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6A? 50′ 60 n of Panama: And on a Parallel with Arugam

We’ve found it! Here it is!

Found it! The M.P. "Holy Grail"

A Green and Happy place on Earth. A true, unspoiled ecological sanctuary. Just North of famous PANAMA!

A place where Green issues still count A place with zero Carbon emissions A place of unique Biological diversity A place for tolerance of social divisions A place with strong social networks of friends, families and neighbours

“A place where people say they have a simpler, less materialistic life, more in tune with nature.”

Could this paradise be Arugam Bay? Too good to be true…. Because this place also is: Purchase roxithromycin uses

  1. A place where Money is poured into books and education. Not Bullets
  2. A place with Fair and peaceful Presidential Elections
  3. A place with no Army at all. Ever since 1949
  4. And, perhaps best of all: A forgiving place where….
  5. ….A popular piece of philosophy… says:
  6. “No argument or quarrel should last more than three days”

Here the 6th Parallel seems to end ;-( What is the BBC talking about, if not Sri Lanka and the peaceful East?

Here is the answer, and perhaps also a model for all of us: Continue reading ‘6A? 50′ 60 n of Panama: And on a Parallel with Arugam’

Lankaa??s National Wildlife Sanctuaries Opening Again

Lahugala National Park

On January 30 the Department of Wildlife Conservation (DWC) held a ceremony near Arugambay in south-east Sri Lanka to mark the reopening of the Kumana Buy motilium in us and Lahugala National Parks. Closed since 2005 due to the war, the reopening of the wildlife sanctuaries symbolises a return to normalcy for the countrya??s parks system. With nearby Yala National Park already open and the rest of the countrya??s 20 national parks scheduled to open by April, it wona??t be long before locals and foreigners can again visit some of the countrya??s most beautiful areas and see its most astonishing animals in their natural habitats.

Because of their location in the formerly LTTE-controlled east, Kumana and Lahugala have been inaccessible since 1985 except for a brief period in 2002-2003 during the ceasefire a?? too short a time for any construction to take place. Before retreating from the park in 2008, Tamil Tiger cadres destroyed what was left of Kumanaa??s infrastructure, including its bungalows and office buildings.

Then, last July, the DWC that comes under the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, finally received approval to begin renovating the park. This required rebuilding the parka??s neglected infrastructure, especially the access roads. The Lahugala sanctuary was devastated by the 2004 tsunami but has almost fully recovered and is now, according to a press release from the DWC, a??open to an influx of both local and foreign visitors.a??

Although the DWC had hoped to open Kumana (formerly known as Yala East National Park) in November last year, a severe drought that began in September delayed construction. Working with government and non-government organisations, the Ministry concentrated on providing water to animals in the park to keep them alive. The heavy November rains that followed the drought brought problems of their own: all the rainwater washed away much of the recent road construction, forcing the Ministry to spend another four weeks repairing the damage. Although more roads are scheduled to open in February and March, the main road through the park is now open for traffic.

Director General of Wild Life Conservation Ananda Wijesooriya said that the next few months is the best time to visit the parks.
a??The birds will start nesting in Kumana in March and April a?? these parks are very famous for local and migratory birds,a?? Wijesooriya said. a??At any time of the day and any time of the year you can see elephants in Lahugala.a??

Wijesooriya admitted that he didna??t know how many people would visit the newly-opened sanctuaries. Because of their remote location, Kumana and Lahugala were never as popular as Continue reading ‘Lankaa??s National Wildlife Sanctuaries Opening Again’

Lahugala, Kumana are News in China

Sri Lanka’s wildlife sanctuary sites (near Arugambay) reopened for tourism

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Chinese News Agency

Two of Sri Lanka’s renowned wildlife sanctuary sites were reopened on Saturday after years of closure because of the conflict between the government troops and Tamil Tiger rebels, a government official said. Ananda Wijesuriya, director of the Wildlife Conservation Department said the two sites were opened to the public on Saturday were located at southeastern and eastern parts of the island.

Lahugala sign on the main A4 road

Kumana, a bird sanctuary and a main eco-tourism attraction, is 312 km southeast of the Colombo while Lahugala, a wildlife park/ sanctuary reserve, is 318 km east of the capital. They have been shut for tourists since 2005 when the fighting between the two sides escalated.

Wild elephant about to cross main road

The parks around Arugam Bay are not fenced in so far

Both areas were under security clouds due to clashes until May last year when the rebels were defeated.

