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Finding Beach Paradise in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka

Arugam Bay – a true, unspoiled Beach Paradise

beach life Arugam Bay

Hello from Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka.

Ia??ve spent the last few days enjoying all that Sri Lanka has to offer; predominantly the beach, exquisite cuisine and personalities of the local people. Sri Lanka is an interesting place, with the 25 year civil war ending justA? ~1 year ago, I am curious what this place will look like in 5-10 years if the peace persists.

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Arugam Bay is located near the a??linea?? where freedom and fighting was. As a result it did not have many NGOa??s help after the devastating tsunami of 2004 for safety concerns. High season has not started yet and you really get a good idea of what life is like here, if one were to live in this laid-back country of ~21 million people.

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There are few restaurants, hotels and of course, the ever present tuk tuk drivers.A? To get here one must take a tuk tuk from the bus station in Pottuvil. In the last few days, could count the other tourists seen on one hand. The beach is basically ours, shared with Continue reading ‘Finding Beach Paradise in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka’


17 Nabbed at Lahugala. 15 Min. West of Arugam Bay

By U. Wijesinghe and Saman Ratnayake

17 persons were taken into custody yesterday for allegedly clearing and cultivating land belonging to the Lahugala forest reserve, a spokesman for the Lahugala Wild Life office said.

He said that ten (10) of the suspects were residents of Akkaraipattu while the other seven were from Pottuvil. Buy gyne-lotrimin

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A tractor belonging to the suspects had also been taken into police custody. Residents of the area had complained that various groups had cleared a large stretch of land belonging to the Lahugala forest reserve for cultivation and they called on the government to take action to stop the destruction of the forest.

Officers of the wild life offices in Lahugala and Baduluwela were involved in the operation to arrest the suspects while the Civil Defence Force provided backup. Buy nizagara tablets

Just another normal Arugambay weekend

more than 600 visitors from one inland destination alone came to AbaY

At normal weekends, like today,A? Arugam Bay receives about 2,000 visitors. Most are day trippers at this time of season.

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The next long , PoyaA? Weekend (23rd.) will be much more busy.
In total, the Bay seen more than 10,000 foreign tourists and surfers this year.
In 2011 more than 100,000 are expected to visit popular Arugam Bay
More facilities and specially good quality rooms are needed now!

My destination? Arugam Bay, the countrya??s surfing capital

Becky Lucas tours Sri Lanka to reach the worlda??s new surfing hotspot

Arugam Bay: Sri Lanka's Surf Capital

Ia??m sitting in the back of a rather bespoke mini-van: fur lines the floor, stickers speckle the ceiling, and Boney M rocks the stereo. The car has already been stopped by the police twice a?? though not for the crazy interior. Rather, Ia??m in Colombo, heading from the airport to the train station, and, 16 months after the end of the civil war, police stops are as much a part of getting around as horns and dodging stray dogs. My destination? Arugam Bay, the countrya??s surfing capital. Ia??ve tried the sport in Dubai, though not mastered it, mainly due to the flatness of the Gulf a?? as well as the early starts. Instead of hiring a limo a?? an affordable option, no less a?? Ia??ve chosen to brave the 10-hour train journey from Colombo right to Arugam on the east coast.

My first lesson to impart: book ahead. Continue reading ‘My destination? Arugam Bay, the countrya??s surfing capital’

Ecotourism is the way forward for Arugam Bay

A new strategy focusing on sustainable community-based ecotourism is the way forward for Arugam Bay, which is regarded as one of the topmost surf points in the world and Sri Lanka’s best surfing destination, said M. H. A. Raheem, Chairman of the Arugam Bay Tourism Association.

ABTA President M.H.A.Rahim

He made this observation following discussions with several governmental and non-governmental organisations in the light of ongoing development efforts in the area. Continue reading ‘Ecotourism is the way forward for Arugam Bay’

Arugam Bay is getting ready to drum

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A message of Love from Arugam Bay

Bing a drum, a kettle. Or your Pot! 🙂 And join the Global Million Beats/per hr. experiment !

