathapala, scours the forest to bring honey made by wild bees. The honey is highly prized in the village and beyond for being wholesome and nutritious and his A?a??E?KumanaA?a??a?? brand has now made a name for itself.

A?a??A?This is the first time we have got any help from any organisation,A?a??A? said Sugathapala, who used to barter the honey in exchange for goods his family needed. MOYS is helping Sugathapala acquire skills, including how to manage his business, as well as funding costs to start a small poultry farm that his wife will manage to give the family an additional income source.

MOYS also helps other members of the community by providing funding and technical expertise for livelihood projects such as growing seasonal crops of chillies, aubergines and millet, and for the `chenaA?a??a?? (post-slash and burn) cultivation.

But MOYS does not just assist the community in developing livelihoods and increasing incomes. A relationship has grown up between the agency and the community that enables it to advise residents on issues affecting their lives, including how to save sufficient money for emergencies and ways to ensure their kids get an education. A?a??A?We want to look into their health, improve their living standards, ensure their children go to school and assist their psycho-social development through giving them economic support,A?a??A? said Perera.

Perera pointed out that members of the community knew little of some aspects of modern life such as banking extra income for future investment, and banding together to promote their interests as a group. MOYS has helped them set up a rural bank and is organising them into a group so as to better defend its interests.

Few in school

Few children attend school because they cannot afford to buy books and other necessities, but also because of the social ostracism they face from their peers. A?a??A?People here donA?a??a??t want to have anything to do with the people from Kumana because of the problem of their caste,A?a??A? said Perera. A?a??A?By giving them a voice within the larger community, we want to help them gain acceptance.A?a??A?

While some of those who have been displaced by Sri LankaA?a??a??s protracted conflict may not want to return to their former homes, the Padu community longs to head back, not only to their open air abodes, but also to a simpler lifestyle.

Theme(s): Buy himplasia dosage (IRIN) Conflict, (IRIN) Governance



Saturday, February 16, 2008

An accident: Story

An accident
By Dibyajyoti Sarma

To sit alone near a crowded sea-shore like the one in Juhu can be quite a task. The solitude of the jungle has its own charm; the silence among the crowd is quite unnerving. It would have been different in Calcutta; IA?a??a??ve a routine there to ward of my loneliness. IA?a??a??m new in Bombay, a tourist and evenings are the bad times for a lone and poor tourist.
I pass time by looking at the crowed, especially a couple, standing near the approaching waves, the husband with his hands in the pocket of his trousers and the wife clutching the fluttering pallu of her sari by her left hand; I am especially looking at her. I donA?a??a??t know why.
A small boy selling small sea shell key chains accost me. Sir, take this bunch for forty rupees. I inform him that I donA?a??a??t have money. He asks me not to make jokes with him and tells me: sir, you are like my big brother, IA?a??a??ll give you the whole bunch for twenty rupees. Take it sir. Impressive marketing! I give it to the young chap. Does he go to school? I ask him. Yes, he answers.
Excuse me, Okan? The key chain seller nudges me; someoneA?a??a??s standing behind me, clutching the fluttering pallu of her sari by her left hand.
Excuse me, are you Okan, Okan Bhatt? I look at the woman. Yes, thatA?a??a??s me, and you?
Dada, IA?a??a??m Nila. DonA?a??a??t you remember?

Some things cannot be forgotten, but it is difficult to remember either. They try to cease the movement of time. They are like thorns in the garden of spring forgotten in the big fair of life, and one day when it pricks the sole of your chapped feetA?a??A?
I donA?a??a??t remember when I last saw Nila. The last time I went to her house, Machima prepared luchi and aloo bhaji, especially for me. And she cried. No, no, I forgot. I went to her place again for one last time. That evening too, Nila was not at home.
Machima opened the door. Seeing me she said sweetly, A?a??A?Come, come, IA?a??a??ve prepared khir today. I said I was in a hurry, just stopped by to say this: A?a??A?If you are sure, then let Nila marry him. I donA?a??a??t have any problem. IA?a??a??ll just disappear from her life. Let her be happy.A?a??A? Machima stood frozen on the threshold. She knew how much I loved Nila. She knew how much Nila loved me.
For many years I was even scared to think whatA?a??a??ll happen if I just bump into Nila some day. IA?a??a??d imagine, after seeing me sheA?a??a??ll break into tears, will call me names A?a??a?? coward, hypocriteA?a??A? will slash my hand with her long fingernails – nothing of that sort happened.
A?a??A?Okanda, after so many years,A?a??A? she cried. What are you doing here?A?a??A?
A?a??A?What are you doing here?A?a??A? I ask back. A?a??A?How did you recognize me? My appearance has changed a lot.A?a??A?
A?a??A?Of course, one can count the hair on your head. But is it possible to forget you?A?a??A?
I search for malice in her voice. There is none. It is the plain expression of a plain truth.
A?a??A?We live here, what else,A?a??A? she informed and called out to the man with his hands tucked in the pockets of his trousers. A?a??A?Rana, Adige asho, come hereA?a??A?A?a??A? Then she turns towards me and asks: A?a??A?WhoA?a??a??s with you?A?a??A?
None. I answer. I am alone.
A?a??A?Not married yet. Or ashamed to travel with your wife?A?a??a??
Before I could muster an answer, like an obedient student, her husband stands beside her. Nila introduces him to me. By the look of it, heA?a??a??s certainly one of those big corporate bosses: manicured nail, a wiseacre smile, and an unimaginative face.
She asks me what I was doing in Bombay. I mumble something. She talks about herself. SheA?a??a??s in Bombay for last two years with her husband. Next year they are moving to Australia. I feel like having a cigarette. I control myself. How Nila used to fight with me about my smoking habits. Finally I had to quit that small addiction of mine. It is a long time since I began smoking again. I look at her husband and smile. Does he smoke when sheA?a??a??s not around?
Once I thought I would never be able to face Nila again. And here she is, talking animatedly to me in a crowed beach, as if nothing had ever happened between us, as if she was not betrothed to me, as if she never told me that she could feel my breath inside her bones, as if we never planned our lives together.
ItA?a??a??s not meeting Nila, but the banality of the situation, the way she is responding to this sudden, strange meeting, the way she is blabbering, animatedly, the way her husband is grinning encouraginglyA?a??A?
Want to have some coffee? I ask and she answers, A?a??A?no, bhel.A?a??A? Her husband looks at her. Probably it hurts his ego. I join in some small talk with him. Just courtesy. Did Nila ever told her husband about me? If yes, just how much? Nila offers a plastic plate of Bhel to her husband and then one to me.
Nila enquires where am I am staying in Bombay. Then she asks tell me where you live in Calcutta these days. I will try to see you next time I am there. I look at her searchingly. Why she wants to see me again? Whatever was there between us is all over. I donA?a??a??t want to scratch all those wounds that are, thank god, healing. This, today evening was an accident. Nila shrugs her shoulders and says: A?a??A?Leave it. God knows when IA?a??a??ll go home again.A?a??A?

Am I jealous of Nila? Or am I angry with her? Bitch! Once she said, if she canA?a??a??t marry me, sheA?a??a??ll remain a spinster. And today, how sheA?a??a??s fluttering around her rich husband. As if she doesnA?a??a??t remember me at all.
And I? When people ask, I tell them, I got divorce before marriage. I donA?a??a??t have the courage to put my hands into burning fire again. People laugh, they pity me.
Perhaps Maya was right after all. Whatever was supposed to happen between you and her is already over. And it was your decision. But is it wise to destroy everything for that one decision? IA?a??a??m not asking you to forget Nila. But donA?a??a??t kill yourself with her memory. You can start your life all over again. With meA?a??A?
One day she too got married to someone else.
That decision was mine too.
It was a difficult time. Nila had already completed her graduation. Her family wanted her to get married soon. I was still struggling, doing odd jobs.
Machima said, son, why donA?a??a??t you two get married. YouA?a??a??ll get a good job one day. Nila too can find something for herself. And for the beginning, even NilaA?a??a??s father can help.
Those were depressing days. Those were the days of blunt ego. Nila cried. I screamed like mad: A?a??A?Marriage, marriage. Just get married and youA?a??a??ll see how all the love just vanishes like a smoke when thereA?a??a??s no money.
Leave that to me. IA?a??a??ll manage. She said.

Serving me some extra aloo bhaji, Machima informed. A proposal has come for Nila. A suitable boy. Good job and everything. I didnA?a??a??t know how to respond. Sitting beside me Machima said: We canA?a??a??t even say sheA?a??a??s engaged, can we?
That night I took the decision. Let Nila get married. ThatA?a??a??s better for her. ThereA?a??a??s no point spoiling her life with a futureless person like me.
And that morning, I removed everything from the garden of my desire, packed the sun in a black cloth and locked it inside a cupboard. I tried to stop the passing current with my fist. There was no option but to burn away into a heap of ash.

