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PVC Oceans

Today's catch ....
Today’s catch ….

Drowning in plastic: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is twice the size of France

There are now 46,000 pieces of plastic per square kilometre of the world’s oceans, killing a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals each year. Worse still, there seems to be nothing we can do to clean it up. So how do we turn the tide?

Richard Grant reports on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and a new expedition that aims to make us reassess our relationship with plastic. Illustrations by Brett Ryder

Way out in the Pacific Ocean, in an area once known as the doldrums, an enormous, accidental monument to modern society has formed. Invisible to satellites, poorly understood by scientists and perhaps twice the size of France, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not a solid mass, as is sometimes imagined, but a kind of marine soup whose main ingredient is floating plastic debris.

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Arugam Bay Guide 2 – Hotels and Restaurants

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Arugam Bay Guide 2 – Hotels and Restaurants

Arugambay is full of places to stay. None of them are super posh but they’re usually cheap. LKR 700 was the cheapest rate I was quoted and LKR 5000 was the most expensive.

To find a place to stay, we just walked along the beach south from Stardust, walking into beach front guest houses and hotels and checking them out. Continue reading ‘Arugam Bay Guide 2 – Hotels and Restaurants’

Arugam will be better planned than Hikkaduwa

Systematic plan to develop tourist hot spots in East

The best tourist destination in the country, the Eastern Province will be developed under a systematic tourism plan. Tourist destinations in the Ampara, Batticaloa and Trincomalee districts will be developed under the Negenahira Udanaya, reawakening program, Nation Building Minister Susantha Punchinilame told the Daily News yesterday.

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Surfing in Arugam Bay. File photo

Development of eco-friendly tourist resorts from Kokilai (Kukulawa) to Kumana and Pothuvil along the eastern sea coast will be developed as the first step to encourage local tourists who were deprived of entering these areas, he said.

People would get an opportunity to enjoy the best beaches in Passikudah, Arugam Bay, Nilaweli, Marble Beach and enjoy water sports and watch marine life, fish, whales, birds and enjoy their leisure after the development of tourism activities were over, he said.

It will be certainly the beginning of another chapter for the people in these areas, unlike in Hikkaduwa where tourism was not properly planned when the tourist industry was first started. Continue reading ‘Arugam will be better planned than Hikkaduwa’

Fresh approach to Tourism

By Cheranka Mendis in Trincomalee daily mirror-logo

War in the east is finally very nearly over. Brand new opportunities await those who wish to grab it. Acres and acres of land stretch out on both sides of the road, desolate yet marshy. Land for the future, for development, for growth. Sun shines bright, sandy shores beckon the visitors and the sea waves crash down gailya?? Our East, the virgin land of opportunity. Continue reading ‘Fresh approach to Tourism’

Ghost Town Arugam Bay

Ghost Town Arugam Bay

I arrived in Arugam Bay thinking I was going to a epic surf town.

I thought it would be full of surfers, parties and beach bars.A? I

had forgot to factor in- low season (no surf), world wide

recessionA?(no money) and Sri Lankan civil war (death tends to keep

people away)A? These 3 factors made the place empty!A? Continue reading ‘Ghost Town Arugam Bay’

No LTTE involvement

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PottuVille Masacre, witness account:

The witness had received telephone calls from prominent members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, the witness said yesterday at the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) to investigate and inquire into violations of human rights, of which the Pottuvil Massacre is a case.
Continue reading ‘No LTTE involvement’

Boards survived The BIG wave at Arugam Bay

Waves from the past – Lankaa??s surfing pioneers look back four decades By Mayura Botejue

As we live through this fast paced and rapidly changing world, each one of us may recall wonderful and nostalgic times of the past. This anecdote concerns a diverse group that was passionate about the noble and exhilarating sport of surfing and goes back to the period from mid 1960s to the early1970s.
The a??surfing ganga?? in the early days included Faiz Ahmed, Anil Amarasekera, Wendell Flamer Caldera, Jan Prins, Asita Tennekoon, Jan Vanden Driesen and the writer. Peter Dharmaratne, Gihan Jayatileka, Cedric Martenstyn and Niranjan Sinnatamby were part timers while new enthusiasts Astika Botejue (writera??s brother) and Ananda Ranasinghe joined the fray later. Continue reading ‘Boards survived The BIG wave at Arugam Bay’

700 rooms in Arugam Bay, Trinco & Pasikudah

More hotels to be built in NE:

Tourism targets highest forex by a??16

Daily News

Daily News

Sri Lanka Tourism (SLT) hopes to elevate its position by 2016 as the highest foreign exchanger earner to the country from the current fourth place.

Chairman, SLT, Bernard Goonethilake said that they hope to attract 1.5 million tourist arrivals by 2016 to achieve this target. Outlining the tourism promotion plan for the next four years, yesterday, he said that they also hope to attract high spending tourists. a??We want to increase the spending power of tourists from the current average of US $ 80 per day to US $ 130,a?? he said.