Wild birds AT Kumana. 38Km south of Arugam Bay

“After the end of the war we received security clearance,” Wijesuriya said. The end to the civil conflict has made Sri Lanka

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a major tourism attraction, the tourism authority said editor: Mr. Xiong Tong source:

A safe, heavenly Haven: Arugam Bay

All is quiet and peaceful on the Eastern Front, we are happy to confirm. is totally neutral and will always remain stricly non-political.
We are however committed to publish any relevant article, which our semi-automatic system detects somewhere on the wide Internet, whenever the word “Arugam” is mentioned.
History will be made in just two days time.
So safety and security is very relevant.

Too young to vote. But this boy knows that his motherland is going through exiting, decisive times

The best will emerge as a winner.
In this context, the article below is political, but alsoA? relevant. Because it addresses the mood in and around Delivery ginette-35 Arugam Bay and on its approach roads.

Relevant, because some fear violence after the election; there might be a bad looser around and suporters may be very disappointed.
As far as we can judge, there is no danger at all in and around Arugam Bay Prevacid manufacturer backorder .
As a resort, we are happy to recommend a short, safe holiday break aways from possible trouble elsewhere in the aftermath of the vote count.

Here is Nirmala’s personal assessment of the mood around our Bay:

Nirmala Kannangara in Arugam Bay

The lone supporter of …….. Continue reading ‘A safe, heavenly Haven: Arugam Bay’

Haiti, Arugambay Thoughts

Steve Lendmann looks at Haiti, Arugam Bay and various backgrounds. His personal view.

Steve Lendman's Blog and views

…… For the moment, their focus is Haiti, ripe for plunder, like the second tsunami that hit coastal Sri Lankans. The December 2004 one took 250,000 lives and left 2.5 million homeless throughout the region. Klein explained the aftermath at Arugam Bay, “a fishing and faded resort village” on Sri Lanka’s east coast that was showcased to “build back better.” Not for villagers, for developers, hoteliers, and other business interests to exploit. After the disaster, they had a blank slate for what the tourist industry long wanted – “a pristine beach (on prime real estate), scrubbed clean of all the messy signs of people working, a vacation Eden. It was the same up and down the coast once rubble was cleared….paradise” given the profit potential……

Buy premarin .625premarin online order Disaster Capitalism Headed to Haiti – by Stephen Lendman In her book, “The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism,” Naomi Klein explores the myth of free market democracy, explaining how Continue reading ‘Haiti, Arugambay Thoughts’

The Young hoteliers.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Arugam Bay is located 220 km due East of Colombo. It is a popular surfing and tourist destination in Sri Lanka. Ia??ve been to Arugam Bay before in its tourist season and ita??s an absolute beauty. The waves the wind and everything was so perfect. However in the raining season ita??s not the case; you cannot even go out because of the rain. In the raining season ita??s very hard to find a day without any rain. Thanks to a weather forecasting website I was able to find a day without any rain. It was June 2009 nearly four and a half years after Sri Lanka was hit by the Tsunami in 2004, and surprisingly Arugam Bay is one of the very first coasts to get hit by the Tsunami in Sri Lanka.This time I visited the place to see how it progress after Tsunami.

Many of the buildings were destroyed in the 2004 tsunami. The post Tsunami recovery has by and large been very quick despite the remoteness of the area. Many NGO’s and private organisations have help rebuild the area and some of the guest houses are now much better than before the wave. Both north and south of Arugam Bay there are undoubtedly some of the most beautiful beaches in the whole of Sri Lanka.Due to its popularity among tourists they are managed a slow recovery by private initiatives only.

The main beach is Clean now, it was bit dirty as it is used as a garbage dump by some Continue reading ‘The Young hoteliers.’

Panama. 15km South of Arugambay

Pattini Devale, Panama

After the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, I made several trips to Pottuvil on the East Coast of Sri Lanka with loads of supplies for the displaced people. On one such trip, in early April, I continued south to the village of Panama (pronounced paa-nuh-muh).
Over 200 years ago, on the 13th of September 1800, an Englishman, William Orr, Esq (a civil servant) visited Panama on the way from Tangalle in the south to Batticaloa in the East. According to his report to the British Governor,

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Paoneme contains sixty inhabitants, who cultivate seventy-three amonams of paddy ground.
The following year Thomas Anthony Reeder, surgeon of the 51st Regiment of Foot (who was to die soon after, during the 1st Kandyan War) travelled in the opposite direction. According to his journal,
Panoa is situate on a plain surrounded by jungle. Here are some cultivated fields, and several large stocks of paddee.
A year later, the British Governor himself, the Hon. Frederick North (later 5th Earl of Guilford), followed the southward route. He was accompanied by the Inspector of Hospitals in Ceylon, Thomas Christie, Esq, who reported that Zyban price in pakistan
Panoa is a considerable village, and the country round it abounds with paddee fields.