Room service comes at eight. Then whoA?a??a??s knocking at my door at six in the morning? Yesterday was a bad night. I didnA?a??a??t sleep a wink. I open the door, disturbed, irritated.
You? ItA?a??a??s Nila in front of me; a big polythene bag in her hand, water still dripping from her long flowing hair.
A?a??A?WouldnA?a??a??t you invite me inside?A?a??A? she asks. A?a??A?You are surprised, arenA?a??a??t you? She closes the door and sits on a chair. SheA?a??a??s wearing a cloud white sari. A?a??A?We werenA?a??a??t supposed to meet like this, isnA?a??a??t it?A?a??A?
It was an accident. I grin foolishly. If I were you, I would have just disappeared from the scene.
A?a??A?I know. You are cowardA?a??A?A?a??A?
Finally. Finally. I am prepared. After all these years, I have to face all her bickering.
A?a??A?But Okanda, I couldnA?a??a??t. All these years IA?a??a??ve been praying to god only for just one thing, that you are still alive, that I see you at least once. You just disappeared. How I tried to find any information about you.A?a??A?
Bending my head down, I listen. What is there for me to say?
A?a??A?I couldnA?a??a??t OkandaA?a??A? IA?a??A? IA?a??A? still love you.A?a??A?
No. Those are stories from the previous birth. I donA?a??a??t remember.
Would you like to have some tea? I ask.
A?a??A?No,A?a??A? she answers. A?a??A?I have to return back soon. I told Rana that I am visiting a temple.A?a??A?
Why? Why Nila has come to meet me? I canA?a??a??t ask.
A?a??A?Why didnA?a??a??t you get married, Okanda? Seems you tell people that you got divorce before marriage A?a??a?? do you tell them who filled for divorce?
Have you come to ask me this? Have you come to do the accounts?
A?a??A?You did all the accounting, didnA?a??a??t you? I had to accept you rulings. DonA?a??a??t think that you are the only one who failed. I lost too.A?a??A?
Then why have you come to meet me without telling your husband?
Without speaking a word Nila gets up and picks up the polythene bag. ItA?a??a??s filled with marigold flowers, my favourite. She spread the flowers on the bed.
What is all this drama, Nila?
A?a??A?Drama?A?a??A? she sits next to me on the bed and takes my hands between hers. (Oh, these hands!) Then she speaks softly: A?a??A?Drama? You played drama with me, Okanda. You just disappeared into the blue. CouldnA?a??a??t even trust me that much that I could love you without any money.
My hands are between hers. She smells of jasmine. What is there for me to say?
You are happy with your husband, arenA?a??a??t you?
Nila smiles. A dazzling smile. A?a??A?How easily you could ask, am I happy? Yes sir, I am very happy. Did I surprise you? I hope not. IA?a??a??m very happy with Rana. My husband is a good human being and he loves me. And heA?a??a??s rich. What more do you want from a husband anyway?
Her voice trails off. A?a??A?And suddenly amidst the luxury of my husbandA?a??a??s home I scream out in pain.A?a??A? She pulls my hand and puts it on her heaving bosom. A?a??A?ThereA?a??a??s a live wound thereA?a??A? sometimes it painsA?a??A? then I need youA?a??A?
A?a??A?IA?a??a??m still in love with you.A?a??A?
Nila. Nila. DonA?a??a??t speak a word. Please. IA?a??a??ve wrapped the sun with a black cloth. DonA?a??a??t uncover it.
Nila, it was not a good idea for you to meet me.
A?a??A?For one last time.A?a??A? She smiles. She gets up from the bed and stands before me. So, Mr Bhatt, since you had your divorce before marriage, how about honeymoon after divorce.
She pours her fingers through my unkempt hair. A?a??A?You know, finally, Rana and I have decided to have a baby. According to the doctor too, itA?a??a??s the right time.A?a??A?

The proximity between us recedes. And she whispers on my ear: A?a??A?Give me a baby. Give me a baby from your side.A?a??A?


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Turmoil among Tamils

RefA?A?: HR039/PR/2008A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 14 February 2008

Sri lankan rulers deliberately create
Political turmoil among the Tamils

Who prevents MuslimsA?a??a?? resettlement in Jaffna?
There is a long history of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in Sri Lanka A?a??a?? it goes back to the post independence era, around 1956.

Soon after Sinhala rule was introduced in Ceylon, (present Sri Lanka), two communal riots were carried out by the Singhalese against the Tamils, masterminded by the respective governments of the day. A?A?These two riots in 1956 and 1958 made Tamils as refugees in the South of the island. Because the victims of these two riots, although refugees, had not crossed any internationally recognised borders, International bodies like the United Nations considered them to be Internally Displaced People (IDPs). Since 1956 there have been five communal riots carried out with a clear agenda of ethnic cleansing. Tamils were killed, raped, disappeared and billions worth of their properties were looted and destroyed.

All these riots and atrocities have been well documented by the UN and many international human rights and humanitarian organisations.

The numbers of displaced Tamils during these communal riots are as follows :

YearA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? No. of refugeesA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? YearA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? No. of A?A?refugees
1956A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 3000A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 1958A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 35,000
1977A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 15000A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 1981A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 5000
1983A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 250,000

The victims of these riots have never been compensated nor have they even been allowed to resettle in the places where they were living before the riots in the South of island. Soon after the worst communal riot in 1983, almost all the Tamils living in the South started escaping from the island, seeking protecting in many western countries. They received no compensation either for the loss of their properties or the loss of their kith and kin. The authorities responsible for refugees in many countries have evidence of these incidents.

Immediately after the 1983 communal riots, armed conflict started in the North East and this has produced many more thousands of, in fact, multiple displacements. Some of these people became displaced as a result of the divide and rule tactics applied by the Sri Lankan rulers to the Tamil community. A?A?In the North East mainly in Amparai, Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Mannar and Jaffna A?a??a?? there have been multiple displacements of IDPs living in refugee camps for the last two decades.

Political turmoil

Consequent to the failure of 35 years of non-violent struggle in exercise of the right to self-determination of the Tamils, an armed struggle started in 1983. Since then the ruling powers always created a political turmoil among the Tamils, who had lived in peace and harmony for many centuries, irrespective of religious faith.

Even though there have been many calls by UN VIPs, international institutions/organisations and a Supreme court order (May 2006), IDPs remain in their camps, especially the Tamils denied any glimmer of hope of returning to their own residence or villages.

A?a??A?At the end of 2006, at least 520,000 people in Sri Lanka were victims of conflict-induced displacement in a country of 20 million, making up one of the largest displacement crises in Asia in absolute terms and particularly in terms of the proportion of the population displaced. Upwards of 300,000 people were displaced in the offensive from 2006 onwards, with Tamil and Muslim minorities in the districts of Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Jaffna the most affected. Despite a major return programme initiated by the government in Batticaloa and Trincomalee in recent months, the number of conflict-induced internally displaced people (IDPs) in the country is estimated still to be around 460,000A?a??A? (26 September 2007 A?a??a?? Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre A?a??a?? IDMC).

First racial riot in 1915

During the long history of the island there had never been blood stained stories among the Tamils. The very first racial riot in the island was in 1915. It was between the Sinhala Buddhists and the Muslims – 136 Muslims were killed and 205 Muslims were injured and raped. Nearly 85 mosques were damaged and more than 4,075 Muslim-owned shops were looted by the Sinhala rioters, from Central province to the Western and North Western provinces.

  1. In January 1976, in Sinhala-Muslims riots in Puttalam, a Mosque at Pottuvil (Quela Mosque) was completely destroyed and 18 Muslims who assembled in another Mosque were shot dead by the Police in Puttalam.
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  1. In 1982, from 30 July to 4 August, Sinhala-Muslim riots broke out in Galle and then spread to Kandy, Mawanella and others parts, including Colombo.
  1. In November 2002, Sinhala-Muslim riots took place in Chillaw. A group of Singhalese burnt down many houses belonging to Muslims and several people were severely injured in this incident. A Muslim refugee camp in Puttalam was also attacked and 75 Muslim families were forced to seek shelter in the nearby Mosque.

In Katugoda in Galle, a 22 year old Muslim youth was shot dead and several others were injured.

Muslims living in the North Eastern provinces were always part of Tamil political parties and even won in the post independence elections. The Mother tongue of the Muslims in the island of Sri Lanka is Tamil. This cannot be denied historically or legally. But these days, politically-motivated individuals come out with vague arguments depending on what their purpose is. Some sought to drive wedge among the Tamils.

Political turmoil among the Tamils and the Muslim was created only in the late 1980s when theA?A? government-motivated Muslim home guards, thugs and mercenaries intensified their attacks on the Tamils in the East, especially those in the Amparai district.

Tamils chased out of Amparai

In the 1990s, the Tamils who had been living in Amparai district for centuries were chased out by the government-motivated Muslims, especially from the villages of Samanthurai, Udumpankulam, Chemmanikulam, Thangavelauthapuram, Poorani, Kondavedduvan, Manthoddam, Karavagu, Theekavavi, Palamunai, Ooluvil, Meen Odai Kaddu, Panaamai and Ninthavoor. Many other villages are on the verge of becoming Muslim villages. Meanwhile many Saiva (Hindu) temples were destroyed and Mosques and butcheries were built on the same spot. Examples of this are : A?A?Kali Amman Temple at Karavagu in Kalmunai, Pillayar Kovil at Oddumavaddy, Kannaki Amman Temple at Karathivu, Kali Amman Temple at Sammanthurai. This was the case in Batticaloa and Trincomalee district.

It is common knowledge that the Muslims living in Jaffna were evacuated in 1990 and they were compelled to live in Puttalam. In fact, several times, the political advisor of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam – LTTE, the late Anton Balasingham, tendered their apology for this unpredicted and unexpected incident.

In 2002, when Anton Balasingam was speaking in a public meeting in Mullaitivu, he said, A?a??A?Linguistically, economically and territorially the Muslims and the Tamils are inextricably inter-related and therefore they have to co-exist as brothers in the northeast. Let us forget and forgive the mistakes made in the past. Tamil Eelam is also the homeland of the Muslims and we have to live in harmony and amity to promote peace and prosperity in the region.A?a??A? (Late Anton Balasingham, 03 April 2002 at Sivasubramaniam Maha Vidyalayam, Puthukuddirrupu in Mullaitivu)

Who prevents MuslimsA?a??a?? resettlement in Jaffna?

Since 1995, the LTTE has not been in control of Jaffna. If this is the case, what has been lacking and who is obstructing the resettlement in Jaffna of the Muslims in Puttalam? There are airports, harbours in Puttalam as well as in Jaffna and the land route, the A9 was opened for nearly four years. This is to say that the government of Sri Lanka prevented the Jaffna Muslims living in Puttalam, from being re-settled in Jaffna. For the last 18 years, the government of Sri Lanka wanted the Muslims to remain in Puttalam, without any fundamental rights, to serve a highly motivated international campaign against the LTTE, that the Muslims from Jaffna had been evacuated by the LTTE. In other words, they were using the Jaffna Muslims to justify the government Sinhalisation and ethnic cleansing of Tamils from the North East.

