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Germany mentions Arugam Bay (!)

Sri Lanka: a small universe with great potential

Welcome to your new post, Herr Botschafter!

Welcome to your new post, Herr Botschafter!

a?? German What is the cost of cytoxan Ambassador Herr Jens Uwe Plotner

With the security situation in the country rapidly improving with the collapse of the LTTE in May this year, Germany has further relaxed travel restrictions imposed on German nationals visiting Sri Lanka.

The German Embassy said that a long standing travel advisory had been eased enabling German tourists to visit Yala National Park and Arugam Bay. Continue reading ‘Germany mentions Arugam Bay (!)’

Arugam Bay

Arugambay is the most a comely beach in sri lanka it has endless sea waves for surfing and soft -heated shine for sun -bath .The sea is not much deep there.But sea waves are very high. So every one go there can get unlimited fun without any objection or fear.

Arugambay beach is the best sea waves and we can attend to the surfing to ornaments in August to December at Arugambay beach.


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Sun Bath at “Arugam Bay”


Fishing Trawlers at Arugam Bay & North

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Stranded fishy trawler at Arugam Bay

SRI LANKA: Fighting over fish

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COLOMBO, 16 October 2009 (IRIN) – The seas off Batticaloa in the country’s former war-torn east are home to one of the most fertile spawning grounds off Sri Lanka, and fishermen rarely had to travel far for a good catch.

But of late, traditional fishermen who use boats powered by outboard motors or canoes to fish have complained of meagre harvests.

“I went out on five consecutive days, and only yesterday did I return with some fish, but only 6kg,” said Tamil Chelvam, who operates a boat from Tirivendu beach, just south of Batticaloa.

Locals blame a recent influx of large fishing trawlers into their waters for their dwindling catches. Before the encroachment, a good catch would earn fishermen up to US$174, and a normal catch, about $85. Continue reading ‘Fishing Trawlers at Arugam Bay & North’

Lahugala? Arugam? Uda Wallawe?

A man uses his mobile phone to take a photo of a wild elephant that broke onto a farmer's propert, near Arugam Bay, 220 km (137 miles) east of Colombo.

A man uses his mobile phone to take a photo of a wild elephant that broke onto a farmer’s propert, near Arugam Bay, 220 km (137 miles) east of Colombo.

Photograph by: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds , Reuters

Text under this photo reads:
“A man uses his mobile phone to take a photo of a wild elephant that broke onto farmer’s property, near Arugam Bay, 220 km (137 miles) east of Colombo”

According to a number of comments left on various blogs and web sites there is a discussion where exactly this photo was taken.
Not many feel it is anywhere near Arugam bay or in Lahugala.
Do YOU have any better info?

The attached article to this Canadian post seems highly copyright protected.
For whatever reason.
Sadly, (totally non profit, for the benefit of all) cannot show you what has been said and printed about our area.

However, part of theA?researchA? seems faulty:
Arugam Bay is 322km from Colombo – Not 220km (but maybe 220 miles)

A? Copyright (c) Canwest News

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A lone Kitesurfer in Arugam Bay

It was a windy day in Arugam Bay, Steve who jointly run’s Rocco’s clicked the pictures. Wish one had kited a bit longer or closer to the seas. Alas, it was offshore wind so the fun actually happened at Main Point. Perhaps in October Steve, the kitesurfers will be back, this time with onshore winds!

Pictures courtesy of Steve.The journey, the destination, being lost, just looking, whichever way you look at it you learn – Travel Life. photos from around the world by Steve


Panama nr. Arugambay

The settlement of Panama is just 15km south of Arugam Bay

Pattini Devale, Panama

After the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, I made several trips to Pottuvil on the East Coast of Sri Lanka with loads of supplies for the displaced people. On one such trip, in early April, I continued south to the village of Panama (pronounced paa-nuh-muh).
Over 200 years ago, on the 13th of September 1800, an Englishman, William Orr, Esq (a civil servant) visited Panama on the way from Tangalle in the south to Batticaloa in the East. According to his report to the British Governor,
Paoneme contains sixty inhabitants, who cultivate seventy-three amonams of paddy ground.
The following year Thomas Anthony Reeder, surgeon of the 51st Regiment of Foot (who was to die soon after, during the 1st Kandyan War) travelled in the opposite direction. According to his journal,
Panoa is situate on a plain surrounded by jungle. Here are some cultivated fields, and several large stocks of paddee.
A year later, the British Governor himself, the Hon. Frederick North (later 5th Earl of Guilford), followed the southward route. He was accompanied by the Inspector of Hospitals in Ceylon, Thomas Christie, Esq, who reported that
Panoa is a considerable village, and the country round it abounds with paddee fields.

