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“tri anni horribili”

Around this time, 3 years ago, we were still pretty wet.
But we were united, full of hope and full of confidence.
We even managed a swift and highly efficient self-recovery.

  • We had our very own reliable Early Warning System.
  • The Bay was covered with a high speed WiFi system, free to access by all.
  • We had a good medical clinic thanks to DEMIRA.
  • There was no talk of ‘Tamil’, Muslim or Sinhalese “Area”.
  • Above all, there was no war.
  • All was Then – Not Now.

In our personal experience, the natural flood event 3 years ago was nothing compared with the man made disaster which has unfolded since.

Still, the ‘great’ organizations are content with their ‘impressive’ achievements.
Take a look at two examples, published this week.

  • The Red Crusaders and Half Moonies dwell in glowing reports “From the Field”.
  • 31b45032a6112e837bf489cb2a4d2cc1.htm
  • We, the actual victims, had no idea that the guys in plush offices in Colombo 7, such as their grand mansion in Gregory Road, are involved in agriculture Lopid online . But we do know that they tend to send their local staff near -but never actually into – the odd trouble zone. Whilst all ex pats remain near the Happy Hour and the up market ‘Bay Leaf Restaurant opposite on Gregory’s Rd. A excellent location to pretend that IRCS so-called management also do a highly ‘dangerous’ job “In the killing Fields”. This of course is a great tool to justify their high wages and danger allowances.

You can even get it for FREE. They stress. Who the hell would want this silly map, which shows no details at all and doesn’t even mention the hardest hit area Arugam Bay remains their own little secret.
A far better map was produced by the British, 60 years ago and this one is actually useful – but it does cost 75Rs./ at the Ordinance Dept. in Colombo. For this huge amount you actually receive an updated, modern version showing every telegraph pole.

  • Mercy Corps and Oprah Whinfrey are still boasting with the fact that they “changed our lives”.
  • Indeed, they did.
  • But just about everything is much worse than it ever was before in the Bay.
  • No matter. The popular, very clever Show is well in the clear. Financially.
  • Harpo Inc. collected huge sums in the name of Arugam Bay with their 3 shows.
  • A substantial surplus of many Millions was made, even after ‘reaching out’ by signing a cheque for 1 Mill. and walking away from our long term, Mercy Corpse created problems.

How blissful must it be, to be ignorant!

On one side the gullible donors are impressed with glowing and highly inflated claims of achievements.
On the victims side, where nobody has Internet access (Why?? We often wonder??), no one has an idea what is claimed abroad to have been done. In the remote little Bay., and also myself are (un-)lucky enough to be able to see and compare both sides.
And as they never seem to match we have seen it as our duty to report – directly from the Field. For three, terrible, long years we did just that.. If we don’t draw attention to this huge fraud, who else is to do so? It got us nowhere. On the contrary, we harmed ourselves and we would have done better to grovel and give in to their financial super power. Earning a few of the morsels they tend to drop to the greedy and their sympathizer’s.

So, who made all the difference?
The small, simple, private people.
Exactly the kind of group, the BIG organizations wanted to keep out. Their advice was NOT to take matters into one’s own hand and leave the Tsunami help in their ‘experienced’ and ‘trusted’ hands.
Lucky for the Bay some did not listen and purchased a ticket and came to see, help and do what they could.
If it were not for great guys such as:

  • Nathalie, the party girl, who played with kids. Showed they that someone cared for them.
  • Tom the carpenter, who came with nothing but his tools and belief to assist
  • David le Sueur of Friends of Europe
  • Dutch girls Maria & Hanneke
  • Doc. Martin and DEMIRA,
  • Supem de Silva and the Rotary Club
  • Rasta Neelu and French Frederick
  • Per & Camilla from Danish Villa,
  • Steve of RoccoA?a??a??s fame
  • Members of SLB and Reisespinne
  • Wolfgang, the (then) webmaster
  • N.s.s. Simon, the Bay’s big donor
  • And many more

None of them ever had a vehicle fit for a Minister. Indeed, most relied on Public transport. Surprise, surprise: They all still managed to do a great deal more locally and all over the so-called ‘troubled’ East Coast than any Land Cruiser crew ever did or will do.
Without references to or demands for (non-existing-)danger money.
And all without a weird blue light on top. Or flag behind.

If these highly motivated, educated, critical and informed individuals would have been supported just a little more with some official funds (wasted daily) they are the ones who would really have changed lives to the better.

Instead, the large organizations regarded them as a threat, obstructed and even boycotted many. Most left, sad and demoralized, because they simply could not compete with (empty) promises, flash cars and elaborate lifestyles of the Great ones, which did impress and corrupt the local natives.

Most in the big organizations seem to regard their tasks as just another job. And although they may have started with great intentions they were soon grounded by their own bureaucracy. Only few had the back bone to resign in disgust. Such as Matthias from Koeln and Max Seelhofer, the Swiss Red Cross S.L country chief.
WE salute them all.

And we wish to thank our loyal, critical supporters herewith.
Without all of you great guys I am sure that some of the neck ties dropped of by the Red Cross 3 years ago would have found more than one non-intended use by now.
The US donated toilet rolls, which filled the entire “Hang Loose” Hotel at the time when we had no toilets, however, became useful after all, proving us totally wrong. A good motion.

Let us hope and pray that the next 3 years will not see are repeat performance of this mismanagement and waste of resources!

Below is just one Example.
This what we often see, locally.
Nothing at all has been done, apart from an erected sign!
Or even two…..
Example of Claim:

However, at least one organization had the neck to claim that they ‘completed’ a “Sanitary Project” in Arugam Bay. At huge expense. The trusting donors were content.
But, would they still be happy with their good deed? If they had been given the facts?
If they could have compared this grand “Project” with the REALITY, as below?

Maybe some of you can understand, why We are NOT happy with what we were forced to observe during the past Three, Terrible Years!

Happy New Year 2008!

Christmas Greetings 2007

Reporting directly from the bright, sunny Bay at Arugam:
Photo taken 25th December, 15:00hrs.:

Arugam Bay looking towards bridge cranes & construction Delivery voltaren

A very Merry Christmas to all of you, our strong supporters of the Bay.
Sadly, we have NO visitors to speak of in the Bay this Christmas.
After all. It is our so-called “Rainy Season”.
It has NEVER been this quiet before.
(Even all the ENJOY’s are absent)

Take a look at this afternoon’s pictures!