Sri Lanka Tourism hopes to add 7,000 additional rooms to bring the total strength to over 14,000 rooms to meet the projected demand. He said that with the dawn of peace in the eastern province more hotel rooms will be built in these areas.

The Board of Investment has already signed up with several local and foreign investors. a??Within the next two years there would be 700 rooms in Pasikudah, Trincomalee and Arugam Bay,a?? he said.

Director, Sri Lanka Tourism, S. Kaleselvam said that the industry generated over US $ 350 million last year and there were 389,550 tourist arrivals until last November.

This is a 10 per cent drop compared to 432,892 in the corresponding period last year.

The National Strategy for Sri Lanka Tourism has ventured to place the profile of the country as an Asian tourism icon. a??We want to make Sri Lanka Asiaa??s most treasured destination,a?? he said.

Eight objectives addressing the immediate and long-term needs, also cover the operational aspects as well as the four divisions that formulate Sri Lanka Tourism.

An 11-part strategic framework which addresses the areas of action has been defined and this Strategic Plan provides a blueprint on how traditional and the not so conventional aspects of tourism will be incorporated to grow into sectors such as nature, culture and adventure tourism.

A Tourism Strategic Action Group (TSAG) was set up recently based on the advice of the Minister of Tourism, Milinda Moragoda, to address the challenges ahead of the local tourism sector. It brings together key stakeholders in the tourism industry, enabling them to take quick decisions.

Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Purchase suprax cefixime George Michael said that the global economic crisis has been illustrated by the drastic drop of prices in key luxury hotels and the significant reduction of tourist arrivals in key locations throughout the world.

He said that they would use the Tourism Cess Fund to implement the four-year promotions.

a??This would be around Rs. one billion each year and government funds would not be used,a?? he said.


Arugam Bay will be developed by the Government

Service sector plays vital role – Minister Anura Yapa

At a time when our valiant Forces are achieving a great victory against the terrorists, the Government will also ensure the proper climate for investments in the country, New Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa said yesterday.

Speaking to the media after assuming duties as the new Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion Minister at a ceremony held at the Ministry, Yapa noted that the service sector too plays a vital role in the economy saying special attention will be paid towards providing incentives to this sector.

Minister Yapa said all measures will be taken to boost investment and create more job opportunities to the youth in the villages to ease the unemployment problem.

Enterprise Development Minister Mano Wijeratne said that terrorism is on the verge of total defeat. There will no more terrorism after 2009. The Minister said mega development projects will be implemented throughout the country for the benefit of all.

He said that a trade zone will be established in Trincomalee close to the port. Two areas in Ampara and Polonnaruwa have been identified as suitable for trade zones.

Wijeratne said special attention will be paid towards the agriculture, fishing and tourism sectors this year. Pottuvil (Arugam Bay) and Pasikkudah Celexa ibs treatment will also be developed as a popular tourism destination this year.

Under the Industry to the village project, 200 agreements have been signed with local and foreign investors.

One hundred local and foreign investors have already started their industries, he added.

Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardane, Healthcare and Nutrition Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva and several high ranking officers of the Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion Ministry were also present.


#01 Stardust Hotel, Arugam Bay

Per Goodman, victim of the Tsunami

The date December 26, 2004 brings back to me sad memories of the tsunami which killed Per Goodman, a Danish national who with his wife Merete, a Danish Architect,A? built the Star Dust Beach Hotel in Arugam Bay.

It was a tragic day for more reasons than one. The love and care he gave his wife and his employees vanished. He gave top priority to the wellbeing of the downtrodden in the locality. His kindness and large heartedness brought him fruitful results in the management of his hotel. He was very close to the Muslims and Tamils of Arugam Bay and Pottuvil who loved him very much and still mourn his death.

As a very close friend of his, I was fascinated by his strong work ethic. I would watch him serve his guests, while always finding time to talk to his foreign guests and explain to them the necessity to work when his workmen were absent due to ill health. He taught his staff the dignity of labour. The magnitude of his magnanimity can be assessed when you hear many people in Arugam Bay and Pottuvil talk of his contribution to their development.

Coming from a Danish background, he adopted well to the contrasting life style of his workers and neighbours who took to his kind and gentle ways. He would always discuss with his staff how best to satisfy his guests. He would listen to what they had to say and work on the best solution to any challenge. He always wore a smile, never complained, went out of his way to help others, never indulged in self pity and above all he loved to see others doing well. His wife with Goda??s help survived the tsunami.

May God bless him with eternal happiness?

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Arugam Bay Bridge, Blake, Bush, Obama

Asian Tribune

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Daya Gamage A?a??a?? Asian Tribune US Bureau presentation

Washington, D.C. 12 November ( “An important part of achieving a political solution and reconciliation between all of Sri LankaA?a??a??s communities will be to improve human rights in Sri Lanka. The high numbers of extra-judicial killings, abductions, and other human rights violations in Sri Lanka have disproportionately affected Tamils. A concerted effort to end such practices and bring the culprits to justice would not only hasten reconciliation in Sri Lanka, it would allow countries like the United States to do more in Sri Lanka.”