Last September, a TCHR representative raised the matter about the resettlement of Jaffna Muslims in a meeting held by the Sri Lankan Mission in Geneva. Four Sri Lankan MinistersA?A? – Mahinda Samarasinghe, Keheliya Rambukwella, Athauda Seneviratne and Douglas Devananda, who were on the panel, could not give a proper answer to the question of resettlement of Muslims in Jaffna. This was well witnessed by various diplomats and the representatives of international institutions. This briefing took place as a parallel event, during the 6th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The displaced Muslims living in Puttalam are in temporary camps without any social, economic and political rights. The government, some NGOs and politically motivated individuals in Sri Lanka and abroad are silent about the day to day problems of these people. Just to get their allocated funds from their masters, these NGOs and individuals raise the issue of the Jaffna Muslims.

Even before the Jaffna Muslims moved to Puttalam, the Buddhist monks and Sri Lankan government were very careful with their political agenda that the Muslim population in Puttalam should not be allowed to spread to any other area within Puttalam. This is one of the reasons Jaffna Muslims are without any fundamental rights in Puttalam. It is a pity that those NGOs and others are either finding this issue too complex or are pretending to not understand the real problems of displaced Tamils in general.

Atrocities against the Muslims in Puttalam

In 1974 tension intensified between the Singhalese and Muslims in Mylumkulam in Puttalam. A?A?Government officials and the Police showed their partiality and supported the Singhalese.

In January 1976, as a consequence of the assault of a Muslim youth by a Singhalese bus driver (CTB), Sinhala-Muslims riots broke out in Puttalam. The Muslims in Sirampiaddy, Pottuvil and other villagers were severely attacked. A Mosque at Pottuvil (Quela Mosque) was completely destroyed and 18 Muslims who were assembled in another Mosque in Puttalam were shot dead. The Muslims working in the Cement Cooperation in Puttalam were attacked and no protection was given by the Police.

During this period, only members of the Federal Party raised this matter in the Sri Lankan Parliament.

In August 2006, a case was filed by some Singhalese against the purchase of 30 acres of land by Muslims in Palavi, Puttalam. This case was rejected by the Court. When the Muslims who were displaced from Jaffna, were moving onto this land, a group of Singhalese, led by a Buddhist monk, immediately chased them away violently, preventing them from settling in Palavi. On the same day they installed a statue of Buddha in that village.

Presently, Muslim farmers and fishermen in Amparai, Batticaloa and Trincomalee are facing similar problems.

Certain actors in Sri Lanka and abroad are making a good living by talking about the Jaffna Muslims. A?A?In practice, they are not really considering the facts and the historical background of the IDPs. While they speak about the Jaffna Muslims, they seem to ignore the fact that there are thousands of Tamils, who have been chased away from Amparai, Batticaloa and Trincomalee long before the Jaffna Muslims, and also ought to be resettled in their original homes.

The government of Sri Lanka is really taking advantage of the recent turmoil it has created among the Tamils.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

In another divide and rule tactic practised by the Sri Lankan rulers – tensions and animosity have been created between the members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the other Muslim population, often resulting in sporadic violence and killings in Sri Lanka. This has been intensified in recent years.

Since Mahinda Rajapaksa came to power, full swing Sinhalisation and ethnic cleansing has been rampant in the North East. Statues of Buddha are planted everywhere, the names of Tamil villages are renamed with Singhalese names and the Tamils and Muslims who lived for centuries in the North East are chased away over night, while the Singhalese are settled, according to an overt plan to change the demography of the North East.

Mandated silent genocide in the North East

What is happening presently in Amparai, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Jaffna is a mandated silent genocide. Sri Lankan security forces, with the help of the paramilitary are wiping out those who are supporting the right to self-determination of Tamils, and Tamil-speaking youths are kidnapped and killed over-night.

In UN terms, ethnic cleansing is defined as, “a purposeful policy designed by one ethnic or religious group to remove by violent and terror-inspiring means the civilian population of another ethnic or religious group from certain geographic areas”. (UN Doc S/1994/674, para. 130)

According to the think tank of the United Nations, ethnic cleansing constitutes a crime against humanity which could be compared to certain war crimes. These acts also fall within the ambit of the Genocide Convention. Ethnic cleansing has similar features to Apartheid and Nazism. The ethnic cleansing of Tamils from the Eastern part of Sri Lanka is well documented and in the recent past has been witnessed extensively by the International community.

Therefore the United Nations, which has the mandate and authority to investigate, prosecute and punish those who are criminally responsible for the ethnic cleansing, should start the process of investigating the ethnic cleansing of Tamils, in the East and especially in Trincomalee. This should be done at the earliest to bring to justice the higher authorities who ordered the ethnic cleansing and in the meantime to compensate the victims.

Simultaneously, around Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Jaffna and many other villages in the North East, there has also been mass settlement of Sinhalese.

The statistics are for the kind consideration of UN institutions, Experts in the field of human rights, members of civil society and others. The Tables are shown on language basis.

Tamil and Sinhala populations in Trincomalee District, Batticaloa District* (Until 1963 it includes Amparai within Batticaloa district) & Amparai District (created in 1963)

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Trincomalee District

Batticaloa District

Amparai District





































































Excerpts are given for the consideration of researchers to see how the Sinhalisation is in progress in the North East, especially since President Mahinda Rajapaksa came into power.

A?a??E?Sinhalisation of EastA?a??a??
by M. I. M. Mohideen

The Island, 27 December 2007 – Facts and figures about population growth will help to illustrate how demography patterns have been unnaturally altered or distorted through state aided colonisation, demarcation of new political and administrative units and accelerated irrigation schemes in the Eastern Province.

A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? TrincomaleeA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? BatticaloaA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? AmparaiA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Eastern
A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? DistrictA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? DistrictA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? DistrictA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? Province

TamilsA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 93,510A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 238,216 79,725A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 411,451
(39.78%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (72.59%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (20.57%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (42.42%)

MuslimsA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 74,403A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 79,317A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 116,481 315,201
(29.26%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (24.17%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (41.66%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (32.49%)

SinhaleseA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 89,341A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 10,646A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 146,371 243,358
(33.96%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (3.24%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (37.77%)A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? (25.09%)

TotalA?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A? 245,250 328,170 387,577 978,010


The Eastern Province is 3,839 sq. miles in extent. Originally Trincomalee – 1,016 sq. miles and Batticaloa A?A?- 2,823 sq. miles were the districts in this province. According to the 1921 census, the Sinhalese were 3% of the population in the Trincomalee District and 4.5% in the combined Batticaloa and Amparai District. The Sinhalese were less than 4% in the whole Eastern Province.

The Batticaloa District was divided into the present Amparai District – 1,775 sq. miles and Batticaloa District – 1,048 sq. miles in 1961.

Population Increase between 1949 and 1981.

Tamil population increased from 136,059 to 411,451 – 302%, Muslim population increased from 109,024 to 315,201 – 289%, Sinhalese population increased from 27,556 to 243,358 – 883%. The National average increase of Sinhalese during this period is only 238%. The sudden increase of Sinhala population is the result of Government planned Sinhala Colonisation in Gal-oya, Pannal-oya, and Ambalam-oya in Amparai District, and Kanthalai, Allai, Morawewa, Muthalikkulam, Pathaviya (Part), and Mahadiuluwewa schemes in Trincomalee District. (Excerpt)


Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR/CTDH
9, rue des Peupliers – 95140 Garge les Gonesse – FRANCE
Contact person : S. V. Kirubaharan A?a??a?? General Secretary
Tel/Fax: + 33 1 42 67 54 36 – Email: /


Tamil Centre for Human Rights – TCHR/CTDH

PO Box 182, Manchester M16 8ED, UNITED KINGDOM

Contact person : Deirdre McConnell A?a??a?? Director International Programme
Fax: + 44 161 860 4609 – Email: /

Tamil Centrum voor Mensenrechten- TCHR
Stellingmolen 43
1703 TE Heerhugowaard


Contact person : I. Chinniah

TCHR-SWITZERLAND Tamilen Zentrum fur Mensenrechten – TCHR
P. o. Box : 319
8172 A?a??a?? Niederglatt, SWITZERLAND
Contact person : Thambirajah Genegatharan
Email :

Published: Feb 14, 2008 4:54:34 GMT

Comments [ 1 ]:

Massive development plan for North and East

The Government yesterday announced a massive development plan under the Reawakening programme to restore livelihoods through new agriculture and irrigation projects aimed at a sustainable social and economic integration of the community in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.

Continue reading ‘Massive development plan for North and East’

Arugam Bay Master Plan

Rebuilding Sri Lanka for Tourists:
A Report on the Latest Situation
Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR), Sri Lanka

After the December 2004 tsunami struck, devastating the countries of South and Southeast Asia, the Sri Lankan government moved quickly to announce the launch of a grand plan not just to rehabilitate the affected areas but to rebuild the whole country. They have since gathered commitments of over $3 billion from the international financial institutions and foreign governments to carry this out.

Within days of the disaster, the government had announced that people should not rebuild their houses on the coast. Within weeks, an exclusion zone of up to 200 metres inland from the coast had been announced, displacing fisherfolk and other coastal communities from their land and effectively severing them from their livelihoods. Shortly afterwards, exceptions were announced for tourist businesses, and the government has been talking about the need to promote tourism. In the meantime, non-governmental agencies have been carrying out almost all of the work in cleaning up the destroyed areas, building temporary shelters, regenerating livelihoods and so on.

The Sri Lanka Tourist Board website says, A?a??A?In a cruel twist of fate, nature has presented Sri Lanka with a unique opportunity, and out of this great tragedy will come a world class tourism destination.A?a??A? However, this A?a??A?unique opportunityA?a??A? seems to be reserved solely for developers and those who can afford a A?a??A?world-class tourist destination,A?a??A? but for the majority of tsunami survivors, the opportunity for rebuilding their lives with dignity and sustainability will be lost. For them, the A?a??A?cruel twist of fateA?a??A? was not in the tsunami, but lies in the governmentA?a??a??s tourist- and business-oriented rebuilding plan.

The Master Plans: Arugam Bay, a Blueprint for Sri Lanka

Plans are now being developed to transform 15 coastal towns all around the island into tourist resorts as part of the post- tsunami rebuilding process. The 15 towns under discussion, Wadduwa, Beruwala, Bentota, Hikkaduwa, Galle, Unawatuna, Koggala, Matara, Hambantota, Tangalla, Yala, Arugam Bay, Passikuddah, Nilaweli and Kalpitiya, have been singled out for redevelopment according to different themes.