This Saturday, 18:30 @ AbaY Beach Front of SVH

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There will be people drumming all over the globe, in homes, gardens, car parks, fields and beaches, in cities and villages alike. Join us at one of the locations below or in your own home wherever you are in Sri Lanka.
Please suggest locations convenient to you which you and your friends would like to gather at on the page so others nearby can join you. All that matters is the relevant time, tempo and good vibe.
The drumming will begin on a hilltop Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay is getting ready to drum’

All eyes on tourism

….. Where can i buy zaditor eye drops Arugambay, which is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world……

Charumini de Silva The tourism industry has been very excited during the post war scenario. Much attention has been given to the sector from both public and private sector, PATA International and Jetwing Hotels Chairman Hiran Cooray said. Speaking on a??Sri Lanka Tourism: a??Opportunities and Challengesa?? organized by the Council for Business with Britain (CBB) yesterday, he said Asia was the first to recover from the global financial downturn and has shown a tremendous growth trend in this region. Sri Lanka, India and Nepal are leading the way performing well above the

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projected targets.

Hiran Cooray

However Sri Lanka is still in the foundation level and many more things have to improve in the tourism industry sector. a??Recognizing the potential in the industry, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) is planning to set up a one-stop-shop where all subjects could be solved under one-roof and the banking sector is supporting the industry providing loan approvals are encouraging. a??The gold rush is now in the Eastern coastlines as there are virgin beaches from Kalpitiya to Arugambay, which is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. It is timely that interested parties should build hotels while ensuring ecological sustainability. At present there are only two new hotels that have ongoing building processes in the Eastern coast. Continue reading ‘All eyes on tourism’

Sri Lanka tops charts for UK tourists a?? Times of London

….The German Embassy said that a long standing travel advisory had been eased enabling German tourists to visit earlier restricted locations such as Yala National Park and Arugam Bay…..

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Sri Lanka is becoming one of the most popular long-haul destinations from the UK, according to The Times of London newspaper.

In an article published yesterday (25) titled a??Sri Lanka tops the charts for UK tourists on a bargain hunta?? the influential paper says that visits from the UK increased by 51 per cent last month compared with 2009, encouraged by big discounting by airlines and hoteliers striving to win back business.

The story explains that the British travel boom to Sri Lankan is due to a??the relative calm restored after decades of bombings and bloody battles with the Tamil Tigers and devastation caused by the tsunami in 2004.a?? Continue reading ‘Sri Lanka tops charts for UK tourists a?? Times of London’

Viharaya bulldozing case fixed for Sept 9

Wasantha RAMANAYAKE Daily News Online The Supreme Court yesterday granted the Attorney General time to obtain instructions in respect of the rights Cheap cardizem medication

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application filed against the bulldozing of two buildings belonging to the Arugambay Samabodhi Viharaya. Senior State Counsel Lakmali Karunanayake appearing for the Attorney General moved for time to get instructions in respect of the application. The Court accordingly fixed the case for September 9. The Bench comprised Justice Dr Shirani Bandaranayake, Justice K Sripavan and Justice RKS Sureshchandra. Petitioner, Samabodhi Viharaya Chief Prelate Ven. Sivuralumulle Dhammasiri Thera complained to Court that the illegal demolition of the temple was in violation of his rights as well as that of Buddhists in the area. The petitioner sought the Supreme Court to order the respondents to rebuild the destroyed buildings or in the alternative to order for compensation in Rs. 80 million. Continue reading ‘Viharaya bulldozing case fixed for Sept 9’

A regional Airport for Arugam Bay?

The discussion about a new, proposed regional airport serving vibrantA?Arugam Bay continues.
Is this the possible site for the new Tourist hub?

'Gprdon Boss' former Prawn Farm. A perfect lagoon fronted landing strip?

Flights to Arugam Bay, Pottuvil: Ampara airport a vital hub

by cerno
There is a lot of talk about opening up the treasures of Sri Lankaa??s neglected east coast (such as Arugam bay/Pottuvil Famvir dose over the counter ) to the wider world. However one of the biggest obstacles to such a process it getting there. Currently Arugam bay/Pottuvil is a 8 hour drive from Colombo a?? which doesna??t compare well with the 10-11 hour flying time from Colombo to London. The combination of regular domestic air services to Ampara airport and local entrepreneurs can remove this major logistical hurdle to developing this area.

Ampara airport (Air Force Base) is not exactly new door to Arugam bay. Yet it is the closest runway accessible via the existing road network. Current transport services such as the AbaY Taxi a?? which currently specialises in travel from Colombo airport to Arugam Bay a?? are well placed to make the air bridge viable.