The American Ambassador in Sri Lanka Robert Blake made the above remarks on December 11 when he addressed the American Chamber of Commerce in Colombo on an issue thatA?a??a??s discussed widely in this Indian-Ocean Island nation A?a??A?US Perspective on the Situation in Sri LankaA?a??A? reiterating that this was the right time for political solution in Sri Lanka.

Earlier this week his political chief in the embassy was awarded the highest distinguish award by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington for his superior reporting on Sri LankaA?a??a??s political and human rights situation.

Before any comment from Asian TribuneA?a??a??s U.S. Bureau we carry the full text of American AmbassadorA?a??a??s remarks made before the American Chamber of Commerce.

Full text of remarks by Remarks by Ambassador Blake:

Good afternoonA?a??a??thank you Gordon, and the rest of the AmCham board and members, for welcoming me here today. ItA?a??a??s a pleasure to have the opportunity to address AmCham again and see so many old friends.

All of you represent the best of Sri LankaA?a??a??s business community—companies large and small that cover a range of sectors and collectively employ tens of thousands of Sri Lankans. Beyond being successful businesspeople, you also have something very important to me in common. That is a connection to the United States. All of you do business with my country and help build people to people ties that are so important to our bilateral relations.

IA?a??a??d like to build my remarks today around three themes that go to the heart of U.S. policy toward Sri Lanka. They are:

First, the need for a political solution and improvement in human rights to help end the conflict and achieve national reconciliation;

Second, new directions in U.S. assistance in Sri Lanka; and

Third, how the U.S. and Sri Lanka can weather the current financial turmoil.

With respect to the first question, there are many in Sri Lanka who argue either that there is no need for a political solution in Sri Lanka or that such a solution can await the end of the conflict.

U.S. policy has remained consistent on this important point: we think the right time for a political solution is now. American policy toward Sri Lanka has been dominated for the past twenty-five years by the civil conflict that has plagued and terrorized this nation. From investment to trade to military support to development assistance, the conflict influences nearly each and every aspect of our relationship. And for the past quarter century, the United States has remained committed and actively engaged in supporting an end to the conflict. Our position has remained constant and unwavering: LTTE terrorism cannot be tolerated and the rights of all Sri Lankans can best be protected and promoted through a political solution to Sri LankaA?a??a??s conflict that meets the aspirations of Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese.

One important way forward is for Sri Lanka to complete the work of the All Parties Representative Committee, which has reached agreement on 90% of a blueprint for constitutional reform that most Sri Lankans believe offers great promise. However, it remains for the countryA?a??a??s two main Sinhalese parties, the SLFP and UNP, to agree on the document, which has proved a significant hurdle thus far.

Pursuing both a political solution and achieving a military victory are not mutually exclusive. In fact, reaching a political solution now could significantly weaken the LTTE in several ways.

It would disprove the LTTEA?a??a??s claim that they are the sole representative of Sri LankaA?a??a??s Tamils and are the only ones who can address and safeguard their interests.

It would diminish support for the LTTE, both within LTTE-controlled areas and among the Tamil Diaspora community abroad.

And it would help reassure the more than 200,000 displaced by the conflict in the Vanni that they can move south where they could aspire to a better future.

An important part of achieving a political solution and reconciliation between all of Sri LankaA?a??a??s communities will be to improve human rights in Sri Lanka. Yesterday was Human Rights Day—the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The high number of extra-judicial killings, abductions, and other human rights violations in Sri Lanka has disproportionately affected Tamils. A concerted effort to end such practices and bring the culprits to justice would not only hasten reconciliation in Sri Lanka, it would allow countries like the United States to do more in Sri Lanka.

This leads me to my second policy theme: US aid to Sri Lanka. Over the past half century, the United States has provided more than two billion dollars worth of assistance to the people of Sri Lanka. We have done this for several reasons A?a??a?? to help Sri Lankans increase their economic opportunities and improve their quality of life, and to help ease the hardship caused by this brutal conflict.

One immediate assistance question for the United States is: with the Government liberating large parts of former-LTTE controlled territories, how can my country best support the urgent needs of the people in those areas?

The answer to this question focuses on our development program, led largely by the US Agency for International Development. USAID has undertaken several important initiatives in recent years. First, AID recently concluded the last of its projects aimed to help the Sri Lankan people in the tsunami-affected areas of the south and east to recover from this terrible tragedy. Our $135 million program enabled the reconstruction of the Arugam Bay Bridge, the reconstruction or rehabilitation of nine vocational training schools, the upgrading of three fishing harbors which were damaged by the tsunami, and even the construction of 87-playgrounds to help children recover from the trauma, among many other good activities.