The first plan to emerge was that for the redevelopment of Arugam Bay, a small town nestled on the edge of a 300 hectare lagoon on the east coast of Sri Lanka, which just happens to be one of the best surfing spots in the world with beautiful beaches. There are indications that this will serve as a model for all the other areas.

Redevelopment Plans A?a??A? Grandiose and InappropriateA?a??A?

The Arugam Bay Resource Development Plan covers a stretch of land 17km by 5km between Komari and Panama, including Pottuvil Town. It envisages the total reorientation of the area away from the current fishing and agricultural communities, supplemented by seasonal guesthouses, into a large development of hotels (A?a??A?low cost budget windsurfer to 5-star touristA?a??A?), a commercial centre (A?a??A?shoppersA?a??a?? paradiseA?a??A?), a yachting marina, floating plane pier and helipad. According to the plan, while only 9 out of 25,000 hectares are currently being used for tourism, this figure is set to increase exponentially through the redevelopment.

Consultants contracted to work on the redevelopment admit that they, A?a??A?have drawn heavily upon past plans (esp. the Tourism Master Plan)A?a??A?which was widely recognised as being A?a??E? grandioseA?a??a?? and A?a??E?inappropriateA?a??a??,A?a??A? referring to a report of the Asian Development Bank. The disconnect between the planned development and the interests of the people is illustrated in the following quote, A?a??E?the location of the helicopter pad near the new pedestrianised road will bring a new vibrant life in to Arugam Bay town centreA?a??a??.

Government Coercion Forces Out Coastal Communities

In the name of A?a??A? redevelopment,A?a??A? the Sri Lanka Tourist Board is ready to acquire not only all the land within the buffer zone declared by the Taskforce for Rebuilding the Nation (TAFREN) of 200 metres from the high tide line, but also a stretch up to a kilometre wide running along 3 kilometres of the coast beyond the buffer zone, as well as a belt of land over 600 metres wide in places around the edge of the lagoon. In addition, an area of sea next to the lagoon entrance will be appropriated for the yachting marina and a strip across the middle of the lagoon for the floating plane landing pier.

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This proprietary sentiment was reflected in statements made by the Sri Lanka Tourist Board Chairman at a meeting organised by Sewalanka Foundation between the community and the Sri Lanka Tourist Board. Saying, A?a??A?The land belongs to the government. Maybe your forefathers lived in that area, but the 860 acres belongs to the government. It will be developed as a tourist zone. We will put up buildings and develop the area and we will ask you to come and work thereA?a??A? After I became the Chairman I captured 5,000 acres of land for the Tourist Board. My target is 15,000 acres,A?a??A? the Chairman left no room for doubt about the true nature of the plans for reconstruction.

There are plans for new housing for the estimated 5,000 displaced families in 5 separate inland locations, in all cases behind areas zoned off for tourism. These resettlements are located well over 1km from both the sea and the lagoon, which are rendered practically inaccessible by the new tourist infrastructure. The plan proposes to allocate houses in the resettlement districts by drawing lots, and there is blatant coercion to move from the government, saying through the Tourist Board that A?a??A?these houses will be given to people who support our program.A?a??A? Further threats from the Tourist Board hint at state oppression of non- compliants, threatening communities that A?a??A?if you built any illegal structures in Arugam Bay, the army and the police will have to come and remove them.A?a??A?
The document also says that the over 70 existing guesthouses and numerous other small enterprises that will have to be relocated would, if they were already registered businesses, be given the option of leasing land within the zones for a period of up to 30 years, while unregistered businesses would have no such rights. None of the businesses will receive compensation.

$80 Million of Tsunami Funds Spent on Creating a A?a??A?Tourist ParadiseA?a??A?

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The initial investment in the planned development is estimated at $80 million. Of that, $50 million is earmarked for a bridge over Arugam Lagoon, which according to the plan A?a??A?will stand as an inspirational symbol that shows progress towards the achievement of prosperity for Arugam BayA?a??A? as A?a??A?the gateway to a tourist paradise.A?a??A?

Another $5 million is allocated for a new road around Arugam Lagoon, and $20 million is proposed for the construction of the new inland townships of 2,500 houses each. The remaining $5 million is slated for water supply and sanitation systems in the new townships and the tourist zone. The cost of the other proposed infrastructure, such as the floating plane pier and helipad, is not yet included in the overall plan, although it is stated in the document that such amenities will have to be funded either by investment by the government or from NGOs.


What else could $80 million do?

The government has decided to stop the weekly food grant of 200 rupees in cash and 175 rupees in rations for the 881,000 people affected by the disaster. $80 million would be sufficient to extend this relief for all for another 6 months.

The government has only started to build 1,659 permanent houses to replace the 41,393 that were completely destroyed, a mere fraction of the housing desperately needed by tsunami victims. $80 million would be enough for 32,000 families to build houses.


Redevelopment Plan Conceived in Isolation

The plan was apparently initiated independently by the Rebuild Sri Lanka Trust, which was set up in the aftermath of the tsunami by 4 individuals and started working in the Arugam Bay area as a A?a??A?non- political private sector initiative.A?a??A? The Trustees include the managing director of Maxim Ltd., a garment manufacturing company; a senior partner in a Colombo law firm, specialising in foreign investment, infrastructure development advisory services and real estate; the Managing Director of Expolanka Freight Ltd, a transport services company; and a retired doctor.

The Rebuild Sri Lanka Trust had within a month of the tsunami contracted a series of consultants to work on the plan. These are Dutch engineering consultants Arcadis; ECOPLAN-Z Limited from New Zealand; and EML Consultants from Sri Lanka. All of these consultants are involved in or are directly linked to work on large Asian Development Bank or World Bank infrastructure projects. The local company, EML Consultants, according to their website, normally works in facilitating US investment in water and environmental services, in carbon trading and in the promotion of plantation agriculture and floriculture.

The plan was finalised in late April of this year, and states that at the time of writing the President had already given approval, and was A?a??A?keen to see the action projects proposed in the report are implemented without delay.A?a??A? In fact, USAID had already published a presolicitation notice for a contract to construct the bridge, road, water supply scheme and wastewater system in Arugam Bay by 8th April 2005, and hosted a pre-bid conference for potential contractors in Colombo on 10th May 2005.

The first the residents of Arugam Bay heard of the plan was at a meeting organised by the Sri Lanka Tourist Board and Sewalanka Foundation in Colombo on 17th May 2005, nearly a month after the plan had been approved and finalized by the government, and more than a month after the USAID presoliciation notice was issued.

An assessment of the plan carried out by Arcadis said A?a??A?the most important shortcoming is that it has largely been produced in isolation in Colombo, with little or no stakeholder involvement. It is evident that the team spent only two days in Pottuvil – Arugam Bay, and apart from the GA officer in Ampara and the DS in Pottuvil, they met only with INGO staff.A?a??A?


Business Interests at the Top

The plan falls under the remit of the Taskforce for Rebuilding the Nation (TAFREN), an extra-governmental body functioning under the authority of the President. TAFREN is headed by 10 business leaders, at least 5 of whom own or manage companies that operate beach hotels.


For Tsunami Victims, Another A?a??A?Cruel Twist of FateA?a??A? In Store

The picture that is becoming clearer by the day shows that the direction being taken in the post-tsunami rebuilding is completely counter to the interests of those people who have suffered in the disaster. They are being driven off their land and out of their livelihoods in the name of a grand plan for the A?a??E?modernisationA?a??a?? of the country.

This process started long before tsunami, but it is now being pushed with the weight of the $3 billion the government has gathered in the name of the tsunami victims. If all of the 15 tourist townships require an investment of $80 million, the cost will be $1.2 billion, or a massive 40% of the total amount committed. If all of the 15 tourist township plans follow the model of Arugam Bay, the number of families pushed out to make way for hotels, yachting marinas, helipads and floating plane landing strips could be well over 75,000.

published September, 2005 – but only found on the net now, January, 2008

Reconsider your need to travel to Sri Lanka !

Safety and Security


Terrorism is a threat throughout the world. You can find more information about this threat in our General Advice to Australian Travellers.