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What these descriptions – which appear in James Cordiner’s A Description of Ceylon (London, 1807; Dehiwela, Tisara Prakasakayo, 1983) – show (apart from the recognised inability of the English to tackle with any accuracy the phonetics of foreign place names) is that Panama’s chief attraction was its paddy fields. The surrounding jungle was far more notable to these perfidious Albionians: Christie was highly excited by the sight, en-route to the village of
a herd of wild hogs, and an alligator, both of which allowed us to approach very near.

Rock, fields and tank at Panama

When I visited the place, however, it was in the knowledge that it possesses a Devale (temple) of the goddess Pattini. The shrine, on a rocky spot on the shore of a tank, is a Buddhist one. However, Hindu shrines of Pattini also exist, although she was not originally a Hindu deity.

Main Pattini shrine

Pattini is a goddess of fertility, who may originally have been a middle-eastern deity, Potnia. Continue reading ‘Panama nr. Arugambay’

Brit. H.C. visits Yala National Park

British High Commission Colombo

British High Commission Colombo

Following the UK’s decision to remove advice against travel to Yala, Order clarina dela Arugam Bay and Trincomalee in early July the British High Commissioner with his family visited Yala National Park in the East (block 1) to observe the wild elephants and leopards.

a??We no longer discourage British holidaymakers from enjoying leopard-spotting at Yala National Park, surfing at Arugam Bay or admiring Trincomalee harbour, one of the worlda??s deepest natural ports. Wea??ve taken this decision based on our assessment of the improving security situation in these parts of Sri Lanka,” said the British High Commissioner, Dr Peter Hayes commenting on Travel Advice to Sri Lanka, in the British High Commission website.

There is increased interest in Tourism in Sri Lanka following the end of the armed conflict with the LTTE in May this year. The UK is among several countries that have reviewed and relaxed Travel Advisories, continuing their citizens from travelling to Sri Lanka since the improvement of the security situation.

source & feed back:

a??A Small Miraclea??: a concept gone wrong?

Daily Mirror

Daily Mirror

By Cheranka Mendis

Sri Lanka, with the brand new a??Small Miraclea?? label, was set to take on the international market by storm. But itA? is now searching for a new concept to re-position itself. With the launch of the new programme on June 23 amidst all the pomp and blare at the BMICH, it has now been put on hold due to amendments set to be made to the tagline.

Buy myambutol dosage ….Best land in Sri Lanka is the land stretching from Trincomalee to Arugambay….. Zyprexa used for eating disorders Continue reading ‘a??A Small Miraclea??: a concept gone wrong?’

Spectacular Arugam Bay … (Japan)

Japan will strengthen and expand trade ties with Sri Lanka in the tourism, fisheries, agriculture and aqua sports sectors.

A Japanese trade delegation recently met Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake, BOI and RDA officials and also visited the Agro-Tourism project in Hambantota recently with the newly appointed Consul General for Sri Lanka in Osaka, Japan, D.W. Aluthgamage.

a??The main objective of the visit was to strengthen and expand trade ties between Japan and Sri Lanka in the sectors of trade, tourism, fisheries, agriculture, aqua sports and other fields. Continue reading ‘Spectacular Arugam Bay … (Japan)’

Spectacular end to champions surfing contest in Arugam Bay

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a??A fantastic opportunity to discover one of Sri Lankaa??s greatest assets a?? the excellent and spectacular beachesa??– Director of UK Pro Surf Tour
a??Sri Lanka Champion of Champions Surf Contesta?? reached its climax today when UK grabbed the award of the first place in the open event category beating 47 other competitors in one of the most exciting surfing events in the world, held off the Eastern coast.

Minister of Tourism Promotions (Non Cabinet) Faizer Musthapha attending the presentation ceremony highly commended the participation of the a??UK pro- surf toura?? contestants, particularly since they arrived before their Government eased its Government advisory to enter Sri Lanka due to security concerns.

The British government relaxed some travel restrictions on Sri Lanka yesterday. Continue reading ‘Spectacular end to champions surfing contest in Arugam Bay’

Birds Paradise Arugam Bay

Actually Srilanka is a birds paradise.The birds migrants season starts in April and ends in September.They usually migrate from various countries to Kumana a village situated in the eastern province of Srilanka.It’s only six killometers distance from world famous Arugambay beach.Elephants and other animals are also making an attractive environment through out the year.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Friday, July 3, 2009

WELCOME! Arugambe Beach in Srilanka

Best location for spending our vacation

Arugam Bay as major tourist resort…..