Now, geographically, the focus of our assistance programs has shifted and our development efforts are concentrated in the recently liberated regions of eastern Sri Lanka. Over the next four years, we will focus our development efforts on two programs: A?a??A?Connecting Regional EconomiesA?a??A? or CORE and A?a??A?Supporting Regional GovernanceA?a??A? or SuRG (we Americans love our acronyms!).

The CORE program is designed to increase social and economic security in Eastern Sri Lanka. By addressing the disparity in economic development between Eastern Sri Lanka and the more prosperous Western Province, CORE aims to establish conditions whereby sustained economic development can be launched.

Projects funded under the CORE initiative are designed with five goals:

-First, support livelihood development for vulnerable populations;

-Second, promote the development of agriculture-based value chains;

-Third, ensure that groups in conflict-affected areas benefit from participation in these value chains and our other efforts;

-Fourth, implement a workforce development strategy;

-and finally promote a business enabling environment.

The SuRG program aims to support and facilitate increased citizen engagement in regional and local government, strengthen inter-community reconciliation, and promote social equality by, for example, promoting citizen interaction with government institutions, and strengthening the capacity of journalists and media outlets in the East.

Programs like CORE and SuRG are essential to connecting and integrating the Eastern Province with other provinces. At the end of the day, if the young people of the East, have a job, can care for their families, and have their voices heard by elected representatives, it will reduce the chance the LTTE could ever reconstitute itself in the east and will help to promote economic, social and political stability in the country.

Another important component of the Connecting Regional Economies project of interest to all of you is USAIDA?a??a??s resolve to works with the business community to create public-private partnerships to generate jobs and growth.

This model already has enjoyed success in USAID programs with companies like AmCham Members Hayleys and Brandix. We are actively expanding the scope of our partnerships with private companies to help leverage resources and create sustainable jobs. Such programs are at the core of U.S. official assistance to Sri Lanka. I hope that we will be able to expand such programs to areas of the North such as Mannar once conditions permit.

Before I continue to the next policy question, I want to make another important point about U.S. development assistance. U.S. support to development projects in Sri Lanka is not limited to projects funded by USAID or other U.S. Government agencies. In fact, globally, donations from private individuals in the United States to charities, NGOs, and foundations dwarf official U.S. Government development assistance. To put a number to this, 85 percent of all U.S. A?a??a??originated assistance toward development activities around the world is funded by such private donations.

Here too, in Sri Lanka, you can see just how active International NGOs —the organizations funded largely through such non-governmental sources—are.

Of course, itA?a??a??s not just the work of American INGOs but also a whole host of INGOs from around the world. They are not motivated by profit, they are not here to gain financially from the conflict, and most importantly, they are not here to support terrorists or undermine national security as some have wrongly alleged. They are in Sri Lanka because they are committed to working with the people of Sri Lanka to provide new opportunities and renewed hope for the future, and they are doing an excellent job.

This brings me to third area of U.S. assistance, which is emergency humanitarian aid for those displaced and affected by the conflict. So far this year, the United States has donated $32 million dollars in food and other commodity assistance to help those affected by the fighting in the north. Last week, we donated an additional $100,000 in non-food aid to help victims affected by heavy floods in Jaffna and other parts of the North. In both instances, the Government of Sri Lanka has provided us with assurances that urgent relief supplies can and will move safely and quickly to those who need them most.

Any discussion about development and growth in Sri Lanka is irrevocably tied to a discussion about the global economy. Thus, with markets in turmoil and a global recession casting a shadow over the worldA?a??a??s economy, how can the United States and Sri Lanka weather the current financial crisis?

On Tuesday, I delivered a speech outlining the global response to the financial crisis. In a room full of businesspeople I wonA?a??a??t go into detail about the causes and official actions by the global community. You know all this and deal with it on a daily basis.

But I would like to say a few words, about how the U.S. is weathering the storm because the U.S. economy helps drive global growth and is one of Sri LankaA?a??a??s most important markets. Under President BushA?a??a??s leadership, we have adopted numerous measures to boost the US economy, including the $700 billion Emergency Economic Stabilization Act to purchase distressed assets and provide capital injections into banks. That has helped, but markets remain under stress.

Just about one week ago, the U.S. announced that our economy is officially in a recession. The U.S. Congress is now considering a $14 billion package of loans to AmericaA?a??a??s big three automakersA?a??a??an industry that directly or indirectly employs over six percent of our manufacturing workforce.

President-Elect Obama also has been very active. He announced last weekend that his Administration — once it takes office on January 20 — will undertake the largest public works construction program since our interstate highway program 50 years ago. The program will include infrastructure projects to repair roads and bridges, and create green jobs that reduce energy use and global warming emissions. The President-electA?a??a??s goal is to create 2.5 million new jobs in the first two years of his administration, which would more than offset the number of jobs lost in American in 2008.

