Tag Archive for 'Ripp off people'
Protected: Surfing Mag (June2011) on Abay
Published on 06/05/2011 in accomodation, Arugam Bay Surf Club, Arugam Surf Club, Arugambay Surf Club, bars, Blogs, Facebook Fan Club: Arugam Surf, front page, hotels, Money Matters, press coverage, restaurants, Security & Safety, services, shops, surf, Surf Federation News, the bay and Traveler's Reports. Enter your password to view comments. Tags: "Abay Jo-Jo", Arugam, Arugam Bay, arugam bay main point long runs, Arugam Surf, competition, Facebook, Jaufer, Ripp off people, Sam's Surf Shop, Siam View Hotel, Surf Contest, Surfcam Arugam Bay.
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