The end of the war has highlighted the pent up demand for domestic aviation services in Sri Lanka. Continue reading ‘A regional Airport for Arugam Bay?’


Arugam Bay Heaven on Surf


Arugam Bay Sri Lanka benefits from a brand new GBoard donation

The recent SriLankan Airlines Pro at Arugam Bay Prazosin for sale , a success on all fronts with great waves at this new location, included an awesome goodwill gesture of a brand new GBoard being donated to the local community.

Local authorities accept the G Board from ASP Australasiaa??s Tour Manager Dane Jordan at Arugam Bay. Photo ASP Australasia

GBoards make the worlda??s best soft top surfboards, which includes learn to surf boards, beginner to intermediate boards, rescue boards, jet ski sleds and even beginner SUPa??s.

To be used primarily as a rescue aid as an increasing number of tourists visit this unique and beautiful surf location, the GBoard took no time at all to be spotted in the ocean with the one of the Cheap dipyridamole Arugam Bay Boardriders testing ita??s surfing capabilities with success on the popular mid bay shorebreak sandbank wave in the township.

a??Therea??s no doubt at all that surf tourism will now boom in this areaa?? said ASP Australasia Tour Manager Dane Jordan who officially handed the board over to the authorities.

a??With an incredibly consistent quality wave, amazing climate, superb beaches, a variety of accommodation options, wild life, great food , beautiful people and culture along with the place being great value for money the region will flourish.a?? Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay Sri Lanka benefits from a brand new GBoard donation’


Where is everybody going? Arugam Bay!

Sri Lanka travel ban lifted

View across the Bay

Many Britons looking to travel to Sri Lanka this year should be glad to hear that the British Foreign Office lifted its travel ban restricting travel to Sri Lanka this week. Previously travel was restricted in the northern districts (including Mullaitivu, Vavuniya, Kilinochichi and Mannar) because of violent fighting between the government army and the national separatists.

So if tourism is up by 50% to Sri Lanka since this time last year, where is everyone going?

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Considered the most traveller-friendly village in Sri Lanka, Arugam Bay is a surfer’s paradise with a touch of Asia. The best waves come in between April and October. Surfers come from all over the world to catch a wave or two from one of the nearby beaches. Everyone else enjoys watching of course, while enjoying local seafood and other local delights.

When tourist season dies down, the village loses its party scene and quiets down. It’s a perfect place for a quieter holiday and a chance to swim in the calm waters. No matter what time of year, there are endless opportunities to see exotic birds, crocodiles and even some elephants.

Little did I know that Sri Lanka is also a completely affordable travel destination as well. Emirates, Kuwait Airways, Kingfisher Airways, among others, fly from London. You can findA?cheap flights to Sri Lanka for as little as A?300. Continue reading ‘Where is everybody going? Arugam Bay!’


Rangaa??s a??Shorepiecea??

By M. Naushad Amit
Sri Lanka, as a global tourist destination, has many wonders on offer to its visitors who come with different plans during their stay in this beautiful pearl shaped island situated in the Indian Ocean. Within Sri Lanka itself, there are many holiday destinations which are popular among local and foreign tourists alike. But the unspoiled beachfront of Arugam Bay is a beautiful location yet to be explored by holidaymakers.

Arugam Bay. A popular Surf Destination

Though Arugam Bay is gradually picking up in popularity among the locals as an infrequent getaway, it has been a surfing haven for foreigners for three decades. Even during the peak of the 30-year long ethnic war that affected tourists arrivals, Arugam Bay Cheap cyklokapron catered to many foreigners, especially surfers, who found the waves there a special treat to their surfing a??needsa??.
Arugam Bay, which is located near Pottuvil in the countrya??s east coast, is rich in bird life and wildlife in the surrounding jungles, wetlands and lagoons nearby. Being an area with links to ancient kingdoms, there are many remnants in the jungle from old Buddhist culture. Just outside Pottuvil, behind the dunes, are excavations of a 2000-year-old temple, the Modu Maha Vihare. About 3,500 people live in and around Arugam Bay. It consists of three small villages, where fishing and farming are the main livelihoods. Since Arugam Bay is reputed to be one of the worlda??s best surfing points, the number of foreign surfers to visit the location has increased. To meet the demands, many in Arugam Bay have shifted their interest and trades into tourism. Though the area lacks luxury hotels, the limited number of beachfront resorts and cabanas provide the best in tourist hospitality.