Sri Lanka, although not as immediately affected by the crisis as other countries, nonetheless faces economic challenges of its own. Foreign exchange reserves are low, which make it more difficult to maintain trade flows and meet payment obligations. Recent developments in the financial sector are also likely to result in increased difficulties for Sri Lanka in accessing short term trade financing, as well as large commercial loans in 2009. Within both our societies, there is a temptation among some to turn inward. To levy barriers against imports or to “creep away from,” if not outright abandon, international agreements that help facilitate the flow of goods and services would be shortsighted and ill-advised.

Let me conclude my remarks on a positive note. We, Sri Lankans and Americans alike, are faced with tremendous challenges. But both our countries also have the promise of a better future. In Sri Lanka, an end to the conflict could bring unprecedented opportunities and prosperity. In my country, the election of Barack Obama has given us great hope and optimism.

For both of our countries, hope and optimism can translate into peace and economic prosperity. Sri Lanka faces important questions today. What path will lead to a lasting end to the conflict; how can the international community best work with Sri Lanka to foster growth and development; how can our countries avoid the temptation of economic isolationism and work together to overcome the current economic crisis; and perhaps most importantly, how can you overcome terrorism and still protect and promote human rights?

The answers to these questions are not simple, but the United States remains committed to working with Sri Lanka to tackle these enormous challenges.

Barack Obama waged and won his campaign on the message A?a??A?Yes we can.A?a??A? For Americans, this was more than a campaign slogan. The words project optimism, teamwork, and perseverance. This A?a??A?Yes we canA?a??A? attitude doesnA?a??a??t just apply to individuals, but also to partnerships like that between the people of the United States and Sri Lanka. Yes we can address our challenges and Yes we Will continue to work together.

Thank you.

– Asian Tribune –


Flood Warning from Arugam Bay

Heavy rains, floods expected

COLOMBO: The Disaster Managegement Centre of Sri Lanka yesterday warned that spells of heavy rains could be expected in the Northern and Southern regions within the next couple of days influenced by a forming Buy actoplus met “depression” in the Bay of Bengal.

The Centre’s director Major Gen. Gamini Hettiarachchi said the Jaffna, Mulativu, Killinochchi , Vavuniya, Mannar, Batticaloe, Ampara and Trincomalee districts could experience floods if the depression forming in the low pressure areas over the Bay of Bengal intensifies.

Continuous rains and thundershowers are forecast for the region with the winds of Bay of Bengal in the Northeasterly regions influenced by the forming depression, he explained.

Hettiarachchi said, the Disaster Management Centre has taken steps the for necessary evacuation of people from areas most prone to floods in the districts by now as an emergency measure.

“People have been evacuated from several villages in the Batticaloa district as well,” he said.

Asked if the Centre had dispatched life saving boats to these areas, he said they have sent but a limited number of Allopurinol annual sales boats, a number enough to handle initial flood stages.

‘We have carried out the necessary drills, educated the public in villages on how they should act in an emergency. We are prepared to face any situation that could arise from floods,” he said.

The Disaster management Centre has placed its co-coordinators in the North and East to deal with the situation at its first signs, he added.

He also said , the Ministry of Resettlement and Disaster Relief, UN Agencies , UNICEF and UNCHR , will be there to assist the flood victims with food and medicine and other non-food relief items.


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Posted on: 16 September 2007, 19:Tripadvisor30

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Has anyone been to Arugam Bay? Or stayed at any of the guesthouses there? I would like to know everything if at all poss. Or if you would recommend staying soemwhere else i would like to hear it.



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Posted on: 16 September 2007, 22:22

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We stayed in Arugam Bay last year.

Suggest you take a look at the following site which give some good information and blogs, comments etc about Aurgam Bay and hotel, facilities etc.

We stayed at the Siam View Hotel (SVH) when we were in Arugram bay. Accomodation there is very basic but the restaurant and bar are excellent; best food in ABay. They only a few rooms left after the tsunami destroyed most of the hotel, as with a lot of the hotels and bars in Arugam Bay. We stayed there mainly to provide practical support after the tsunami – Arugam Bay received very little or no funding from the various Non Government Relief organisations. If you read some of the blogs on the site you will see that the author (Fred) is very bitter about the lack of support.

I think Arugam bay is definitely worth a visit as part of a tour, the beach, surf, swimming and diving are probably the best in Sri Lanka. The best accomodation is probably the Star Dust Hotel –


If you are going there I would recommend staying at the Star Dust but eating and drinking at the SVH.

You may find that you have to contact the local AB hotels to arrange transport – some of the Colombo based taxi drivers give misleadiing info about the safety in the area. It’s perfectly safe.


Nova Scotia, Canada
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Posted on: 17 September 2007, 0:30

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Thanks for the info.

How much is food and drink? We are looking at staying in that area for 10 nights. Is there lots of activities to do?



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Posted on: 17 September 2007, 1:20

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Hi Sarah

Food and drink in the Siam View Hotel was very reasonably priced. When we were staying there were quite a few surfers and students from OZ and the UK using the restaurant. Most of them didn’t have a lot of money.