A bright, sunny, clear day with mild, European mid-summer temperatures!
And very peaceful, thankfully, too!
Arugam Bay Surf Point, Christmas Day, 2007, 15:00hrs. Generic for cialis

Simon’s Tattoo

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Navy Divers in Panama

Tsunami billions still at sea

Thousands of Victims still stranded 3 years after catastrophe
By Madhushala Senaratne

As Sri Lanka marks the third anniversary of the catastrophic 2004 tsunami, it has come to light that only US$ 1.7 billion of the US$ 3.1 billion pledged by foreign donors has been received. As a result of the shortage of funds and other reasons, thousands are still living in makeshift camps while rehabilitation work has been delayed.

According to Nation Building Ministry figures, there was a shortfall of US dollars 1.4 billion as against the money pledged for tsunami rehabilitation and related projects. Some of the agencies and governments had disbursed almost all the funds they pledged or were on the verge of keeping to their commitments, but others were lagging far behind. The money was pledged from more than 480 organisations.

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An abandoned house at a tsunami housing scheme in the south.

Of its total commitment of US$ 150 million, the World Bank had disbursed US$ 142 million while the UNICEF had dispersed its full commitment of US$ 42. 3 million. The USAID which had committed $ 115 million had disbursed $ 68 million. NORAD which pledged $ 1.2 million had disbursed $ 607,992.

At least 19,791 housing units still remain to be completed for those hit by the tsunami while in some cases there were people who received more than two houses due to uncoordinated distribution. A?a??A?Of the estimated 117,483 houses required, 85% of the work has been completed while the remaining would be completed by end of June next year,A?a??A? the ministryA?a??a??s tsunami housing projects director, Ramesh Selliah said.

Although 100% of the work has been completed in the Southern province, about 88% has been completed in the East, Mr. Selliah said. He said thousands were still living in temporary camps and were reluctant to move. He said the construction of houses in the northern and eastern areas was slower mainly due to the fighting in the areas.

BatticaloaA?a??a??s Additional District Secretary K. Mahesan, said reconstruction work in areas such as Vakarai was put on hold due to heavy fighting in the region and the subsequent displacement of thousands of civilians worsened the situation. A?a??A?However, over 90% of the required houses in the Batticaloa district have been completedA?a??A?, he said. In addition, much of the work in Ampara has also been completed.

However, maintaining an estimate cost for a house is becoming increasingly difficult with the rise in prices of materials such as cement, according to Sritharan Sylvester, Director of Caritas which handles human and economic development issues in the East. Limited funds, donors moving out of the East and the rainy season were adding to their woes, he said. In President Mahinda RajapaksaA?a??a??s homebase of Hambantota a total of 6,391 houses have been rebuilt and families resettled. This is in excess of the 3193 houses that were directly affected or damaged. A?a??A?The houses built in excess are now occupied by the indirectly affected people such as renters, sub families and extended families,A?a??A? Hambantota District Secretariat tsunami work chief Mahinda Manawadu, said.

But, some of the housing projects have been completed halfway and abandoned. The construction of 200 houses in Ichallampattu in Trincomalee undertaken by World Vision Lanka was stopped due to the conflict in the area. However, its National Director Yu Hwa Li said that they would resume work once stability is restored in the area.Meanwhile, a senior official of the Tsunami Education Rehabilitation Monitor (TERM) said that of the 183 schools identified as directly damaged, 100 have been rebuild so far. Work on the rebuilding of some 40 schools in the Jaffna, Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi, Trincomalee and Batticaloa has been put on hold due to security reasons while the work on the remaining 40 schools is to be finished next year, he said.

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Certain projects implemented by the Japanese government in the East had also been delayed due to the prevailing security conditions. A?a??A?Although much of the work has been completed, including the reconstruction of Japan-Sri Lanka friendship villages in Trincomalee and Ampara, we faced many difficulties especially with regard to transportation of goods and equipment,A?a??A?, the Japanese embassyA?a??a??s second secretary Yasuhiro Watanabe said.

Return to Arugambay

By Dr Kavan RatnatungaThe consequences of Great Tsunami of 26th December still influence events in Lanka. I had visited the east coast of Lanka 5 days after the Tsunami and it was just over 5 months, when I got the opportunity to return to Arugambay to see how the population directly affected by the Tsunami have recovered. They have little time to ponder the larger issues of sovereignty which is currently dominating the media and tearing apart the government and it’s politicians bickering on how to safeguard Lanka and divide the billion$ of Foreign Aid promised for Tsunami relief.

As on the previous trip I joined Lt. Col. Anil Amerasekara. Wing Cmdr. Ranjit Ratnapala was also traveling with us to continue his quest to help the region in the name of his son Chinthaka, who had in June 1997 made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of Lanka. We were joined in Kandy by Nisanka and Ira Madiwaka who had collected funds in UK to rebuild Tsunami affected houses in the east coast.

On Friday we visited three small computer centers near Ampara organized by the Thawalama organization and housed in Buddhist Temples. A computer technician Manjula came with us to fix problems and maintain the 5 computers in each center. A local teacher is hired to educate 5 batches of about 10 students each in English and Computer literacy. After the 6 months course they sit for an exam. We held such an exam on Sunday in one of the centers before returning to Colombo. The exam is set and marked in collaboration with Where to buy tamoxifen online IDM who awards certificates to those that pass (about 30%) and scholarships to those that do very well (about 1%). This program had been active now for about 2 years in eight centers in the North-East provinces of Lanka.

The Potuvil to Arugambay bridge, part of which had washed away in the Tsunami had reopened with the aid of the Engineering regiments of the Indian Army Task Force. An Indian Flag was hung on the side in gratitude, I wonder how long this temporary repair which allowed a single vehicle to be on the bridge at one time, will need to serve the community.

The entrance to temporarily reconstructed Arugambay Bridge
It was about 10 O’clock when we drove into Arugambay on our way to stay overnight at the Guest House in Kudakalli 2 km further south. A ghost town after the Tsunami just five months previously, Arugambay was alive at this late hour. Many Tourists had returned to this surfing paradise and were on the streets walking from their hotels to patronize the Cybercafe and many Bars and restaurants which had reopened. A street performance was entertaining a large audience near a newly constructed Buddhist shrine in the town center.

The infamous Tsunami Hotel sign, repainted with URL
The Tsunami Beach hotel sign had been revised and put back up proudly stating that they had open since 1999. The owners cashing in on on all the media publicity after the Tsunami had even registered in March 2005 an Internet domain It like the Hotel had still not activated.