Civil Unrest/Political Tension

We advise you to reconsider your need to travel to Sri Lanka at this time because of ongoing civil unrest, the volatile security situation and the very high risk of further attacks by the LTTE. There have been attacks against aid workers. Attacks occur frequently and further attacks can happen at any time, anywhere in Sri Lanka, including the south. Australians could inadvertently become victims of violence directed at others.
Tensions between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are high. There has been a significant escalation in the number of serious incidents of politically motivated violence, including in tourist areas in the centre and south of the country. On 2 January 2008, the Government of Sri Lanka announced it would withdraw from the ceasefire agreement it signed in 2002 with the LTTE. The security situation could deteriorate further without warning.
You should pay close attention to your personal security and monitor the media and other local information sources for information about possible new safety or security risks.
On 27 November 2006, the LTTE indicated that it would pursue an independent state through renewed struggle rather than negotiation. Road access to the north of the country, including to Jaffna, has been restricted because of intermittent fighting at Muhamalai. A State of Emergency was declared by the Government of Sri Lanka on 13 August 2005 following the assassination of the Foreign Minister and remains in effect. The State of Emergency gives additional powers to security forces including the authority to establish road blocks and impose curfews. Further powers were given to the security forces under emergency regulations introduced in December 2006.
Air and ground attacks in late 2007 in areas held by the LTTE escalated the conflict in the north. On 2 November 2007, the LTTE announced that the leader of its political wing was killed in an aerial attack by the Sri Lanka Air Force. These events may increase the risk of further attacks by the LTTE in any part of Sri Lanka, including Colombo.
On 5 December 2007, 15 civilians on a public bus in North Central Province were killed and 23 injured in a roadside bomb attack.
On 28 November 2007, an explosion in a clothing shop in a Colombo suburb killed 20 civilians and injured 34. These attacks appear to have targeted civilians. Also on 28 November 2007, a suicide bombing at a government ministry in central Colombo killed two people and injured a further two. On 2 January 2008, a roadside bomb targeting a military bus killed four people and injured 23 in central Colombo. The majority of those killed and injured were civilians. On 8 January 2008, a Sri Lankan government minister was killed and 10 civilians injured in a roadside bomb attack targeting the minister’s convoy. The attack took place on the road between Colombo’s international airport and the city centre. A second blast occurred in a phone booth near major hotels in the Fort district and the headquarters of the Sri Lankan Air Force headquarters.
Although tourists have not been targets of politically motivated violence, the LTTE have undertaken attacks at locations frequented by tourists, including the international airport in Colombo and the Temple of the Tooth in Kandy. There has been a significant escalation in the number of serious incidents of politically motivated violence throughout Sri Lanka, including in tourist areas in the centre and south. On 22 October 2007, the LTTE launched a ground and air attack on the Sri Lanka Air Force base at Anuradhapura, near the popular tourism facilities in the cultural triangle. The attack killed over 30 people and destroyed several military aircraft. Several bombs were reportedly dropped on the base during the attack. On 15 October 2007, the LTTE attacked a military camp located in Yala National Park, a popular tourist location, killing eight people. On 16 October 2007, a military vehicle hit a landmine in Yala National Park in Southern Province killing one and injuring three people.
Attacks could occur at any time and in any place, including infrastructure associated with the Sri Lankan Government such as military establishments, public transport, airports, sea ports, oil depots and public buildings, as well as political offices of anti-LTTE Tamil organisations. Nearby locations could sustain collateral damage. Potentially affected locations also include shopping malls, clubs, hotels, restaurants, bars, movie theatres, schools, places of worship, embassies, tourist areas (including national parks), markets and outdoor recreation areas, major sporting events and religious festivals.
Events of political significance, including elections, could be catalysts for violence and civil unrest. You should avoid all demonstrations and large public gatherings as they may turn violent.
You should be particularly vigilant on and around anniversaries and days of national significance such as May Day (1 May), Vesak (which falls in May), the Kandy Esela Perahara Festival (which falls in August), Heroes week (late November), the Tamil and Sinhala New Year festivals (13-14 April), the anniversary of the 2002 cessations of hostilities (22 February) and of the first LTTE suicide bombing (5 July), as militants have in the past used such occasions to mount attacks. Security forces discovered an explosive device and components for an explosive device in central Colombo in early October 2007. On 23 August 2007 police arrested five men for allegedly planning an attack on the Kandy Esela Perahara Festival. There were further arrests on 26 August 2007 following the recovery of an unexploded bomb on a street in Kandy.
On 28 May 2007 a bomb blast near a Sri Lankan Air Force base south of Colombo killed at least seven civilians and injured more than 35 other people, including Sri Lankan Police personnel. On 29 April 2007 Tamil Tiger aircraft bombed the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) base at Ratmalana and an oil refinery in Colombo. On 26 April 2007 the Bandaranaike International Airport near the capital Colombo and its access roads were temporarily closed when Sri Lankan troops at the nearby SLAF base at Katunayeke fired anti-aircraft guns following reports a Tamil Tiger aircraft was in the area. The LTTE launched aerial attacks on the SLAF base on 26 March 2007, forcing the temporary closure of Bandaranaike International Airport, and on the SLAF base at Palali, Jaffna on 23 April 2007, killing armed forces personnel. The Sri Lankan Government has warned more aerial attacks could occur, including, but not limited to, in the High Security Zone in Colombo 1 and 2 suburbs and parts of Colombo 3 suburb where a number of international hotels are located.
You should avoid anti-aircraft batteries and their immediate surroundings, including high-rise buildings, especially during blackouts. New batteries have been established in central Colombo in areas frequented by tourists, including hotels. . In the event of anti-aircraft fire you should stay indoors in a secure location because of the risk of falling projectiles and shrapnel. You should also avoid travelling at night time when anti-aircraft fire is more likely to occur. On 29 April 2007, 14 people were injured and buildings were damaged after anti-aircraft weapons were fired over Colombo.
In the event of a Sri Lankan Government-enforced security related blackout, Australian government officials have been advised to avoid anti-aircraft batteries and their surroundings, including tall buildings and to take cover in a secured area for protection against projectiles, likely to be on the ground floor of an internal room with solid concrete walls and ceiling and no, or limited, windows. If unable to leave a tall building, they have been advised to take cover in an inner room with solid walls using heavy furniture for additional overhead protection. They have been further advised to stay indoors for at least one hour after the cessation of firing of any anti-aircraft guns.
Due to the on-going conflict, the SLAF base at Katunayeke could be targeted at any time. The co-located international airport could be closed without warning and commercial aircraft could be at risk, particularly at night. In light of the increased threat, some airlines have suspended flights to Colombo or changed flight schedules suspending commercial late night flights. We recommend you contact your airline to confirm flight details.
Recent reports indicate that terrorists may be planning suicide attacks against the headquarters of the Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) in Sir Chitampalam A Gardiner Mawatha in central Colombo and the main SLAF fighter wing at Katunayake, collocated with Bandaranaike International Airport, the country’s main international airport.
Truck bombings could occur at any time in any part of Sri Lanka. You should exercise extreme caution, maintain high personal security awareness and avoid locations known to be targeted by terrorists in Sri Lanka. On 24 July 2007 a roadside bomb targeting a military bus in Mannar district killed nine soldiers. On 24 May 2007 a road side bomb targeting a military bus was detonated in the Fort Area of the Colombo 15 suburb near the port and naval base, killing one soldier and injuring several others, including civilians.
We are aware of media reports that the High Security Zone Residents’ Liberation Force (HSZRLF) has threatened to attack civilian targets in the south including hospitals and dams. The Ellalan Force, which claimed responsibility for the bombing of civilian buses on 5 and 6 January 2007, issued a statement on 21 January threatening further attacks.
Northern areas (including Wilpattu National Park): We advise you not to travel to the north of Sri Lanka, including the area north of the highway between Puttalam, Anuradhapura and Polonaruwa and Wilpattu National Park. An explosion in Wilpattu National Park in May 2006 killed seven visitors. The Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE have engaged in significant battles in the area between Mannar and Omanthai near Vavuniya, as well as Muhamalai in Jaffna. In October 2007, the government began a new offensive against LTTE positions north of Giant Tank near Adampan in Mannar district.
East and south-eastern areas (including Yala National Park): We advise you not to travel east of Pollonaruwa town on the A11 road or to points east of a straight line between Polonaruwa town and the South Coast, passing through Badulla including Yala National Park. On 16 October 2007, the LTTE attacked an army camp in Panama in Ampara district in the east. A day earlier, the LTTE attacked a military camp in Yala National Park in Southern Province near Hambantota. Eight people were killed. Vehicles travelling in Yala National Park hit landmines in October and November 2007. Vehicles have reportedly been attacked with improvised explosive devices in the vicinity of Yala National Park and Kataragama in the South-East.
There have been incidents of violence against aid workers. On 20 August 2007, a member of the Danish Demining Group was shot dead in Jaffna, while his co-worker was injured. On 23 June 2007 an aid worker with the Danish Refugee Council was shot dead in Jaffna. On 2 June 2007, two volunteer Red Cross workers were abducted from a train station and murdered. On 13 June 2007, an expatriate aid worker with Mercy Corps was shot on a beach at the Club Oceanic Hotel in Trincomalee.
The Government of Sri Lanka and the LTTE have engaged in significant battles in Mannar district between Adampan and Madhu, as well as near Omanthai in Vavuniya district and in the general vicinity of Trincomalee. In November 2007, the Government of Sir Lanka attempted to breach the LTTE’s defences in Jaffna. Military strikes have also occurred in the Batticaloa, Ampara, Mannar, Mulaitivu, Killinochchi and Hambantota districts. Travellers have inadvertently been caught up in these actions. An attack on a passenger train on 6 June 2007 in Batticaloa district derailed several carriages and caused injuries to a number of civilians. A passenger train was attacked with an improvised bomb on 18 December 2007 in Trincomalee, causing no injuries.
Reports indicate a pro-government Tamil paramilitary faction has threatened aid workers operating in Eastern Province.
If you are already in the “Do Not Travel” areas described above, including the Wilpattu or Yala National Parks, and concerned for your safety, you should consider departing if it is safe to do so. Politically motivated violence including assassinations, bombings in public places and on roads is escalating and there is widespread civil unrest. Communal and inter-ethnic tensions in these regions are very high and further violence is highly likely, particularly between Muslim communities on the east coast and pro-government Tamil paramilitaries.


There is a danger of kidnapping for ransom of foreign nationals in Sri Lanka, including in Colombo. All Australians in Sri Lanka, particularly those of Sri Lankan Tamil origin, should ensure that appropriate identification is carried at all times.
Violent crime continues to increase, including sexual assault and robbery. Policing in remote areas is often hampered by a lack of resources and poor infrastructure.
There have been incidents of violence against aid workers. On 2 June 2007, two volunteer Red Cross workers were abducted from a train station and murdered. On 13 June 2007, an expatriate aid worker with Mercy Corps was shot on a beach at the Club Oceanic Hotel in Trincomalee.
Petty crime such as pick-pocketing and bag snatching occurs, particularly on public transport.