I can’t recall the exact price, but it was one of the cheapest places we visited in Sri Lanka.

If you are there during Full Moon they have big Poya beach parties at night.

If you want to find out more, suggest you post a question on the site.



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Cheap prinivil zestril Posted on: 17 September 2007, 1:29

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Sorry, forgot the add that if you are into water sports and surfing this really is excellent. You can hire a surf board for the week for not a lot of money.

If you can’t surf, then I suggest getting paying for a few lessons from one the beach boys. The beach is really exccellent for learning to surf; the waves sweep across and into the bay, so it’s a great place to learn. If you are an expert surfer then you can go a few miles south to the point where the waves are much bigger, but they sweep across at right angles to the shore.

There are also a number of locals who will take you sailing or rent a boat, also I believe that you can hire diving equipment as well.

There isn’t a great deal else to do at Arugam Bay, it’s very much a beach bum and surfers location.

It may be possible to go further south down the coast to Yala East National Park to do a safari, but you would need to check if this is open. it was closed at one time.


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Posted on: 17 September 2007, 2:02

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Thanks for all of the aswers. How did you get to Arugam Bay from Colombo? We were looking at making it a 2 day trip by train and bus. Any suggestions?

Birmingham UK
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Posted on: 17 September 2007, 22:06

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Hi Sarah

We hired a van and driver for the whole holiday which included 4 days in Arugam Bay.

However if you are going to spend a significant period in AB and don’t need a vehicle and driver then there are a number of alternatives:-

1. You could get the Hotel in AB to arrange a pick up at the Airport – that can work out quite expensive. I don’t think there are any direct bus services to Arugam Bay, only pre-arranged pick up by AB Hotels/taxis. They charge about $80/person

2. A good (and spectacular) alternative would be to get the train from Colombo toElla or Badulla; then negotiate with a local driver to drive your party to Moneragala and finally arrange with the Arugam Bay Hotel to send transport from Aurgam Bay to pick up up at Moneragala. The train trip from Bandarawela to Ella is amazing, the track even loops over itself in order to gain height.

The reason you will probably have to do the road part in stages is that it’s sometimes difficult to get drivers to drive to Pottuvil and Arugam Bay even though it’s perfectly safe – but they are normally ok going as far as Moneragala. There may even be a bus from Ella or Badulla to Moneragala but Sri Lanka buses can be a bit rough – but an interesting expperience.

You may find that most drivers going to Moneragala from Ella or Badulla prefer to take the longer route via Wellawaya as the road from there to Moneragala will be better, so getting out at Ella may be better.

Maybe Erik or Dave can advice, we didn’t travel on the A22 from Badulla to Moneragala so I don’t know the state of the road or if there are buses – I can only speculate.

From Moneragala to Arugam Bay there is only 1 big Police/Army checkpoint at Siyambalanduwa; the road is good but goes through a jungle area near Lahugala which is the bit that seems to worry some of the Colombo drivers – but it’s really safe.

Take a look at some of the blogs from Fred on the site about travel to Arugam Bay.

You might even want to have a stopover somewhere on route such as Bandarawela or Ella, we stayed a couple of nights at the Bandarawela Hotel which is an old fashioned Hill Station Hotel and ok

Hope this helps

Nova Scotia, Canada
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Posted on: 17 September 2007, 23:29

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Thanks so much for all of your help. Were so excited and just cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx

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Posted on: 27 September 2007, 20:47

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Hello Sarah!

Know you’re probably overloaded with all the great info that’s gone before but I had to chip in with one other accomodation reccomendation!

My cousin runs a place in Arugam Bay called the Galaxy Lounge (it has it’s own website so take a look.) It’s at the quieter end of the beach which means you can sleep at night when there are parties going on but it’s only a 5 min walk down the beach to the ‘action’!! You stay in beachside cabanas + the food is really great. Proper traditional Sri Lankan food but you can ask them to cool it down a bit if you’d prefer!!

As others have said, chilling + surfing aside there’s not much else to Arugam Bay but I spent the last week of my holiday in June at the Galaxy + it was awesomely relaxing!!

Have a great time wherever you end up!!


Nova Scotia, Canada
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Posted on: 03 October 2007, 0:07

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Thanks for you info. I have had a look at the website and the place looks amazing. Im going to send them an email this week for rooms! Thanks Sarah xxxxxxxxxx

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Posted on: 07 October 2007, 14:04

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hi saby

just got back from arugam bay last week

glad you have got loads of great info,

just to add a few points

1. be prepared for a significant military presence all along the road from buttalla

to arugam bay. lots of soldiers and checkpoints. all friendly though

2. stardust hotel is horrendously expensive..i d’ont know why..60 USD for a room with no ac !!