Arriving at Daya Fernando’s guest house we surprised the caretakers since they had not got the message of our arrival. However dinner was soon ready and the mosquito nets put up for us to retire to sleep from a long drive. Since I had not slept overnight near the east coast for almost 30 years, I got up an hour before sunrise and walked out with disturbing the others. Daya’s 3 dogs were ready to protect me and show me the way. The surf was up but fairly calm. Starlight and a crescent moon illuminated the many shells that had washed ashore on to the beach. A couple were beach combing a rich bounty. I too picked up some beautiful large shells and coral. I was amazed to see the many striations of black sand on the beach. Considering that region of the beach needs to have been rebuilt after the Tsunami, black sand probably settles only at particular tide characteristics. I was disappointed by the clouds which covered the horizon at sunrise. The others were up and ready for breakfast by the time I walked back to the guest house.

Our next visit was to Panama. A small Sinhala community 10 km south of Arugambay. We went to the residence of Chandrasena who was the secretary to the local Pradesh Saba (community council). He is I was told a (s)pot-less politician. It was he who had compiled the list of 17 houses which had been badly damaged in Panama by the Tsunami and had sent out the appeal with photographs for funding. He told us that all off them had already been rebuilt by Thawalama using funding from Sri Lanka Tsunami Appeal Committee of Western Australia. I also witnessed the handing over of ten carts with pneumatic tires to cultivators affected by the Tsunami from this same committee.

The cultivators of Panama also lost over 350 acres of paddy land, when areas such as Halawa, close to the sea was flooded by Tsunami water. These Paddy fields will remain barren for many years till the salt washes away. Though they have been promised alternate land under the Meeyangoda tank, which is to be restored with funding from the Rotary Club of Kandy, the cultivators now fear that this too is another promise that will never materialize. Most NGO’s who have visited the village of Panama have requested the villagers to fill application forms, but have failed to provide the promised assistance.

In the reality that some promises of help for reasons beyond the control of the well-wishers get delayed or unfulfilled, construction starts when the first group comes with the hard cash. There have been some reported cases when more than one group have known to have paid for the same reconstruction.

That was clearly not going to happen here. The UK funding would need to be used for other housing project in Panama or elsewhere on the East coast. We visited some homes which although had only been slightly damaged by tsunami, the residents who had lost their livelihood to the Tsunami and their ability to complete a partial house construction. The decisions were hard to make with so many valid requests for help.

Nearly all of the help to reconstruct and revitalize the community has come from private organizations which have raised the required funds in Lanka and abroad. The government represented by the Task Force for Rebuilding the Nation (TAFREN) had still not made any positive impact on reconstruction the community. All that the residents have seen are the numerous reports and advertisements in the media of what is being planned, Those affected were wondering where all the claimed foreign aid had got tied up.

Just south of Arugambay, the village of Ulla, within the 200 meter buffer zone was totally destroyed by the tsunami. TAFREN has thus far failed to provide the affected families with alternate property outside the buffer zone, for them to commence rebuilding their houses. The NGO’s who want to help these unfortunate people to rebuild their houses are being discouraged as a result.

TAFREN unlike most NGOs allocates the task signs a MoU and waits. For example the Sinhapura Sinhala Vidyalaya in Ulla near Arugambay was totally destroyed by the tsunami, even though it is beyond the 200 meter buffer zone. The Italian Civil Protection Mission has signed a MoU to complete construction work in six months. It is now six months since the tsunami and they have yet to commence work on reconstruction. The Thawalama Development Foundation that wrote to the President in this connection, requesting her to reallocate this school to them, as they are in a position to find the necessary funds for the purpose, have been informed by TAFREN that this is not possible.

Unlike state aid, private aid has in many cases been made on racial and religious divisions. A Tamil resident from Jaffna I spoke to said that although many who didn’t have any fishing boats have received a one, but he who had lost seven boats in the Tsunami has still to get any replacement.

That evening we visited the “Mudu Maha Vihara”. We were surprised to find that the archaeological dept. sign that pointed the way for pilgrims and tourists had been removed and replaced with a large Mosque sign which at bottom mentioned an unnamed archaeological site. An interesting report that circulated soon after the Tsunami was that a reclining Buddha statue had been seen few hundred meters from the coast when the sea receded near the Vihara. The Monk who was in residence on the fateful day, said that no such statue had been seen. The story had been made up to say that the 34 acres of land allocated in the 1960’s to the Vihara as an archaeological reserve is from the sea, and not the 30 acres of archaeological land illegally encroached by the local Muslim community.

Buddhist Monk explains the history of MuduMahaVihara next to statue identified as that of King KavanTissa.
This great Buddhist temple near the sea dates back to the 2nd century B.C. and has ruins and many sculpture from that era. It is stated in the ancient chronicle the “Rajavaliya” that in the second century BC after Kelaniya was submerged by the sea (Tsunami), Devi daughter of King was cast to sea in a Golden Vessel to appease the gods, and washed ashore near a Vihara to became queen to king KavanTissa under the name Viharamahadevi. Kirinda which is a lot further south and this site each claim to be the “true” landing site. Local folklore relate place names Komari to “Ko Kumari” (where is Princess) and Arugambay to reply “Ara gamme” (In that village)

Early next morning observing that the sky was still too cloudy to see sunrise, I went on a bicycle to photograph Arugambay and the reconstructed Bridge at dawn. The village was as empty as when we had walked that way five months previously. All of the rubble had been cleared. However various Political forces with wildly different agendas were preventing the start of the urgent Reconstruction.

After breakfast, packed and on our way out of Arugambay, we distributed baby T-shirts sent by the Senahasa Trust of UK. Although we had sent a message the day before through a local contact that we would be distributing free T-shirts to Tsunami affected families, no one had come when we arrived a bit early. I guess they had probably been disappointed before. A reasonable crowed of mothers with babies gathered after we arrived when word spread in village. We were glad we realized before trying to distribute them that the sealed T-shirts marked 6-12 was months not years as we had first assumed. Although all of the T-shirts were for babies under 2 years, we found some small built 9-years olds who fitted into them comfortably. To ensure that the T-shirts went to kids and not the local store, we insisted that the babies be present despite some legitimate comments from some mothers who didn’t want to bring their babies in the hot sun just to get a T-shirt.

Has the charm Arugambay Hillton to be demolished for the 5* Original
Talking with the villages at that time I was told that TAFREN with the Ceylon Tourist Board is trying to acquire a 17-mile long strip of the best sea coast on the pretext of a Tsunami 200 meter buffer zone, for development of a upscale resort of with five-star hotels, displacing the residents and small business who have occupied this land for generations. This amazing outrage is in detail by John Lancaster in a Washington post Proventil inhaler over the counter article of 6th June. The people of Arugambay must surely be feeling like they say in Sinhala “Like a man fallen from a tree, getting butted by a bull”

An edited version of this article Slow relief but surfers are back By Kavan Ratnatunga appeared in the SundayTimes of Sri Lanka on 2005 June 26th. The printed copy of Newspaper included Photographs shown above and not included in online edition. Access to the Online edition of the SundayTimes of Sri Lanka requires a paid annual subscription.source:

Solid Houses

Order yougaramdewababa On the event of re-advertised vacancy of project manager (see Comment below), this post is hereby re-published:
Still, there is not one real good development at Arugambay to report.
But, at nearby PottuVille, the Dutch Solid House Foundation is getting on very well with their Tropical Iglu project.