What these descriptions – which appear in James Cordiner’s A Description of Ceylon (London, 1807; Dehiwela, Tisara Prakasakayo, 1983) – show (apart from the recognised inability of the English to tackle with any accuracy the phonetics of foreign place names) is that Panama’s chief attraction was its paddy fields. The surrounding jungle was far more notable to these perfidious Albionians: Christie was highly excited by the sight, en-route to the village of
a herd of wild hogs, and an alligator, both of which allowed us to approach very near.

Rock, fields and tank at Panama

When I visited the place, however, it was in the knowledge that it possesses a Devale (temple) of the goddess Pattini. The shrine, on a rocky spot on the shore of a tank, is a Buddhist one. However, Hindu shrines of Pattini also exist, Continue reading ‘Panama. 15km South of Arugambay’

New Tools ….@ Arugam

Self-help is best

To our knowledge, was the first and perhaps only media which embraced new tools, such as this site, within hours of the 2004 Tsunami. Back then, we realized the wealth of options the internet can provide. Complimented by Twitter and Facebook, as well a s YouTube we tried to show that self help can be cheap.
No doubt it is best and also possible, as we managed to show.

some of Arugam's admins mid 2009

In our case communication from an area which had no power and no telephones it was more of a challenge than many of you, in developed places can imagine.
Various Generators, direct Inmarsat connections and many other innovations were needed and found.
This web site coordinated immediate self-help within days or even hours of the 2004 waves. And weA? continued our work to promote “Arugam Bay” ever since.
It is hoped that the local Community, for which this site was conceived, will soon understand the power of the net. And hopefully participate more in our approach.
In this context the article below has caught our attention.
We will continue to seek more avenues to drum up a bit of support and attention.
The “Best of British” award is one example – and this kind of promo is not only cheap, but free. We are in a continuous learning process. Thanks for being one of our readers!

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Aid agencies ‘must use new tools’

By Jason Palmer
Science and technology reporter, BBC News

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The “crowd-sourced” data that comes from victims of natural disasters and conflicts is now a crucial part in disaster management, says a new report.

The UN Foundation/Vodafone Foundation Partnership report outlines examples of new technologies that mitigate conflicts and save lives worldwide.

A report author said it reveals that aid agencies “fail to take advantage” of new tools available.

It says a number of challenges remain to maximise the tools’ potential.

The partnership is a $30m, 5-year plan that joins the humanitarian arms of each group, with a focus on the technological aspects of aid.

The new report outlines a number of technological tools that have already proven their worth, or could be put to better use. Continue reading ‘New Tools ….@ Arugam’

Okanda is 30km south of Arugam Bay

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The sylvan shrine at Ukanthamalai devoted to Lord Murugan

The sylvan shrine, Ukanthamalai Shri Murugan Kovil devoted to Lord Murugan – the presiding deity at Kataragama, is a popular pilgrimsa?? resort in the Ampara district.

Of all the places of Hindu worship in the district, this jungle shrine, far removed from human habitation represents a manifestation of divine power and sublimity and stands unique as a much hallowed centre for penance and prayer.

Pilgrims from all parts of the country, despite their varied religions faiths and cultures wend their way to this sacred rock temple with adorations for spiritual salvation. Nearly two thousand pilgrims on Pada Yatra from the North are now at this jungle shrine. Many more thousands are expected to arrive at the shrine in the next few days.

Buddhists, Christians and Hindus seem to believe that a prayer and an offering made at this shrine brings good luck and divine intercession in times of difficulties. Therefore, a pilgrimage to Ukanthamalai Shrine is not confined to any one particular season, or to a festival. It is pooja and worship at the shrine at all days and at all times by the ever flowing stream of devotees.