We have ended need for travel advisories that crippled Tourism – President

New target of 2.5 million tourists annually by 2016 2011 declared Visit Sri Lanka Year Buy himcocid suspension

This is a momentous phase for the Tourism Industry. With terrorism defeated after three decades, our people can now travel freely in our motherland. Tourists should have no fear to visit our attractions. And, I believe, we have ended the need for Travel Advisories that crippled Tourism, said President Cheap zenegra canadian Mahinda Rajapaksa in an address to the launch of the new image of Sri Lanka Tourism.

“As we have assisted the Tourism Industry through its most difficult period, I now assure the industry of every effort and all resources to meet a target of 2.5 million tourists by 2016,” he said in a In his digitized address to the event at the Sirimavo Bandaranaike Hall, Colombo, yesterday (23).

Referring to the new opportunities for Tourism after the defeat of terrorism, the President said “we can now add Passikudah and Trincomalee, up to Kokilai Lagoon in the East, as major tourist attractions, and many locations in the North too, as part of the “Uthuru Vasanthaya” – the development agenda for the North.”

Here is the text of the President’s address:

No sooner our Motherland was united under our national flag; I invited all who had left the country because of terrorism to return home. Today, I invite visitors from abroad to come to our wonderful country to enjoy its charm and the hospitality of our people.

This is a momentous phase for the Tourism Industry. With terrorism defeated after three decades, our people can now travel freely in our motherland. Tourists should have no fear to visit our attractions. And, I believe, we have ended the need for Travel Advisories that crippled Tourism.

We can now fully use the assets of nature, history and culture for Tourism, to restore its contribution to development.

As we have assisted the Tourism Industry through its most difficult period, I now assure the industry of every effort and all resources to meet a target of 2.5 million tourists by 2016.

While developing Hambantota, Kalpitiya and Arugam Bay as major tourist resorts, we can now add Passikudah and Trincomalee, up to Kokilai Lagoon in the East, and many locations in the North too, as part of the Uthuru Vasanthaya – the development agenda for the North. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay as major tourist resort…..’

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I’ll have the lobster…

The other day we had a birthday on the team, so we surprised Steven with a lobster dinner at a local restaurant. It was 650 rupies…which is about $6 in the US. We also had a local bakery bake a cake (which had the worst frosting I have ever tasted) but it was a great night to all be together, celebrate someone’s life and all that God is doing in and through us!!!

Yesterday we held the first annual Aloha Surf Classic here in Arugam Bay for only local surfers. We worked in conjunction with the Arugam Bay Surf Association (a group of local guys here in town) and the contest was awesome!!! Continue reading ”

Cruise ship to Arugam Bay?

The Island Newspaper

The Island Newspaper

The long anticipated Tourism boom is yet to arrive after the end of the Civil War in Sri Lanka. While we wholeheartedly want tourism to succeed and contribute to the National Economy, I would like to draw the attention of the general public and the authorities to a much neglected aspect of the tourism industry.

The locals are denied Cruise ship voyages and Theme Park entertainment right here in Sri Lanka unless they can afford to visit places like Singapore or Malaysia. Continue reading ‘Cruise ship to Arugam Bay?’

Surfers Paradise – Arugam Bay in the East

We left the Lakeside hotel in Tissa early relieved to be going, and all bar Nicky tired. Elliot had fallen asleep early, and slept through several rearrangements of the mosquito net as he and Jake wrestled with it in their sleep, not to mention Jake waking in pain and getting up for the toilet and pain killers. We had to wake him and his first word was a??Tireda?? – frustrating since he had had twice the sleep that Jake and I had managed.

Frustrating was also the adjective for catching the bus (although in the end we both felt we had been lucky again!) We were taken to the bus stop, and prepared to get a bus. When it arrived it was packed – like the Polonaruwa on Poya day bus, and we decided that it was just not an option. We negotiated for Karu to take us on to Aragum bay Zyrtec for asthma treatment , a far longer journey than the distance it is suggests. By the end we both felt that the extra money for a private vehicle was easily worth paying, and that we would pay the same to get out.

The journey was broken a couple of times, once
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for a 2-3 ft brown snake to cross the road. As it went, something caused it to rear up, and we all gasped as we saw its hood. A cobra! This made up for missing leopards yesterday, and we agreed that the perfect way to see a wild cobra was from behind glass! We were driven first to a hotel that Karu wanted us to go to, and then when we had looked on to the one a friend of a friend had recommended.