Build to a high standard, mainly for Tamils in a Tamil area, and above all also popular with the locals:
Here we have, at last! a project to be proud of. regrets that no such brilliant progress has ever been made in the Bay itself – after all How much does prograf cost Arugam is “The hardest hit Community in the whole of Sri Lanka”

2007 Capture Competition

The grand Arugam Bay Order zenegra photo Competition price of 2007 remains unclaimed!
Even a regular visitor to the Bay, having won 2 weeks Free B&B for two in an a/c suite, did not visit the Bay this year. It has never been as quiet as this before!
Order lisinopril hydrochlorothiazide AbHa has decided to extent the offer to redeem for one further year, hoping to welcome brilliant photographer Mr. Philip sometime in 2008.

How about a capture contest?
Below are a few amateur shots, all taken around the same location.
During the past 3 years.

AbHa, trying hard to attract tourists thinks the few photos sum up the “progress” of the past three years rather well, without many words. And show the conflict of interests in the Bay these days.
The winner of the most apt, funny or fitting capture will win a chance to run up and down Arugam Bay beach (just 2km) and try to match the amount of vessels with the slogans painted upon them.
At our expense.
Simply click “Comments” and let us hear your suggestion.

2004 View to Beach

December 2004; a Natural Event

Clean Arugam Bay April 2005

April, 2005. A fine balance is still in place

Outlook 2005

2005: Is this what tourists come to the Bay for?

Outlook Dec. 2007: After NGO

YOUR Suggestions Please!

Private resort in Marawila attacked

A private sports resort in Marawila was set on fire by an unknown gang early last morning, the management told the Daily Mirror yesterday claiming that it was the second such attack within the past one week forcing it to shut down operations.

Aquarius Sports Resort chairman Dr. Dietmar Doering said that around 15 -20 men stormed the premises on Tuesday at the time a few German and American guests were inside, damaged property and set fire to the place.

A?a??A?On Poya day, just one week ago four rooms of our hotel, which has been leased to a local party, were smashed by the same or a related gang. A driver of a Government Minister from the area had refused to pay a bill and a subsequent fight resulted in the destruction of four of our hotel rooms and two shops in Marawila. Vehicles too were smashed. The total damage was around 15 million rupees. A settlement subsequently resolved the dispute while none of the parties claimed damages from the other party,A?a??A? Mr Doering said.

He said he had now decided to wind up his operations in the country as his life and that of his guests were under threat owing to frequent attacks on his resort.

A?a??A?Law and order is no longer in the hands or in the control of the authorities here. We are in the process of issuing warning notices to European travel trade organisations based on the incidents which happened here last night,A?a??A? he said.

When contacted by the Daily Mirror the Marawila police confirmed that an incident had taken place but refused to divulge further details.

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Arugam Bay Impressions

Arugam als Erlebnis
Here is an article received from our good friends and strong AbaY supporters in Germany.

Ich mA?A?chte hier die MA?A?glichkeit nutzen, Euch die wunderschA?A?ne OstkA?A?ste ein wenig nA?A?her zu bringen.

Der vom Tourismus weitgehend erschlossene Westen des Landes ist sicher vielen Lesern bekannt, jedoch landschaftlich ebenso anders , wie auch in der Tierwelt.

Man findet endlose , saubere StrA?A?nde, die zum Baden und Surfen einladen.

Begegnungen ? NatA?A?rlich, wenn man denn mag. 😉

Oft sieht man Fischer, die ihre Netze einholen oder diese reparieren.

Kinder von Fischern, die es den Alten nach machen und selbst schon handeln wollen, sind ebenfalls A?A?ber Kontakte erfreut.

Niemand stA?A?rt sich an einem netten Plausch und man ist herzlich willkommen. Nach erledigter Arbeit wird dann gemeinsam der Fang bewundert und eine Zigarette rundet den Tag ab.

Am Strand entlang findet man ungeahnte SehenswA?A?rdigkeiten, Purchase generic valtrex online die oftmals nur den Locals bekannt sind, wie z.B. der Elefantenfelsen oder der Crocodilsrock….

In der HA?A?hle des Crocodilrocks (unteres Bild) lebte z.B. monatelang ein tamilischer FlA?A?chtling auf der Flucht. A?A?ber diese Geschichte schrieb die Autorin Claudia Ackermann das Buch “Der Krokodilfelsen”.

Aber, es gibt nicht nur Strand und Meer………

Eine wundervolle Flora und Fauna begrA?A?sst GA?A?ste mit offnenen Armen und wer sich ein wenig Zeit nimmt, diese Ruhe und den Augenblick zu geniessen, wird es nicht bereuen.

Man kann sich A?A?ber wilde Elefanten, die in Ruhe auf einer Lichtung grasen,

…wilde Pfauen, die teilweise den Wegesrand sA?A?umen und die Ruhe selbst sind……..

…und Begegnungen zu Menschen aller Art freuen.

Mag jemand die Kultur des Landes abseits des Tourismus erleben ? Auch Dieses ist natA?A?rlich machbar und wir selbst waren erstaunt, wie wunderschA?A?n verborgen einige Dinge im Dschungel sind.
Ein Beispiel dafA?A?r ist eine der A?A?ltesten Tempelruinen Asiens in Lahugalla selbst.

Weiter Abseits der StrA?A?nde und der normalen Strassen kann man bei Interesse eine wunderschA?A?ne Felsenformation besuchen, auf dem vor vielen Jahrhunderten eine Tempelanlage geschaffen Amantadine price us wurde. Dort leben heute noch MA?A?nche, die in Meditation und Gebete versunken den Tag in aller Abgeschiedenheit verbringen. Eine EindrA?A?cke sollen Euch untere Bilder davon geben.

Auf folgendem Bild sieht man, wie A?A?ber das Dach oben aus der normalen Felsenformation entstanden ist. Die Unterkunft des MA?A?nches ist somit auch von der Natur vorgegeben.

In diese Gegend verlaufen sich sehr selten Toristen und so war der MA?A?nch doch ein dankbar fA?A?r ein wenig Abwechslung im Alltag und gerne zu einem GesprA?A?ch bereit.