Local Travel

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Due to the volatile security situation in Sri Lanka, Australian government officials and dependants have been advised to limit travel (particularly at night), maintain a high degree of awareness at roadblocks and checkpoints and avoid using public transport. Australian diplomatic and consular staff have also been advised to exercise heightened security vigilance, avoid travel to locations that may be potential targets and curtail all non-essential travel. Anti-aircraft batteries and their immediate surroundings, including high-rise buildings, should also be avoided. In the event of anti-aircraft fire you should stay indoors in a secure location because of the risk of falling projectiles and shrapnel.
Security personnel may impose curfews, roadblocks and security checks at short notice across the country, and may require proof of identification, such as your current passport.
There can be lengthy delays when travelling to the airport as a result of checkpoints established by the security forces. Sections of the road to the airport are occasionally closed at night, requiring all traffic to be diverted along narrow local roads. Travellers should allow adequate time for security checks on the road to the airport and maintain a high degree of security vigilance if diverted from the main road along the narrow local road system.
Check points between government held areas and “uncleared areas”, (i.e. areas controlled by the LTTE) including on the main A-9 highway which links the north and south of the country, can be closed without notice. The checkpoint at Muhamalai, the entry point to Jaffna, has been closed since 11 August.
Transport conditions throughout Sri Lanka are hazardous. There are a high number of road deaths and injuries, particularly on inter-city buses and three-wheeler taxis. The standard of driving and vehicle maintenance is poor. There have been a number of fatal accidents on Sri Lankan railways in recent years.
Marked and unmarked landmines are widespread in parts of the north and east, especially in Vanni, Jaffna and along the A9 road in the north.
On 28 December 2005 the Government of Sri Lanka announced arrangements for foreigners seeking to enter the uncleared areas of the north and east which are presently under LTTE control. Foreign staff of diplomatic missions, international organisations and international non-government organisations accredited with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be allowed to cross entry and exit checkpoints into uncleared areas without restriction. All other foreigners must seek approval from the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence before being allowed to enter uncleared areas. For advice on the location of uncleared areas, you can contact the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence on telephone number (+94 11) 243 3215.
Road access between Jaffna and the rest of Sri Lanka has been closed since 11 August 2006. The LTTE has refused to guarantee the safety of shipping in waters around Jaffna. On 9 November 2006, LTTE Sea Tigers attacked Sri Lankan Navy ships escorting a passenger ferry from Trincomalee to Jaffna. The LTTE launched a suicide attack against a cargo vessel in Jaffna on 21 January 2006. Australians in Jaffna who wish to depart should do so by air.
The waters around the northern and eastern coast of Sri Lanka are declared restricted zones by the Government of Sri Lanka. Government security forces have fired upon unauthorised vessels in coastal areas. In September 2006 a vessel was destroyed in waters beyond the territorial sea.
Piracy occurs in the coastal areas of Sri Lanka. The LTTE hi-jacked a Jordanian cargo vessel off the north-east coast in December 2006. See our travel advice on shipping and ports for more information. The International Maritime Bureau issues weekly piracy reports on its website.

Airline Safety

Due to the on-going conflict, the SLAF base at Katunayeke could be targeted at any time. The co-located international airport could be closed without warning and commercial aircraft could be at risk, particularly at night. We recommend you contact your airline to confirm flight details.
Passengers on international flights to and from Australia are only allowed to carry a small amount of liquids (including aerosols and gels) in their carry-on baggage. You can find out more information at the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government website. Similar restrictions apply to flights in an increasing number of countries. Contact your airline for further information.
If you have concerns about the safety standards of a particular airline or aircraft, we recommend you research the airline or aircraft through organisations such as Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority Pristiq price with insurance and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government has published fact sheets on security for air travellers. When staff at Australia’s overseas missions are advised not to use particular airlines due to safety concerns this will be included in travel advice.
The European Union (EU) has published a list of airlines that are subject to operating bans or restrictions within the EU. The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) through its foreign assessment program focuses on a country’s ability, not the individual airline, to adhere to international standards and recommended practices for aircraft operations and maintenance established by ICAO.

Magul Maha Viharaya – Lahugala

Sri Lanka : Magul Maha Viharaya – Lahugala

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka – Geneva – Switzerland

04th January 2008

by Florence WickramageA?A?

The day was bright and the sea a glittering turquoise blue with a strong wind sweeping over it. Some people standing on a beach saw an object shining with the rays of the sun being tossed to and fro by the ocean waves. They waited till the object advanced towards the shore and was surprised to see that it was a gold-gilded canoe carrying a beautiful damsel in it.

Order fincar They ran towards the palace and informed the King that a golden-canoe was coming ashore with a beautiful princess in it. The King hastened towards the beach but found the boat gone. “Ko Kumari” inquired the King? The boat had been swept away by strong winds towards the village Komarigama (coined with the words Ko kumari) in Arugam Bay. (The canoe had not been able to anchor at Kirinde due to its rocky environment). On inquiries made King Kavantissa was informed that the damsel in the canoe was Princess Devi, daughter of King Kelanitissa of Maya Rata, who was offered as a sacrifice to appease the wrath of the sea-gods as the sea waters threatened to drown villages.

King Kavantissa then hastened to meet the Princess and married her in keeping with traditional customs, and she became Queen Vihara Maha Devi. ” The Magul Poruwa” said to be of the Royal couple could be seen amongst ancient ruins in a temple called “Magul Maha Viharaya” in Lahugala. Princess Devi’s canoe had been washed ashore at Arugam Bay ( coined from the words “ara -gama”) and not Kirinde. This is folklore — as related to us by the Chief Priest of the ancient Lahugala Temple Ven. Hulanduwe Ratanasara Thera.

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Driving along the Wellawaya-Moneragala road after passing Siyambalanduwa for another seven miles one could reach Lahugala where Magul Maha Vihara or Ruhunu Maha Vihara lies.

We visited Magul Maha Viharaya which is in ruins today. Ven. Hulanduwe Ratanasara Thera the 5th generation descendent of the Uva-Wellassa lineage which administered the Magul Maha Vihare is the present Chief Priest. Lahugala belonged to the Ruhunu Kingdom of ancient Lanka. The entire Vihara complex had covered an extent of around 10,000 acres where ruins of a palace, moonstone, monastery, bo-maluwa, stupas, ponds etc. were found scattered all over. A headless white marble Buddha statue was seen lying horizontally in one part of the ruins, which sometimes people step on, Ven. Ratanasara said, taking us round the complex.

The history of this temple goes back to the time of King Dathusena who ruled Anuradhapura from 516 AD to 526 AD. The pillar inscription testifies the founder of the Vihara as King Dathusena. The language and the script can be dated to the 14th century.

There is also a stone wall three to four feet in height. This reminds of a fortress which was erected to protect from outside attack. There is also an entrance to the fortress. The moonstone found on the left side has unique features with a row of elephants and creepers followed by a row of lotus petals. The Chief Priest explained that among other unusual features, the row of elephants in the moonstone with their mahouts was exceptional. In this moonstone with three to four in height and five to six feet wide, the row of elephants has a man following an elephant with his goad clinging on to the animals. This moonstone is said to be the only one of its kind in the country.

There are rock pillars similar to Lovamaha Prasada in Anura-dhapura. There is also ruins of a Dagaba about 30 feet in height. There are three rows of steps leading to the Dagoba on three sides and on the lift side is Bodhighara and also rock inscription protected by an iron railing.

The Ven. Thera showing us round the ruins of the vihara complex observed that there were several villages round the temple and people had fled due to unrest. With the ongoing peace process many were returning to their original places. A perahera has been planned along with other religious ceremonies to be observed during Poson the Ven. Thera said.

We then visited Muhudu Maha Viharaya at Arugam Bay. The wide white beach was endless, stretching for miles and miles. There were excavated ruins and stone pillars which provided evidence of an ancient kingdom which had flourished. The Chief Priest of Muhudu Maha Viharaya, Ven. Kataragama Siriratana Thera supporting Queen Vihara Maha Devi’s story as related to us by the Lahugala Viharaya Chief Priest, showed us partly ruined stone statues two of which were believed to be of King Kavantissa and Viharamahadevi. The moonstone which had been in existence near a ruined “Buduge” had been removed by treasure hunters and the “Mura-gal”had been replaced awkwardly.

Ven. Siriratana Thera showed us ruins and stone pillars of an ancient structure excavated on the vast stretch of the beach, where, he said, a stupa had been erected to mark the spot where Princess Devi had landed. The monk living by himself protecting the ruined temple,is supported by about 12 families living in the vicinity who provide him with the “dana”.

There were sand dunes forming part of the endless beach bordering a tranquil turquoise sea and at one end was the Arugam Bay and the “Ula” with a natural harbour. Several fishing huts were seen dotting the area. Both Chief Priests at Lahugala and Arugam Bay said that the ruins found in these places supported the existence of a royal kingdom of ancient Ruhunu Rata, and believed if chronicled had not sufficiently surfaced. The Ven. Theras said that these places were historically and culturally important and their conservation was of utmost importance to preserve the country’s rich heritage.

(Courtesy: Lanka LibraryA?A?)

Published : Friday, January 04, 2008 12:35:11 PM (Geneva time)

#50 Siam View Hotel

Good Morning Friends!

Today we have Good News!
(for a change…!?, but Why?)

Because this is our last Newsletter from Arugam Bay Emsam sale !
Why? Who is giving up?
It’s because you now have you very own, daily, Newsletter from AbaY
It is:
Local news, as well as reviews, are already published on our new look, interactive home page.
Anyone can now add photos, comments, questions!
Please take a look and help to develop Greg’s brain child by participating. Just a little bit!
Contents are already changing EVERY day on our new style web pages, simply click link above and take a quick preview.

Feedback required
Folks, remember we are just simple guys trying to help ourselves and promote our area.
Your comments, suggestions, ideas are most welcome and very valuable to us.
Please tell us what you like to see, what you want, what you would like us to include.

What has happened since June 2006?
As this might be our final, direct message to you we take this opportunity to report on some results and developments since we contacted you with our June Newsletter. And we can tie up some old ends in that way.

The 2006 Surfing Season went actually much better than feared. Given the situation in the rest of the island we have done quite well.
We had a good crowd in town, great surf conditions and a very peaceful time here at Arugam Bay.
Sadly it was a very much shorter season; strange it seems to be over so early.
Because the swell is actually best right now….at the end September.
All NGO’s, our last year’s only customers, have largely gone home as well. Just as well. No great loss for us or the Bay. See “Attitudes 2006” below.

N.s.s. Simon
Due to his local popularity Simon’s present predicament was at once known and was already widely discussed even before any publication, anywhere. We are still observing an unexpected, international interest judging by the flood of emails on this very subject.
Relax. Everything possible is being done.
Sadly this is uncoordinated as usual; because many guys trying to help, but they don’t know of each other’s efforts …..