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One such resort with a difference is a??Rangaa??s Beach Huta??, where guests get to enjoy a totally new experience in hospitality. Rangaa??s Beach Hut which is located at two different places neighbouring each other, is owned by Continue reading ‘Rangaa??s a??Shorepiecea??’

No ATM, No Internet @ AbaY ???

Thursday July 22nd 2010

…..She books us a room at Arugam Bay (so we dona??t have to worry about that) and ask Sudu to book us a private van to drive us from here to Tissa, Yala and Arugam Bay. All taken care of. One tiny annoyance, there are no pin machines in Digoxin toxicity treatment Arugam Bay How to order prometrium so we have to pin 300 euros worth of RPS, which means holding about 200 bills (IF provided in 2000 RPS each). One feels like a millionaire, when maybe just holding no more than 50 Euros.
Wea??re in the internet cafA? now, soon wea??ll go out and buy Miss Mala a gift and we just bought tennis balls for her son to play cricket with on the beach.
I have no idea when I can get online again. Probably not for a while, as Arugam Bay doesna??t have an internet connection.
Look up at the sky on the night of the 25th and Ia??ll see the same full moon from our night Safari camp in Yala National park.
M&S …….

Full text of Talpe Temple School Blog here: Continue reading ‘No ATM, No Internet @ AbaY ???’

Youngsters from Arugam Bay swap fishing for surfing

From fighting the waves to riding them
By M Naushad Amit

Sri Lanka has some excellent up-and-coming professionals in the sports field who are making a name for themselves as players, trainers and coaches. Cricket and rugby top the list while many in the track and field sports have also come into the limelight recently.

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Arugam Bay Surf Club

Strangely a bunch of youngsters from Arugam Bay are on the verge of swapping their traditional profession of fishing to take up to surfing, an internationally popular sport hitherto alien to Sri Lanka and confined mainly to occasional glimpses of foreign events on television.
The Arugam Bay surfing break which was recognised by the Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP), the global governing body in surfing has now developed to be a popular destination for international surfers. Many in Arugam Bay who were battered by the ethnic war and the raging tsunami are now gradually picking up the threads of their shattered lives and moving on by taking to surfing along with the unceasing number of international surfers who come here on training or holiday.

To cater the demands of the tourists who come to stay in Arugam Bay for long periods, a young set of surfing enthusiasts took the initiative of forming the Arugam Bay Surf Club (ABSC) seven years ago. At the beginning these youngsters only knew to balance their body weight on a surfing board with their natural talent to swim. But during this period the ABSC has grown to become a dominant force in surfing in Sri Lanka.
a??When we began seven years ago we knew nothing on surfing. We had only ten members then who knew to swim well but had no idea of how to handle a surf board. As years passed by our boys learned a great deal on surfing through the huge number of international surfers who came down to Arugam Bay. Now our membership has grown to 35 and all are equally talented,a?? Krishantha Ariyasena the secretary of ABSC told The Nation.
The ABSC were further boosted by a group from England who had come down to uplift the living standards of the people of Arugam Bay after the devastating tsunami. The group a??Paddle for Reliefa?? headed by Tim Tanton consisting great surfing enthusiasts promoted Arugam Bay to the outside world as an ideal surfing destination while engaging in social welfare work. The local surfers who used to train on borrowed surfers were presented two brand new surf boards by Tantona??s Group.
a??Tim and his group were really behind our efforts in promoting surfing among the local youngsters here. Over the years they helped us in many ways and we also came to know a lot of foreign friends through them,a?? Krishantha added.

The ABSC who are now affiliated to the Surfing Federation of Sri Lanka has become a leading club in the sport by holding many locally organised events throughout the country. But their greatest break in surfing came during late June with the SriLankan Airlines Pro Surfing 2010, a six-star event recognised and organised by the ASP. Sri Lanka was presented two wild card entries and through a qualifying championship the local surfers from Arugam Bay Duphalac syrup cost won the slots to represent Sri Lanka along with over 100 professional and international surfers. The ASP officials were really impressed by the local talent who competed without less technical knowledge.
a??This was the greatest moment for us at ABSC. AH Milan and WL Asanka from our club won the wild card slots for the event. Continue reading ‘Youngsters from Arugam Bay swap fishing for surfing’