Die eigentliche Tempelanlage jedoch ist so gross, dass man dort Stunden verbringen kA?A?nnte. Wir zogen es vor, den MA?A?nchen ihre Ruhe zu lassen und verabschiedeten uns dankbar.

An dieser Stelle mA?A?chte ich fA?A?r Interessenten auf folgendes Buch hinweisen:

” Wie ein Fremder im Paradies” von Florian Palzinsky. Florian lebte in diesem Tempel lange Zeit als buddhistischer MA?A?nch und seine ErzA?A?hlungen in diesem Buch, seine Erfahrungen mit dem Land Sri Lanka sind wirklich eindrucksvoll.

Aber, man findet entlang der OstkA?A?ste an vielen Stellen diverse Felsformationen, auf denen kleinere Tempel errichtet wurden………

Ich denke, Ihr habt nun zumindest einen kleinen Eindruck von dieser wundervollen Gegend bekommen und mein Beitrag langweilte Euch nicht zu sehr. Es wA?A?rde mich freuen, ein wenig Begeisterung und Neugier in Euch geweckt zu haben und verbleibe mit lieben GrA?A?ssen,


P.S.: Wer Interesse an mehr Infos dazu haben mA?A?chte, kann gerne folgenden Link dazu nutzen.

55ft Surf

Not at Arugambay – but in Ireland:

Surfer defies giant waves alert

See more pictures of Duncan Scott at Mullagmore Head

A Cornish surfer defied warnings to ride what are thought to be the biggest waves recorded off the west coast of Ireland. Duncan Scott, 29, from Newquay, was surfing at Mullagmore Head in Donegal Bay as waves estimated at 55ft (16.7m) high lashed the coast.

Weather forecasters had warned of hazardous conditions for ships, fishing vessels and coastal walkers.

He said that he was safe because friends were on hand with a water bike.

Flood fears

He and three others, who have surfed some of the biggest breaks in the world, including Mavericks in California, used the water bike to tow them onto the waves.

Mr Scott said: “These were the biggest waves I have ever surfed, but I never felt in danger because we were using experienced riders who were on hand all the time.

“The jet skis have a platform at the rear so you can get back to safety.”

It is understood that low pressure near Iceland is causing the high sea levels with waves growing for between 500 and 600 miles by the time they crash against the Irish coastline.

Dr Glenn Nolan, of the Marine Institute, said: “This is allowing waves to travel all the way uninterrupted to the Irish coast.

“It’s quite unusual. The last time we would have had waves close to this height would have been in early 2005 and before that in 2000.”

Dr Nolan warned that the entire west coast, from Cork up to Donegal, was affected.

Previously the biggest waves recorded by the Marine Institute’s data buoys were to the west of Galway Bay in January 2005, when swells of 44ft (13.4m) were recorded. Bonnispaz order Aleve order

The high seas come just weeks after the east coast of England braced itself for tidal surges, sparking flood fears and evacuations.


A long lost article has resurfaced

Sunday Times – Sri Lanka 2005 January 9th – Plus – Page 5

Once Sri Lanka’s surf paradise,
Arugam Bay offers only rubble and mass graves after the tsunami


Lost to the sea

By Kavan Ratnatunga
Arugam Bay on the south-east coast of Lanka is surf paradise. Many travel there directly from the airport ignoring the country?smany other attractions. In the aftermath of the tsunami, on December 30, I joined Lt.Col. Anil Amerasekara, Daya Fernando who had a beach house in Arugam Bay and Lalith Karunaratna who is an engineer from Sony in Dubai to deliver relief aid from the Thawalama organisation to Pottuvil and Arugam Bay.

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Driving south to Lahugala, we passed many aid trucks on the road each with a large white banner in front proclaiming the name of the organization. An idea probably started by aid sent by one TV station and copied by many. I was glad our vehicle had no banner, there was no need for self-publicity at this time. Lahugala near the STF camp was crammed with trucks. There were far more items than could be stored for distribution to the victims. All possible rooms which had any storage space were piled to the ceiling. One needed to “know someone” to get any aid stored under cover. Dry rations unloaded next to the road were soaking in the rain for lack of covered space.

We dropped off all of the relief supplies at the local administration office at Lahugala which agreed to distribute them to the tsunami victims when needed over the next few weeks.

Driving east to Pottuvil, we passed beautiful green paddy-fields and then saw the Pottuvil to Arugam Bay bridge in the distant horizon. Half of the bridge had been washed away and the other half stood ending in midair. The surroundings abruptly changed to a barren land washed away by the tsunami.The town was a huge mess, though in the process of being cleaned. Earth moving plows were hard at work. All of the shops near the coast had been washed away leaving empty shells. The dead had been buried in mass graves. We were told that some of the foreigners had been photographed before burial and sites recorded, but I suspect this was not done systematically.

It was amazing to see the Buddha statue next to the bridge absolutely undamaged. Even the plate glass in front of it and the Bodhi tree near it were unscathed, even though there was much destruction to the Pottuvil village behind it and the distant half of the large bridge was completely destroyed and washed away.

We went by boat under the bridge and across the causeway, to get to Arugam Bay. Walking onto devastated land was an eerie feeling. The residents had all left leaving a ghost town behind. A stray dog was looking for lunch. Items that had floated in had landed in unexpected places. There were beds from guest-houses next to smashed up cars and boats.

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Suddenly we came up to a large sign which read “Tsunami Beach Hotel Restaurant” below a painted tidal wave. We had clearly reached surf paradise, but sadly it had been an untimely death for many from surfing a tsunami.

The Bank of Ceylon next to the Pizzeria, Bier Garten and Internet Cafe were reminders of the rich international culture in Arugam Bay. A laptop could be seen open on the ground where the receding wave had left it. An album of photographs showed glimpses of a happier past.

After about a two km walk in the light rain through the devastated land we reached Daya’s partly destroyed beach house. The front door and half the kitchen had been washed away. The first wave had struck about 9 a.m. and the second which was much stronger soon after. It had gone over the electricity posts which are probably around 25 feet high. The two caretakers had luckily lived through the ordeal with the tourists who had been in residence. They were able to swim as a small group and ride out the wave.

They told the story of the night before the tsunami when a wild elephant had come to the back of the hotel and refused to go away, even when chased. The caretakers are now convinced the elephant was trying to warn them of the tsunami.