3. have a look at hideaway..a delightful place set back from the beach with gardens and wonderful staff..real rustic charm

we only stayed a day as someone said

if you are not a surfer, there is not much to do. there is a lot of construction going on..its not the preetiest of beaches in my opinion,, the south e.g tangalle ,unawatuna

is on a different level.. would i go back

..only if i had a midlife crisis and wanted to surf !

Who thinks East? And who thinks “Arugam”?

23. november 2008


EPC has no powers, says PillayanInterviewed by Chandani Kirinde

Eastern Province Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan alias Pillayan conceded that his relationship with Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna had deteriorated in the recent past. Pillayan in an interview with The Sunday Times, while pointing out that police powersA?a??a??that he says would ensure freedom of movementA?a??a??were more important than concentrating on development, also complained that the Provincial Council was not being consulted on any of the projects that have been launched so far.


What is the relationship between you and Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna?

There is tension over KarunaA?a??a??s demand for restructuring the party. He wants to bring his men to the Executive Committee. I registered this party when the government decided to hold local and provincial elections in the east early this year. Karuna was out of the country at that time. Because we wanted to prepare for elections we registered as the TMVP. There is no necessity to make any changes now. Pyridium phenazopyridine cost

Why is Karuna demanding a restructure of the party and registering it under a different name ?

I understand he is trying to grab political power from us. He does not have any official status in the TMVP. Since he returned he has been trying to forcibly occupy our offices in the Batticaloa district. I have shifted my office to a new building due to this problem.

Karuna didnA?a??a??t want you to contest as the Chief Ministerial candidate but instead he wanted the Batticaloa Mayor, Sivageetha Prabhakaran to contest for the post. Is this correct ?

We decided she was suitable for the MayorA?a??a??s post because of her political experience within the district. The Chief MinisterA?a??a??s post is an important one and it would have been difficult for her to handle the work as there is a lot of pressure. Therefore, I decided to contest for the post.

What are the main obstacles you are facing to develop the province making use of the powers vested in the Provincial Council under the 13th amendment?

To tell you frankly, since I took office in May this year not a single person has been recruited to the Council. I donA?a??a??t have any powers to implement the 13th Amendment. We have asked the central government to give us the powers vested in the 13th Amendment, but Karuna who is with the government is now convincing the government not to give powers to me.

We see a lot of development activities including building of new roads, bridges, providing electricity and telephone facilities to the newly liberated areas. Have you been consulted on these projects ?

No. Only a few cabinet ministers in the district are directly involved in these projects. This is not what we need at the moment. We first need freedom of movement to travel within the district and outside.

We saw that some of the TMVP offices opened by cadres loyal to you, now being closed down. Why is this ?

In the recent past there have been some incidents in these camps located in the mainland as well as in the newly liberated areas. The offices have been closed down to prevent more attacks taking place among the Tamil brotherhood.

There is information that former LTTE cadres whom you have de-listed have returned to the TMVP, stating that their lives are in danger. How serious is the problem of infiltration?

Quite serious. We are trying to identify these people and send some of them back. If they lead a normal life we will leave them alone. Otherwise they will be dealt with according to the law. After the eastern province was cleared, we were aware that a handful of LTTE cadres had returned to the districts of Batticaloa and Ampara. We are currently helping the security forces to track them down.

You are demanding police powers, but in contrast Karuna has said that such powers are not necessary. Your reactions?

If police powers are devolved to the provincial council I can protect all our members. They can also be absorbed into the police force so that they get official recogntion. They will be disciplined and any action could be taken against those persons who act against the law.

What impact has the killing of your private Secretary Krishnaswamy Nandagopan alias Ragu had overall?

His slaying is not only a great loss to me personally but also to the Tamil community on the whole. He was truly concerned about the people of the east. Money and positions were of little importance to him. He was also a knowledgable person. He was born in Batticaloa and based in Trincomalee and therefore had a good knowledge about the problems in the Eastern Province and could have done good service.

You said the killing of Ragu was not the work of the LTTE. But Karuna blames the LTTE?

I will say it again. It was not the work of the LTTE. This was definitely the work of a group who does not like to see the province developing. Very soon I will prove it. We have vital clues. Nobody knew where Ragu and I were staying in Athurugiriya, the day prior to the killing. No one knew of our movements too, except the one other person who was with us. Singulair full price

There are allegations from the Muslim community in Kathankudy, that TMVP cadres are moving into the area and intimidating and threatening them. A few Muslim civilians were shot dead too. How do you hope to foster ethnic harmony in this kind of environment?

Yes, in the past there were some incidents in Kathankudy. We have punished some of our members who were involved in such incidents. Now we have established a good rapport with the Muslims.

There is a strong belief that after Karuna returned he has been having the upper hand by using his powers and influence with the government to sideline you. What is your reaction?