The shrine is situated approximately twelve miles south of Panama, on the Kumana-Panama jungle path, within the administrative limits of Lahugala Divisional Secretariat. To the North, South and the West of the temple are the seven sacred hills the ocean to the East. Continue reading ‘Okanda is 30km south of Arugam Bay’

Wildboar Curry @ a lodge in Arugam Bay

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A cookbook spiced with local flavours and childhood memories

Book facts: Serendip- My Sri Lankan Kitchen by Peter Kuruvita. Murdoch Books. Price: Rs. 3,800
By Renuka Sadanandan
a??When our houseboy Nehal brought us the crusty bread from the bakery next door it was still steaming hot. I used to love cutting thick slices of the bread and putting spoonfuls of pol sambal on it- it was delicious.a?? Continue reading ‘Wildboar Curry @ a lodge in Arugam Bay’

Tsunami Anniversary: A Christmas Without War

Everyone is complaining about the heat here, even the stalwarts who were born to it. Disgorged from mind numbing twenty-some odd hour flights, my son and I arrived to find the chocolates we had brought as Christmas presents liquefied into something the consistency of a post-rain mud flow. Vitamin capsules succumbed to the heat in Ziploc bags; lipstick lost its former identity as we moved to the tune of Christmas carols, bright lights and election streamers that dot the streets of this country just a heartbeat north of the equator. We are back in Sri Lanka. It’s Christmas in Colombo! Continue reading ‘Tsunami Anniversary: A Christmas Without War’

Day 2 Arugam bay, Kudumbigala Monastery and Getting back to Batti highly recommends the following, well researched traveler’s report
from innovative “sinhalaya travels“.
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After a short hiatus we are back withA?more onA?our backpacking venture. Expect more posts on more travels in the near future. You can also view a short grainy video of our stay at Aa??Bay here.

Day 2 saw us still at Arugam Bay and wondering what to do next. Consulting the trusty Lonely Planet Guide it was found that there is a rock monastery built in the middle of the jungle many centuries ago. The place is called Kudumbigala and further searching on the internet provided us with more information on it. Lonely Planet had never been thereA?due toA?the area being closedA?in times of war. Naturally, we jumped at the chance.

Getting to the Monastery

The monastery is located roughly 30Kms down the road south of Arugam Bay. The road heads fromA? Arugam Bay to Panama, which is about 16 kms away. Continue reading ‘Day 2 Arugam bay, Kudumbigala Monastery and Getting back to Batti’

Truly wild Elephants are still all around Arugam

Green Media is planning a documentary about the human/ nature conflict. The perhaps largest herds of wild elephants are found in Lahugala, which is just 30 Minutes from the Surf Paradise of ArugamBay

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About this project

Common Ground is an independent documentary collaboration with the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society.The film explores the plight of the Asian elephant and draws the connection between the lives

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of a family of elephants and the lives of rural farmers. We discover some amazing similarities between the two groups Continue reading ‘Truly wild Elephants are still all around Arugam’

Tea for Two at AbaY

Tea for two in Sri Lanka, the emerald isle with the sunshine coast

By Jenny Coad

Sleeping in the back of a Sri Lankan taxi is no easy task. Buses roar into view, their smiling drivers beeping blithely. Bicycles ignore cars brushing their backsides, pedestrians saunter across the road and dogs lie in the middle.

Exotic: The beach at Unawatuna, near Galle, Ski Lanka

Exotic: The beach at Unawatuna, near Galle, Ski Lanka

A bus aptly emblazoned with, ‘Jesus save us’ passes within a whisker. But the hair-raising driving is not the only reason to stay awake.

The ever-changing scenery provides more thrill than fear, from congested Kandy with its temples, great white Buddha and daring tuktuks, to the textured tea plantations in the Bogawantalawa Valley, a quilted landscape with sheer drops, lush vegetation and barrow loads of king coconuts.

I was last in Sri Lanka in 2002 with my friend Jess, who was studying in Kandy. We surfed in Arugam Bay, cycled the ancient city of Polonnaruwa, took long bus journeys and drank lots of milky tea (a ‘hug in a mug’). The people and the place left an impression. Continue reading ‘Tea for Two at AbaY’


Daily Mirror Business News

Daily Mirror Business News

The new office of Arugambay Travels and Tour was declared open on Wednesday by Minister of Tourism Promotion Faiszer MusthaphaA? at No. 20,Deal Place, Colombo 3.Deputy Minister of Higher Education Minister M.M. Musthoha Advisor to the President A.H.M.Aswer, Secretary Ministry of Tourism Promotion George Michael, President Federation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sri Lanka Kosala Wickramanayake, Partner How much sugar in duphalac Arugambay Travels and Tours and Arugambay Travels Hotels Mark John Scannell, Chairman Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority Bernard Goonetilleke and members of the business community were present at the inauguration. Continue reading ‘ARUGAMBAY’s NEW OFFICE’

AbaY Payer schedules advises to plan your prayers. Or your lunch/ shopping or bank timing. Valid for Arugam Bay and PottuVille Read on for full time table, December, 2009 Continue reading ‘AbaY Payer schedules’