Piles and Piles:Donations in abundance

See also Unawatuna – Fallen and Reclaimed by Nature

Author is Seretary of LAcNet a US Non-profit organization registered in 1991 which is collecting funds for Tsunami relief in Lanka as highlighted in LAcNet web page text is a copy of Lost to the sea By Kavan Ratnatunga which appeared in the SundayTimes of Sri Lanka on 2005 Junuary 9th. The eEdition online doesn’t have the illustrations of the printed copy. I have also added above a few more illustrations to middle of article which seems to have been cut out to make room for a large advertisment.In my original more candid Blog I wrote for distribution among friends I did comment about the Buddha Statue as a Physicist: Many such selective observations from many parts of Lanka hit by the Tsunami are being explained not by Statistical Physics of Turbulent Motion, but the laws of Karma. I guess the editors of the SundayTimes wanted to save me from any bad Karma.

Sri Lanka a safe destination

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Sri Lanka is one of the safest destinations for tourists and the security situation in the country has been exaggerated overseas by false propaganda, Chairman of the Faith Task Force, UK, Anthony Bailey said in an interview with the Daily News.

Bailey, an advisor to the British Prime Minister, was spending his honeymoon in Sri Lanka and had traveled to the South, Dambulla, Sigiriya and Nuwara Eliya over a period of ten days.

He observed that there was a concerted effort to tarnish the image of the country overseas focusing on the conflict in the North and East.

Bailey who wedded Crown Princess of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, said that now that has seen the reality first hand he will carry the message to other countries that Sri Lanka is a safe destination with a unique scenic beauty. He also noted that the country has a unique spiritual harmony with people from all communities and subscribing to different religious co-existing without any conflict.

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Royal Highness Marie Therese von Hohenberg!!!!


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Green Lung of Asia

The responsible world begins to take global warming serious.
And Sri Lanka is planning to point out its unique ecological position.
The island Nation, it is said, has NO Co2 emission at all.
Indeed, our green Island produces more Oxygen than its own emission of harmful gasses. is informed that if this claim is proven to be correct, it will form the back bone of the entire future strategy of the Tourist Board.

In Arugam Bay we are blessed with no sea pollution at all.
That’s obvious, as we clearly have no industry or sewage which could ever spoil the quality of our blue waters.

Due to foreseeable energy shortages a few fossil fuel power stations are under construction in places like Trincomalee. The government might be forgiven to seek quick fix solutions; Ministers are busy with more pressing tasks. however feels that wise and western NGO’s should have played a better role in using their huge financial muscle to influence policy and educate our small developing Nation.
Starting by giving a good example, for example?
In the case of Arugam Bay the exact opposite has happened!
Still, there is not a single solar panel around, there still are no windmills on any of our windswept beaches or hills, no renewable energy sources qualified for funding, there hasn’t even been a single low energy bulb donated (or used in NGO’s offices!!).
Instead, guys like Mercy Corps donated:
1.) Two stroke Mopeds (instead of electric ones, available for the same price)
2.) Compressor fridges and freezers (instead of LPG or inverter or heat pump systems)
3.) Two stoke 3-wheelers (outlawed in most Nations, the 4 Stroke BajajA?A? was available)
4.) Electric water heaters are said to be donated and installed in small restaurants
5.) Noise & beach polluting boats and Suzuki Kerosine engines
6.) Obscure Las Vegas Style light chains for visiting TV stunts like O.W. “Lights of Hope”
…….and many more energy consuming gimmicks were dished out in true US style, just to obtain a good photo for the distant donors and for the flash M/C newsletter.
Buy tadacip from india at the time tried to help organizations such as Mercy Corps and The Angel Network to see the light of the future and use chances a remote enclave like the Bay offered to them and their long-term plans.
Our help was refused – and our own bed sheet poster, at the time: “No light – No hope” was of course totally ignored. Although much more appropriate, as NONE of the great Mercy Corpse funded ‘projects’ survived the first year of ‘operation.
Indeed, some dismissed and jobless staff had to be drafted in for the follow-on Oprah show to state “how much the US guys have changed our lives” and so on.
Five minutes after the TV guys left – the local girls of the tailor shopA?A? were without any job again, until this very day…A great deception some would call it.

It is with regret and great sadness that with all the huge sums collected, and the wisdom the rest of the world possesses regarding the future of our GREEN planet that we seem unable to begin to make realistic changes in a greenfield micro location such as Arugam Bay.
We (the NGO’s) had the cash, we had the knowledge and wisdom – and still the end effect has been totally negative.
We even damaged our own environment more than before 2004.
We had a great chance to build a better place, but it was totally missed.
At least ever since the arrival of ‘expert’ men and women from overseas.
Online prescription for cymbalta And thanks to Mercy Corps to change lives in Arugam Bay!
(Closing words of Ms. Whinfrey in her show on Arugam Bay)

Walker Construction

By Feizal Sameth

Colombo, Nov 20 (Bernama) — A top Malaysian conglomerate involved in construction and infrastructure development which has taken a majority stake in a Sri Lankan company is stepping up work on road development and housing projects here.

MTD Capital Bhd recently bought out Kapila Heavy Equipment Plc and last week renamed the Colombo firm as MTD Walkers Plc.

It is the company’s third subsidiary in Sri Lanka, after MTD CML Construction Ltd and MTD Construction Ceylon Pvt Ltd which handle housing and road development. MTD Walkers will tackle engineering tasks.

MTD group managing director Datuk Azmil Khalid told shareholders of MTD Walkers at an extraordinary general meeting here last week that it has submitted bids under the guidance of the Malaysian government to undertake construction of the Colombo-Kandy Alternate Highway and the Colombo-Katunayake Expressway.

Both are proposed major arteries running out of Colombo to key cities as well as the international airport complex.

He said construction of 25,000 housing units is being carried out by MTD CML at an investment cost of over 2.7 billion rupees (RM81.6 million).

In addition, MTD Walkers is marketing automated tea rollers locally and abroad in India, Africa and elsewhere. These are technically advanced machines optimising efficiency and enhancing greater profitability with minimum labour costs, he said.

MTD Capital acquired 90 percent of Kapila Heavy and also took over its management in June this year and is restructuring it.

Plans are underway to rebuild the group’s new head office in Colombo while improving the working environment of its workshops and branches at Ratnapura, Bandarawela and Galle, all outside Colombo, Azmil said.

The former Kapila Heavy has prime property in Colombo worth millions of rupees, the biggest asset of the company.

H. Channa Caldera, director of the renamed company, said it is actively pursuing infrastructure projects such as the petroleum oil storage tank for the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation as well as projects for the Sri Jayawardanepura-Kotte Municipal Council, Sri Lanka Telecom and the Dialog Telekom head office expansion.

He added that the group is also involved in local infrastructure and other development work for the Ministry of Irrigation and the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka as well as the construction of a steel bridge at Arugam Bay in the Eastern Province Femcare shipping .

Walkers was one of the well-known British companies in Sri Lanka. It was sold to an Indian company, Bolts, and Hapila Heavy bought it 15 years ago.