SVH Holiday Homes Idea:
There has been some interest in our offer to construct a few dream homes/offices/studios by the sea, but no firm takers so far.
Understandable, with the ongoing civil unrest not many wish to invest in Sri Lanka at this point in time.
However, we are convinced that once peace is settled, any early investment into property will prove to be a very wise one.
Rich Middle Eastern Property Speculators already keenly monitor our area; read the link below.
Please form your own opinion what top guns in the Arab Emirates think of Eastern Sri Lanka:

Actually time is near perfect right now to make a real bargain.
Whilst prices are equally as depressed as potential vendors ….

New, for the SVH is the fact that we now work on a new design study by a disciple and former student of Sri Lanka’s greatest ever Architect, Geoffrey Bawa. The entire concept also benefits from my own, highly advanced civil engineering techniques.
As a result the new Siam View will not only be beautiful, right on the Eastern Sea but of course it will be 100% Earthquake, Tsu/Flood and Typhoon resistant.
Please drop us a line or call my number if you are interested in further details.
My personal phone number is mentioned right below together with a summary and link to background info about Bawa’s great visions, in case you haven’t heard of this great visionary as yet.
SVH’s unique location:
We are aware, but only now, that we are sitting on a beautiful, still very rough diamond.
Only experts will be allowed to cut and improve it in future.

There is NO doubt the SVH will go far one day. We just have to take our time. And chose our partners carefully.
And we must prevent to fall into the common trap of cluttering our beautiful beachfront with dangerous sheds and silly cabanas like everyone else has to do, just to earn a quick buck.
But the locals are here to earn money, many try to get rich. We were rich and are only here to live and retire.
Income and money only concerns us when we can’t afford to pay local staff or bills.

Right now we possess everything else, including a brilliant reputation and the best position near surf point, all with a good view and a vision.
We even have potential guests and good bookings; if had the rooms….they would be full.
All we need is just a bit of financial help, that’s all.
And a dream will come true. Not just for us, but our friends as well.

“Enjoy” NGO’s
Good News! At last we have succumbed, we have actually given up and hope that we will not mention them anymore
Our daily observations simply are too depressing. Let us not spoil what is left of a fine day.

World Cup Coverage and our June Projector appeal
Thanks Folks! We really had a great time.
With our BIG screen, open air cinema setting overlooking the open sea and perfect surround sound from our huge Party systems it was almost like being back there in Germany.
Our June appeal for help resulted in just one single contribution of 65$ from Aussie Dan, but we still managed to find an old projector and the rest of the cash from our own resources.
Even the Italian NGO’s loved it; see yourself on the link right below.
We have created a popular Gallery specially for you:

Photo Album:
The entire, new photo gallery has been so popular that we decided to incorporate the whole concept into our new home Page
In addition we hope, with Markus’s super expert’s help will soon offer online ratings and voting facilities.
To make it more democratic than ever.

Best Surf Photo/ Most romantic Photo competition
To stimulate even more interest, to show the nice side of Sri Lanka life and promote the peaceful nature of Arugam Bay we decided to offer a price in each selected category. Maybe YOU can win a free holiday in the Bay for two?
We promise to take care and publish YOUR photo! The best shot -with online voting- is the winner! If it is sent to:

Security considerations
Sri Lanka has slipped back into the dark ages.
Outrageous murders of many innocent have taken place, Again
Only in the last few days there are signs that common sense will surface
Sides seem to agree on cordial meetings, in Oslo. Again
Lucky for the Bay, we have been spared and it is still very safe and peaceful here.
Maybe it is even better and more secure than Colombo, London or any other place these days?
Arugam Bay and all its approach roads are perfectly safe!

Sadly nothing has changed this year as yet.
As mentioned our total (non-self earned-) income since 2005 still comes to about 10,000 Euro .
Most of this are kind loans, only some of it represents a grant to us.
It came from true friends who (still?) trust us. Nothing at all was ever given to us or the Hotel Association from any official source, like Governments, Companies or Organizations.
We are very sad that we still owe loan cash to two of you, and much longer than hoped and agreed.

Unless a proper finance can be arranged, or we see good upturn of income we simply don’t know how we can cope with the present, serious cash flow situation.
As we don’t even earn enough to pay all our staff; what can we do?
The long term future however is still very bright!
Our advice: Buy shares in Siam View Projects (Pvt.) Ltd., back a winning horse and you will part of a great future
(Sorry, this is just another new idea we are working on – if all fails)

Guide Books
We are honoured to have received many very positive entries in new editions of many travel books.
The best on the market at present seems to be the German Loose ” FA?hrer !”
Sorry for this, folks, I believe it is just a Deutsches Wort for “Leader” – but most of you will known this anyhow.
Some relevant author’s comment, in German though, have been scanned and can be inspected below:

Cash & Business
The SVH Company Inc. & Co this year actually reached record turnover figures.
Each day, Millions pass through our hands.
Sadly all of it just is handled by us in trust representing many huge transactions on behalf of others
The main volume of transaction originates from the Oil rich Arab States destined for this poor Muslim area….

Throughout this year many wonder why the SVH the only place within a 2- 3 hour drive is which:

Provides cash advances for all Credit cards
Pays out all local Western Union money transfers
Pays out PayPal transactions
Transfers money globally as instructed, with low or even NO charges

Our bank should be impressed. But they don’t assist at all. Rather the opposite.
Fact is that the sad case of Bank of Ceylon rent arrears since Tsu day will now go to Court.
SVH Fred fighting another Goliath …..

The SVH: Suitable for the Disabled and Blind
What happened to the blind man?
We still think he is brilliant & gifted, and he is still welcome
But so far he has not been able to join us.
Any new construction at the SVH, however, is undertaken with disabled people in mind in any event
One never knows when it is needed and by whom.

Attitudes 2006

A nice Swiss family rewarded us with kind words for working honest & hard.
On departure, they actually paid us double the due amount!
Something like this has happened 3 times already this year already; things are looking up!
Some see it as a direct support for guys who don’t want to rely on donations or organisations.

Great! But:
An Italian NGO woman refuses to pay our staff 40Rs./ for one forgotten soft drink she consumed.
The whole issue ended just short of a fist fight ….. you can see how very serious this case was for her….
As a result, and her interaction with our Thai manageress the dear Senorita might not return in a hurry, so Somlak says
After her release from Base Hospital…;-)
If I had not interviewed her colleagues would no doubt still be hanging around waiting for the 10Rs./ change we simply didn’t have in the till…..
I admit, sometimes Somlak often plays a game with such tight guys and lets them wait until the boy returns from the shop, Bank or even from Colombia, Colombo or where ever with a huge stack of change for which a EURO equivalent simply does not even exist and the average German toilet cleaner would reject: And you know what? They actually hang around until they get their last Loopee! Four hours if need be.
If I ever see this show it I am very happy give them my last 100Rs./ note: We are not that poor and we will have to keep a ‘good’ customer happy; specially the humanitarian helpers to this Nation!
They obviously have a complex about spending too much cash on location.
Or being accused of wasting money by some sarcastic clown like me.

Maybe it’s us, the so called ‘non believers’ – maybe it’s just them, the ‘others’ with hats on?
Due to huge, suddenly surfaced lifestyle differences, locally common two faced attitudes and real bad experiences of selfish behaviour we do not consider some locals as our close friends anymore.
We are happy to report, however, that during 2006 a much better understanding and mutual respect has developed between all but one of the Expats in town and also between most other modern thinking residents.
It is a sheer pleasure to have a dialogue with people who can actually tolerate each other’ opinion…
But even our German Holy Father had to be careful these days; it’s far too easy to upset intolerant guys these days
Believe it of Not!

Cheers & continue to E.N.J.O.Y. your life!
Just as everybody else, here on holiday, here seems to do!

SVH Team
& AbHa
Arugam Bay
Eastern Sri Lanka
0094 – 773 200 201

Ps.: Prolific Geoffrey BAWA (1919 – 2003) believed to let NATURE into each home he designed.
Modern developments seem to exclude nature with multiple walls, doors and windows
Part of the new SVH concept is:
From every new room,
From every bed if you wish
The first thing you will see when you open your eyes each morning will be:
The deep, blue, tropical sea right in front of you.
Dotted with hunky surfers, and hopefully also decorated with the odd bikini girl.
Could this not be a brilliant beginning for a days work or play?

To finish this letter we have just only one single request:
Once a month, please take at least one quick look at

Have you looked at our new Home page?
Our Picasa Web Gallery is also worth a visit.
Please support us by leaving a Comment!

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2007 What was

2007 What was

By Madhushala Senaratne and Tahnee Hopman

Looking back on yet another year, there is little to smile about with even the few positive moments being overshadowed by conflict, death and destruction. As 2008 approaches, we can only hope that the New Year brings some joy and solace to a country haunted by increasing violence and burdened by the soaring cost of living.


6: Around 15 people are killed and more than 40 injured in an explosion on a bus at Godagama near Hikkaduwa. UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe declares that the Memorandum of Understanding between his party and the ruling SLFP may be annulled in the wake of a Cabinet decision to allow crossovers from the UNP.
12: In the worst landslides in 15 years, around 18 people die, 15 go missing, 1,500 houses are destroyed and more than 100,000 are displaced in the Walapane, Hanguranketa and Maturata areas.
Across the country, heavy rains result in widespread flooding A?a??a?? Hambantota district being badly-hit.
19: After weeks of heavy fighting, security forces secure Vakarai town, a crucial gain, and advance north. More than 300 LTTE fighters and 50 security forces personnel are killed. Thousands of civilians flee to government-controlled areas.
27: The navy thwarts an attack on the Colombo port, when it intercepts and destroys three suspected LTTE suicide boats.

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The Sunday Times photographer M.A. Pushpa Kumara captured this scene when Colombo’s night sky was set alight by anti-aircraft gunfire when two LTTE light aircraft hovered over the city and suburbs on April 29

9: President Mahinda Rajapaksa sacks three of his senior Ministers — Mangala Samaraweera (Ports and Aviation), Anura Bandaranaike (National Heritage) and Sripathi Sooriyarachchi (Port Development – non-Cabinet rank).

2: Five bullet-riddled bodies with faces disfigured and blindfolded are found in a swamp in Kandana.
10: The bodies of eight people, including the Anuradhapura Area Commander of the Army, Jayantha Suraweera, are recovered at the Wilpattu National Park.