Delightful beach cabanas, big beds, and the most amazing semi outside bathrooms, with warm drencher showers thrilled us. We had no hesitation in taking 2 – so the boys had a private house next door to us (Ia??m not sure who was more excited!) We both felt strangely hedonistic after weeks of Spartan frugality. We lunched on delicious pumpkin soup rich with coconut and cardamom (cheese toastie for Jake), before playing in surf so strong it kept knocking us for 6. Food took forever to arrive, but was worth it, with delicious curries, pasta and roti pizzas for the boys. We slept long and deep. Elliot called out once, that he couldna??t sleep due to

bad thoughts. I reassured him, finished brushing my teeth and went in. This could not have taken more than 2 minutes, and both boys were deep asleep by the time I went in. I woke once in the night and thought I could hear thunder, gradually realising it was too rhythmic, and that it was the waves crashing on the beach. Once again to the most chilled of calls to prayer and then dozed again.

We gradually stirred, noises of the boys happy next door reassuring us. A slow breakfast led to a trip to town, and then a walk along the bay to baby point, a calm area just inside the curve of the bay, with the surf crashing by outside. En route we stopped at a beach restaurant called Gecko for home made ice creams, a stop that will become a regular while here. Dark chocolate, Ginger, Coconut and lime and a passion fruit sorbet were all so good we could not choose a favourite. We also arranged for a local fisherman to take us dolphin watching in the morning. Pretty much everyone here is either a surfer or a fisherman, and several are probably both.

Sadly the morning sea was rough, which had two problems associated with it. Elliot rapidly felt seasick, and the dolphins stayed away. We consoled ourselves with a slap up breakfast at Gecko before returning home for reading, planning and some work, and then a gentle beach day.

Return to……Arugam Bay

In The Times (of London, sic Zofran tablets price ) yesterday, correspondent Jeremy Page argued that Britons should not visit Sri Lanka.

Mr. Perera (white gown) and Celebreties

Mr. Perera (white gown) and Celebreties

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In his article Defeat of the Tigers is welcome: the conduct of the war is not, Page said: “Britain has helped to rebuild Sri Lanka’s tourist industry: Britons accounted for 18.5 per cent of the foreigners who visited the former colony’s famous beaches, wildlife parks, tea plantations and Buddhist temples last year. Only India sends more tourists. Many Britons also own property there, especially around the southern city of Galle, not far from where Arthur C.Clarke, the British science fiction writer who settled in Sri Lanka, used to love to scuba dive. The question facing British shoppers and holidaymakers is this: should they continue to support Sri Lanka’s garment and tourist industries? Sadly, the answer must be no.”

Generic names for fosamax Today, the head of Sri Lanka’s tourism industry in Britain presents his own view. Let us know what you think below:

“It is always challenging when politics and tourism become intertwined. For the past 10 years tourists have been coming to Sri Lanka despite the breakdown of the ceasefire, terrorist activity and the continued civil war.

Following the devastation of the Tsunami to Sri Lanka’s Tourism Industry, British aid and support helped to rebuild the industry.

Tourism is the lifeline of Sri Lanka’s economy, it has and will even more in the future affect every member of the Sri Lankan community and their ability to rebuild their lives. The government has plans to develop the Northern areas as a priority to attract new tourism products and visitors into this part of the country and with it income for the local population.

By recommending that the largest producer of tourists to the country boycotts future holidays in Sri Lanka will only make the lives of the displaced community, the local tourism industry and the population in general harder to rebuild.

After the Tsunami the Sri Lanka Tourism, Industry strove to rebuild its infrastructure and business successfully with the assistance of the British Travel Trade despite the civil unrest in the North of the country.

Now at last Sri Lanka can offer a completely peaceful, terrorist free option and tourists will know that their money is contributing to the rebuilding of the community as a whole.

On behalf of Sri Lanka’s Tourism industry I would like to thank our British tourists for their support over the past years. With peace comes hope for a revitalised tourism product and they will be able to return to explore even more of our beautiful country.

Some of the island’s most beautiful beaches will once more be accessible in the east such as Passikudah and Trincomalee, while Arugam Bay is famous as one of the most prominent surfing destinations in the world. Yala National Park, home to leopard and elephant, will also be reopened to tourists.

As part of Sri Lanka Tourism’s new strategy there will be several annual events organised over the next year including the Hikkaduwa Beach Fest in July, the Jazz Festival in October, Negombo Beach Fest in December and the Tea Festival scheduled for next year.

With the 2 for 1 holiday deals still in the market for all bookings during June for travel up to the end of October, now is the time to come to Sri Lanka, enjoy our warm welcome and be part of a peaceful future.”