Azmil told the meeting that the company had incurred heavy losses and the new management is in the process of cleaning the balance sheet and generating business.




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Von Stefan Nink

Die beiden links noch, dann bin ich mir ganz sicher, dass es 87 sind. Nicht 86 oder 88, und auch nicht 92, wie ich zwischenzeitlich mal meinte. Nein: 87. Man mag gar nicht glauben, wie kompliziert es sein kann, in einer Badewanne zu liegen und BlA?A?tter zu zA?A?hlen. Das soll ich aber, damit ich nicht einnicke. Als ob diese Gefahr jemals bestehen kA?A?nnte! Das Badewasser wirft gleich BlA?A?schen, so heiA?A? ist es, und stA?A?ndig lA?A?uft mir das A?a??l in die Augen, mit dem mein Kopf eben noch massiert wurde. AuA?A?erdem piekst das Spinatzeugs, in das sie mich gepackt haben. Ich versuche, mit dem groA?A?en Zeh ein Loch in das KrA?A?uterdickicht an der WasseroberflA?A?che zu stoA?A?en. KA?A?hler wird es dadurch nicht. Zur Ablenkung kontrolliere ich noch mal das Ergebnis der ayurvedischen Algebra.

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Dass ich die BlA?A?tter des Bhodibaums zA?A?hlen soll, dessen dA?A?rres GeA?A?st A?A?ber der Wanne kront, hat der Doc empfohlen. Lord Buddha habe das auch getan. Ich dachte, der Erleuchtete habe unter einem Baum meditiert. Dass er wie ich auf kleiner Flamme gegart worden war, wusste ich nicht. Was ich aber weiA?A?, ist: Der erste Anwendungstag ist gleich vorbei, ich darf sein Ende nur nicht verschlafen.

Wenn Sie beim Stichwort “Ayurveda” von Massagen im FA?A?nf-Sterne-Resort trA?A?umen, von samtenen A?a??len und regenbogenfarbenen Gesundheits-Cocktails, die ihnen Kellner zusammen mit frischen FlauschhandtA?A?chern an den Pool bringen, wenn Sie an Duftkerzen denken und an “CafA?A? del Mar”-KlA?A?nge – eben all das, was Ihnen Frauenzeitschriften penetrant als Ayurveda verkaufen -, dann erwartet Sie hier eine unsanfte Landung in der RealitA?A?t. Das “Siddhalepa Ayurveda Health Resort” in Sri Lanka ist alles andere als ein WohlfA?A?hl-Tempel, eher der HotelgeschA?A?ftszweig des berA?A?hmtesten Ayurveda-Familienunternehmens im Land. Die Hettigodas beschA?A?ftigen sich seit mehr als 200 Jahren mit nichts anderem als mit der “Lehre vom Wissen des Lebens”. Man kann sich vorstellen, dass ihnen ayurvedische Kleidungs- und Einrichtungstipps in deutschen Lifestylemagazinen egal sind.

ZunA?A?chst bekommt jeder eine kurze EinfA?A?hrung in die Lehre vom Vid (Wissen) des Ayu (Leben). Der Doc sieht aus wie aus einem Sri-Lanka-Bildband: asketische Gestalt, markante GesichtszA?A?ge, eisgraues Haar. Und ganz traurige Augen hat er, da passt es gut, dass er erst einmal seufzt: Ayurveda erklA?A?ren? UnmA?A?glich! Nach 35 Jahren Berufserfahrung kA?A?nne er vielleicht die GrundzA?A?ge der Lehre beschreiben, mehr nicht: ,Jeder Mensch hat ein bestimmtes VerhA?A?ltnis der drei Lebensenergien Vata, Pitta und Kapha in sich. Ist dieses VerhA?A?ltnis gestA?A?rt, wird er krank. Ayurveda versucht, das ursprA?A?ngliche Gleichgewicht wiederherzustellen.” Er seufzt noch einmal, als wisse er nicht genau, was er mit mir anfangen soll. Weil ich aber nun schon mal da bin, stellt er mir Fragen zu meinem Befinden.

Dann misst er fA?A?r eine Minute den Puls und diagnostiziert: “Sie sind ein Kapha-Typ, davon ist am meisten in Ihnen. Vom Moment, als Sie aus dem Mutterleib kamen, bis zu jenem Tag, an dem man Sie sechs FuA?A? tief unter die Erde schaufelt.” Und das bedeutet? Der Arzt schaut traurig. “Sie sind ein wenig behA?A?big. Bleiben lieber sitzen, als zu laufen. Nehmen sehr schnell sehr viel zu. Sind maA?A?los beim Essen. Beim Trinken auch. Und auch beim . . .” Stopp! Es reicht! Was tun wir dagegen? Die Antwort wird von einem besonders traurigen Blick untermalt: “Man kann nichts dagegen tun. Sie sind und bleiben Kapha. Zurzeit sind Sie allerdings ziemlich aufgedreht, weil das Vata auA?A?er Kontrolle ist. Das dA?A?mpfen wir. Ansonsten lassen wir alles, wie es ist.”

In meinem Fall geht das Vata-DA?A?mpfen wie folgt: Zuerst wird mein Kopf massiert, bis ich es tief drinnen im Hirn knacksen hA?A?re. AnschlieA?A?end wird etwa ein Barrel A?a??l in meinen KA?A?rper geknetet. Und dann muss ich raus auf einen Steinweg, zum Umherwandeln. Ein bA?A?ser Architekt hat Zehntausende Kiesel in den Boden einfA?A?gen lassen, die alle mit ihrer spitzen Seite nach oben schauen. Das Umherwandeln tut hA?A?llisch weh, was mich aufregt und eigentlich kontraindiziert sein mA?A?sste. Aber die werden schon wissen, was sie tun – oder mich tun lassen.

Wie der FuA?A?weg ist die komplette Anlage nach ayurvedischen Gesichtspunkten gebaut. Die Pfade zwischen Blumen und Palmen beispielsweise folgen verwirrenden Kurven, damit sich die GA?A?ste auf den Weg konzentrieren mA?A?ssen und so den Stress vergessen, den sie zurA?A?cklieA?A?en, als sie hierherkamen. Am rundlich geschwungenen Pool, den ich mit Geborgenheit assoziiere, liegt ein deutsches PA?A?rchen. Er liest ihr aus dem “Herrn der Ringe” vor. Ich bin sicher, dass sie lA?A?ngst eingeschlafen ist.