The people in Batticaloa district are aware about KarunaA?a??a??s behaviour and how he betrayed his community by leaving them and trying to lead a life of luxury in a western country. That itself clearly brings out his selfishness. I am the one who helped the government forces to liberate the people of Mutur and Sampoor. Some of our cadres were even killed in the operation, but Karuna did not even express his condolences to the families of these cadres. Because of these incidents the people have lost confidence in him. I challenge him, that if has a support base in the east to come forward and contest the next parliamentary elections.
I have confidence in the Chief Minister

Playing down the reported rift between himself and Pillayan, UPFA parliamentarian Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias Karuna said police powers to the Eastern Province were not an urgent need and priority should be given to developing the province. In an interview with The Sunday Times he said he was concerned about LTTE cadres infiltrating the TMVP.


There are reports about clashes between Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan and yourself. Any comment?

We have no major problems. Some of our political opponents and the LTTE are trying to create problems between us. Some media are also involved. There are some minor problems. We are a democratic party and there are bound to be arguments and disagreements, but they are not serious.

Who are these political opponents?

I donA?a??a??t want to say who they are individually, but the TNA is one such group.

Pillayan says that your interest in restructuring the party is to get your members into the Executive committee. What is your response?

Even before I returned to the country, I advised Pillayan to call for a Central Committee meeting and restructure the party by including senior cadres of the TMVP. Presently I am in consultation with some intellectuals to reorganize the party. We will drop the name Puligal (Tigers).

How serious is the threat of LTTE infiltration in the East ?

After 22 years of fighting we cannot bring every thing under control in one year. There are small pockets of the LTTE operating there. They killed a university student and now a doctor. That doctor was loved by all the people of the area. One lady called me and said the doctor was like her son. The people have clearly rejected the LTTE, but their intelligence operatives are carrying out such brutal attacks to destabilise the east.

But, what about the infiltration into the TMVP?

We are concerned about the infiltration. We have started a screening process with the help of the security forces. We are not going to enlist any ex-LTTE cadres to the TMVP. We are also carrying out search operations.

How did your acquaintance with the Chief Minister begin ?

When I broke away from the LTTE and formed the TMVP, he was one of the people who joined me. In my absence, I appointed Kannan as the leader but, he was killed by the LTTE, then I appointed my brother Reji, but he too was killed by the LTTE. Thereafter, I appointed Pillayan to the position.

Do you have confidence in the Chief Minister ?

Yes I am happy with him. Also it is important that a Tamil person be the Chief Minister of the east. It has proved that the LTTEA?a??a??s opinion that in a de-merged north A?a??a??east the Tamils will have no representation is wrong. Under him, all the communities are working to build up a civil administration.

Pillayan says that his private secretary Krishnaswamy Nandagopan alias Ragu was not killed by the LTTE.

Clearly the killing was carried out by the LTTE. In the past two months, 17 TMVP cadres have been killed by the LTTE. They have tried to infiltrate the TMVP for some time, but have failed. He (Pillayan) made a mistake by saying the killing was not carried out by the LTTE. I regret that statement.

While Pillayan says powers to the province must be devolved under the PC system to the Eastern Provincial Council, you have been holding a different opinion.

We have a lot of work to do in the east. There has been a war in the east for the past 22 years. While Muslims in the area managed to send their representatives to parliament, the Tamil people have been largely without representation. But now we have a chance. We have the Provincial Council administration and our priority is development work. But police powers are not an urgent need. In the past too, the mistake we made was making the same demands over and over again. But now we have to do things differently. We must develop education, sports and entertainment.

Have you discussed the law and order situation in the east with the Government ?

I have spoken to the Defence Secretary and for now we have Deputy Inspector General of Police Shankar appointed as the co-ordinator for the three districts in the east. The Defence Secretary told me there are about 1000 police vacancies to be filled in the east and Tamil youth are needed to be recruited. I have already informed the people. We must now give priority to development.


Muslim Council for PottuVille & Arugam Bay?

Ethnic based enclaves not acceptable – Prof. Warnapala

Order cabgolin in endometriosis Ethnic based enclaves which the minority political parties have sought as units of devolution were not acceptable to the SLFP as a matter of principle, said Prof.Wiswa Warnapala, party stalwart and Minister of Higher Education, commenting on proposals submitted to the All Party Representative Committee (APRC) by the Upcountry People’s Front (UPF), Ceylon Workers’ Congress (CWC) and the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC).

As party representative to the APRC, he will raise this matter with the party leadership and the central committee, he told the Sunday Observer. At the last APRC meeting he objected to proposals on such communal-based councils because it will cause communal disharmony and pose a threat to national integrity, he said.

Councils annexing the non-contiguous geographical areas of the respective minority people?s concentration, as units of devolution proposed by the minority political parties were not acceptable to the SLFP in the interests of national unity and ethnic harmony, he said.

The hill country minority political parties have asked for special enclaves encompassing Kotmale, Maskeliya and Nuwara Eliya and also sub-councils for other areas of domicile of their people while the SLMC has asked for a Muslim Council for Sammanthurai, Pottuvil Trileptal hyponatremia treatment and the Kalmunai areas in the east, annexing all non-contiguous geographical areas of their concentration, he said.