1: Six labourers are killed at Mailambavani, Batticaloa, and hours later, 16 civilians and a soldier fall victim to a bus bomb blast at Kondawatturan, Ampara.
7: Seven including two children are killed when a state-run passenger bus is hit by a powerful claymore mine at Pirimanalankulam in Vavuniya.
10: In a horrific accident which shocked the country, 23 people die and more than 50 suffer injuries when a beer delivery truck crashes into a CTB bus at Kaikawala, close to Bentota.
29: A total blackout is imposed on the city of Colombo shortly after midnight as two Tiger rebel aircraft hover over the area. The craft drop bombs on a fuel dump of the CPC oil installations at Kolonnawa and an LPG gas facility in Muthurajawela. The LTTE air attack comes as Sri Lankans are glued to their TVs watching the World Cup cricket finals in Barbados, with Sri Lanka taking on Australia. Rain dampened the match with Australia winning the World Cup.

6: Former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga’s security is slashed on a Supreme Court ruling.
18: Two small children and three other members of one family are hacked to death in their sleep, over a land dispute, in Meegahawatte, Delgoda. A 12-year-old girl who is critically injured is the sole survivor.
27: The de-merged Northern and Eastern Provinces get new flags. The Eastern Province flag depicts an eagle, a fish and a lion, signifying Trincomalee, Batticaloa and Ampara respectively while the Northern Province flag depicts the sun.
28: A claymore blast in Ratmalana kills eight and injures 30. The mine had been kept on the roof of a video shop at Belekkade junction.

1: A lorry laden with explosives weighing around 1,000 kilograms A?a??a?? is detected at a road block at Kotavehera, Nikaweratiya.
7: More than 300 Tamils are evicted from lodges in Colombo amidst strong protests and condemnation not only by human rights groups but also the international community.
8: Nine bodies of people killed, with their eyes blindfolded and hands tied behind their backs, are found at Wennappuwa.
9: Following a spate of abductions, ransom demands and killings, the Criminal Investigation Department questions a former Air Force Squadron Leader Nishantha Gajanayaka.
16: Sri Lankan Rizana Nafeek (19) is sentenced to death by a Saudi Arabian court after an infant she was bottle-feeding chokes. Rizana who was from Mutur had gone to Saudi Arabia in May 2005 at the age of 17 giving a false age on her passport. The appeal against the death sentence is pending.
29: ‘The Buddhist’, the first Buddhist TV channel in Sri Lanka is launched and goes on the air.

Troops celebrate the fall of Thoppigala, the last eastern stronghold of the LTTE, on July 11

11: The army captures Thoppigala, the last eastern stronghold of the LTTE, bringing the entire Eastern Province under government control in 14 years. The military claims that at least 211 LTTE cadres were killed.

1: The CWC resigns from the government and Leader Arumugam Thondaman gives up his ministerial portfolio.
9: The government expresses concern in Parliament over the statement of UN Humanitarian Affairs Chief John Holmes who in an interview with Reuters described Sri Lanka as one of the most dangerous places for aid workers.
12: Former Attorney General K.C. Kamalasabayson passes away while receiving treatment at Apollo Hospital in Chennai, South India. He is 58.

7: A new system for Grade 1 admissions to state schools is approved by the Supreme Court.
10: Malaka Silva, son of non-cabinet minister Mervyn Silva, who is alleged to have hit an accountant of a private firm with a pistol, is remanded.

5: Several high-rise buildings in Colombo are asked to switch off their exterior lights and key locations including the Colombo Port, the Bandaranaike International Airport and the Shell Gas facility in Kerawalapitiya are put on full alert after the sighting of two suspected LTTE light aircraft in Tantirimale near Anuradhapura.
11: The CWC rejoins the government with Leader Arumugam Thondaman regaining his portfolio.
14: Just as UN Human Rights Commissioner Louise Arbour concludes her fact-finding mission to Sri Lanka, four of the 10 civil society members (part of an advisory committee set up to address human rights concerns) resign from the panel citing differences with the government. Earlier, Arbour and Disaster Management and Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe differed strongly on the need for UN monitors in Sri Lanka.

The Anuradhapura Air Force base after the Black Tiger attack on October 22

Sri Lanka’s sprint queen Susanthika Jayasinghe is in line for a gold and a silver for her performance at the World Athletic Championships in Athens, Greece, and the Olympics in Sydney, Australia, respectively both in 2000, with Marion Jones due to be stripped of her medals after admitting the usage of steroids.

15: The LTTE launches an attack on an army detachment at Thalgasmankada in Yala, killing six soldiers and injuring three. A massive military search operation is carried out. The National Park is closed to visitors.
18: Malaka Silva, son of non-cabinet minister Mervyn Silva, allegedly involved in an assault case is released on bail.
22: Several aircraft are destroyed or damaged when the LTTE’s Black Tiger unit attacks the Anuradhapura Air Force base.
25: The Manampitiya Peace Bridge, Sri Lanka’s longest bridge built across the Mahaweli linking the Northern and Eastern Provinces is opened by President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
26: The government suspends the licence of the Asia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) for allegedly misreporting an incident at Ranminithenna in Tissamaharama.

1: The Supreme Court dismisses the application filed by ABC challenging the licence cancellation by the government
2: LTTE political head S. P. Thamilselvan is killed in an Air Force raid over Kilinochchi. Five LTTE military wing leaders are also killed in the attack. Thamilselvan was the LTTE’s chief negotiator at peace talks with successive governments.
Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna is arrested in London for travelling under a forged passport.
More than 100 Sri Lankan soldiers serving with the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti (Minustah) are accused of sexual exploitation and abuse including the rape of children.
7: The budget offers little relief to the public already affected by the soaring cost of living.
9: The Supreme Court issues a significant directive on noise pollution, banning the use of loudspeakers or any other amplifiers from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

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The scene after a beer delivery truck crashed into a CTB bus at Kaikawala on April 10

12: A 22-year-old garment factory worker, Chamila Dissanayake, who had sought treatment at the Negombo Hospital, is found with critical injuries on a pathway close to the hospital. Police investigations indicate she had allegedly been pushed from the sixth floor by a doctor. Chamila dies while being taken to the National Hospital.
15: The United States freezes the US held assets of the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO), that acts as a front to facilitate fundraising and procurement for the LTTE.
17: Elina Jayewardene, widow of the first Executive President of Sri Lanka, J.R. Jayewardene passes away at the age of 94.
19: After weeks of speculation and tension that the government will not be able to get a majority and also crossovers, the second reading of the 2008 budget is passed in Parliament. The JVP votes against the budget.
21: The printing press of Leader Publications, which publishes the Sunday Leader, the Morning Leader and the Irudina, in Ratmalana comes under an arson attack.
29: Steven Peiris, Coordinating Secretary to Social Services Minister and EPDP Leader Douglas Devananda, is killed in a suicide bomb attack at the ministry office at Isipathana Road, Colombo 5. Two others are injured. For the first time, the attack is captured on CCTV and is possibly the only live pictures of a suicide bomber blowing herself up.
In the evening, like a sequel to a bloody story, 20 people are killed and 43 injured when a bomb left at the parcel counter at the Nugegoda NoLimit explodes.

3: Muttiah Muralitharan breaks the record for the highest number of Test wickets reaching 709, when he dismisses England one-day captain Paul Collingwood during the third day of the first Test match at Asgiriya, Kandy. This match is also the last Test match of veteran cricketer, Sanath Jayasuriya who retires from Test cricket.
5: Fifteen civilians are killed and 23 injured when a powerful claymore mine blows up a CTB bus on the Anuradhapura-Janakapura Road close to Kebithigo-llewa.

Spin wizard Muttiah Muralitharan celebrates with wicket keeper Prasanna Jayawardene as he breaks the record for the highest number of Test wickets reaching 709.

8: In keeping with a Supreme Court ruling, permanent security checkpoints in and around Colombo are abandoned. The ruling that permanent checkpoints are illegal was issued after a motorist filed an application that he was harassed and unlawfully detained by police officers at Kirulapone.
10: On World Human Rights Day, several media organizations, civil society groups and trade unions march to the Media Ministry and hand over a petition demanding immediate action to curb increasing violence against journalists.
12: SLMC politicians including Leader Rauff Hakeem cross over to the opposition.
14: Foiling UNP plans to defeat the government, the third reading of the budget is passed with 114 voting for and 67 against. A while before the crucial vote, National Heritage Minister Anura Bandaranaike crosses over to the opposition but leaves Parliament just before voting. The JVP abstains from voting.
19: A newborn baby boy goes missing from the Kalubowila Hospital and is believed to have been stolen by a woman who had offered to look after him while his mother was having a bath. The baby is found by the Kohuwela Police in a house in Thalapathpitiya on December 24. However, another couple who lost their baby son in November from their home is still searching for him.

SriLankan Airlines CEO Peter Hill’s work permit is cancelled by the Board of Investment on the grounds that he failed to comply with a request from the main shareholder of the national carrier, the government. The request was for 36 seats from London to Colombo for the President and his entourage.
Flash floods and heavy rains in the Eastern, Central and North Central Provincesleave over 200,000 people homeless.
26: As the third anniversary of the devastating 2004 tsunami comes round, it is revealed that only US$ 1.7 billion of the US$ 3.1 billion pledged by foreign donors has been received and rehabilitation work is delayed.
27: Tension mounts at the state-owned Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation when Deputy Minister of Labour Relations and Foreign Employment Mervyn Silva and his bodyguards allegedly assault the News Director for not telecasting a speech made by him. When the staff attempts to retaliate, the Deputy Minister takes refuge in the Chairman’s office, until he is taken away under police protection.


Naval News

Navy apprehends suspicious vessel – off Arugambay

Sri Lanka Navy apprehended a suspicious vessel located 90 Nautical miles East of Arugambay last morning, 25th December 2007.

According to Navy sources, the vessel which had been drifting towards the mainland was detected by Navy Sea units last morning.

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Navy has already sent a boarding party to the ship and the crew is presently being taken to the nearest harbour for further investigations.

Navy personnel are now checking the ship. According to the reliable information the ship’s crew is comprise of Indonesian Nationals.