Wie ein Fantasy-Roman hA?A?rt sich auch die Geschichte des Unternehmens an, in dessen Resort unser Feintuning A?A?berholt wird. Asoka Hettigoda erzA?A?hlt sie, Tochter des Chefs, eine zierliche, quirlige Frau, deren ayurvedischer Dreiklang ihr offenbar ein Charisma bis knapp unter die Haarwurzeln beschert . Asoka erzA?A?hlt, wie ihr UrurgroA?A?vater auf der Suche nach Weisheit in den Himalaja pilgerte. Wie er dort einen Yogi traf, der ihm die Rezeptur eines heilenden Balsams anvertraute. Wie der Yogi prophezeite, UrurgroA?A?vater werde ein VermA?A?gen mit dem Balsam verdienen. Zum Dank solle er die HA?A?lfte des Gewinns an die Armen geben. Asoka erzA?A?hlt, wie die Hettigodas seitdem 50 Prozent aus dem VerkaufserlA?A?s jenes Balsams spenden. Bis heute.

Sollte man ihre Geschichte fA?A?r eine zauberhaft gewebte Firmenlegende halten und diese A?A?berlegung versehentlich offen aussprechen, dann packt einen Anoka ins Auto und fA?A?hrt A?A?ber StraA?A?en voller Menschen, hupender Autos und auf dem Mittelstreifen meditierender KA?A?he hinaus nach Mount Lavinia. Dort haben die Hettigodas ein Ayurveda-Krankenhaus gebaut. Die Behandlung ist fA?A?r alle kostenlos. “Das hat der Yogi damals gemeint”, sagt sie und beginnt, mit jedem Patienten im Wartezimmer zu plaudern. Wie gut, dass ich behA?A?biger Kapha-Typ bin, der lieber gemA?A?tlich rumsitzt und zuhA?A?rt als aufgeregt auf spitzen Steinen zu wandeln.

Die Sprache der Einheimischen klingt A?A?brigens, als kA?A?men aus dem Mund Murmeln gerollt, ganz viele und ganz schnell, ein ganzer Sack voll bei jedem Satz. Lustigerweise sieht die Schrift auch so aus: Viele knubbelige, runde Kringel purzeln neben- und A?A?bereinander Richtung Satzende. Und erst die Namen! “Belimal, Ashwaganda Arishtaya, Dasamoola Ariwaya”. Was sich fA?A?r europA?A?ische Ohren wie eine BeschwA?A?rungsformel anhA?A?rt, sind die Zutaten fA?A?r den Cocktail des Abends, den “Herbal Dream”. Balan Pushpendran mixt ihn, der Chefkoch des Resorts. Mittags und abends taucht er am BA?A?fett auf und kontrolliert, wer was isst, denn Kapha-Menschen wie ich brauchen natA?A?rlich andere Speisen als Pitta-Wesen. Wenn Balan merkt, dass es einem schmeckt, lA?A?dt er fA?A?r den nA?A?chsten Morgen zum Ayurveda-Kochkurs in seine KA?A?che ein. Da lernt man dann, dass CurryblA?A?tter gut gegen einen hohen Cholesterinspiegel sind, scharfe Chilis dagegen keinen positiven Effekt haben. Die ayurvedische KA?A?che macht kein groA?A?es Geheimnis um ihre Kunst: vegetarisch, ein Curry als Basis, variiert mit GemA?A?sen und immer wechselnden GewA?A?rzen. “Zimt!”, ruft Balan, sei ganz wichtig fA?A?r seine Kreationen und auf Deutsch so ein schA?A?nes Wort. Er mischt den Zimt in ein Okra-Curry und reicht einen ProbierlA?A?ffel weiter. Himmlisch!

Das ist das Besondere an einem Aufenthalt im “Siddhalepa Ayurveda Health Resort”: Man darf, ach was, man soll hinter die Kulissen schauen. In Balans KA?A?che, in den KrA?A?utergarten und in die Fabrik der Hettigodas, in der 1500 Angestellte aus 800 verschiedenen KrA?A?utern ayurvedische Produkte herstellen, die ihnen landesweit fast 3000 Zulieferer lastwagenweise herankarren. Dr. Weerasingha ist 87 und so etwas wie der Spiritual Rector des Unternehmens. In der Hand hA?A?lt er ein Curryblatt und sagt mit leiser Stimme: “Sehen Sie sich dieses Blatt genau an! Haben Sie es betrachtet?” Habe ich, es ist ein Curryblatt, eindeutig. Das stimme, sagt Dr. Weerasingha, aber natA?A?rlich sei Blatt nicht gleich Blatt. “Zu welcher Jahreszeit wurde es gepflA?A?ckt? FrA?A?h morgens oder in der Mittagshitze? In welcher Klimazone stand der Strauch? Wie alt war er? Nein, sagt er, man kA?A?nne nicht einfach ein beliebiges Curryblatt nehmen und es zusammen mit 54 anderen Substanzen zu einem MassageA?A?l verarbeiten. “Es gibt sehr detaillierte, bis zu 3000 Jahre alte Vorschriften zu diesem Blatt. Und Ihr im Westen bietet Kurse an, in denen man Ayurveda A?A?bers Wochenende lernen kann.” Dr. Weerasingha keckert leise. Dann verabschiedet er sich und schlurft zurA?A?ck ins BA?A?ro. Sein Lachen bleibt noch ein paar Sekunden in der Luft hA?A?ngen. Es vermischt sich mit dem Geruch von Tamarinde und Nelken.

Im Resort wartet der traurig dreinblickende Ayurveda-Arzt auf mich. Er misst den Blutdruck und scheint sehr zufrieden zu sein. Offensichtlich haben wir dieses aufmA?A?pfige Vata in seine Schranken gewiesen. Wie lange ich denn noch bleiben sollte?, mA?A?chte ich wissen. Er nickt und verschreibt weitere Massagen, WandelgA?A?nge und BA?A?der. Und er ermahnt mich: “Zwischen den Behandlungen machen Sie bitte nichts. Keine Interviews. Keine Recherchen. A?A?berhaupt nichts.” Er ahnt, was ich antworten mA?A?chte, und bevor ich ein Wort rausgebracht habe, wird er kategorisch: “Nein! Das Notebook bleibt aus. Achten Sie lieber auf die Stille. HA?A?ren Sie auf das Rascheln der Palmen, lauschen Sie dem Meer, lernen Sie, die Vogelarten auseinanderzuhalten! Und zA?A?hlen Sie die BlA?A?tter des Bodhibaumes A?A?ber der Badewanne!” Und wenn ich schon weiA?A?, dass es 87 sind? Er lA?A?chelt milde. “Ich bin sicher, dass Sie sich verzA?A?hlt haben.”

erschienen am 17. November 2007
Hamburger Abendblatt